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Goshi at its very core is a model for a high standard of moral values. The main text is
attempting an esoteric reasoning for how this is, but ultimately Goshi is simply a
direction for being a good moral person who contributes positively to society. The
attributes described in Goshi and your own personal standards in them are what
makes you who you are, your personality and character, and this will determine how
you conduct yourself truthfully within society. The purpose of society is a
harmonious, content, and secure population, a group of people coming together
sharing common goals, without a society, moral values such as those put forward in
Goshi do not exist.

For example, without society:-

The Way - without the purpose and goals of society then there is no harmony.

Virtue - this can be described as quality and usefulness, but without a purpose such
as contributing to society, then any actions are selfish and hold no value.

Benevolence - affection and compassion do not exist without other people in society
with which to share.

Righteousness - without society there are no standards of right or wrong with which
to judge your actions.

Courtesy - without society, your behavior has no measure to what is acceptable or


In the Heika Jodan, Goshi provides the foundation of being a good human being and
living in harmony with society, the Mokuroku skills list gives teachings on the right
course of actions (Correct way) of being a samurai within society.

The following clip videos should be studied carefully along with the text itself pages
6-9 in the book of samurai vol 1.

The Way





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