Tyas Budiman, Was Born in Semarang City of Central Java: Curriculum Vitae

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Tyas Budiman, was born in Semarang City of Central Java

Indonesia on April 14th 1957. His formal education was started in
State Elementary School of Pattimura 1 in Semarang by 1965 –
1970. He continued his study to the State Junior High School IV
in Semarang and graduated by 1973. In 1974, he continued to
the State Senior High School III – IV Semarang and graduated
in 1976. By 1977, he was accepted in Diponegoro University
Semarang on Fisheries Department of Animal Husbandary and
Fisheries Faculty and finished his study in 1983. Finishing his
study, in 1984 he started his career in Directorate General of
Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture as civil servant. By 1995, he
continued his post-graduate study in STIE IPWI Jakarta with
concentration in Marketing until his graduation in 1998.

Marital status, married with 1(one) daughter of 20 years old and 1 (one) son of 12 years

Working experience, since 1983 he started as staff of Directorat General of Fishieries,

Ministry of Agriculture (now, it becomes: Directorate General of Capture Fisheries,
Minsitry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries). By 1999 up to 2004, he had been mandated as
licensing of fishing vessel inspection coordinator. Become specialized instructor of
fishing vessels and fishing gear inspection training since 2000 up till now.

Nowadays, he’s mandated as Deputy Director of Sub Directorate of Engineering and

Worthiness of Fishing Gears at Directorate of Fishing Vessels and Fishing Gears,
Directorate General of Capture Fisheries, MOMAF. He had ever became participant of a
training in SEAFDEC, Bangkok by 1986. Researches experiences in Northern Coast of
Central Java operating Bottom Gill Net in 1981, in Tomini Bay for 45 days in 1983 and in
Merauke adjacent waters by 2006. Any surveys has ever been conducted on topic:
Sosio-economic and fishing technique in Northern Coast of Central Java, Mallacca Strait
and Werstern Kalimantan. Fishermen legal aspect and conflict resolution in East Java,
South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and South Sulawesi.

Prizes has ever been received from government are Satyalancana Karya Satya 10 years
and Satyalancana Karya Satya 20 year by President of Republic Indonesia, each of
them were accepted in 2002 and 2006.

Since 2005 up till now, he has been mandated as Indonesia National Project
Coordinator of FAO-GEF Project (FAO Symbol: EP/GLO/201/GEF) by Director of
Fishing Vessels and Fishing Gears.

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