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ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Prepared by: Engr. Gloria N. Ramos

E-mail Address:

Central Luzon State University

Science City of Muñoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines

Instructional Module for the Course

ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Module 2
Topic 2. The ABE Program and the Profession

In this Module, we will focus on helping you appreciate the Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering program and its curriculum. At the same time, the
four basic areas of specialization of the ABE program will be presented to
help you in choosing your field of specialization upon the conduct of your
thesis or study during the last year in the program. And lastly, you will be
given an insight on what opportunities are waiting for you after finishing the
program and once become a License Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer.

ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

I. Discussion


What is BSABE?

The BSABE program is designed to produce graduates who process knowledge, skills, and
attitudes in the application of engineering science and designs to the processes and systems
involved in the sustainable production, post production, and processing of safe food, feed,
fiber, timber and other agricultural and biological materials; the efficient utilization,
conservation and management of natural and renewable resources; and the development of
climate change mitigation measures, in order to enhance human health in harmony with the
environment. Agricultural and Biosystems (AB) consists of crops, poultry, livestock,
fisheries and aquaculture resources, forestry and other plants, new and renewable energy,
wastes, natural resources and climate. It has a board examination. Students have the option
whether to complete an On the Job Training (OJT) or prepare an undergraduate thesis paper.

Program Educational Objectives

After 3-5 years, the graduates of the BSABE Program shall:
1. provide leadership in planning, implementing, and monitoring ABE projects and
2. occupy supervisory positions in private and public organizations; locally and
3. own and/or manage ABE-based business enterprises;
4. pursue advance studies in ABE and emerging related fields; and
5. occupy responsible positions in ABE education;

Program Outcomes
By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the ability to:
a. apply knowledge of mathematics & science to solve complex AB engineering
b. design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
c. design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints in accordance with standards;
d. function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
e. identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems;
f. understand professional and ethical responsibility;
g. communicate effectively complex AB engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large;
h. understand the impact of AB engineering solutions in a global, economic,
environmental and societal context;
i. recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning;
ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
j. know contemporary issues;
k. use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for AB engineering
l. know and understand engineering and management principles as a member and leader
of a team, and to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment; and
m. understand at least one specialized field of ABE practice.

Subjects and Curriculum

The subjects in the BSAE curriculum are divided into the following categories:
 General Education Courses: General Biology, Logic and Ethics, Philippine
Literature in English, Environmental Science, Agricultural Entrepreneurship and
 Basic Engineering Courses: Common Basic Engineering (Parametric Solid Models,
Drawings and Assemblies, Fundamentals of Civil Engineering Structures,
Refrigeration Engineering, Computer Application in Engineering) and Basic
Engineering Courses for ABE (Introduction to ABE, Engineering Materials, Strength
of Materials, Methods of Engineering Research, Forest Products Engineering,
Engineering Laws,Standards, Contracts and Professional Ethics
 Professional Courses:
 AB Machinery & Power Engineering: Agricultural Power and Bio-based
Energy, Machinery for Production and Bio-based, Agricultural Machinery
Operation and Maintenance, Machine Design and Analysis for Agricultural
and Bio-Production Systems, Advances in Agricultural Mechanization &
Renewable Energy.
 Agricultural Structures and Environment Engineering: Agricultural
Structures Engineering, Bio-environmental Systems Design, Design and
Management of Agricultural and Biosystem Structures, Agro-industrial and
Biosystems Applications of Electric Energy and Electronics, Advances in
Agricultural Structures and Environmental Engineering
 AB Land and Water Resources Engineering: Field Hydrology and
Biometeorology, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Soil and Water
Conservation Engineering, Aquaculture Engineering, Advances in Land and
Water Resources Engineering
 AB Process Engineering: Agricultural Products Process Engineering,Food
and Bio-based Products Process Engineering, Advances in Agricultural and
Bioprocess Engineering
 Undergraduate Seminar
 Thesis/ Field Practice

There are four (4) areas of concentration that the BSABE program is offering:

 Agricultural Power, Energy and Machinery Engineering - concentrates on

teaching students the application of mechanical, physical, biological and electronic

ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
principles to the solution of real-life problems or issues in crop/fruit/vegetable
production and processing
 Bioproducts Process Engineering - teaches students the essentials of handling,
processing, drying and storage of agricultural products
 Land and Water Resources Engineering - an area of Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering that concentrates on the design of systems to control soil erosion and
flooding, development of irrigation systems and consultation of crop nutrition
management and the design of ways to handle storm water and control sediment
 Agricultural Structures and Environmental Engineering - an area of Agricultural
and Biosystems Engineering that includes the planning, design and management of
land and environment, food science and technologies and the conservation of land,
environment and landscape.

Is Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering a profession?

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering is a profession. A graduate of BSABE who passes

the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer Licensure Examination is called a Licensed
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer.

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer licensure examination

To become a Licensed Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer in the Philippines, a graduate of

BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering needs to pass the Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineer Licensure Examination. The examination is conducted by the Board of
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering under the supervision of the Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC). The exam is conducted once a year.
In order to pass the examination, a candidate must obtain a weighted average of at least
70% with no rating below 55% in any subject.

The ABE Specialization shall include, but not limited to, the following:

a. Agricultural and Biosystems Power and Machinery

b. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering;
c. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering;
d. Agricultural and Biosystems Buildings and Structures;
e. Agricultural and Bio-process Engineering;
f. Food Engineering;
g. Renewable/Bio-energy and Farm Electrification;
h. Agricultural and Biological Waste Management;
i. Aquaculture Engineering;
j. Forest Engineering;
k. Agricultural and Biosystems Automation and Instrumentation;
l. Agricultural and Bio-Information System;
ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
m. Agrometeorology; and
n. Agricultural and Biological Resource Conservation and Management.

The Responsibilities and Contributions of ABE for Sustainable

Development in Global Frontiers

 Work in agricultural industry to design structures, equipment and processes

 Work in areas such as power systems and machinery design, structural and
environmental engineering and food and bioprocess engineering
 Develop ways to conserve soil and water
 Improve the processing and storage of agricultural products
 Test products thoroughly for safety issues and defects
 Ensure design systems function reliably and for a long time
 Design products to increase the production of farm products
 Design farmhouses, barns and other shelters
 Create power machine used for tilling, fertilization and harvesting
 Develop pesticide control products and machinery
 Design an electric power system
 Develop ways to use power for curing and drying crops
 Design irrigation, drainage and flood control system

Career Opportunities for BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Graduates

Jobs for Licensed Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer

A. Entry Level Jobs
Jobs requiring no prior to minimal level of experience
 Agricultural Engineer in the Department of Agrarian Reform, other government

and private institutions - performs and supervises engineering work related to the
use and development af agricultural land, buildings, machines and equipment.
 Researcher in government and private agricultural agencies

 Farm supervisors and/or managers of commercial farms - work in either animal

production, dairy or crop production although some work with all the three.
Livestock on farms tends to be pigs, cows or sheep while crops can cover cereals,
oilseed, rape vegetables and salad.
 Agricultural Inspector - ensure that the agricultural entities comply with
government regulations. These workers may review and audit logging, fishing or
farming operations to ensure that all procedures, goods and equipment comply
with safety and health regulations.

ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
 Agricultural Machinery Dealer - sell the equipment used for growing food and
raising animals on farms and ranches. Products include tractors, reapers and
related equipment.
 Sales Engineer - combine technical knowledge with sales skills to provide advice
and support on a range of agricultural products

B. Mid-Level Positions
Require trainings and prior job experience of a few years
 Faculty member of Higher Educational Institutions - teaches agricultural and

biosystems engineering in a college or university; may require a master’s degree

 Agricultural Manager - responsible for the daily planning, organization,
supervision and administration of activities on farm estates.
 Designer/ Manufacturer of Agricultural Machinery - designs, constructs and

manufactures important agricultural equipment and machinery

 Irrigation or Drainage Engineer - plans, designs and overseas construction of

irrigation projects for transporting and distributing water to agricultural lands;

plans and designs irrigation fixtures and installation of fixtures to requirements
and specifications
 Water Resource Engineer - help plan for water use and treatment. They usually

spend most of their days planning and mapping for a specific location’s water
needs, and may need to occasionally travel to more accurately access the local
water situation

C. Advance Positions
Require years of extensive experience and practice
 Agricultural Consultant - specialist advisers who provide technical, commercial

and financial advice and information to farming, agricultural and public sector
 Farm Owner/Agricultural Business Entrepreneur

 Agricultural Crop Specialist - apply geospatial technologies, including geographic

information systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS), to agricultural

production or management activities, such as pest scouting, site-specific pesticide
application, yield mapping, or variable-rate irrigation. May use computers to
develop or analyze maps or remote sensing images to compare physical
topography with data on soils, fertilizer, pests or weather
 Erosion specialist - plan or develop coordinated practices for soil erosion control,

soil or water conservation, or sound land use.

Jobs for Non Board Passers

 Agribusiness technician - work in a support role to scientists or managers

conducting experiments and performing research; much of this work is done

within agriculture and food science
ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
 Agricultural mechanic - professional farming technician that deal with the
maintenance and repair of cultivation machines. In addition, mechanics may test
machine systems and troubleshoot problems if errors occur
 Pesticide technician - responsible for identifying, selecting, mixing, and applying
chemical or manual solutions to get rid of pests; identifies pest problem and
appropriate solution, applies chemical or trap, and removes dead rodents
 Sales representative and/or extension agents of agricultural and chemical



A. Republic Act No. 8559. An act regulating the practice of Agricultural Engineering in
the Philippines.

ARTICLE I. Title and Statement of Policy

SECTION 1. Title - This Act shall be known as the “Philippine Agricultural Engineering
Act of 1998.”

B. Republic Act No. 10915 establishing Philippine Agricultural and Biosystems

Engineering Act of 2016. An act strengthening, modernizing and aligning the
practice of Agricultural Engineering in the country into the internationally
recognized practice of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, and for other

ARTICLE I. Title and Statement of Policy

SECTION 1. Title - This Act shall be known as the “Philippine Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering Act of 2016.”

SECTION. 2. Statement of Policy - It is hereby declared a policy of the State to

promote, stegnthen and regulate the practice of agricultural and biosystems
engineering profession in the Philippines by instituting measures that will result in
relevant agricultural and biosystems engineering education and enhanced roles and
better career prospects for agricultural and biosystems engineers.

Likewise, the State hereby guarantees the application and delivery of agricultural
and biosystems engineering services to accelerate agricultural and fishery; and
ensure food and water security, bio-energy development, natural resources

ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
conservation, environmental protection and human health and safety by fostering
the training and development of an adequate and well-trained pool of agricultural
and biosystems engineers in the country.

SECTION. 4. Definition of Terms - As used in this act, the following term shall mean:

 Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering refers to the application of engineering

science and designs to the processes and systems involved in the sustainable
production, post production and processing of safe food, feed, fiber, timber and
other agricultural and biological materials and the efficient utilization,
conservation and management of natural and renewable resources in order to
enhance human health in harmony with the environment. Agricultural and
biosystems consists of crops, forestry and other plants, poultry, livestock,
fisheries and aquaculture resources and other animals, wildlife and other living

 Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer refers to a person who is registered and

licensed to practice agricultural and biosystems engineering in the country and
who holds a valid certificate of registration and professional identification card
from the Board of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and the PRC

 Agricultural and Biosystems Power and Machinery refers to farm power and
machinery for the production, harvesting, processing, storage, manufacture,
preserving, transporting and distribution of agricultural and biological
- tractors and their attachments, power tillers, seeders, transplanters, windmills,
harvesting machines, crop protection and maintenance equipment, irrigation
equipment and accessories, greenhouses and other thermal conditioning
equipment, livestock, poultry, fishery and forest equipment, slaughtering
equipment, meat/fishery and crop processing equipment, post harvest
machines such as milling machines, dryers, threshers, grain and other
strippers, agricultural transport machinery and storage

 Agricultural and Biosystems Buildings and Structures refer to buildings and

structures for the production, harvesting, processing, storage, manufacture,
preserving, transporting and distribution of agricultural and biological
- silos and its components, agricultural and biosystems machinery and
equipment sheds, farm houses, green/screen houses, poultry houses, piggery
houses, slaughter houses, farm to market roads, farm bridges, agricultural
and biological products storage/warehouse, building and structures for
poultry, livestock, fishery, and forestry production and processing, kiln drying
and lumber treatment structure, farm equipment, farm supplies, and other
structures such sa self-feeders, and soil and water conservation structures
ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

 Agricultural and Bio-Processing refers to local activity or series of activities to

maintain or raise the quality or change the form or characteristics of agricultural,
fishery, forestry and biological products/materials and includes, but is not limited
to, cleaning, sorting, grading, treating, drying, dehydrating, grinding, mixing,
milling, canning, dressing, slaughtering, freezing, pasteurizing, conditioning,
packaging, repacking, transporting of agricultural, fishery, forestry and other
biological products/materials

 Agricultural and Biological Waste Utilization and Management refers to the

development of systems, processes, and equipment for agricultural waste
disposal and utilization and environment-friendly technologies such as, but is not
limited to, compost plants, biogas plants, biomass utilization technologies,
systems and processes

 Agricultural and Bio-Information System refers to utilization of information

systems, database, and other information management tools for agriculture use,
biological systems modeling to understand the mutual response between life and
the environment; and application of Geographic Information System (GIS)
technology for inventory, analysis, and management for agricultural and
biological resources, and remote sensing technology for observation and
examination of the landscape and its local forms and agricultural activities

 Agricultural and Biosystems Automation and Instrumentation refers to the use

and application of agricultural and biosystems sensors such as, but is not limited
to, compute models for control and automation in the agricultural and fishery
production industry and the biological systems and likewise, robotics for farm
operation when use of machines are difficult to impossible, agricultural and
biosystems machine design and automated controls, precision farming systems,
agricultural safety and controlled-environment agriculture; and the development
and application of metrology equipment such as moisture meters, weighing scale
and other metrology equipment

 Agricultural and Biosystems Resource Conservation and Management refers to

measure of conservation and proper management of agricultural and biological
resources such as, but is not limited to, area development for agriculture,
settlement and recreation; parks and plant nurseries; beneficial ecosystem of life
and environment; study and analysis of agricultural system as an integrated
component of landscape; monitoring and conservation of natural resources;
rehabilitation of forests, lakes, rivers and idle lands; and the sustainable
development, management and exploitation of the agricultural ecosystem.

ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
The ABE Code of Ethics

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that defines what is good for the individual and the
society and establishes the nature of obligations, or duties, that people owe themselves
and to one another. The word ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos, which
means "character," and from the Latin word mores, which means "customs.” The code
of ethics is a written system of standards for ethical conduct. In modern society, it
defines how individuals, business professionals, and corporations choose to interact
with one another.

It could express the principles which should govern the professional relations of an
agricultural engineer to his client or employer, to the other professionals, and to the

 Board of Agricultural Engineering Code of Ethics (The existing Philippine

Agricultural Engineering Standards (PAES) shall be transformed into Philippine
Agricultural and Biosystems Standards (PABES)

Article I. General Provisions

Registered Agricultural Engineers (RAEs) must adhere to a Code of Ethics and

Professional Standards, which provides for the maintenance of high standards and
competence and integrity. They must have a clear concept of, and the commitment to
their obligations, to their profession, to their clients or employers, to their colleagues in
the profession and to the public.

Section 1. Definition of Terms

Client- the person or entity, which retains an agricultural engineer that engaged in the
practice of agricultural engineering for the performance of professional services.
Employer – the person or entity that employs and agricultural engineer for the
rendition of agricultural engineering and related services.
Enterprise – any person or entity whether organized for profit or not for which an
agricultural engineer renders professional services.
Firm – a proprietorship or professional partnership of two or more agricultural
engineers or persons engaged in the practice of agricultural engineering, including
individual partners thereof.
Code – a system of rules and regulations on any subject. It is an accepted way of
behavior, especially the mores of the society.
Competence – the relevant knowledge and skills applied to the standards of
performance expected in the workplace, includes the capacity to apply skills and

ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
knowledge to new task in a range of environments (Regional Model Competency
Integrity – the condition of having no part or element wanting; unbroken state;
material wholeness; completeness entirety. Moral soundness, probity, wholeness,
completeness, honesty and sincerity to perform work in its entirety in the quality or
state of being unimpaired.
Obligation – the action of binding oneself by oath, promise, or contract to do or
forebear something; a binding agreement which is enforceable by law, whereby a
person or persons become bound to payment of a sum of money or other performance;
a binding legal agreement or responsibility restricting power inherent to such an
agreement or responsibility.
Duties – obligations of behavior or conduct in relation to others and to GOD who have
a stronger claim on a person than his self interest the work someone is expected to do
because of his vocation or profession.
Ethics – the moral system of a particular school of thought, relating to morality of
behavior. The rules of conduct recognized in certain department of human life
conforming to an accepted standard of good behavior in the performance of a
profession or trade.

Standards- includes engineering practices, and the data adopted by the Philippine
Society of Agricultural Engineers (PSAE), Inc. and the Board of Agricultural
Engineering (BOAE).

Article II. Responsibility and duty of Registered Agricultural and Biosystems

Engineer (RABE)

Section 1. Every person admitted to the practice of agricultural and biosystems

engineering in the Philippines as RABE shall endeavor to discharge duties and
responsibilities with fidelity to the public, his employer and clients, and with fairness
and impartiality to all.

Section 2. They should uphold the honor and dignity of their profession and also avoid
connection with any enterprise of questionable character.

Section 3. It is their prime duty to interest self in public welfare, and to be ready to
apply his technical knowledge for the benefit of mankind.

Section 4. In their dealings with fellow engineers, he should be fair and tolerant.

General Principle of Professional Conduct

Professionals are required not only to have an ethical commitment, a personal resolve
to act ethically, but also to have both ethical awareness and ethical competency.

ABE 1110 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Ethical Awareness - the ability to discern between right and wrong

Ethical Competency - the ability to engage in sound moral reasoning and consider
carefully the implications of alternative actions

Executive Order No. 220 S, 2003. Directing the Adoption of the Code of Good
Governance for the Professionals in the Philippines

Specific Principle of Professional Conduct

1. Service to others
2. Integrity and Objectivity
3. Professional Competence
4. Solidarity and Teamwork
5. Social and Civic Responsibility
6. Global Competitiveness
7. Equality of all Professions

II. Learning Activities:

 Self assessment
 Laboratory exercise 1

III. References

CHED Memorandum Order no. 94, series of 2017. (available at :http//


Republic Act No. 10915.July 21,2016. Philippine Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Act of 2016. (available at :https//


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