Deities and Domains in Forgotten Realms

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Pantheon Name Known as Symbol Divine Rank Alignment Portfolio Domain(s) Favored Weapon Allies Enemies

Faerunian elemental air, movement, speed, flying

Akadi Queen of Air Greater N Air, Trickery, Travel Heavy Flail Aerdrie Faenya, Shaundakul Grumbar
Pantheon creatures

Bureaucracy, contracts, law, order, the Justice, Sun, Law,

Amaunator The Yellow God Greater LN/NG Mace Kossuth Shar
sun, rulership Time

Sune, Chauntea, Shiallia,

Auril Frostmaiden Lesser NE cold, winter Air, Evil, Water Battleaxe Talos, Umberlee, Malar
Uthgar,Amaunator, Moander

Mystra, Savras, Velsharoon, Oghma,

Azuth The High One Lesser LN wizards, mages, spellcasters in general Magic, Knowledge Quarterstaff Cyric

Death, Destruction, Hoar, Loviatar, Talona, Chauntea, Helm, Lathander, Torm,

Bhaal Lord of Murder Intermediate LE Assassination, Murder, Violence Dagger
Evil,Retribution Mask, Bane, Myrkul Tyr, Ilmater, Lliira

Chauntea, Deneir, Eldath, Helm,

The Lord of Iyachtu Xvim, Loviatar, Malar, Mask,
Bane Greater LE strife, hatred, tyranny, fear Destruction, Evil Morningstar Ilmater, Lathander, Liira, Mystra,
Darkness Talona,Bhaal, Myrkul
Oghma, Torm, Tymora, Tyr

Maid of random mischief, misfortune, bad luck,

Beshaba Intermediate CE Evil, Trickery Scourge {Light Flail} None Tymora, Shaundakul
Misfortune accidents

Auril, Malar, Talona, Talos,

agriculture, farmers, gardeners, Animal, Earth, Good, Lathander, Silvanus, Eldath, Mielikki,
Chauntea Great Mother Greater NG Scythe Umberlee,Bane, Bhaal, Moander, My
summer Plant, Protection Shiallia, Selune, Lurue the Unicorn
Almost all other gods, especially
murder, lies, intrigue, deception, Destruction, Evil, Kelemvor, Mystra, Oghma, Azuth,
Cyric The Dark Sun Greater CE Longsword None
illusion Trickery Mask, Tyr, Torm, Deneir, Leira, &
Iyachtu Xvim

Lord of Glyphs glyphs, images, literature, scribes, Good, Knowledge, Oghma, Azuth, Milil, Mystra, Lliira,
Deneir Lesser NG Dagger Cyric, Malar, Mask, Talos, Bane
& Images cartography Protection Lathander

Goddess of quiet places, springs, pools, peace, Good, Plant, Mielikki, Silvanus, Chauntea, Selune, Loviatar, Malar,
Eldath Lesser NG Net
Singing Waters waterfalls Protection, Water Lathander Talos, Amaunator, Bane,Moander

Finder The Nameless cycle of life, transformation of art,

Demigod CN Destruction, Trickery Bastard Sword Tymora, Selune Moander
Wyvernspur Bard saurials

war, skill-at-arms, destruction, Destruction,

Garagos Lord of War Demigod CN Longsword Malar, Talos Tempus, Red Knight
plunder, clutching swords Strength, War

The lost Lord betrayal, cruelty, political corruption, Cyric, Iyachtu Xvim, Loviatar, Shar,
Gargauth Demigod LE Evil, Trickery Dagger Mask, Leira
of the Pit powerbrokers Siamorphe, Bane, Bhaal

Wonder- Earth, Fire, Lathander, Oghma,

Gond Intermediate N artifice, craft, construction, smithwork Warhammer Talos
bringer Knowledge Tempus, Waukeen

Red name = Dead Deity

Pantheon Name Known as Symbol Divine Rank Alignment Portfolio Domain(s) Favored Weapon Allies Enemies
Geb, Garl Glittergold, Dumathoin,
elemental earth, solidity,
Grumbar Earth Lord Greater N Earth, Strength Longsword Kurtulmak, Laduguer, Urogalan, Akadi, Urdlen
changelessness, oaths
Skoraeus Stonebones
Arvoreen, Baervan Wildwanderer,
Animal, Good,
Gwaeron Master of Lurue, Fenmarel Mestarine, Mielikki,
Demigod NG tracking, rangers of the North Knowledge, Plant, Greatsword Malar, Vaprak
Windstrom Tracking Shaundakul, Shiallia, Nobanion,
Solonor Thelandira

Garagos, Mask, Shar,

Helm The Watcher Intermediate LN guardians, protectors, protection Protection, Strength Bastard Sword Torm
Talos, Bane, Bhaal

Hoar Demigod LN revenge, retribution, poetic justice Destruction, Travel Javelin Beshaba Anhur, Ramman

Lord of the Dry Caverns, dungeons, the Underdark, Cavern, Darkness,Sc

Ibrandul Lesser CN Unknown Mask, Ilmater Shar, Lathander, Lolth
depths skulks alykind, Travel

The Crying endurance, suffering, martyrdom, Healing, Good, Loviatar, Malar,

Ilmater Intermediate LG Unarmed Strike Lathander, Torm, Tyr, Ibrandul
God perseverance Strength Talos, Bane, Bhaal, Myrkul

Deep Sashelas, Trishina, Eadro,

Destruction, Water,
Istishia The Water Lord Greater N elemental water, purification, wetness Warhammer Persana, Shekinester, Surminare, Kossuth
Valkur the Mighty
Combat, Divination,
Elemental, Guardian
The Godson of Almost all other gods, especially
Iyachtu Xvim Lesser LE Tyranny, hatred , Necromantic, Scimitar Bane
Bane Cyric
Summoning, Though

Lord of the End fatalism, proper burial, guardian of

Jergal Demigod LN Death, Knowledge Scythe Amaunator Velsharoon
of Everything tombs

Lord of the Death, Protection,

Kelemvor Greater LN death, the dead Bastard Sword Mystra, Jergal Cyric, Talona, Velsharoon
Dead Travel

Spiked Chain {Light Flandal Steelskin, Iyachtu Xvim,

Kossuth Lord of Flames Greater N (LN) Elemental fire, purification through fire Destruction, Fire Istishia
Flail} Moradin, Surtr, Amaunator

Chauntea, Gond, Silvanus, Tymora,

Cyric, Shar,
spring, dawn, birth, youth, vitality, Good, Protection, Light or Heavy Mace Lurue, Tyr, Torm, Ilmater, Sune,
Lathander Morninglord Greater NG Talos, Bane, Ibrandul, Moander,Myr
athletics Strength, Sun {Mace or Warmace} Lliira, Selune, Oghma, Milil, Deneir,
Mielikki, Eldath

Lady of the Deception, Illusion,

Leira Lesser CN Deception, Illusion , Mist , Shadow Unknown Mask, Azuth None
Mists Mist,Shadow

joy, happiness, dance, festivals, Sune, Milil, Selune, Sharess, Deneir,

Lliira Lady of Joy Lesser CG Good, Travel Shuriken Loviatar, Talona, Bane, Bhaal
freedom, liberty Oghma, Lathander, Waukeen

pain, hurt, agony, torment, suffering,

Loviatar Maiden of Pain Lesser LE Evil, Strength Scourge {Light Flail} Malar, Bane, Bhaal Ilmater, Eldath, Talona, Lliira

Red name = Dead Deity

Pantheon Name Known as Symbol Divine Rank Alignment Portfolio Domain(s) Favored Weapon Allies Enemies
Chauntea, Gwaeron Windstorm,
The Unicorn talking beasts, intelligent, Animal, Healing,
Lurue Demigod CG Short Spear {Spear} Mielikki, Nobanion, Shiallia, Selune, None
Queen nonhumanoid creatures Good

Chauntea, Deneir, Eldath, Ilmater,

hunters, stalking, bloodlust, evil Animal, Evil, Claw Bracer Auril, Talos, Umberlee, Lurue the Unicorn, Nobanion,
Malar The Beast Lord Lesser CE
lycanthropes Strength {Unarmed/or Gloves} Loviatar, Bane, Bhaal Silvanus, Sune, Gwaeron
Windstrom, Shiallia, Uthgar

Lord of Helm, Oghma, Torm, Tyr, Cyric,

Mask Lesser NE thieves, thievery, shadows Evil, Trickery Longsword Bane, Bhaal, Ibrandul, Leira
Shadows Selune, Deneir

Eldath, Silvanus, Shiallia, Gwaeron

Lady of the forests, forest creatures, rangers, Good, Knowledge, Malar, Talona,
Mielikki Intermediate NG Scimitar Windstorm, Lurue, Chauntea,
Forest dryads, autumn Travel Talos, Moander, Myrkul
Shaundakul, Lathander

Oghma, Deneir, Lliira, Sune, Mystra,

Lord of all
Milil Lesser NG poetry, song, eloquence Good, Knowledge Rapier Finder Wyvernspur, Lathander, most None
of the Seldarine

Auril, Chauntea, Eldath, Finder

Corruption, Destruct
Moander The Jawed God Lesser CE Rotting death, decay, corruption Heavy Mace None Wyvernspur, Lathander, Mielikki,
ion,Evil, Slime
Silvanus, Selune, Tymora

The dead, wasting, parasites, old age,

Myrkul Lord of Bones Greater NE Death, Evil, Fate Scythe Jergal, Shar, Bane, Bhaal Chauntea, Lathander, Mielikki
exhaustion, dusk, autumn

Lady of Good, Knowledge, Azuth, Kelemvor, Selune, Oghma,

Mystra Greater NG (LN) magic, spells, the Weave Shuriken Cyric, Talos, Bane
Mysteries Magic Deneir, Milil

King of The royalty, lions and feline beasts, good Gwaeron Windstrom, Lurue, Mielikki,
Nobanion Demigod LG Animal, Good Heavy Pick Malar
Beasts beasts Sharess, Shiallia, Silvanus, Torm, Tyr

Lord of
knowledge, invention, inspiration, Knowledge, Travel, Deneir, Milil, Gond, Lliira, Mystra,
Oghma Knowledge / Greater N Longsword Talos, Mask, Cyric, Bane
bards Trickery Azuth, Lathander
The Binder

Lady of
Red Knight Demigod LN strategy, planning, tactics War, Strength Longsword Tempus, Torm, Valkur the Mighty Cyric, Garagos

Savras The All-Seeing Demigod LN divination, fate, truth Knowledge, Magic Dagger Azuth, Mystra Cyric, Mask, Talos, Bane, Leira

Mystra, Lliira, Sune, Tymore,

moon, stars, navigation, prophecy,
Good, Protection, Eilistraee, Sehanine, Moonbow,
Selune Lady of Silver Intermediate CG questers, good and neutral Heavy Mace Shar, Umberlee, Mask, Moander
Travel Shaundakul, Eldath, Chauntea,
Valkur, Lathander
dark, night, loss, forgetfulness,
Mistress of the Mystra, Selune, Lathander,
Shar Greater NE unrevealed secrets, caverns, dungeons, Evil, Knowledge Chakram {Shuriken} Talona, Myrkul
Night Shaundakul,Amaunator, Ibrandul
the Underdark

The Dancing hedonism, sensual fulfillment, Good, Travel, Claw Bracer Anhur, Hanali Celanil, Lliira, Milil,
Sharess Demigod CG Set, Shar, Loviatar
Lady festhalls, cats Trickery {Unarmed/or Gloves} Nobanion, Selune, Sune

Red name = Dead Deity

Pantheon Name Known as Symbol Divine Rank Alignment Portfolio Domain(s) Favored Weapon Allies Enemies
Akadi, Mielikki, Selune, Shevarash,
Rider of the travel, exploration, portals, miners, Air, Protection, Solonor Thelandira, Tymora, Gwaeron
Shaundakul Lesser CN Greatsword Beshaba, Shar
Winds caravans Travel Windstrom, Shiallia, Lurue the
Unicorn, Nobanion

Daughter of woodland glades, woodland fertility, Chauntea, Eldath, Gwaeron

Shiallia Demigod NG Animal, Good, Plant Quarterstaff Auril, Malar, Talona, Talos
the High Forest the High Forest, Neverwinter Wood Windstorm, Lurue, Mielikki, Silvanus

The Divine nobles, rightful rule of nobility, human Knowledge, Cyric, Gargauth, Iyachtu
Siamorphe Demigod LN mace None
Right royalty Protection Xvim, Bane

Eldath, Mielikki, Chauntea,

Oak Father of Animal, Protection,
Silvanus Greater N Wild nature, druids Maul {Warmace} Lathander, Lurue the Unicorn, Malar, Talos, Talona, Moander
the Forest Plant, Water

Lliira, Selune, Sharess, Milil, Talos, Auril, Umberlee, Malar,

Sune Lady Firehair Greater CG beauty, love, passion Protection, Good Scourge {Light Flail}
Lathander Talona, Tempus

Chauntea, Loviatar, Mielikki,

Talona Lady of Poison Lesser CE disease, poison Destruction, Evil Unarmed Strike Shar, Bane, Bhaal Silvanus, Sune, Lliira, Kelemvor,
Tyr, Shiallia
Chauntea, Lathander, Mystra, Sune,
storms, destruction, rebellion, Destruction, Evil, Longspear, Shortspear Deneir, Gond, Helm, Mielikki,
Talos The Destroyer Greater CE Auril, Malar, Umberlee, Velsharoon
conflagrations, earthquakes, vortices Fire or Halfspear {Spear} Oghma, Silvanus, Tyr, Eldath,

Protection, Strength, The Red Knight, Valkur the Mighty,

Tempus Lord of Battles Greater CN battle, warriors Battleaxe Eldath, Garagos
War Nobanion, Gond, Uthgar

The Dragon
Tiamat Lesser LE Evil Dragons, Reptiles, Greed Evil, Law, Tyranny Heavy Pick None Bane, Ilmater

Good, Healing, Tyr, Helm, Ilmater, Red Knight,

Torm The True Lesser LG duty, loyalty, obedience, paladins Greatsword Cyric, Mask, Bane, Bhaal
Protection, Strength Lathander

Good, Protection,
Tymora Lady Luck Intermediate CG good fortune, skill, victory, adventurers Shuriken Lathander, Selune, Shaundakul Beshaba, Bane, Moander

The Even Good, Knowledge, Cyric, Mask, Talos,

Tyr Greater LG justice Longsword Ilmater, Torm, Lathander
Handed War Talona, Bane, Bhaal,Leira

Creator of creation, jungles, Chult, the Chultans, Balance, Plant,

Ubtao Greater N Heavy Pick Thard Harr Eshowdow, Sseth yuan-ti God
Chult dinosaurs Protection

Father of the glaciers, polar environments, arctic Animal, Protection, Longspear or

Ulutiu Demigod LN Othea Annam, Auril
Giants dwellers Strength Shortspear {Spear}

The Bitch Sailors, weresharks, sentient sea Destruction, Evil, Selune, Valkur the Mighty,
Umberlee Intermediate CE Trident {Spear} Auril, Malar, Talos
Queen creatures, coastal dwellers Water Chauntea, Sune

Red name = Dead Deity

Pantheon Name Known as Symbol Divine Rank Alignment Portfolio Domain(s) Favored Weapon Allies Enemies
the Uthgardt barbarian tribes, physical Animal, Strength,
Uthgar Battle Father Totemic Beast Lesser CN Battleaxe Tempus Malar, Auril
strength War

Captain of the sailors, ships, favorable winds, naval

Valkur Demigod CG Air, Good, Protection Cutlass {Scimitar} Red Knight, Selune, Tempus Auril, Malar, Talos, Umberlee
Waves combat

Archmage of necromancy, necromancers, evil liches,

Velsharoon Demigod NE Death, Evil, Magic Quarterstaff Talos, Shar Cyric, Jergal, Kelemvor
Necromancy undeath

Merchants Knowledge,
Waukeen Lesser N trade, money, wealth Nunchaku {Kukri} Helm, Oghma, Red Knight Mask, Talos
Friend Protection, Travel

Mystra, Selûne, Lurue,Haela

Chaos, Charm,
Drow (the Dark The Dark song, beauty, dance, swordwork, Brightaxe, Callarduran Smoothhands,
Eilistraee Lesser CG Drow, Elf, Good, Bastard Sword Rest of Drow Pantheon
Seldarine) Maiden hunting, moonlight and the good deities of the
Moon, Portal
Underdark races

Oozes, slimes, jellies, outcasts, ropers, Earth, Madness, Most other Deities, specially Malar,
Ghaunadaur The Elder Eye Greater CE Warhammer None (sometimes Lolth)
rebels Destruction Seladrine

Deep Duerra, Dumathoin,

Lady of the Evil, Death, Chaos,
Kiaransalee Lesser CE undead, vengeance Dagger Hoar, Velsharoon, Malar, Vhaeraun Eilistraee, Kelemvor, Laduguer,
Dead Drow
Jergal, Demon Lord Orcus
Seldarine, Corellon
Destruction, Evil,
spiders, evil, darkness, chaos, Selvetarm and sometimes Loviatar, Larethian, Sehanine Moonbow,
Lolth Greater CE Trickery, Darkness, Dagger
assassins, drow Malar Fenmarel Mestarine, Vhaeraun,
Poison, Strife
Eilistraee, Gruumsh

Champion of Chaos, Drow, Evil,

Selvetarm Demigod CE Bloodlust, Battle Provess Heavy Mace Garagos, Lolth Vhaeraun
Lolth Spider, War

Evil, Travel,
The Masked thievery, drow males, evil activity on
Vhaeraun Lesser CE Trickery, Drow, Short Sword Mask, Shar, and Talona Selvetarm, Lolth
Lord of Night the surface

Dwarves (the Great Master Dwarf, Evil, Luck,

Abbathor Intermediate NE greed Dagger Sharindlar, Vergadain None
Morndinsamman) of Greed Trade, Trickery

safety, honesty, home, healing, the

Berronar The Revered Sharindlar, Clangeddin Silverbeard,
Intermediate LG dwarven family, records, marriage, Life, Protection Heavy Mace Orc, Goblinoid, Giant Deities
Truesilver Mother Gorm Gulthyn
faithfulness, loyalty, oaths

Clangeddin Father of battle, war, valor, bravery, honor in Good, Law,

Intermediate LG Battleaxe None None
Silverbeard Battle battle Strength, War

Deep Duerra Queen of the Evil, War, Law,

Demigod LE duergar, psionics, conquest, expansion Battleaxe Sharindlar None
(Duegar) Invisible Dwarf

Haela Brightaxe, Marthammor

Dugmaren The Gleam in Good, Knowledge, Duin, Brandobaris, Erevan
Lesser CG scholarship, invention, discovery Short Sword Gargauth
Brightmantle the Eye Chaos Ilesere, Gond, Shaundakul,

Red name = Dead Deity

Pantheon Name Known as Symbol Divine Rank Alignment Portfolio Domain(s) Favored Weapon Allies Enemies
Keeper of buried wealth, ores, gems, mining,
Earth, Knowledge,
Dumathoin Secrets under Intermediate N exploration, shield dwarves, guardian Maul None None
the Mountain of the dead

guardian of all dwarves, defense, Good, Protection, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Marthammor

Gorm Gulthyn Fire Eyes Lesser LG Battleaxe None
watchfulness War Duin, Moradin

The luck in battle, joy of battle, dwarven Chaos, Dwarf, Good, Moradin, Marthammor Duin,
Haela Brightaxe Demigod CG Greatsword Abbathor
Luckmaiden fighters Luck, War Clangeddin Silverbeard

Laduguar The Gray duergar, magic weapon creation, Evil, Magic,

Intermediate LE Warhammer Sharindlar
(duergar) Protector artisans, magic Protection

Marthammor Watcher over guides, explorers, expatriates, Good, Protection,

Lesser NG Heavy Mace Dugmaren, Marthhammor Duin None
Duin Wanderers travelers, lightning Travel

Gond, Kossuth, Helm, Torm, Tyr, and

dwarves, creation, smithing, Earth, Creation,
Moradin The All-Father Greater LG Warhammer the heads of the elven, gnome, and Goblinoids, Orcs, Evil giants Deities
protection, metalcraft, stonework Protection
halfling pantheons

Chaos, Charm,
Lady of Life healing, mercy, romantic love, fertility, Laduguer, Deep Duerra, Abbathor,
Sharindlar Intermediate CG Dwarf, Good, Whip None
and Mercy dancing, courtship, the moon Shiallia
Healing, Moon

Lord of the
Thard Harr Lesser CG wild dwarves, jungle survival, hunting Animal, Good, Plant Spiked Gauntlet None None
Jungle Deeps

wealth, luck, chance, nonevil thieves,

The Merchant Trade, Trickery,
Vergadain Intermediate N suspicion, trickery, negotiation, sly Longsword Dugmaren Brightmantle, Abbathor None
King Luck

Elves (the The Winged air, weather, avians, rain, fertility, Drow pantheon (except Eilistraee),
Aerdrie Faenya Intermediate CG Air, Animal, Good Quarterstaff Akadi, Cyrrollalee, Isis, Lurue,
Seldarine) Mother avariel Talos, Auril, Malar, Umberlee
Shaundakul, Sheela Peryroyl
Berronar Truesilver, Chauntea,
Cyrrollalee, Eilistraee,Lurue, Mielikki, Drow pantheon (except Eilistraee),
Queen of spring, fertility, planting, birth, Good, Knowledge, Longspear or
Angharradh Greater CG Milil, Mystra, Selûne, Sharindlar, She Talos, Auril, Malar, Umberlee,
Avandor defense, wisdom Plant, Protection Shortspear
ela Peryroyl, Goblinoid Deities
Silvanus, Sune and Yondalla
Cyric, Talos, Malar, and Moander,
magic, music, arts, crafts, war, the
Corellon Creator of the Good, Magic, Gruumsh, Orc/Goblinoid Pantheon,
Greater CG elven race (especially sun elves), Longsword Elven Pantheon
Larenthian Elves Protection, War Lolth and Drow Deties (except
poetry, bards, warriors

Lord of the Good, Knowledge,

Deep Sashelas Intermediate CG oceans, sea elves, creation, knowledge Trident {Spear} Trishina None
Undersea Water

The Trickery, Luck,

Erevan Ilesere Intermediate CN mischief, change, rogues Short Sword None None
Chameleon Chaos

Fenmarel feral elves, outcasts, scapegoats, Animal, Chaos, Elf, Thelandira, Shevarash, Gwaeron
The Lone Wolf Lesser CN Dagger None
Mestarine isolation Plant, Travel Windstrom, Eilistraee and specially
Sehanine Moonbow

Red name = Dead Deity

Pantheon Name Known as Symbol Divine Rank Alignment Portfolio Domain(s) Favored Weapon Allies Enemies

love, romance, beauty, enchantments, Good, Magic,

Hanali Celanil Lady Goldheart Intermediate CG Dagger None None
magic item artistry, fine art, and artists Protection

time, longevity, the moment of choice, Chaos, Elf, Good,

Labelas Enoreth The Lifegiver Intermediate CG Quarterstaff Mystra, Elven Pantheon Clangeddin Silverbeard
history Knowledge, Time

Elven, Sylvan, faerie deities

specially :
Chaos, Elf, Good, Eldath, Mielikki, Silvanus, Oberon,
Rillifane Rallathil The Leaflord Intermediate CG woodlands, nature, wild elves, druids Quarterstaff Malar, Talos and Evil drow Deities
Plant, Protection Titania, Baervan Wildwanderer,
Cyrollalee, Eilistraee,
Emmantiensien, Sheela
mysticism, dreams, death, journeys, Chaos, Elf, Good,
Sehanine Lady of Auril, Cyric, Malar, Talos, Umberlee,
Greater CG/NG transcendence, the moon, the stars, Illusion, Knowledge, Quarterstaff Kelemvor
Moonbow Dreams Lolth
the heavens, moon elves Moon, Travel

Callarduran Smoothhands,
The Black hatred of the drow, loss, crusades, War, Strength, Evil Drow pantheon, Underdark
Shevarash Demigod CN Longbow Hoar, Shar, Shaundakul, Fenmarel
Archer vengeance Chaos Deities

Solonor Good, Plant, War,

Keen-Eye Intermediate CG archery, hunting, wilderness survival Longbow None None
Thelandire Chaos

Garl Glittergold, Segojan

Baervan The Masked Animal, Good, Plant,
Gnomes Intermediate NG forests, travel, nature Halfspear Earthcaller, Brandobaris, Clangeddin Urdlen, Malar
Wildwanderer Leaf Travel
Silverbeard, Gwaeron Windstrom
Non-evil Gnome pantheon,
Azuth, Brandobaris,Clangeddin
Baravar Master of Good, Protection,
Lesser NG illusions, deception, traps, wards Dagger Silverbeard, Erevan Cyric, Abbathor, Mask, Urdlen
Cloakshadow Illusions Trickery
Ilesere, Mystra, Sehanine
Moonbow, Tymora, Vergadain

Callarduran Master of stone, the Underdark, mining, the Non-Evil Gnome Pantheon, Eilistraee,
Intermediate N Earth, Knowledge Battleaxe Evil Drow and Underdark Deities
Smoothhands Stone svirfneblin Shevarash, Dumathoin

mining, physical fitness, smithing, Gnomish deities (except Urdlen), Goblinoid and other humanoid
Flandal Steelskin Master of Metal Intermediate NG Good, Knowledge Warhammer
metalworking Gond, good dwarven Deities Deities

Law, Good, Baervan Wildwanderer,

Gaerdal Ironhand The Stern Lesser LG vigilance, combat, martial defense Warhammer Gnomish deities (except Urdlen)
Protection, War Goblinoid pantheon

Gnomish deities (except

protection, humor, trickery, gem Good, Protection,
Garl Glittergold The Joker Greater LG Battleaxe Urdlen), Yondalla, Corellon Kobold God Kurtulmak
cutting, gnomes Trickery
Larethian, Moradin

Segojan Lord of the

Intermediate NG earth, nature, the dead Earth, Good Heavy Mace Gnomish deities (except Urdlen) Urdlen, Cyric, Abbathor
Earthcaller Burrow

Gnomish deities,
The Crawler greed, bloodlust, evil, hatred, Claw Bracer
Urdlen Intermediate CE Earth, Evil, Chaos None Halfling/Dwarf/Kobold Pantheon,
Below uncontrolled impulse, spriggans {Unarmed/or Gloves}

defense, war, vigilance, halfling Good, Protection, Goblinoid pantheon, Bane, Cyric,
(Yondalla's Arvoreen The Defender Intermediate LG Short Sword Yondalla, Cyrrollalee, Urogalan
warriors, duty War, Law Talos, Auril, Malar, Umberlee

Red name = Dead Deity

Pantheon Name Known as Symbol Divine Rank Alignment Portfolio Domain(s) Favored Weapon Allies Enemies
Garl Glittergold, Erevan
Master of stealth, thievery, adventuring, halfling Travel, Trickery,
Brandobaris Lesser N Dagger Ilesere, Tymora, Vergadain, Baervan Beshaba, Urdlen
Stealth rogues Luck

The friendship, trust, the hearth, Good, Protection,

Cyrrollalee Intermediate LG Quarterstaff/Club None None
Hearthkeeper hospitality, crafts Law

The Watchful nature, agriculture, weather, song, Air, Plant, Love,

Sheela Peryroyl Intermediate N/NG Sickle Urogalan None
Mother dance, beauty, romantic love Wilderness, Charm,

Callarduran Smoothhands,
Lord of the Death, Earth, Dumathoin,Flandal Steelskin,
Urogalan Demigod LN earth, death, protection of the dead Dire Flail/Flail Abbathor, Urdlen, Velsharoon
Earth Protection, Law Grumbar, Segojan Earthcaller,
Sehanine Moonbow, Kelemvor
protection, bounty, halflings, children,
The Blessed Good, Protection, Garl Glittergold, Corellon Larethian, Bane, Cyric, Talona, Talos, Auril,
Yondalla Greater LG security, leadership, wisdom, creation, Short Sword
One Law Moradin Malar, Umberlee
family, tradition

Goblinoid deities, Elven, Dwarven

Son of Evil, Orc, Strength,
Orcs [Half-Orcs] Bahgtru Lesser CE loyalty, stupidity, brute strength Spiked Gauntlet Gruumsh and Sylvan deities, Baravar
Gruumsh Chaos
Cloakshadow, Cyric, Mask

The One Eyed orcs, conquest, survival, strength,

Gruumsh Greater CE Evil, Strength, War Spear Malar Elven Pantheon, Lolth
God territory

war, combat, overwhelming numbers, Destruction, Evil,

Ilneval The War Maker Lesser NE Longsword None None
strategy War

The Cave caves, orc females, home, wisdom, Protection, Evil,

Luthic Lesser NE Claw Bracer Gruumsh None
Mother fertility, healing, servitude Healing

night, thieves, stealth, darkness, the

Shargass The Night Lord Lesser CE Evil, Trickery, Chaos Short Sword None None

The Lord of Death, Destruction, Dwarven, Elven and goblinoid

Yurtrus Lesser NE death, disease Unarmed Strike None
Maggots Evil Pantheon

Red name = Dead Deity

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