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(He said that….)

A. Study the following sitution

I am feeling ill

Look at the picture and you want to tell somebody else what Tommy said
You can use Reported Speech Tom said that he was feeling ill
Direct Tommy said “ I am feeling ill
↓ ↓
Reported Tommy said that he was feeling ill

B. When we use reported speech the main verb of the sentence is usually Past (Tommy
said that …/I told her that …/She told me that …,etc) and the rest of the sentence is Past
Tommy :” Iam feeling ill”
Tommy sai that he was feeling ill
Lina :”My mother doesn’t have time to finish cooking”
Lina said that her mother didn’t have time to finish cooking
In general,the present form of direct speech change to the past in Indirect Speech:
Am/is →was were do/does→did will→would
are→were have/has→had can→could
Know/love→knew/loved etc
Look at the examples below
“My parents are well”
Judith said that her parents were well
“I am going to learn to drive
Judith said that she was going to learn to drive
“I can’t come to the birthday party”
Judith told me that she couldn’t come to the birthday party
“I want to spend the holiday but I don’t know where to to go”
Judith said that she wanted to spend the holiday but she didn’t know where to go
“I am going away for a few days. I’ll phone you when I get back”
Judith told me that she was going away for a few days and would phone me when she
got back

C. The past simple (knew, saw,did etc) change into the past perfect (had known,had
seen,had done etc)in reported speech/indirect speech

Direct Tommy said :”I saw you yesterday”
Reported Tommy said that he had seen me the day before
Direct Tommy said :”I woke up late so I didn’t go to work”
Reported Tommy said that he had woken up late and hadn’t gone to work

Reported Imperative
(he told me to/not to…)

A. Look at the example below

Direct Nenny said :”Don’t be noisy”

Reported Nenny asked me not to be noisy
Direct Mother orderd me “Turn off the TV”

Reported Mother ordered me to turn off the TV
B. When we use reported imperative the main verb of the sentence is usually Past and
use conjunction to or not to (he told me to … /I told her not to …/She ordered me to …,et
c) and the rest of the sentence is present
Teacher;”Sumbit the homework before 10”
The teacher told us to submit the homework before 10
Mother:”Close your book and go to sleep”
Mother told me to close my book and go to sleep”
Rules for Change in Time and Adverb in Indirect Speech

There are some rules for changing the words showing time and place in direct speech into
indirect speech.. The table below shows the words of time and adverb, how they are
changed in indirect speech.

Direct Speech Word Indirect Speech word

Today That day

Yesterday The day before
Tomorrow The next day
Now Then
Ago Before
Here There
This That
Next week The following week
Next month The following month
These Thise

Do the execises below

1. “Write your name and adress on this paper”
Mother told Nita …
2. “Give me your receipt”
The cashier told me …
3. “Don’t play with matches”
My grandmother told me ..
4. “Please don’t write on this paper”
Lily told me ..
5. “Pay attention to what I say”
My father told me …
6. “Don’t leave until I come”
Susi told me ….
7. “I have completed the resume of the novel”
The boy said that …
8. “We were discussing the material of the test”
They said that ….
9. “I have a serious problem to solve”
My aunt said that …
10. “The test is very difficult to do”
The students said that ..
11. “The girl didn’t attend the meeting here yesterday”
The leader of the team said that …
12. “I will not come to your house”
He said to me that ..
13. “You must be back here before 10”
Mr Ko said that ….
14. “The test is too hard to do”
He said that …
15. “I don’t have anything to eat”
The old man said that ….
16. “We didn’t come to the party because of the bad weather”
They said that …
17. :Robby has a very well paid job”
Mother said that ….
18. “I didn’t enjoy the holiday because the climate was unwell”
Jasmnie told me that …
19. “My boyfriend broke promise and I decided to leave him”
Henna said to me that ….
20. “Have a great time and enjoy your week end”
My techer told us to …


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