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42, 1fone micrometeorte(a sphere witha diameter of ‘each second, itwould take many years to cover the ‘moon with micrometeorites toa depth of 1.0m, Consider a cubic box, 1.0m on aside, on the moon. Estimate how long it would take to completely fill he box with micrometeortes, a. The rads of the planet Saturn 18 6.03 x 107m, and 1.0% 10-m) struck each square meter ofthe moon Its mass fs 5.68 x 10° kg a. Find the density of Satur its mass divided by its volume) in grams per cubic centimeter. (The volume ofa spheres given by 4 x72) 1, Find the surface area of Satur in sqiare meters. (The surface area ofa sphere is given by 4x72) 43, One cubic centimeter (1.0cm®) of water has a mass of, 1.0 x 10- kg at 25°C, Determine the mass of 1.0m! of water at 25°C. “44, Assuming biological substances are 90 percent water ‘and the density of water is 1.0 x 10° kg/m?, estimate ‘the masses (density multiplied by volume) ofthe following 2a, aspherical cell witha diameter of 1.0 um (volume = 4 zr) b, ally, which €an be approximated by a eylinder 40mm longand 2.0mm in diameter (volume = fer2) Ch2 Mixed Review = 33. Ifthe average speed of an orbiting space shuttle is 27 800 km/h, determine the time tequited for it t©_—§ A mBMImmIm1]N$T circle Earth. Assume that the shuttle is orbiting about 2 Qtr 320.0 km above Earth's surface, and that Earth’s S _ dislwe 276e radius is 6380 km. tine EB 4-21tr . m(6z00 ) ia eee seed 24800 | ] ta eh 34, A ball is thrown directly upward into the air. The ‘graph below shows the vertical position of the ball with respect to time. =O.9 * a. How much time does the ball take to reach its maximum height? b. How much time does the ball take to reach +=0 Sec , tr03e one-half its maximum height? Sec ©. Estimate the slope of Ay/Atat t= 0.05, t = 0.10, t=0.15s, and t = 0.20s. Onyour paper, drawa =) yy) =? =5 05 coordinate system with velocity (v) on the y-axis and time (t) on the x-axis, Plot your velocity — 10,2103) foros op) —_ estimates against time. , 4. From your graph, determine what the acceleration, =O on the balls. We 2l=0'F4 _ 0 O8 o-B—O 0.05 OTe we m= =1.9 — OL _ . 005 0.10 015 020 025 030 035 040 Time (6) 35. Atrain travels between stations 1 and 2, as shown below. The engineer of the train is instructed to start from rest at station 1 and accelerate uniformly between points A and B, then coast with a uniform velocity between points B and C, and finally acceler- ate uniformly between points C and D until the train stops at station 2, The distances AB, BC, and CD are all equal, and it takes 5.00 min to travel between the two stations. Assume that the uniform accelerations have the same magnitude, even when they are opposite in direction. a. How much of this 5.00 min period does the train spend between points A and B? b. How much of this 5.00 min period does the train spend between points B and C? c. How much of this 5.00 min period does the train spend between points C and D? Station 2 Station 4 36. Two students are on a balconf 19. above the street. One student throws a ball vertically downward at 14.7 m/s. Atthe same instant, the other student throws a ball vertically upward at the same speed. The second ball just misses the balcony on the way down. a. What is the difference in the time the balls spend, in the air? b. What is the velocity of each ball as it strikes the ground? ¢, How far apart are the balls 0.800 s after they are thrown WD A jevited gt Ll _ rs dy eby = 146-4 seat a 2 ad Ve mo N Le 4 Adee eae quy2 4.4 —ldet~|4,620 fta4 = 0 bbedal= 23sec f VT — f Balt Nf CathZ np 2, + 29 AY f CERIO) Cte) Up rues ® Aye - Ae at $4) 2) L = leben Cn cee B.6-(-l4-9) = 28-3 37. A rocket moves upward, starting from rest with an acceleration of +29.4 m/s? for 3.98 s. It runs out of fuel at the end of the 3.98 s but does not stop. How high does it rise above the ground? EO we 444 40. A small fish is dropped by a pelican that is rising steadily at 0.50 m/s a. After 2.5 s, what is the velocity ofthe fish? b. How far below the pelican is the fish after 2.5 s? 205m, =9- Be bare 9 s* 4 2 se Rea > S ees Gig a aa ataacaata Ont a muha = Liatg —- =OBHAQCI eV yy | ° =-24Mm aot ea by ay gat a () 4 05 (os yal95 NS 38. Two cars travel westward along a straight highway, wes Wrat = 29.4 (3.18)= IPM Dye Vi tta9 5 Tones Saad one ata constant velocity of83 km/h, andthe other ar —————pyt-J "ge SES 2k ‘constant velocity of 115 km/h. by =- 4m a Assuming that both cars start at the same point, _ a how much sooner does the faster car arrive ata destination 16 km away? £0 = Ee b. How far must the cars travel for the faster car to [Sea arrive 15 min before the slower car? OSE ST Mie bso.h Ss 8s Co.8 tazibe o-(4h 4 =O6.0 [Qo sec - is descending steadily dt 1.3 m)¥. After 2.5 s, what is the velocity of the first-aid kit, and how faris the kit below the climber? 39. A small first-aid kit is coped rock climber who x CO x6 [PL Bun vee cat : By climber fe DE SA spel (4 | yew wes} Nes = 95.8.0) by =-1'3(2-S ) ga-t Sty S* Bye ve a }t w =—3.2 4c-3- LS— (-33 ASI ase Ay= (cise) (2S) +24 43, Anice sled powered by a rocket engine starts from rest on a large frozen lake and accelerates at +13.0 m/s?, Att, the rocket engine is shut down and ) the sted moves with constant velocity v until t,. ‘The total distance traveled by the sled is 5.30 x 10° m —___ and the total time is 90.0 s, Find t,, t, and v. 44, Atthe 5800 m mark, the sled in the previous question begins to accelerate at ~7.0 m/s?, Use your answers from item 43 to answer the following questions. a. What is the final position of the sled when it ¢ome§. —AAH$a OA to rest? b, How long does it take for the sled to come to rest? 45, A tennis ball with a velocity of +10.0 m/s to the right is thrown perpendicularly at a wall. After striking the wall, the ball rebounds in the opposite direction with a velocity of —8.0 m/s to the left. Ifthe ball is in contact with the wall for 0.012 s, what is the average acceleration of the ball while itis in contact with the wall? 41, A ranger ina national park is driving at 36 km/h when, ‘a deer jumps onto the road 65m ahead of the vehicle. After a reaction time of rs, the ranger applies the brakes to produce an acceleration of —3.0 m/s®. What is the maximum reaction time allowed ifthe ranger is to avoid hitting the deer? 42. A speeder passes a parked police carat 30.0 m/s. ‘The police car starts from rest with a uniform acceleration of 2.44 m/s?. a. How much time passes before the speeder is. overtaken by the police car? b. How far does the speeder get before being over- taken by the police car?

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