News Release New CD Offers Multimedia Developers A Library of Over 1,500 Royalty Free Background Images!

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Hamilton New Media • April 17, 1995 • For Immediate Release

News Release
New CD offers Multimedia Developers a
Library of over 1,500 Royalty Free
Background Images!!!
n Bill My ers A Complete Library of Images! color for mat - the for mat most needed by
Ham il ton New Me dia multi- media pro duc ers.
327 Ouach ita Ave nue HOT SPRINGS – If you’ve done much
Hot Springs, AR 71901 multi- media de vel op ment work, you know All im ages on this CD ROM are pro -
Fax 501- 321- 6115 it can be a dif fi cult and time con sum ing vided Roy alty Free - which means the
Phone 501- 321- 2208 task to find the right back ground im age for multi- media pro ducer can use any of these
the slides in your pro duc tion. im ages in any kind of pro duc tion, with the
knowl edge that he has full author ity to do
And even when you find the right so!!! ( The only re stric tion on the use of im -
back ground im age, your work is hardly ages is that they can not be re sold as a col -
over, as you have to check to be sure you lec tion of im ages. )
are not vio lat ing anyo ne’s copy right when
you use that im age. Check ing out copy -
Multi-Media Backgrounds Made Easy!
rights can be a long and ex pen sive pro cess.
We tried Ha mil ton’s Back ground Im-
One com pany very fa mil iar with the ages V3.0 CD ROM, and we were pleas -
de vel op ment of multi- media pres en ta tions antly sur prised. With the built- in view ing
for cor po rate and CD ROM use has come pro gram it is easy to quickly re view thumb -
up with what may be the ul ti mate so lu tion nails of all the im ages in each cate gory.
to this prob lem - a com plete li brary of Any time you want to see a full screen im -
over 1,500 back ground im ages cre ated age, you sim ply click on the thumb nail, and
spe cifi cally for mul ti me dia, all of fered it is im me di ate ly dis played full screen.
Roy alty Free and on a sin gle CD When an im age is se lected for use, one
ROM!!! mouse click cop ies it from the CD ROM
Armed with the Ham il ton Back- di rectly into your pres en ta tion. The copy
ground Im ages V3.0 CD ROM, a multi- func tion even al lows you to con vert the im -
media de vel oper has easy ac cess to over age into any of 30 stan dard im age for mats!
1,500 new and origi nal full screen im ages, Over all, we liked this prod uct. The va -
all de signed with the mul ti me dia pro ducer ri ety and qual ity of im ages on this CD fills
in mind. And all pro vided Roy alty Free! the bill for the type of multi- media we’re
work ing on ( we es pe cially liked the TV
High Quality & Royalty Free Back ground im ages! ) And find ing and us -
ing the im ages on this CD is a breeze.
The Ham il ton Back ground Im ages
V3.0 CD has im ages to suit most ap pli ca - This CD ROM gives you over 1,500
tions, with cate go ries in clud ing: qual ity im ages with the added value of
n Busi ness & Of fice Im ages Roy alty Free us age, along with an easy in -
n Money & Fi nance Im ages ter face. We like it! .
n TV News `Look' Back grounds
The Ham il ton Back ground Im ages
Framed Im ages
n Gra di ent Im ages & Pat terns
V3.0 CD ROM is priced at $79 and is
n Tex tures & Tiles
avail able ex clu sively from Ham il ton New
n Spe cial Ef fects Me dia. For more in for ma tion call 1- 501-
All of the im ages on this CD ROM are
pro vided in full screen, 640X480 X 256

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