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Christian Paquian

Dutch Declaration of independence
The Act of Abjuaration is the Dutch’s version of the declaration of independence. This
declaration is written by handful of people from the Netherlands with little known about them
besides their names. The declaration is demanding independence from King Phillip II of Spain;
including a list of grievances.
In 1556 Phillip the II was named king of Spain. During his rule, he over saw Spain, Italy,
Sicilia, Netherlands and Belgium. His relationship with the Netherlands soon grew hostile as he
imposed heavy taxation and cracked down on Protestantism. This growing tension between the
two would lead to the Dutch revolt. In 1581 the provinces of the Netherlands requested
François, Duke of Anjou take place as ruler. He accepted under the condition that the
Netherlands must reject King Phillip II as their ruler. The provinces of the Netherlands then
came together and constructed the Act of Abjuration which highlighted the tyrannical rule of
King Phillip II. Following the ratification of the Act of Abjuration, Phillip II promptly sent an army
to reconquer the Netherland Provinces. The Netherlands retaken and split into two provinces,
an independent northern section and under Spanish rule southern section.
This declaration puts a strong emphasis on King Phillip II doing his job incorrectly. The
whole document can be best summoned up at the very beginning of the article where it is
written “prince is constituted by God to be ruler of a people, to defend them from oppression
and violence as the shepherd his sheep; and whereas God did not create the people slaves to
their prince, to obey his commands, whether right or wrong…” King Phillip II’s actions reflected
that of a tyrant then one of a servant of the people. He was able to justify his actions through
the guise of religious unity. Philip II put a strong suppression on Protestantism in favor of the
Roman Catholic Church. Those who wrote the declaration would even go as far to compare
Phillip II’s inquisition to slavery. King Phillip II would also use violence as a way to demonstrate
his power. Those who acted against the king were killed to make an example of. Armies and
fortresses were put at the center of large cities as a power move. He would also impose heavy
taxation with no explanation as to why. This document listed the wrong doings of Phillip II while
laying out the new rules and ideas they wish to live by.

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