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Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 3 (2019) 1–10

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Recent advances in Raman technology with applications in agriculture,

food and biosystems: A review
Shizhuang Weng b,⁎,1, Wenxiu Zhu b,1, Xueyan Zhang b,1, Hecai Yuan b,1, Ling Zheng b,1, Jinling Zhao b,1,
Linsheng Huang b,1, Ping Han a,1
Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Risk Assessment Laboratory of Ministry of Agriculture (Beijing), Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, China
National Engineering Research Center for Agro-Ecological Big Data Analysis & Application, Anhui University, 111 Jiulong Road, Hefei, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Raman technology, which covers Raman spectroscopy (RS) and its various derivative methods, has been widely
Received 18 October 2019 applied in detection of various substances in agriculture, food and biosystems. This article reviews the recent ad-
Received in revised form 7 November 2019 vances in two mainstream Raman technologies as RS and SERS, including technical evolution, application and
Accepted 7 November 2019
challenges, and spectral processing methods. Firstly, the origin, principle, defect, and development of RS were in-
Available online 11 November 2019
troduced. Then, the current situation, existing problems, and development trend of RS and SERS were discussed
in agriculture, food, and biosystems, such as adulteration recognition, plant diseases identification, farm
Raman technology chemicals detection, food additives determination, and toxins analysis. At last, the spectral analysis methods in-
Adulteration clude noise reduction, feature extraction or variable selection, and modeling were introduced in detail, which can
Plant diseases realize the automatic and intelligent analysis of spectra without relying on professionals.
Farm chemicals © 2019 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an
Toxins open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Spectral processing methods


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Technological evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Application and challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Spectral analytical methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1. Introduction inelastic collision of excitation laser and molecules of analyte, scattered

light of different wavelengths with excitation laser appears; this phe-
Raman technology covers Raman spectroscopy (RS) and its various nomenon was first discovered by Raman in 1928 (Raman, 1928). In gen-
derivative methods. RS is a kind of scattering spectroscopy with molec- eral, scattered lights of higher wavelengths are collected and known as
ular structure characterization ability (Colthup, 2012). Due to the RS. For RS, the light intensity at different wavelength is diverse,
reflecting the molecular vibration and rotation information. In other
⁎ Corresponding author at: Anhui University, Hefei 230601, Anhui, China.
words, each molecular structure has its specific spectrum, namely, the
E-mail address: (S. Weng). fingerprint characteristic of RS, which is highly valuable for molecular
These authors equally contributed in present work. structure analysis (D'Ippolito et al., 2015). The measurement of RS is
2589-7217/© 2019 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
2 S. Weng et al. / Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 3 (2019) 1–10

not restricted by morphology and states of the analyte. Thus, sample perfectly matches the difference in vibrational energy levels, which en-
pretreatment is relatively simple. At same time, the extremely weak ables each type of molecule to produce different Raman spectra. Thus,
RS response of water prevents the interference of moisture in the anal- the main advantage of RS is the ability to have molecular fingerprint
ysis results, avoiding the common problem in other analytical technol- characteristics for each different analyte. Meanwhile, given the weak
ogies. Considering these advantages, RS has been applied for the Raman scattering effect of water molecules, RS is immune to water in-
analysis of various adulteration and plant diseases (Crow et al., 2005; terference during detection. These properties allow RS to greatly im-
Mandrile et al., 2019). prove the molecular selection of specific substances in natural water-
However, the RS intensity is about 10−6 fold that of excitation laser. containing solutions (Patel et al., 2019).
This low sensitivity severely limits its practical application. Various en- However, RS had limited application for many decades because of
hanced methods, such as resonance Raman spectroscopy (RRS), coher- the low efficiency of normal Raman scattering (Kudelski, 2008). With
ent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS), stimulated Raman the continuous development of optical instruments, lasers, and nano-
spectroscopy (SRS), surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), technology, various techniques have emerged to enhance the sensitiv-
and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) have been developed to ity, resolution, and stability of RS. At present, advanced Raman
improve the intensity of RS. Among these technologies, SERS is the technologies include RRS, CARS, SRS, FT-RS, confocal micrograph
most widely used and effective. SERS was first discovered by Raman spectroscopy, TERS, and SERS (Table 1). RRS is an instrument
Fleischmann, who observed that the Raman signal of pyridine molecule that measures the frequency shift of photons when the photon energy
adsorbed on the rough silver surface is largely stronger than that of pyr- from the incident light is approximately similar to the energy needed
idine in solution (Fleischmann et al., 1974). Compared with that of nor- for electronic transition (Das and Agrawal, 2011). The resonance excita-
mal RS, the enhancement factor of SERS is increased by about 106–1015, tion can increase the oscillation charge displacement of electrons, which
improving the low sensitivity of normal RS. The enhancement effect is will directly enhance the efficiency of Raman scattering. Compared with
mainly derived from the local electric field on the metal surface and that of normal Raman scattering, the enhancement factor of resonance
the chemical interaction between the compound and the reinforcement Raman scattering can reach as 108, but the shortcoming of this technol-
substrate. Furthermore, the advantages of RS are perfectly inherited by ogy is its vulnerability to interference from a fluorescence background
SERS. SERS is a highly competitive method for the rapid detection of (Asher, 1993). CARS is a nonlinear Raman technique used to enhance
trace amounts of substances, such as herbicide (Tsen et al., 2019), insec- the Raman signal (Zumbusch et al., 1999). It uses coherent laser
ticide (S. Li et al., 2012; Y. Li et al., 2012; He et al., 2014), disinfectant beams to generate a signal with a frequency higher than the excitation
(Fan et al., 2015), bactericide (Zhang et al., 2014), and additives (Zhai frequency, which is considered as anti-Stokes frequency technique.
et al., 2011; He et al., 2010) in various food or agricultural products SRS is another nonlinear process with strong directivity and high scat-
(Xu et al., 2017). tering intensity (Basiev et al., 1999). The increase in the radiation inten-
In this review, recent advances of Raman technology were intro- sity of this technique is attributed to the two-photon process and
duced from the three aspects of technological evolution, application simulated Raman scattering (Woodbury and Ng, 1962; White, 1987).
and challenges, and spectral analysis methods. We hope this work can FT-RS uses a neodymium doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd: YAG)
provide technical references for follow-up research. laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm as the light source, which elimi-
nates the fluorescence interference problem and reduces the laser dam-
2. Technological evolution age to samples. Therefore, FT-RS can be used to determine the Raman
spectra of compounds containing fluorescence and photoinstability
RS is a technique specialized in measuring the frequency shift of in- (Keller et al., 1993). Confocal micrograph Raman spectroscopy collects
elastic scattered light from the sample (Rostron et al., 2016). When the Raman signals by laser scanning confocal microscopy, which has a
photons from incident light strike a molecule, scattering photons of dif- high spatial resolution and can analyze samples with an order of magni-
ferent frequency appear. The effect of scattering photons with low fre- tude in micrometers and obtain Raman and microscopic images of sam-
quency is called as Stokes Raman scattering, and the effect of the ples (Dieing et al., 2011). However, the disadvantage of this technique is
appearance of high-frequency photons is known as anti-Stokes Raman that the single detection range is small, and the confocal area easily pro-
scattering (Asher, 1993). RS is the spectroscopy obtained based on the duces heat radiation. TERS (Fig. 1.a) is a technology that combines with
effect of Raman scattering. scanning probe microscopy to improve spatial resolution to the nano-
The origins of RS can be traced to the first half of the 20th century, meter level (Deckert, 2009). The metal tip or a metal nanoparticle is
and the scattering of monochromatic radiation with the frequency brought into close proximity of nanometer distance with the sample.
change was theoretically built by Smekal (1923). In 1928, Raman The excited laser beam will then illuminate the tip apex, creating an en-
(1928), discovered the phenomenon of inelastic scattering of light, hanced and confined electric field zone. This localized field will result in
termed as the Raman effect. Then, Raman and Krishnan (1928) first ex- enhanced Raman scattered light from the sample located under the tip
perimentally observed the phenomenon in the same year. RS is ob- (Bailo and Deckert, 2008). The most important feature of TERS is the
tained based on the Raman effect of molecules and excitation light. possibility of quantitative analysis due to the identical electromagnetic
The frequency variation caused by the inelastic scattering of light field enhancement at all points (Stockle et al., 2000). In addition, TERS

Table 1
Classification and comparison of Raman techniques.

Classification Advantages Disadvantages Reference

RRS High sensitivity Fluorescence interference Das and Agrawal,

CARS High sensitivity, excellent spatial and spectral Non-zero background nature Zumbusch et al.,
resolution 1999
SRS Improve signal to noise ratio and signal intensity Low sensitivity Basiev et al., 1999
FT-RS Low fluorescence interference Low sensitivity Keller et al., 1993
Confocal micrograph Raman High spatial resolution, low detection limit Single detection range is small, easily produces heat Dieing et al., 2011
spectroscopy radiation
TERS High sensitivity, good reproducibility. Low stability Stockle et al., 2000
SERS High sensitivity, low detection limit Low stability, difficult quantitative analysis Kudelski, 2008
S. Weng et al. / Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 3 (2019) 1–10 3

Fig. 1. Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy concept (a) (Sharma et al., 2012) and surface-enhanced Raman scattering system (b) (Rostron et al., 2016).

improves the reproducibility issue of RS techniques (Gibson et al., 2006) (HLB) (Fig. 3.a, b, c, d, e). The statistical analysis results show that this
and can work in an environment with water and humidity (Yeo et al., method provides a high degree of reliability with a precision of 89.2%
2009). in discriminating between orange plants HLB-positive and healthy
SERS (Fig. 1.b) can be a historic breakthrough in the study of Raman plants. Farber et al. (2019) used RS as an early detection tool for rose ro-
spectroscopy, abolishing the inherent low detection sensitivity of sette disease (RRD). The work demonstrates that RS can detect RRD in
Raman technologies (Sharma et al., 2012). Compared with the weak sig- intact leaf tissue, and chemometric analysis can distinguish between
nal obtained by RS, the strength of the Raman signal generated by SERS spectra collected from symptomatic and asymptomatic tissue, as well
is much higher (Kudelski, 2008). The surface enhanced Raman effect as between healthy and asymptomatic tissue. Mandrile et al. (2019)
was first discovered by Fleischmann et al. in 1974, which catalyzed re- adopted RS combined with chemometric analysis to monitor the infec-
search on enhanced Raman technology. The enhancement mechanism tion of tomato, by two different viral pathogens, Tomato yellow leaf curl
of SERS can be classified into physical enhancement and chemical en- Sardinia virus (TYLCSV) and Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). PCA
hancement (Ban et al., 2017). In the former, signal enhancement occurs then was used for analysis, reaching an accuracy of N70% for TYLCSV
from localized surface plasmon resonance of noble metals and transi- and N85% for TSWV. And RS have also been used to detect Abutilon mo-
tion metal surfaces to generate electromagnetic fields (Jayram et al., saic virus (Yeturu et al., 2016) (Fig. 3.f, g, h), identify resistant trees
2016; Fu et al., 2015). In the latter, signal enhancement is derived (Conrad and Bonello, 2016), and Plant Pathogens (Farber and
from metal–electron-mediated resonance Raman effect via a charge Kurouski, 2018).
transfer intermediate state, which occurs at so-called “active sites” SERS has a wide range of applications because of its higher detection
(Otto et al., 1992). Although SERS has high sensitivity and low detection sensitivity and is generally used to detect trace analytes. In recent years,
limit, it suffers from low stability and difficult quantitative analysis. the widespread use and abuse of farm chemicals have caused numerous
Many new technologies, such as dynamic SERS (Qian et al., 2013; residues to form in crops and foods, affecting the health and life safety of
Yang et al., 2015), self-assembly technology (Yu et al., 2019; Liang human beings. At present, SERS technology is widely used to detect var-
et al., 2017), internal standard technology (Jie et al., 2018; Kammer ious pesticide residues in crops and foods. Zhang et al. (2014) used SERS
et al., 2014), and functionalized substrates (Gukowsky et al., 2018; to quantitatively detect thiram and methamidophos on the surface of
Yaseen et al., 2018a, 2018b), have been developed to solve the problem. apples (Fig. 4.a). The lowest detectable concentration on apple surfaces
Considering the board application, the current situation and develop- was 4.6 × 10−7 for thiram and 4.4 × 10−4 for methamidophos. Au@Ag
ment of RS and SERS were discussed. NPs coupled with SERS was used for the analysis of flusilazole, which
is widely applied in pears (Fig. 2.c); the minimum detectable concentra-
3. Application and challenges tion of flusilazole in pears was 0.1 μg/g (Zhao et al., 2018). Huang et al.
(2016) quantitatively detected difenoconazole pesticides in pak choi
RS is generally used to detect elements with a high content of sub- by SERS coupled with chemometrics, and the correlation coefficient of
stances (Schulz and Baranska, 2007), such as in food adulteration. the prediction model (Rp) was 0.9458. By combining SERS with a
Uysal et al. (2013) developed a method to determine butter adultera- quick pre-treatment method, Huang et al. (2015) detected chlorpyri-
tion by using RS combined with chemometric methods. Different butter phos (CP) pesticide residues in rice with the lowest detection concen-
and margarine samples were mixed at various concentrations ranging tration of CP pesticide in rice, with the lowest detection concentration
from 0% to 100% (w/w), and concentrations of mixed butter and marga- of b0.506 mg/L. Tang et al. (2012) developed an ultrasensitive method
rine samples were analyzed on the basis of unique spectral bands based on SERS, which uses silver colloid as a substrate and pyridine as
(380–760 cm−1). The modeling results showed that the measured coef- an internal standard to determine the content of tricyclazole pesticides
ficients were all higher than 0.968. S. Li et al. (2012) and Y. Li et al. in rice with the lowest detection limit of 0.002 mg/L. Weng et al. (2018a,
(2012) used RS to detect adulteration of high-fructose corn syrup and 2018b) detected ediphenphos residue in rice by using SERS and ob-
maltose syrup in honey. A classification model is established with the tained the lowest detection limit of 0.1 mg/L. In addition,
aid of partial least squares–linear discriminant analysis to classify the thiophanate–methyl in red pepper (Li et al., 2017), omethoate in
authenticity of honey with a total accuracy of 84.4%. Boyacı et al. peach (Yaseen et al., 2018a, 2018b), paraquat on fruits skins (Fang
(2014) developed a novel RS-based method to distinguish beef from et al., 2015) (Fig. 4.c), and deltamethrin in strawberry (Dong et al.,
horse meat and analyzed pure fat in 49 samples of beef and horse 2018) (Fig. 2.a, b) have also been detected with SERS.
meat. Horse meat with different concentrations of beef was successfully Food additives are a common issue threatening food safety and qual-
identified by using the established model system. RS is also used for the ity. Cheung et al. (2010) analyzed Sudan-1 in chili powder by using SERS
early detection of plant diseases (Baranska et al., 2013). Pérez et al. with good sensitivity, such that Sudan-1 can be quantified in a complex
(2016) applied RS for the early detection of Citrus Huanglongbing food matrix reliably over the range of 10−3–10−4 mol/L. A rapid SERS-
4 S. Weng et al. / Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 3 (2019) 1–10

Fig. 2. SEM image of: AuNRs (a); AgNRs (b) (Dong et al., 2018); Au@ Ag nanoparticles (c) (Zhao et al., 2018); AuNPs before (d) and after (e) interaction with melamine (Giovannozzi et al.,
2014); Ag colloid (f) (Lin et al., 2015).

based method to detect melamine in liquid milk was presented by accuracy of crude protein and oil content was 0.916 and 0.872, respec-
Giovannozzi et al. (2014) with melamine-aggregated AuNPs (Fig. 2.d, tively. Furthermore, a novel method was proposed to characterize the
e), allowing melamine detection at a detection limit of 0.17 mg/L. structure of buckwheat globulin through a combination of circular di-
SERS was also used to detect Rhodamine B (RB), which is often added chroism and Raman spectroscopy. Choi and Ma (2007) studied the con-
illegally to chili powder. Lin et al. (2015) prepared a paper-based SERS formation of globulin from buckwheat under the influence of various
substrate for RB detection (Fig. 2.f), exhibiting simple sample treatment buffer environments and heat treatment and discovered that buck-
and a detection limit that can reach 10−6 g/g for RB in chili powder. The wheat globulin contained a low level of α-helical and a large quantity
recovery of this detection method ranged from 96.4% to 108.9%. C. Li of β-sheets and disordered structures.
et al. (2016) and X. Li et al. (2016) studied three easy-to-prepare From the above application (Table 2), RS is mainly used for the iden-
AuNPs substrates, and two commercial substrates were examined as tification and classification of substance adulteration. SERS has demon-
SERS substrates for methylene blue (MB) analysis. The lowest detection strated its potential in the quantitative analysis of substances due to its
limits of 5 ng/mL and 10 ng/g were observed for MB standard solutions rapid, sensitive, fingerprint, and informative analysis. However, RS is
and MB in fish muscles, respectively. limited in application because of its low sensitivity, and SERS also has
Toxins are often detected through SERS. Yuan et al. (2017) used SERS some challenges in practical detection, which requires extensive re-
to rapidly determine mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in corn, kidney beans, search. SERS cannot isolate target compounds present in a complex
and oats, showing the lowest detection of 10−6, 10−6, and 10−4 M, re- sample. Thus, the Raman signal of the target analyte is masked by sig-
spectively. SERS was also applied to detect aflatoxin in maize. Lee nals from other components present in the sample during the detection.
et al. (2014) mixed Ag nanosphere with sample extract for SERS mea- This condition poses a challenge for SERS to detect trace target analytes
surement with an accuracy of N93%. Zengin et al. (2015) developed a in complex matrices. Pang et al. (2014) successfully detected four or-
novel SERS aptasensor for ricin B toxin recognition by using Ag nanopar- ganophosphate pesticides (phorate, profenofos, omethoate,
ticles with a detection limit of 0.32 pM. Many toxins, such as isocarbophos) in apple juice by using an Ag dendritic substrate conju-
microcystin-LR (He et al., 2019) and saxitoxin (Cheng et al., 2019), gated with a thiol-modified ssDNA aptamer and a blocker molecule.
have also been detected by SERS. The apple juice compounds could not adsorb onto the substrate surface
With the discovery of SERS detection in single molecules, SERS has and thus did not contribute to the SERS signal.
gradually become a powerful technique for studying biological macro- In addition, SERS has poor performance in terms of stability and sen-
molecules, allowing the detection and characterization of various bio- sitivity, which is not only dependent on the interaction between the
logical molecules in crops. Chen et al. (2012) successfully applied SERS adsorbed molecules and the substrate but also related to the substrate
to detect Bacillus thuringiensis gene-transformed rice expressing insecti- itself. During decades of SERS development, researchers have been com-
cidal proteins with a detection limit of 0.1 pg/mL (Fig. 4.b). Lee et al. mitted to optimizing the substrate structure and configuration to realize
(2013) directly used SERS to detect crude protein and oil content in soy- trace-level detection. Currently, SERS substrates are highly diverse.
beans. Partial least squares analysis was then used to establish the opti- Montgomery et al. (2009) proposed and modeled potentially robust
mal prediction model of soybean crude protein and oil content. The SERS substrates composed of periodic arrays of chains of gold
S. Weng et al. / Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 3 (2019) 1–10 5

Fig. 3. Procedure to obtain spectral Raman signatures from HLB-positive and HLB-negative (healthy) citrus samples (a), (b), (c); principal component analysis and linear discriminant
analysis of Raman spectra obtained from samples of sweet orange positive for HLB and sweet orange plants negative to the disease by real-time PCR (d); Raman spectra from HLB-
positive Sweet Orange trees (red spectrum) and HLB-negative Sweet Orange trees (black spectrum) (e) (Pérez et al., 2016); Abutilon mosaic virus infecting Abutilon hybridum plant
showing bright yellow mosaic symptoms (left sick plant and right healthy plant) (f); agarose gel electrophoretic analysis of amplicons of PCR for detection of AbMV in Abutilon (g);
average Raman spectra of leaves from healthy plants (blue), early-stage infected plants (green), and full infected plants (red) without normalization (h) (Yeturu et al., 2016).

nanoparticles atop silver film structures and successfully obtained high 4. Spectral analytical methods
sensitivity. Musumeci et al. (2009) investigated the Raman scattering of
molecules adsorbed on the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles and obtained Spectral analytical methods are generally used to process RS or SERS
strong enhancement of Raman scattering in hybrid composites that ex- spectra to determine the type and content of analytes, including noise
hibit charge transfer absorption with TiO2 nanoparticles. Some new reduction, feature extraction and variable selection, and modeling
functionalized substrates have also been developed. Pan et al. (2015) methods. Automatic and intelligent analysis is beneficial for the promo-
developed a sensitive substrate for SERS. It consists of a column material tion and popularization of RS or SERS technology.
that is obtained by modifying the surface of capillary monoliths with sil- Spectral measurement is always accompanied with interferences
ver nanoparticles. This substrate has been applied to the determination from fluorescence background, detector and environment noise, and
of 4-mercaptopyridine and Rhodamine 6G, showing detection limits as laser fluctuation. These interferences cannot be completely eliminated
low as 100 and 10 pM, respectively. Wang et al. (2017) rapidly detected by the improvement of equipment and experimental operation. Thus,
and differentiated bacteria in skimmed milk by using surface-enhanced proper noise reduction methods are necessary to eliminate or reduce
Raman scattering mapping on 4-mercaptophenylboronic acid- the negative effect of interferences. The common methods include de-
functionalized silver dendrites (Fig. 4.d). The capture efficiency for Sal- rivative (Archibald et al., 1998), Savitzky–Golay (SG) smoothing, asym-
monella enterica subsp. enterica BAA1045 was 99.65%. The other tech- metric least squares method (asLS), standard normal variate (SNV),
nologies were also adopted in combination with functional wavelet transform (WT), and multiplicative scatter correction (MSC)
technologies to improve the stability and sensitivity of substrates. Fu- (Hancewicz and Petty, 1995). Derivative methods can not only reduce
ture research should focus on investigating new materials and metals the interference of overlapping spectral bands but also eliminate base-
together as SERS active substrate and combining some advanced analy- line drift interference caused by fluorescence background. Quantitative
sis methods with SERS (Lv et al., 2015; Convertino et al., 2016). analysis of chlorophyll content in citrus leaves was performed through
If the problems can be overcome, the application prospects of RS and Raman spectroscopy with first derivative of spectra (Yan-de et al.,
SERS will be very broad in the future. Specifically, the measurement of 2019). SG smoothing eliminates high-frequency noise and improves
RS is not affected by the morphology and state of the analyte, and inter- spectral signal-to-noise ratio. Zhai et al. (2017) used SG smoothing to
ference of water, which will play an important role in the detection of remove spectra from the spectra of salbutamol in fresh muscle tissue
various substances of high amount and plant diseases. Meanwhile, to improve the accuracy. asLS can quickly realize background baseline
SERS possesses the in-depth applications in detection of farm chemicals, deduction without prior information on spectral peak shape and base-
additives, toxins, and biological molecules due to its advantages of high line. The asLS baseline correction method has been used to correct back-
sensitivity and fingerprint structure information analysis. ground noises of microalgae Raman spectra, which originated from
6 S. Weng et al. / Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 3 (2019) 1–10

Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of: the simultaneous detection of thiram and methamidophos on apple surface based on SERS (a) (Zhang et al., 2014); Bt gene detection procedure using
SERS-barcoded nanotags (b) (Chen et al., 2012); the ‘surface spray’ method to detect the paraquat residues on fruits (c) (Fang et al., 2015); detection of bacteria in skimmed milk
using SERS (d) (Wang et al., 2017).

samples themselves (He et al., 2018). SNV can eliminate the effects of uneven particle distribution and size. Kachrimanis et al. (2007) success-
solid particle size, surface scattering, and optical path changes on spec- fully eliminated the effects of sample preparation and sample inhomo-
tral data. MSC specializes in removing the scattering effects caused by geneity in combination with SNV and MSC. Bian et al. (2011) used

Table 2
Summary of analytes, detection matrix, measurement technique, and limit of detection (LOD)/accuracy.

Classification Analytes Matrix Measurement LOD/accuracy References


Adulteration Calcium oxalate hydrate Urinary stones RS 0.6 mol Kontoyannis et al., 1997
Adulteration Margarine Butter RS 0.968 Uysal et al., 2013
Adulteration High-fructose corn syrup and maltose syrup Honey RS 0.844 S. Li et al., 2012; Y. Li et al., 2012
Crop diseases Citrus Huanglongbing Sweet orange RS 0.892 Pérez et al., 2016
Crop diseases Yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus Tomato RS N0.70 Mandrile et al., 2019
Crop diseases Spotted wilt virus Tomato RS N0.85 Mandrile et al., 2019
Farm chemicals Thiram Apple SERS 4.6 × 10−7 M Zhang et al., 2014
Farm chemicals Methamidophos Apple SERS 4.4 × 10−4 M Zhang et al., 2014
Farm chemicals Flusilazole Pear SERS 0.1 μg/g Zhao et al., 2018
Farm chemicals Chlorpyriphos Rice SERS 0.506 mg/L Huang et al., 2015
Farm chemicals Tricyclazole Rice SERS 0.002 mg/L Tang et al., 2012
Farm chemicals Ediphenphos Rice SERS 0.1 mg/L Weng et al., 2018a, 2018b
Farm chemicals Omethoate Peach SERS 0.01 mg/kg Yaseen et al., 2018a, 2018b
Additives Sudan-1 Chili powder SERS 10−4 mol/L Cheung et al., 2010
Additives Melamine Milk SERS 0.17 mg/L Giovannozzi et al., 2014
Additives Rhodamine B Chili powder SERS 10−6 g/g Lin et al., 2015
Additives Methylene blue Fish muscles SERS 10 ng/g C. Li et al., 2016; X. Li et al., 2016
Toxins Deoxynivalenol Corn SERS 10−6 M Yuan et al., 2017
Toxins Deoxynivalenol Kidney beans SERS 10−6 M Yuan et al., 2017
Toxins Deoxynivalenol Oats SERS 10−4 M Yuan et al., 2017
Toxins Aflatoxin Maize SERS 13 μg/kg Lee et al., 2014
Toxins Ricin B toxin SERS 0.32 pM Zengin et al., 2015
Toxins Microcystin-LR Tap water SERS 10−6 mg/L He et al., 2019
Toxins Saxitoxin SERS 11.7 nM Cheng et al., 2019
Toxins Ephedrine Slimming dietary supplements SERS 0.01 mg/L Lv et al., 2015
Biological Insecticidal proteins Gene-transformed rice SERS 0.1 pg/mL Chen et al., 2012
Biological Crude protein Soybeans SERS 0.916 Lee et al., 2013
Biological Oil content Soybeans SERS 0.872 Lee et al., 2013
S. Weng et al. / Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 3 (2019) 1–10 7

MSC to pretreat the spectra of metabolites in urine. The correlation co- discriminant analysis (LDA), soft independent modeling of class analogy
efficient between the predicted and real concentration was up to 0.96. (SIMCA), SVM, random forest (RF), naive Bayes (NB), and artificial neu-
WT can perform spectral smoothing, denoising, and compression pro- ral network (ANN). Li et al. (2019) used KCA method in the analysis of
cessing to reliably distinguish and detect useful analytical signals from pathological progress after spinal cord injury by confocal Raman
interfering signals. Hu et al. (2007) used WT to denoise the Raman spec- microspectral imaging to highlight biochemical and structural varia-
tra of gastric cancer tissue, performed wavelet multi-scale analysis on tions after tissue damage and they obtained good results. Koljenović
the filtered spectra, and obtained baseline corrected information et al. (2005) established a classification model of dura and tumor tissue
through wavelet reconstruction. All these methods can effectively de- on the basis of LDA with an accuracy of 100%. PCA and KNN were
duct the fluorescence background, eliminate the interference of noise employed to develop diagnosis models for the Raman spectrum of
and baseline drift, and retain the effective information of spectra, colon cancer, and the accuracy was improved to 91% (C. Li et al., 2016;
thereby improving the analytical capability and robustness of qualita- X. Li et al., 2016). SERS spectra of 7 food and waterborne viruses were
tive and quantitative models. Among these methods, (SG) smoothing analyzed by SIMCA for identifying viruses with and without envelope,
can eliminate the noise signal superimposed in the Raman spectrum, achieving an accuracy of higher than 95% (Fan et al., 2010). Yan et al.
asLS can deduct the fluorescent background without changing the (2011) established an SVM model of the Raman spectra of neoplasms
Raman signal and realize the automatic correction of the spectrum. in the parotid gland and successfully identified normal parotid gland
MSC, SNV, and WT can effectively deduct the fluorescent background and parotid gland tumors. Kinalwa et al. (2011) used RF to determine
and eliminate noise interference, but these methods need to adjust protein folding categories from Raman spectrum and correctly classified
the relevant parameters to get better processing results. 33 of 44 proteins. Zhang et al. (2018) established a silicate prediction
Spectra measured by Raman spectrometer are generally of hundreds model of drug-induced respiratory toxicity by using the NB classifier
or thousands of dimensions. Thus, redundant and irrelevant informa- with an overall prediction accuracy of 91.8%. Ozbalci et al. (2013) used
tion is unavoidable. Feature extraction and variable selection methods ANN to analyze the spectral characteristics of four sugars in honey and
are normally used to extract main information and reduce the spectral predicted their contents with high accuracy.
dimension. Feature extraction aims to decompose or transform the orig- Among these methods, SVM and RF can also be used for regression
inal spectrum and obtain the main components according to certain analysis. Multivariate linear regression (MLR), principal component re-
rules, Variable selection aims to select important characteristic range. gression (PCR), and PLSR were applied for regression analysis. PLSR and
The two methods are greatly different in the principle, but the effects MLR were used to establish a predication model for chloramphenicol
are similar. The feature extraction methods include principal compo- and crystal violet, and R2 values of chemometric models ranged from
nent analysis (PCA) (Hasegawa et al., 2000), locally linear embedding 0.82 to 0.87 (Lai et al., 2011). Guimaraes et al. (2018) adopted PCR to
(LLE) (Roweis and Saul, 2000), discrete cosine transform (DCT) quantitatively analyze dipyrone in oral solutions with a prediction
(Phamila and Amutha, 2014), and nonnegative matrix factorization error of 0.013. Weng et al. (2018a, 2018b) used RF to develop the quan-
(NMF) (Lee and Seung, 1999). PCA is the most widely used feature ex- titative analysis models of fenthion with the root mean square error of
traction algorithm, which is a multivariate statistical analysis method cross-validation of 0.0101 mg/L. Fan et al. (2015) quantified carbaryl
that combines multiple previously correlated variables in the data into residues by using PLSR and SVM models. The results showed that the
a new set of unrelated comprehensive variables in the form of linear carbaryl levels in apples can be predicted by PLSR (R2 = 0.983) or
combination to reduce the number of new variables and contain many SVM (R2 = 0.986) with low root mean square errors (0.48 μg/g or
information (Wold et al., 1987). Zhang et al. (2015) used PCA, DCT, 0.44 μg/g) and a high ratio of performance to deviation value (7.71 or
and NMF to extract features of thiram SERS spectra and established par- 8.11).
tial least squares regression (PLSR) and support vector machine (SVM) Deep learning methods, such as recurrent neural network,
regression models. The results showed that PCA and NMF had the best stacked auto encoder, deep belief network, convolutional neural
effect in PLSR and SVM models, respectively. By combining NMF with al- network (CNN), and multi-layer perceptron (MLP), have achieved
ternate least squares, Hong et al. (2017) successfully realized the trace great results in speech recognition, visual object recognition, and
detection of antibiotics and their metabolites in water. object detection (LeCun et al., 2015). Nowadays, many of these
The simplest variable selection method is manual interception, but it methods are applied to analyze Raman spectrum. Dong et al.
relies on experience and existing spectral libraries. Correlation coeffi- (2019) proposed a practical CNN model to discriminate the
cient, stepwise regression, spectral peak identification, genetic algo- Raman spectra of human blood and animal blood. The classification
rithms (GA) (Gen and Lin, 2007), uninformative variable elimination accuracy for the calibration set and the test set was 100% and
(UVE) (Koshoubu et al., 2000), competitive adaptive reweighted sam- 96.33%, respectively. A novel approach entitled deep learning-
pling (CARS) (Li et al., 2009), successive projection algorithm (SPA) based component identification (DeepCID) was proposed to iden-
(Pontes et al., 2005), and interval partial least squares (iPLS) tify the mixtures. CNN models were established to predict the pres-
(Norgaard et al., 2000) are the frequently used automatic selection ence of components in mixtures. The studies DeepCID can learn
methods. Lavine et al. (2001) used GA to extract the characteristics of spectral features and identify components in both simulated and
the Raman profile of each wood type and achieved rapid classification real Raman spectral datasets of mixtures with high accuracy (Fan
of different woods. Li et al. (2015) used SPA to extract the Raman char- et al., 2019). Among these modeling algorithms, the linear methods
acteristic wavenumbers of lead chrome green in tea, greatly simplifying include MLP, PLSR, PCR, LDA, and NB, and the nonlinear methods
the model. In the quantitative analysis of furfural oil soluble substances, include ANN and CNN. In addition, machine learning methods are
Chen et al. (2018) utilized CARS to select the optimal combination of generally suitable for analyzing small-scale data, while deep learn-
spectroscopy that mostly reflects the chemical operations of concern. ing is an effective and simple method for analyzing large-scale
UVE and iPLS were employed to obtain the informative variables of data. Therefore, appropriate modeling methods can be selected ac-
azithromycin tablets from Raman spectrum for improving the model cording to the size of the data during data processing.
performance, achieving a classification accuracy of up to 0.96 (Li et al., In summary, the different analysis methods have different ef-
2011). fects, and the selection of suitable analysis methods for the ob-
After noise reduction, feature extraction, or variable selection, the tained spectra is important. In regard to the analysis of a large
modeling algorithms are then adopted to build the classification and re- amount of SERS spectra, the deep learning methods may show su-
gression models for category identification and quantity determination perior performance. However, with the aid of lightweight deep
of analytes. The spectral classification methods include K-means clus- learning networks, good results can still be obtained for routine
tering algorithm (KCA), k-nearest neighbor method (KNN), Linear spectral analysis.
8 S. Weng et al. / Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 3 (2019) 1–10

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