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J Clin Periodontol 2003; 30: 644–654 Copyright r Blackwell Munksgaard 2003

Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved

Donna L. Mager,
Distribution of selected bacterial Laurie Ann Ximenez-Fyvie,
Anne D. Haffajee and

species on intraoral surfaces Sigmund S. Socransky

Department of Periodontology, The Forsyth
Institute, Boston, MA, USA

Mager DL, Ximenez-Fyvie LA, Haffajee AD, Socransky SS: Distribution of selected
bacterial species on intraoral surfaces. J Clin Periodontol 2003; 30: 644–654.
r Blackwell Munksgaard, 2003.

Background/aim: To examine the proportions of 40 bacterial species in samples from
8 oral soft tissue surfaces and saliva in systemically healthy adult subjects and to
compare these microbiotas with those of supra- and subgingival plaque.
Methods: Microbial samples were taken from 8 oral soft tissue surfaces of 225
systemically healthy subjects using a ‘‘buccal brush’’. Saliva was taken by
expectoration. Forty-four of these subjects provided additional supra- and subgingival
plaque samples. Samples were individually evaluated for their content of 40 bacterial
species using checkerboard DNA–DNA hybridization. The percentage of total DNA
probe count was determined for each species, at each sample location and averaged
across subjects. The significance of differences among the proportions of the 40 test
species at different sample locations was sought in the 225 and 44 subjects separately
using the Quade test and adjusted for multiple comparisons. Cluster analysis was
performed using the proportions of the 40 species at the different sample locations
using the minimum similarity coefficient and an average unweighted linkage sort. The
proportions of each species were averaged across subjects in the resulting cluster
groups and the significance of differences was tested using the t-test and ANOVA.
Results: Microbial profiles differed markedly among sample locations in the 225
subjects, with 34 of 40 species differing significantly. Proportions of Veillonella
parvula and Prevotella melaninogenica were higher in saliva and on the lateral and
dorsal surfaces of the tongue, while Streptococcus mitis and S. oralis were in
significantly lower proportions in saliva and on the tongue dorsum. Cluster analysis
resulted in the formation of 2 clusters with 485% similarity. Cluster 1 comprised
saliva, lateral and dorsal tongue surfaces, while Cluster 2 comprised the remaining soft
tissue locations. V. parvula, P. melaninogenica, Eikenella corrodens, Neisseria
mucosa, Actinomyces odontolyticus, Fusobacterium periodonticum, F. nucleatum ss
vincentii and Porphyromonas gingivalis were in significantly higher proportions in
Cluster 1 and S. mitis, S. oralis and S. noxia were significantly higher in Cluster 2.
These findings were confirmed using data from the 44 subjects providing plaque
samples. The microbial profiles of supra- and subgingival plaque differed from the
other sample locations, particularly in the increased proportions of the Actinomyces
species. Species of different genera exhibited different proportions on the various
intraoral surfaces, but even within the genus Streptococcus, there were differences in
colonization patterns. S. oralis, S. mitis and S. constellatus colonized the soft tissues
and saliva in higher proportions than the samples from the teeth, while the other 4
streptococcal species examined colonized the dental surfaces in proportions
comparable to the soft tissue locations and saliva.
Conclusions: Proportions of bacterial species differed markedly on different intraoral Key words: soft tissue microbiota; saliva;
surfaces. The microbiota of saliva was most similar to that of the dorsal and lateral periodontal disease; supra- and subgingival
surfaces of the tongue. The microbiotas of the soft tissues resembled each other more plaque; systemically healthy
than the microbiotas that colonized the teeth both above and below the gingival
margin. Accepted for publication: 30 September 2002

The mean surface area of the adult tissues comprise about 20%, 30% hard tissue biofilms, surprisingly little
oral cavity is approximately 215 cm2 and 50% of this surface area respec- is known about the microbiotas that
(Collins & Dawes 1987). The teeth, tively. While a great deal is known colonize approximately 80% of the
keratinized and nonkeratinized soft about the microbial composition of surface area of the oral cavity. Most
Microbiotas of intraoral surfaces 645

studies that examined the microbiota clonal type. Danser et al. (1996) studied Material and Methods
on oral mucous membranes have the effect of SRP and periodontal
Subject population
employed relatively time-consuming surgery on the levels of A. actinomyce-
cultural techniques. For this reason, the temcomitans, P. gingivalis and P. inter- Two hundred and twenty-five systemi-
composition of the oral soft tissue media on the oral mucous membranes cally healthy subjects 418 years of age
microbiota is less well understood using indirect immunofluorescence. with at least 20 teeth were selected for
than that of dental plaque, where Improvement in clinical parameters the study. Periodontally healthy subjects
more studies, subjects, samples and after treatment was accompanied by a had no pocket depth or attachment level
species have been examined often by significant decrease in the subgingival measurements 43 mm, but could have
means of more rapid microbiological prevalence of the 3 putative periodontal gingival inflammation. Periodontally
techniques. pathogens, but essentially no reduction diseased subjects had at least 4 sites
Studies that have sought the presence in the prevalence of the test bacteria with pocket depths 44 mm and 4 sites
of specific bacterial species on different on the oral mucous membranes. with attachment level measurements
oral soft tissue surfaces have been The studies of Muller et al. (1995, 44 mm. Subjects were excluded if they
motivated, primarily, because of possi- 1997) and Asikainen et al. (1991) had received antibiotic therapy within
ble associations of soft tissue residents demonstrated that A. actinomycetemco- the previous 3 months, had any systemic
with various clinical conditions includ- mitans could be detected on the tongue condition that could affect the host’s
ing oral malodor, dental caries and dorsum, buccal mucosa and in saliva. periodontal status (e.g. diabetes, AIDS),
periodontal diseases. A number of Although no difference in the detection had any condition that would require
studies have shown that soft tissue rate of A. actinomycetemcomitans was antibiotics for monitoring or treatment
surfaces harbor periodontal pathogens found between periodontally healthy procedures (e.g. heart conditions, joint
(van Winkelhoff et al. 1986, Dahlen and diseased subjects, A. actinomyce- replacements), or had mucosal lesions,
et al. 1992, Loos et al. 1992, Bosy et al. temcomitans was recovered more previous chemotherapy, radiation ther-
1994, De Boever & Loesche 1995, often on soft tissues and in saliva than apy or medications that cause xerosto-
Muller et al. 1995, 1997, Quirynen in plaque samples (Asikainen et al. mia. Subjects were chosen from the
et al. 1995, 1998, Matto et al. 1996a,b, 1991). patient pool at The Forsyth Institute.
1998, Lee et al. 1999). For example, Studies of oral malodor have con- The purpose and nature of the study
van Winkelhoff et al. (1986) character- tributed to our understanding of micro- including the types of clinical measure-
ized the microbiotas of the tongue and bial colonization of oral soft tissues, ments and sample collection were ex-
tonsils using culture and phase contrast particularly the dorsum of the tongue. plained to all potential subjects. After
microscopy. They showed that spiro- These studies indicated that a wide reading and signing the consent form,
chetes, motile organisms and black- range of species including Treponema the subjects were entered into the study.
pigmented species such as Prevotella denticola, P. gingivalis, Bacteroides
intermedia colonized the tongue. forsythus, Prevotella melaninogenica,
Further, there was an association P. intermedia, Fusobacterium, Strepto- Clinical monitoring
between periodontal breakdown and coccus, Lactobacillus, Rothia, Capno-
the presence of these organisms on cytophaga, and Actinomyces spp. could After initial screening for suitability and
the tongue, suggesting that the tongue be found in samples taken from the obtaining informed consent, subjects
could serve as a significant ecological tongue (Bosy et al. 1994, De Boever & were clinically and microbiologically
habitat for periodontal pathogens. Dah- Loesche 1995). Further, sulfate-redu- monitored. Clinical measurements were
len et al. (1992) examined the tongue of cing bacteria, which may contribute to taken at 6 sites per tooth (mesiobuccal,
periodontally diseased and nondiseased oral malodor, were found in samples buccal, distobuccal, distolingual, lingual
young adult Kenyan subjects for the taken from the tongue as well as the and mesiolingual) at all teeth excluding
presence of 7 putative periodontal hard palate and vestibulum (Langendijk third molars (a maximum of 168 sites
pathogens. All test species including et al. 1999). per subject) at a baseline visit (Haffajee
Porphyromonas gingivalis, P. interme- The above studies suggest that soft et al. 1983). The clinical parameters
dia, Campylobacter rectus and Actino- tissues may serve as reservoirs for measured were gingival redness (0 or
bacillus actinomycetemcomitans could infection or reinfection of the period- 1), pocket depth (mm), bleeding on
be detected in samples from both groups ontium and may deserve therapeutic probing (0 or 1), suppuration (0 or 1),
of subjects, although P. gingivalis was attention (Quirynen et al. 2001). How- attachment level (mm) and plaque
detected significantly more frequently ever, to date there have been few accumulation (0 or 1). Saliva, oral
in the tongue samples from the period- investigations of a broad range of mucosa and supra- and subgingival
ontally diseased subjects. In another bacterial species in multiple hard plaque samples for microbiological
study of P. gingivalis, Loos et al. and soft tissue samples taken from the assessment were taken prior to the
(1992) analyzed saliva and microbial same subjects. Thus, the purpose of clinical measurements. The mean base-
samples from the tongue dorsum, the present investigation was to exam- line clinical parameters for the 225
tonsil and attached gingiva of 8 adult ine the proportions of 40 bacterial systemically healthy subjects are shown
subjects with untreated periodontitis species in samples from 8 oral soft in Table 1. Two hundred and twenty-
and 1 patient with an untreated infected tissue surfaces and saliva in systemi- five subjects provided soft tissue sam-
root canal. Their data indicated that cally healthy adult subjects. In addition, ples and 44 of these subjects also
P. gingivalis could colonize multiple the microbiotas from the soft tissue provided samples of supra- and sub-
ecological sites and that subjects surfaces were compared with samples of gingival plaque taken separately from
could be infected with more than one supra- and subgingival plaque. each tooth.
646 Mager et al.

Table 1. Mean (7SD) baseline clinical characteristics of the 225 systemically healthy subjects chemifluorescence detection. Signals
and the subset of 44 subjects providing plaque samples were detected using AttoPhos substrate
Soft tissue samples only Soft and hard tissue samples (Amersham Life Science, Arlington
Heights, IL, USA) and were read using
N 225 44 a Storm Fluorimager (Molecular Dy-
age (years) 40716 43716 namics, Sunnyvale, CA, USA), a com-
number of missing teeth 2.072.3 1.972.2 puter-linked instrument that read the
% males 42 41 intensity of the fluorescent signals
mean pocket depth (mm) 2.770.7 2.770.5
resulting from the probe–target hybridi-
mean attachment level (mm) 2.671.1 2.671.0
zation. Two lanes in each run contained
% of sites with standards at concentrations of 105 and
plaque accumulation 65743 87761 106 cells of each species. The sensitivity
gingival redness 53731 62738 of the assay was adjusted to permit the
bleeding on probing 23721 29722 detection of 104 cells of a given species
by adjusting the concentration of each
DNA probe. Signals evaluated using the
Collection of samples Samples of supra- and subgingival Storm Fluorimager were converted to
plaque were obtained from up to 28 absolute counts by comparison with the
Subjects expectorated whole saliva into teeth in each of the subset of 44 standards on the same membrane. Fail-
sterile Eppendorf microcentrifuge tubes. subjects. After drying and isolation with ure to detect a signal was recorded as
A 0.2 ml sample of whole saliva was cotton rolls, supragingival plaque was zero.
vortexed with 0.15 ml sterile, filtered sampled from the mesiobuccal aspect of
Tris EDTA buffer (TE; 10 mM Tris- each tooth using sterile Gracey curettes. Data analysis
HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.6). A 0.2 ml Each plaque sample was placed in
sample of this mixture was taken individual tubes containing 150 ml of Data available for all subjects were the
and 0.1 ml of 0.5 M NaOH added. TE buffer. After removal of the supra- counts of 40 bacterial species in saliva
Subsequently, microbial samples of 8 gingival sample and any remaining and from 8 different oral mucous
soft tissue sites were taken from each supragingival plaque, subgingival pla- membrane locations. In addition, sam-
subject. Each mucosal sample was que samples were taken from the same ples of supragingival and separately
collected using a MasterAmpt buccal sites (i.e., the mesiobuccal aspect of subgingival plaque from all teeth, ex-
swab brush (Epicentre Technologies, each tooth) using sterile Gracey curettes cluding third molars, were available
Madison, WI, USA). The soft tissue and placed in similar individual tubes from 44 subjects. For the plaque sam-
samples were obtained by gently strok- also containing 150 ml of TE buffer. All ples, the total DNA probe count for each
ing each site in an area large enough to samples from all subjects were indivi- species was computed at each sampled
yield sufficient numbers of microorgan- dually analyzed for their content of 40 site in each subject and averaged to
isms to examine. The size of the area bacterial species using the checkerboard provide a single supra- and subgingival
and length of sampling time were DNA–DNA hybridization technique. value for each species for each subject.
location dependent. Soft tissue sites The 40 bacterial species studied are The proportion (percentage of the DNA
examined were 3 areas of the tongue, listed in Fig. 1. probe count) that each species com-
dorsum, lateral, and ventral surfaces, the prised of the total DNA probe count at
floor of the mouth, buccal mucosa, hard each sample location was computed.
palate, anterior vestibule and mucosa of The significance of differences among
Microbiological assessment
the maxillary and mandibular lips, and the proportions of the 40 test species
the maxillary anterior attached gingiva. Samples were evaluated using a mod- in saliva and at the 8 mucous membrane
Sampling areas and times were as ification (Haffajee et al. 1997) of the locations in the 225 subjects were
follows: 1 cm2 of the center of the checkerboard DNA–DNA hybridization sought using the Quade test and
dorsum tongue for 5 s, full length of technique (Socransky et al. 1994). The adjusted for multiple comparisons
both sides of the lateral tongue for 5 s samples were lysed and the DNA placed (Socransky et al. 1991). A similar
each, and the entire ventral tongue for in lanes on a nylon membrane using a analysis was performed comparing
10 s. The right and left sides of the floor Minislot device (Immunetics, Cam- saliva, supra- and subgingival plaque
of the mouth required 10 s each. The bridge, MA, USA). After fixation of and the 8 oral soft tissue locations
right and left buccal mucosas required the DNA to the membrane, the mem- in samples from the 44 subjects who
sampling the entire area of both sides brane was placed in a Miniblotter 45 provided plaque samples.
for 10 s each, without touching the (Immunetics) with the lanes of DNA at Cluster analysis was performed on
teeth. The entire hard palate was 901 to the lanes of the device. Digox- the proportions of the 40 species at the
sampled for 10 s. The vestibule/lip was igenin-labeled whole genomic DNA different sample locations in the 225
sampled 10 s each for the maxillary and probes to 40 bacterial species were subjects. Similarities were computed
mandibular areas. Finally, the attached hybridized in individual lanes of the using the minimum similarity coeffi-
gingiva of the maxillary anterior was Miniblotter. After hybridization, the cient (Socransky et al. 1982) and sorted
sampled for 10 s. Soft tissue samples membranes were washed at high strin- using an average unweighted linkage
were placed into individual tubes con- gency and the DNA probes detected sort (Sneath & Sokal 1973). The
taining 150 ml of TE buffer to which using antibody to digoxigenin conju- proportions of each species were aver-
100 ml of 0.5 M NaOH was added. gated with alkaline phosphatase and aged across subjects in the different
Microbiotas of intraoral surfaces 647

Fig. 1. Mean percentage DNA probe count (7SEM) for samples from the 8 oral soft tissue locations and saliva taken from 225 systemically
healthy adult subjects. Species are ordered according to their mean proportions in saliva. Significance of differences among sample locations
was determined using the Quade test and adjusted for multiple comparisons (Socransky et al. 1991). The shaded bars represent species that
showed particularly marked differences among sample locations.

cluster groups and the significance of

differences was tested using the t-test
and ANOVA. The analysis was repeated
using the data from the 44 subjects who
provided plaque samples.

Comparison of soft tissue samples and

Fig. 1 presents the mean percentage of

the DNA probe count of samples from
the 8 intraoral mucous membrane loca-
tions and saliva in the 225 subjects. The
microbial profiles differed markedly
among sample locations, with 34 of 40
species differing significantly among
sample locations even after adjusting for
40 comparisons. In particular, proportions Fig. 2. Dendrogram of a cluster analysis of the mean species proportions from the 9 sample
of Veillonella parvula and P. melanino- locations. A minimum similarity coefficient was employed and an average unweighted
linkage sort. Two clusters were formed at 485% similarity.
genica were higher in saliva and on the
lateral and dorsal surfaces of the tongue,
while Streptococcus mitis and S. oralis
were in significantly lower proportions Two clusters were formed with 485% the 2 cluster groups are shown in Fig. 3.
in saliva and on the tongue dorsum similarity. One cluster comprised saliva, V. parvula, P. melaninogenica, Eikenel-
compared with the other sampled sites. and the lateral and dorsal tongue la corrodens, Neisseria mucosa, Acti-
Cluster analysis was performed to surfaces, while a second cluster was nomyces odontolyticus, Fusobacterium
seek similarities in microbial profiles made up of the remaining soft tissue periodonticum, F. nucleatum ss vincen-
among the 9 sample locations (Fig. 2). locations. The species that differentiated tii and P. gingivalis were in significantly
648 Mager et al.

Fig. 3. Mean microbial proportions (7SEM) of the 2 clusters in Fig. 2. The left panel indicates mean percentage of the 40 bacterial species of
the saliva and lateral surface and dorsum of the tongue cluster (Cluster 1), while the right panel presents the mean proportions of the 40
bacterial species at the 6 remaining sampled surfaces (Cluster 2). Significance of differences between cluster groups was determined using the
t-test: npo0.05; nnpo0.01; nnnpo0.001. The shaded bars represent the species that were significantly higher in proportion in a given cluster.

higher proportions in Cluster 1 (saliva– morbillorum. Cluster analysis of the 11 in high proportions on the lateral and
lateral–dorsal tongue) compared with sample locations reaffirmed the 2 clus- dorsal surfaces of the tongue and in low
Cluster 2 (the remaining soft tissue ters observed in Fig. 2 and indicated that proportions on the hard tissues and hard
locations). In contrast, the mean propor- samples of supra- and subgingival palate. The periodontal pathogen B.
tions of S. mitis, S. oralis and Seleno- plaque differed markedly in composi- forsythus was found in highest propor-
monas noxia were significantly higher tion from the other locations (Fig. 5). tions in subgingival plaque, while
in Cluster 2 than Cluster 1. The species that differed among cluster Leptotrichia buccalis was found in
groups are presented in Fig. 6. Similar similar proportions in all sample loca-
to the individual locations, the hard tions. Even within a genus such as
Comparison of soft tissue samples, saliva tissue biofilm samples (Cluster A) were Streptococcus, there were differences in
and samples of supra- and subgingival
dominated by Actinomyces species, colonization patterns (Fig. 8). S. oralis,
Cluster B (saliva–lateral–dorsal tongue) S. mitis and S. constellatus colonized
The mean percentage of the DNA probe by P. melaninogenica and V. parvula, the soft tissues and saliva in higher
count of samples from the 8 intraoral and Cluster C (remaining soft tissue proportions than the samples from the
mucous membrane locations, saliva and locations) by S. mitis, S. oralis, Strepto- teeth. The other 4 streptoccocal species
supra- and subgingival plaque in a coccus constellatus, Capnocytophaga colonized the dental surfaces in propor-
subset of 44 of the 225 subjects is gingivalis and G. morbillorum. tions comparable to the soft tissue
presented in Fig. 4. Once again there locations and saliva.
were marked differences in microbial
Proportions of specific species at
profiles among the different sample different intraoral locations
locations, with 35 of 40 test species Discussion
differing significantly among groups. In Several of the oral species examined It has been shown that oral bacteria
particular, supra- and subgingival pla- exhibited different proportions on dif- demonstrate specific tropisms toward
que samples harbored significantly ferent intraoral surfaces (Fig. 7). For the different biological surfaces in
higher proportions of Actinomyces spe- example, A. naeslundii genospecies 2 the oral cavity such as the teeth,
cies compared with saliva or the soft was found in high proportions in supra- mucosa and other bacteria (Gibbons
tissue locations. Saliva and the dorsum and subgingival plaque samples but in 1989). The nonshedding surfaces of
of the tongue exhibited the highest low proportions in the soft tissue the teeth offer a far different habitat
proportions of P. melaninogenica. samples and saliva. Eubacterium sabur- than the continually shedding surfaces
These sample sites as well as the lateral reum and to some extent S. mitis of the oral mucosa. Owing to the
surface of the tongue harbored high showed the opposite pattern of coloni- repeated shedding of epithelial cells,
proportions of V. parvula. As shown in zation. These species were found in low there is less time for a complex bio-
Fig. 1, the other soft tissue locations proportions on the hard tissues but in film to develop on soft tissue surfaces;
tended to exhibit high proportions of high proportions on the soft tissue thus, a premium is placed on potent
streptococcal species as well as Gemella surfaces. P. melaninogenica was found mechanisms of adhesion. Clearly, the
Microbiotas of intraoral surfaces 649

Fig. 4. Mean percentage DNA probe count (7SEM) for samples from the 11 intraoral locations in the subset of 44 of the 225 subjects who
provided samples of supra- and subgingival dental plaque. Species are ordered according to their mean proportions in supragingival plaque.
Significance of differences among sample locations was determined using the Quade test and adjusted for multiple comparisons (Socransky
et al. 1991). The shaded bars represent species that showed particularly marked differences among sample locations.

between samples from the hard tissues

and the various intraoral soft tissue
locations and saliva. Actinomyces
species colonized hard tissues at far
higher proportions than soft tissues,
while P. melaninogenica, V. parvula
and S. mitis were found in higher
proportions on soft tissue surfaces.
Supra- and subgingival plaque most
closely resembled each other in micro-
bial composition and the microbiota of
saliva resembled that of the dorsum and
lateral surfaces of the tongue. However,
clear differences were found in the
microbiotas that colonized the different
intraoral soft tissues. Indeed, sites that
might be expected to be nearly identical
in microbial profile were found to be
Fig. 5. Dendrogram of a cluster analysis of the mean species proportions from the 11 sample distinctly different. For example, the
locations. A minimum similarity coefficient was employed and an average unweighted microbiota of the keratinized attached
linkage sort. Three clusters were formed at 475% similarity. Cluster B was more similar to
gingiva might be expected to closely
Cluster C than Cluster A.
resemble that of the keratinized hard
palate, yet it was more similar to that of
differences in habitat and colonization The purpose of the present investiga- the nonkeratinized floor of the mouth.
for the 40 bacterial species studied tion was to compare the proportions of The present investigation demon-
suggest that different intraoral surfaces 40 bacterial species in samples from strated that Actinomyces spp. (especially
and bacterial species have different 8 intraoral soft tissue locations, saliva A. naeslundii genospecies 1 and 2)
receptors and adhesion molecules that and supra- and subgingival plaque. colonized teeth at far greater propor-
dictate the development of biofilms on The results indicated that the major tions than the soft tissues. Members
different oral surfaces. difference in colonization patterns was of this species are known to be a
650 Mager et al.

Fig. 6. Mean microbial proportions (7SEM) of the species in the 3 clusters in Fig. 5. The left panel (Cluster A) indicates mean percentage of
the 40 bacterial species in supra- and subgingival plaque samples; the middle panel presents the mean microbial proportions of species in
Cluster B (saliva, lateral surface and dorsum of the tongue), while the right panel presents the mean proportions of the 40 bacterial species at
the 6 remaining sampled surfaces (Cluster C). Significance of differences among cluster groups was determined using ANOVA: npo0.05;
po0.01; nnnpo0.001. The shaded bars represent the species that were significantly higher in proportion in a given cluster.

Fig. 7. Mean proportion (7SEM) of 6 selected species in samples from the 11 intraoral locations. Significance of differences among sample
locations was determined using the Quade test and adjusted for multiple comparisons (Socransky et al. 1991). The bars are shaded according
to the cluster groups in Fig. 5.
Microbiotas of intraoral surfaces 651

Fig. 8. Mean proportion (7SEM) of 7 Streptococcus species in samples from the 11 intraoral locations. Significance of differences among
sample locations was determined using the Quade test and adjusted for multiple comparisons (Socransky et al. 1991). The bars are shaded
according to the cluster groups in Fig. 5.

heterogeneous group, which can be acidic proline-rich protein structures oral and pharyngeal surfaces by viridans
prominent in dental plaque. Liu et al. and beta-linked galactosamine-inhibita- streptococci. Samples taken from the
(1991) showed that some strains of A. ble coaggregation with selected strains buccal mucosa, tongue dorsum, oro-
naeslundii bind to collagen, a molecule of Streptococcus species. The authors pharynx, supra- and subgingival plaque
present in the matrices of both cemen- suggested that surface-associated adhe- were evaluated culturally for 7 species
tum and dentin. This ability to bind to sion molecules, as well as surface of streptococci. Different species were
collagen may be an important factor in structures (namely fimbriae), may med- associated with specific oral surfaces.
actinomyces colonization at gingival iate the intraoral colonization and dis- For example, IgA1 protease activity was
and subgingival sites. Strains of Actino- tribution of Actinomyces species. associated almost exclusively with
myces spp. differ in their abilities to There were even greater differences streptococcal species colonizing a
attach to salivary components (Gibbons in colonization patterns within the cleaned tooth or buccal mucosal sur-
1989). Stromberg & Boren (1992) genus Streptococcus. Other investiga- face. S. mitis biovar 1 and S. sanguis
suggested that receptor specificities of tors have observed differences in colo- produced IgA1 protease that might
bacterial cell-surface adhesins might nization patterns of species in this facilitate colonization of sites such as
determine the abilities of different genus. van Houte et al. (1971) examined buccal mucosa or the pellicle of a
Actinomyces strains to colonize differ- the adherence of labeled Streptococcus cleaned tooth. In contrast, habitats in
ent oral sites. Hallberg et al. (1998) species to dental plaque and oral which protease activity was unnecessary
found that 102 strains of Actinomyces epithelial surfaces in vivo. The propor- for colonization (mature plaque or
isolated from teeth, buccal mucosa and tions of labeled S. sanguis recovered tongue dorsum) were colonized by S.
tongue in 8 individuals could be classi- from clean teeth or preformed dental mitis biovar 2, Streptococcus gordonii
fied into 3 major groups based on plaques were much higher than those of and S. oralis, species that do not
binding and coaggregation properties. labeled Streptococcus salivarius and produce IgA1 protease. Our findings
A. naeslundii genospecies 1 was found similar to those observed for S. sanguis were similar to those of Frandsen et al.
to be prevalent on teeth, A. naeslundii in naturally occurring oral biofilms. (1991), in that the most prominent
genospecies 2 was the dominant Acti- Proportions of labeled S. salivarius streptococci detected on the buccal
nomyces species on both teeth and were higher than those of S. sanguis mucosa was S. mitis, although we
buccal mucosa, while A. odontolyticus on the dorsum of the tongue but lower did not distinguish between biovars
was the dominant species on the tongue. on the vestibular mucosa. Labeled 1 and 2.
In the present investigation the findings Streptococcus mutans was found in Neeser et al. (1995) showed that S.
were similar, with the exception that lower proportions than S. sanguis and sanguis OMZ 9 bound to human buccal
A. naeslundii genospecies 1 was more S. salivarius on the soft tissue surfaces. epithelial cells in a sialic acid-sensitive
dominant on the buccal mucosa than A. The authors indicated that the relative manner, suggesting that S. sanguis may
naeslundii genospecies 2. Hallberg et al. adherence of the Streptococcus species colonize both hard and soft tissues by
(1991) found that the colonization to the tongue and vestibular mucosa binding to salivary glycoproteins with
patterns of the 3 species correlated well correlated with their proportions found sialic acid residues. In accord with these
with the binding specificities of each naturally in these sites. Frandsen et al. findings, the results of the present
species to beta-linked galactosamine, (1991) investigated the colonization of investigation indicated that S. sanguis
652 Mager et al.

colonized both teeth and soft tissues in cetemcomitans, while subgingival sam- this reason, cluster analyses were per-
comparable proportions. ples may be superior for the detection of formed to reveal similarities and dis-
Sklavounou & Germaine (1980) sug- B. forsythus. Further, in accord with similarities in the colonization patterns
gested that keratinization of epithelial Umeda et al. (1998), our data suggest of oral soft tissues. The similarity
cells was likely to be a significant factor that saliva samples may be a good between microbiotas of saliva and the
in the adherence of oral streptococci. diagnostic indicator of the presence of tongue was expected. However, the
The results of the present investigation periodontal pathogens including P. gin- similarities between some of the tissues
were in contrast to those findings. givalis, P. intermedius, P. nigrescens in Cluster 2 were surprising.
Cluster analysis using a minimum and T. denticola. The present investigation demon-
similarity coefficient found that kerati- In the present investigation, the strated that all of the tested species
nization of epithelial cells did not microbiota of the tongue was found to could be found, on average, on all of the
appear to be a significant factor in the be colonized predominantly by Gram- sampled surfaces. The major differences
adherence of oral bacteria, including negative species including P. melanino- were in the proportions that colonized
streptococci, to the oral mucosa. For genica, V. parvula and C. gingivalis, the different surfaces, suggesting that
example, S. mitis colonized the hard rather than streptococci as reported by receptors, coaggregation or local habitat
palate and buccal mucosa at similar Gordon & Gibbons (1966). However, differences play major roles in defining
proportions, while S. oralis was found at the present study confirms numerous community structure. Nevertheless, cer-
similar proportions on the hard palate reports in the literature that the soft tain locations showed greater microbial
and floor of the mouth, and S. con- tissues, especially the tongue, may similarities than others. The microbial
stellatus was at similar proportions on harbor periodontal pathogens including composition of saliva was most similar
the attached gingiva and ventral tongue. P. gingivalis, T. denticola, A. actinomy- to that found on the lateral and dorsal
In fact, the microbial profile of kerati- cetemcomitans and P. intermedia (van surfaces of the tongue, suggesting that
nized attached gingiva was more similar Winkelhoff et al. 1986, Asikainen et al. these surfaces may be the major source
to that of the buccal mucosa than to that 1991, Dahlen et al. 1992, Bosy et al. of salivary bacteria. The microbiotas
of the hard palate. 1994, De Boever & Loesche 1995). colonizing the remaining surfaces
In accord with many studies in the These data suggest that the soft tissues showed greater similarities to each
literature (Krasse 1953, 1954, Gibbons may be an important reservoir for other, but differences could be detected
et al. 1964, Beighton et al. 1987), the periodontal pathogens and could be a among surface locations. This was
composition of the microbiota in saliva major factor in the recolonization of interesting given that both keratinized
was most closely related to that of the tooth surfaces after periodontal therapy. and nonkeratinized surfaces were repre-
dorsum of the tongue. Krasse (1953, There were limitations to the current sented in this group. The biofilms
1954) examined the levels of S. salivar- investigation. The 40 bacterial species colonizing the teeth were somewhat
ius in plaque, saliva, tongue, vestibule that were examined were those thought similar to each other but quite different
and buccal mucosa samples. S. salivar- to be important in dental plaque. These from the microbiotas on the oral soft
ius was found at higher levels in species have been for many years in tissue surfaces and in saliva. However,
samples of saliva and the tongue than studies examining the composition of as pointed out above, tooth-colonizing
in samples from the vestibule, buccal dental plaque as well as in studies species could be detected on the soft
mucosa and teeth. Gibbons et al. (1964) comparing the therapeutic effects of tissues. Thus, as discussed by many
found that S. salivarius and P. melani- different periodontal treatments. Thus, investigators, the soft tissues may act as
nogenica preferentially colonized the these species were useful for comparing reservoirs for tooth-borne pathogens
tongue and saliva compared with the the microbiotas of oral hard and soft and may require therapeutic attention.
teeth and the buccal mucosa. Other tissues. This battery did not include Soft tissues and saliva may also provide
studies have found similarities between species that may be important members convenient sites for monitoring thera-
the microbiota recovered from the of the soft tissue microbiota such as S. peutic interventions.
tongue and saliva samples. For example, salivarius and Streptococcus vestibu-
Beighton et al. (1987) found that S. laris. Nonetheless, a large number of
mutans levels in tongue samples were subjects, samples and species were Acknowledgments
significantly correlated with levels of examined providing a unique perspec- This work was supported in part by NIH
this species in saliva samples. tive on intraoral patterns of coloniza- Grants K23 DE-00453, DE-12861, DE-
This investigation supports the find- tion. While differences in the 10977, DE-12108.
ings of Asikainen et al. (1991) that A. composition of samples obtained from
actinomycetemcomitans may be found hard and soft tissues were expected, the
as often or more often on soft tissues magnitude of the effect of sample Zusammenfassung
and in saliva than in dental plaque. location on taxa such as the Actino-
Indeed, several investigators have sug- myces or streptococci as well as the Verteilung ausgewählter Bakterienarten auf
gested that oral colonization of a subject differences in the microbial profiles introoralen Oberflächen
by A. actinomycetemcomitans could be obtained from different soft tissue Zielsetzung: Untersuchung der Anteile von
successfully determined by using oral surfaces were not anticipated. Although 40 Bakterienarten in Proben von 8 oralen
mucosa or saliva samples (Muller et al. our results showed that the proportions Weichgewebsoberflächen und aus dem Speichel
von allgemein gesunden Erwachsenen und
1995, Eger et al. 1996, Zoller et al. of 34 of 40 bacterial species differed Vergleich mit der Verteilung dieser Mikroorga-
1996). Our data indicate that saliva or significantly, some of the species were nismen in supra- und subgingivaler Plaque.
the tongue dorsum may be the best sites found at such low proportions that they Methoden: Mikrobiologische Proben wurden
to sample the presence of A. actinomy- may have no clinical significance. For von 8 oralen Oberflächen bei 225 allgemein
Microbiotas of intraoral surfaces 653

gesunden Personen mittels einer Bukkalbürste Résumé des dents tandis que les quatre autres espèces
gewonnen. Speichel wurde durch Spucken de streptocoques examinées colonisaient les
gewonnen. Von 44 dieser Personen wurden Re´partition d’espèces bacte´riennes se´lection- surfaces dentaires dans des proportions compar-
zusätzlich supra- und subgingivale Plaquepro- ne´es sur les surfaces intrabuccales ables aux localisations des tissus mous et de la
ben entnommen. Die Proben wurden einzeln Le but de cet examen a été de calculer les salive. Les proportions d’espèces bactériennes
auf ihren Gehalt von 40 Bakterienarten mittels proportions de 40 espèces bactériennes prove- différaient énormément sur les sites intrabuc-
der Schachbrett-DNS-DNS-Hybridisierung un- nant d’échantillons de huit surfaces de tissu caux respectifs. Le microbiote de la salive était
tersucht. Der prozentuale Anteil an der Gesamt mou et de la salive chez des adultes sains et de très semblable à celui des surfaces dorsales et
DNS-Sondenzahl wurde für jede Art an jeder comparer ces microbiotypes à ceux de la plaque latérales de la langue. Les microbiotes des
Stelle bestimmt und pro Person gemittelt. sus- et sous-gingivale. Des échantillons micro- tissus mous se ressemblaient les uns aux autres,
Signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Ante- biens ont été prélevés de huit surfaces buccales davantage que les microbiotes qui colonisaient
ilen der 40 Testspezies an den unterschiedlichen de tissu mou chez 225 patients sains au point de les dents tant en sus- qu’en sous-gingival.
Entnahmestellen wurde für die 225 und 44 vue systémique utilisant une ‘‘brosse buccale’’.
Personen separat mittels des Quade-Tests nach La salive a été prélevée par expectoration.
Korrektur für multiple Testung bestimmt. Eine Quarante-quatre des sujets ont également donné
Clusteranalyse wurde mit den Anteilen der 40 de la plaque sus- et sous-gingivale. Les References
Bakterienarten an den verschiedenen Entnah- échantillons ont été évalués individuellement
mestellen mittels eines Minimum-Ähnlichkeits- Asikainen, S., Alaluusua, S. & Saxen, L. (1991)
pour leur teneur en 40 espèces bactériennes
Koeffizienten und einer durchschnittlichen un- Recovery of A. actinomycetemcomitans from
utilisant l’hybridisation ADN-ADN par damier.
gewichteten Verbindungsortierung durchge- teeth, tongue, and saliva. Journal of Period-
Le pourcentage du comptage par sonde ADN
führt. Die Anteile jeder Bakterienart wurden ontology 62, 203–206.
total a été déterminé pour chaque espèce, à
für jede Person in den sich ergebenden chaque localisation et leur moyenne a été Beighton, D., Rippon, H. R. & Thomas, H. E.
Clustergruppen gemittelt und die Signifikanz calculée parmi les patients. La signification (1987) The distribution of Streptococcus
der Unterschiede mittels t-Test und ANOVA des différences parmi les proportions des 40 mutans serotypes and dental caries in a
bestimmt. espèces testées à différents endroits a été group of 5- to 8- year-old Hampshire
Ergebnisse: Die mikrobiologischen Profile examinée chez les 225 et 44 sujets séparément schoolchildren. British Dental Journal 162,
unterschieden sich deutlich zwischen den un- utilisant le test de Quade et ajustée pour les 103–106.
terschiedlichen Entnahmestellen bei den 225 Bosy, A., Kulkarni, G. V., Rosenberg, M. &
comparaisons multiples. L’analyse par groupe a
Personen, wobei sich für 34 von 40 Bakter- McCullock, C. A. G. (1994) Relationship of
été effectuée à l’aide des proportions des 40
ienarten signifikante Unterschiede ergaben. Die oral malodor to periodontitis: evidence of
espèces aux différentes localisations des échan-
Anteile von V. parvula und P. melaninogenica independence in discrete subpopulations.
tillons avec le coëfficient de similarité minimale
waren im Speichel und an den lateralen und Journal of Periodontology 65, 37–46.
et une relation de moyenne non-pondérée. La
dorsalen Flächen der Zunge höher, während S. Collins, L. M. C. & Dawes, C. (1987) The
moyenne des proportions de chaque espèce a
mitis und S. oralis in signifikant geringeren
été calculée parmi les sujets dans les groupes surface area of the adult human mouth and
Anteilen im Speichel und am Zungenrücken
résultant, et la signification des différences thickness of the salivary film covering the
gefunden wurden. Die Clusteranalyse ergab 2
testées via le test-t et ANOVA. Les profils teeth and oral mucosa. Journal of Dental
Cluster mit 4 85% Ähnlichkeit; Cluster 1
bestand aus Speichel, seitlichen und dorsalen microbiens différaient extrêmement parmi les Research 66, 1300–1303.
Zungenflächen, während Cluster 2 die übrigen localisations de l’échantillonnage chez les 225 Dahlen, G., Manji, F., Baelum, V. & Fejerskov,
Gewebeoberflächen umfasste. V. parvula, P. sujets avec 34 des 40 espèces différant O. (1992) Putative periodontopathogens in
melaninogenica, E. corrodens, N. mucosa, A. significativement. Les proportions de V. parvu- ‘‘diseased’’ and ‘‘non-diseased’’ persons
odontolyticus, F. periodonticum, F. nucleatum la et P. melaninogenica étaient plus importantes exhibiting poor oral hygiene. Journal of
ss vincentii und P. gingivalis wurden zu dans la salive et sur les surfaces latérales et Clinical Periodontology 19, 35–42.
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S. mitis, S. oralis und S. noxia in Cluster 2 oralis se retrouvaient dans des proportions Winkelhoff, A. J. & van der Velden, U.
gefunden. Diese Ergebnisse wurden durch significativement inférieures dans la salive et (1996) The effect of periodontal treatment on
die Daten der 44 Patienten, von denen Plaque- sur le dos de la langue. L’analyse par groupe periodontal bacteria on the oral mucous
proben genommen wurden, bestätigt. Die résultait dans la formation de deux groupes avec membranes. Journal of Periodontology 67,
mikrobiologischen Profile der supra- und sub- 485% de similarité : le groupe 1 comprenait la 478–485.
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insbesondere hinsichtlich der erhöhten Anteile langue tandis que le groupe 2 comprenait les Assessing the contribution of anaerobic
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