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Name: _________________________

1. What are the three domains of life? For each one, label if prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

2. Gram-positive bacteria stain which color? ______________________

Gram-negative bacteria stain which color? _____________________
What is the difference in cell wall composition?

3. Draw each bacterial type:

Bacillus Coccus Spirillum

Streptococcus Staphylococcus Diplococcus

4. Draw a chain of cyanobacteria. Label the heterocyst.

Cyanobacteria What does a heterocyst do?

What was the major historic role of cyanobacteria?

Why are cyanobacteria so important?

What is one danger of cyanobacteria?

Name: _________________________

5. What organisms are in domain Eukarya?

6. What are the two major types of protists? List the phylums of each (may not have 5.
Protist 1: Protist 2:
Phylum: Phylum:
Phylum: Phylum:
Phylum: Phylum:
Phylum: Phylum:
Phylum: Phylum:

7. Phylum Dinoflagellata: draw in box.

Dinoflagellata What is the common name for organisms in this phylum?

What is the cell wall composed of?

These organisms are mixotrophic, meaning they are both

_______________________ & ________________________ .

What are these organisms the source of?

8. Phylum Bacillariophyta: draw in box.

Bacillariophyta What is the common name for organisms in this phylum?

What is the cell wall composed of?

What are these organisms used in? Look online for examples.

8. Phylum Phaeophyta: draw in box.

Phaeophyta What is the common name for organisms in this phylum?

What type of habitat do they provide?

Name: _________________________

9. Phylum Chlorophyta: draw Volvox in box.

Volvox What is the term used to describe the circles?

Describe the reproduction of this group.

10. Phylum Chlorophyta: draw Spirogyra conjugation in box.

Spirogyra conjugation What is the common name for this phylum?

What is the growth type for this group?

How does this group reproduce?

10. Phylum Euglenophyta: draw in box.

Euglenophyta What is the term for the red eyespot? Label on your drawing.

What is the trophic type of this group?

What type of starch do these organisms produce?

Name: _________________________

10. Phylum Rhizopoda: draw in box. Label pseudopodia.

Rhizopoda What are the pseudopodia used for?

What is phagocytosis?

10. Phylum Kinetoplastida: draw in box.

Kinetoplastida What structure does this organism possess for movement?

What type of parasites are these organisms?

What conditions is this group responsible for?

10. Phylum Apicomplexa: draw in box.

Apicomplexa What is an apical complex?

What type of parasites are these organisms?

What condition is this group responsible for and what are the

10. Phylum Ciliata: draw in box.

Ciliata How do these organisms move? Label the structure.

What are the two types of nuclei possessed by these organisms

and what is each type responsible for?
Name: _________________________

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