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Pediatric Pharmacology

Optimizing Vancomycin Use Through The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

2019, 00(0) 1–9
2-Point AUC-Based Therapeutic Drug 
C 2019, The American College of

Clinical Pharmacology
DOI: 10.1002/jcph.1498
Monitoring in Pediatric Patients

Pintip Suchartlikitwong, MD1,2 , Suvaporn Anugulruengkitt, MD1,2 ,

Noppadol Wacharachaisurapol, B Pharm, MD3 , Watsamon Jantarabenjakul, MD1,2,4 ,
Jiratchaya Sophonphan, MSc5 , Tuangtip Theerawit, BSN1,2 , Tanittha Chatsuwan, PhD6 ,
Thitima Wattanavijitkul, PhD7 , and Thanyawee Puthanakit, MD1,2

The 24-hour vancomycin area under the serum concentration-time curve (AUC24 ) divided by the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
(AUC24 /MIC) is more closely related to patient outcomes than serum trough concentrations (Ctrough ). Two-point simplified equations for calculating
AUC based on serum peak concentrations (Cpeak ) and Ctrough , named equation A (EqA) and equation B (EqB), have recently been adopted into clinical
use for adult pediatric patients. We aimed to find the agreement between predicted AUC24 using the reference method (ref) relative to EqA and
EqB and the correlation between Ctrough and AUC24 . From June to December 2018, 43 pediatric patients with normal renal function, receiving 15
mg/kg of vancomycin intravenously every 6 hours, were enrolled. The pediatric patients’ median age was 2.2 years (range 0.1-15.3). At steady state,
vancomycin Cpeak and Ctrough were measured at 2 hours after infusion completion and within 30 minutes before the next dosing, respectively. AUC24
was estimated using ref, EqA, and EqB. From Bland-Altman analysis, the 2 AUC24 s estimated by ref and EqA showed less bias than those estimated by
ref and EqB (bias 1.3 and –72.1 mgh/L, respectively). Ctrough and AUC24 using either ref or EqA were correlated more closely (r2 = 0.94) than with
EqB (r2 = 0.86). Assuming a vancomycin MIC of 1 mg/L, an AUC24 400 mgh/L was targeted. Regardless of the method used, AUC24 400 mgh/L
was never seen with Ctrough <8 mg/L but was always seen with Ctrough >10 mg/L. In conclusion, EqA based on the 2 measured serum concentrations
was sufficiently accurate for AUC24 estimation. Ctrough >10 mg/L correlated highly to AUC24 400 mgh/L.

Area under the serum concentration-time curve, Equation, Outcome, Pediatric, Trough concentration, Vancomycin

Vancomycin is used as a first-line antibiotic to treat is therefore recommended instead as a practical

healthcare-associated infections with methicillin- surrogate marker for vancomycin monitoring.5
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and
methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphyloco-
ccus.1,2 Its efficacy is closely related to the ratio of 1 Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn
24-hour area under the serum concentration-time University, Bangkok, Thailand
curve to the minimum inhibitory concentration 2 Center of Excellence for Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Vaccines,

(AUC24 /MIC).3 An AUC24 /MIC of 400 has been Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
3 Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn
shown to predict better clinical and bacteriological
University, Bangkok, Thailand
outcomes in adult pediatric patients with lower 4 Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases Clinical Center, King
respiratory tract MRSA infections.4,5 A recent study Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
of novel rabbit models of neonatal coagulase-negative 5 The HIV Netherlands Australia Thailand Research Collaboration

Staphlococcus central-line associated bloodstream (HIV-NAT), Bangkok, Thailand

infections demonstrated that an AUC24 /MIC >400
6 Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn

University, Bangkok, Thailand

was associated with maximal bacterial killing 7 Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
and suppression of the emergence of vancomycin Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
resistance.6,7 However, determination of AUC involves
Submitted for publication 20 April 2019; accepted 1 July 2019.
multiple blood samples and a linear-trapezoidal
formula or pharmacokinetic software that needs Corresponding Author:
Pintip Suchartlikitwong, MD, Center of Excellence for Pediatric Infectious
further pharmacokinetic modeling, understanding, and
Diseases and Vaccines, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine,
personnel training.8 These may contribute to limited Chulalongkorn University, 1873 Rama IV Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok,
use of AUC-based vancomycin monitoring in routine 10330 Thailand
clinical practice. Serum trough concentration (Ctrough ) Email:
2 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 00 No 0 2019

Current vancomycin therapeutic guidelines recom- methods, the reference method (ref)19 and 2 simplified
mend a Ctrough of 15-20 mg/L for serious MRSA infec- 2-point equations, named equation A (EqA) and equa-
tions in adult pediatric patients, with the assumption tion B (EqB).25 The secondary objective was to evaluate
that it correlates with a target AUC24 /MIC 400 when the impact of AUC-based vancomycin monitoring on
the MIC of the organism is 1 mg/L.9 However, clinical outcomes of pediatric patients with MRSA and
several published studies propose that this is not always methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococcus
necessary for achieving a target AUC24 /MIC 400. A infections.
study of vancomycin pharmacokinetics in 47 adults
reported that, using Bayesian modeling, 30% to 40% Methods
of adults could achieve AUC24 400 mgh/L with
This study was approved by the Institutional Review
a Ctrough <10 mg/L.10 Additionally, several studies
Board of the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn
report no association between clinical efficacy and van-
University, Bangkok, Thailand (IRB No. 234/61).
comycin Ctrough .11–13 In pediatric populations there have
Written informed consent was obtained from par-
been limited data to guide vancomycin monitoring,
ents/guardians. Pediatric patients aged 7 years were
and maintaining Ctrough >15 mg/L may be associated
asked to provide written or verbal assent as appropriate.
with increased nephrotoxicity.14–16 Vancomycin AUC-
based monitoring may therefore be a more accurate Study Design and Patient Population
predictor of clinical efficacy and reduce unnecessary This was a prospective study performed at King
vancomycin exposure. Nevertheless, findings of a recent Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, a tertiary care
meta-analysis study suggested a vancomycin AUC24 university hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. Inclusion
threshold of 650 mgh/L was significantly associated criteria were hospitalized pediatric patients aged 1
with reduced incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI).17 month to 18 years who had received vancomycin for
Targeting levels higher than this AUC24 cutoff could 24 hours for suspected MRSA or methicillin-resistant
result in an increased risk of nephrotoxicity. coagulase-negative Staphylococcus infections such as
Several different methods have been used to calculate bacteremia, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, or skin and
vancomycin AUC.18–21 Most of them rely on calcu- soft tissue infections. Prescription of vancomycin
lated AUCs, which are the quotient of the total daily was at the discretion of the pediatric patients’ own
vancomycin dose and vancomycin clearance. However, physicians. Pediatric patients with renal impairment,
each method defines vancomycin clearance differently. defined as elevated serum creatinine by age or on renal
The 1-compartment model using first-order kinetics replacement therapy, were excluded. According to our
is the most widely accepted model estimating van- hospital dosing protocol, vancomycin (Vancin-S; Siam
comycin clearance.22–24 In 2013, a large study among Pharmaceuticals, Bangkok, Thailand) was adminis-
702 pediatric patients proposed a model of vancomycin tered as 15 mg/kg intravenously over 1-2 hours every 6
clearance estimation using the 1-compartment model hours. After steady state had been attained, defined as
kinetic equation as a reference for clearance estimate after administration of the fourth dose onward, Cpeak
comparison.19 Pai et al25 demonstrated an innovative (2 hours after infusion completion) and Ctrough (within
2-point equation-based approach for calculating the 30 minutes before the next dosing) were obtained.
vancomycin AUC based on serum peak concentrations
(Cpeak ) and Ctrough . They proposed 2 different simplified Analytical Assay
formulas for AUC calculation that had high precision Vancomycin serum concentrations were quantified
and low bias compared with the Bayesian approach.25 at the Center for Medical Diagnostic Laboratories,
The equation-based approach for vancomycin AUC Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, us-
monitoring has been adopted into clinical practice ing a validated chemiluminescent microparticle im-
for adults. Its several advantages include reducing un- munoassay (ARCHITECTi2000SR, Abbott Laborato-
necessary adjustments of the vancomycin dose26 and ries, Chicago, Illinois) with a coefficient of variation
improving clinical outcomes with less nephrotoxicity.8 ranging from 3.1% to 6.2%. The assay precision was
However, data to support this approach in children 10% of the total coefficient of variation. The limit of
remain limited. quantitation of the assay was 3.0 mg/L, and the assay
To monitor vancomycin AUC through 2-point sim- range was 3.0 to 100.0 mg/L.27
plified pharmacokinetic equations in pediatrics, we pre-
sumed that the effect would be similar to that observed Staphylococcal Identification and Vancomycin MIC Testing
in adults. The primary objectives of this study were Species identification and antibiotic susceptibility pat-
to assess the agreement between 2 methods of AUC terns of Staphylococcus spp were determined by the
estimation in pediatrics and to find the correlation VITEK 2XL automated system (bioMérieux, Durham,
between Ctrough and AUC24 derived from 3 specific North Carolina) with the VITEK 2GP and AST P592
Suchartlikitwong et al 3

cards, respectively. The VITEK 2XL utilized a com- at the end of the dosing interval, which were back-
bination of oxacillin MIC and cefoxitin screen results extrapolated and forward-extrapolated using the fol-
to detect MRSA. An oxacillin MIC of  4 mg/L lowing equations:
was deemed resistant.28 A S aureus isolate with either
positive cefoxitin screen or oxacillin resistance was Cmax = C1 xek·(t1 −tinf )
considered MRSA.28 Vancomycin MICs of MRSA and
methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococcus Cmin = C2 xe−k·(τ −t2 )
were further determined using the Etest (bioMérieux,
Durham, North Carolina). The predefined exponential Under equations A and B, the AUC24 will be a func-
gradient of vancomycin on the Etest scale directly tion of the number of vancomycin doses administered
quantifies to discrete MIC values such as 0.75, 1, 1.5, over 24 hours. For example, when vancomycin is given
2, 3, and 4 mg/L. every 6 hours, AUC24 = AUC0−τ × 4AUC24 = AUC0-τ
× 4.
AUC-Based Vancomycin Monitoring
An internally created calculator was installed in
AUC24 was determined using the intermittent short
Microsoft Office Excel 2016 (Redmond, Washington)
infusion, 1-compartment model with first-order
to assist with AUC calculations.
elimination19 as the reference method:
Data Collection
Vancomycin dose (mg/day) Pediatric patient clinical data, including demograph-
AUC24 (mg · h/L) =
Clearance ics, underlying diseases, baseline serum creatinine,
source of infections triggering empirical initiation of
  vancomycin therapy, and microbiological data were
Dose (mg) 1 − e−ktinf e−k(t−tinf )
Clearance (L/h) =   recorded. To evaluate the clinical outcomes of pe-
Ct · tinf · 1 − e−kτ
diatric patients with MRSA and methicillin-resistant
coagulase-negative Staphylococcus infections, resolu-
where k is the elimination rate constant (hours−1 ), tions of clinical signs and symptoms of acute staphylo-
Ct and t are the serum concentration/time pair after coccal infection or achievement of hemoculture sterility
starting the infusion, tinf is the infusion time (hours) and within 72 hours of vancomycin use were considered
τ is the dosing interval (hours). treatment success. Follow-up serum creatinine dur-
The elimination rate constant is calculated by the ing and within 72 hours after stopping vancomycin
following equation: therapy were also recorded. AKI was defined as an
increase in serum creatinine concentrations 0.5 mg/dL
  or a 50% increase from baseline on 2 consecutive
ln C2 measurements.3 Administration of vancomycin includ-
k = ing specified time, daily dosage, infusion time, and
t2 − t1
dosing interval was identified from pediatric patients’
nursing records.
where C1 is the Cpeak measured at time t1 and C2 is
the Ctrough measured at time t2 after the start of the Statistical Methods
infusion. Based on a predetermined α level of 0.05, 90% power,
The AUC24 was also estimated by 2 other methods, the mean and SD of differences between natural loga-
simplified 2-point pharmacokinetic equations, named rithm of calculated AUC24 obtained from the 2 meth-
equations A and B, referred to as equations 4 and 5 in ods, 2.5 and 0.17 mgh/L, a sample size of 40 subjects
Pai et al.25 is required. Assuming a dropout rate of 10%, the total
sample size is 45.
tinf·(Cmax +Cmin ) Cmax − Cmin Bland-Altman analyses were performed to evalu-
AUC0−τ = + (A)
2 k ate the agreement between the 2 methods of AUC
estimation. The correlation between Ctrough and AUC
was analyzed using a Pearson correlation and linear
  regression. Vancomycin Ctrough and AUC were com-
C1 · ek(t1 ) − Cmin pared between patient groups stratified by age using
AUC0−τ = (B)
k the Student t-test. Statistical significance was defined
as P < .05. All statistical analyses were performed
where Cmax is the theoretical concentration at the end using STATA software, version 15.1 (Stata Corp LLC,
of infusion and Cmin is the theoretical concentration College Station, Texas).
4 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 00 No 0 2019

Table 1. Characteristics of Pediatric Patients Who Received Van- vancomycin therapy was initiated. Among the sus-
comycin Therapy and Vancomycin Monitoring (n = 43) pected coagulase-negative Staphlococcus central-line
Characteristics Median (Range)a associated bloodstream infections cases, 13 pediatric
patients (52%) had confirmed positive hemocultures
Demographic data
drawn from indwelling central venous catheters.
Age, y 2.2 (0.1-15.3)
Male sex, n (%) 26 (60) Twelve Gram-positive bacteria—8 methicillin-resistant
Height, cm 80 (45-172) coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, 2 methicillin-
Weight, kg 10 (3-64) susceptible Staphylococcus aureus, 1 Streptococcus
Baseline serum creatinine, mg/dL 0.3 (0.1-0.6) pneumoniae, 1 Bacillus cereus, and 1 Gram-negative
Creatinine clearance,b mL/min per 1.73 m2 134 (69-277)
bacterium, Chryseobacterium sp—were identified.
Underlying diseases, n (%)
Hematologic and oncologic diseases 15 (35) There was 1 case of surgical site infection in which
Cardiac diseases 8 (19) MRSA was isolated from an open abdominal wound.
Gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary diseases 6 (14) The mean (SD) daily dose of vancomycin given to
Surgery-related diseases 5 (11) this patient group was 63 (11) mg/kg. Thirty-seven
Others 9 (21)
pediatric patients (86%) had Cpeak and Ctrough collected
Indications for vancomycin, n (%)
Central line–associated bloodstream infections 25 (58) after finishing the fourth to sixth dose. Blood samples
Skin and soft tissue infections 8 (19) of the remaining 6 pediatric patients were collected
Ventilator-associated pneumonia 3 (7) after completion of the seventh dose onward. Median
Central nervous system infections 2 (5) duration of vancomycin therapy was 6 days (range 1-20
Others 5 (11)
days), depending on the final diagnosis.
Therapeutic drug monitoring of vancomycin
Measured serum peak concentrations (C1 ), mg/L 18.0 (6.1-34.0)
Measured serum trough concentrations (C2 ), mg/L 10.6 (2.8-23.8) Vancomycin Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Theoretical Cmax , mg/L 30.3 (11.7-47.3) The agreement between the 2 methods of AUC esti-
Theoretical Cmin , mg/L 9.1 (2.2-22.5) mation is illustrated in Figure 1. According to Bland-
Time between the end of infusion and blood 2.0 (1.5-2.5)
drawn for C1 , h
Altman analysis, the calculated AUC24 using the
Time between blood drawn for C2 and the start of 0.5 (0-0.75) reference method reached higher agreement with the
next dose, h AUC24 using EqA [bias 1.3 (95% CI –2.0, 4.6) mgh/L],
AUC24 using the reference method, mgh/L 426 (168-782) whereas the mean difference between the AUC24 using
AUC24 indicates 24-hour steady-state vancomycin area under the serum
the reference method and EqB was –72.1 (95% CI –84.9,
concentration-time curve; C1 , measured serum peak concentrations; C2 , 59.2) mgh/L.
measured serum trough concentrations; Cmax , theoretical concentration at The vancomycin Ctrough values of <8, 8-10, >10
the end of infusion; Cmin , theoretical concentration at the end of the dosing to <15, and 15 mg/L were found in 13 (30%), 8
interval. (19%), 9 (21%), and 13 (30%) pediatric patients, re-
Data are median (range) unless otherwise stated.
Creatinine clearance is based on revised Schwartz equation.29
spectively. Using either the reference method or EqA,
the predicted AUC24 of <400, 400-650, and >650
mgh/L were observed in 17 (40%), 23 (53%), and 3
Results (7%) pediatric patients, respectively. The distribution of
Clinical Characteristics of Pediatric Patients and Ctrough correlated with AUC24 estimation using EqA,
Vancomycin Therapy demonstrated in Figure 2. Correlation between Ctrough
From June to December 2018, 127 children were and predicted AUC24 was significant with all of 3
prescribed vancomycin. Forty-five eligible pediatric methods for AUC determination (r2 ref = 0.94, P <
patients who received intravenous vancomycin for 24 .001; r2 EqA = 0.94, P < .001; r2 EqB = 0.86, P <
hours were consented to participate in the study. Two .001). Regardless of method used, AUC24 400 mgh/L
pediatric patients were excluded; 1 due to renal failure was never seen in Ctrough < 8 mg/L but was always
and 1 due to circulatory collapse. The remaining 43 seen in Ctrough > 10. In pediatric patients with Ctrough
pediatric patients were included in the analyses. Charac- 8-10 mg/L, 50% had predicted AUC24  400 mgh/L
teristics of the pediatric patients and vancomycin moni- using either the reference method or EqA, whereas 88%
toring are summarized in Table 1. Thirty-three pediatric achieved that target AUC24 using EqB.
patients (77%) were <5 years of age. All pediatric pa-
tients had underlying medical conditions, the majority Subgroup Analysis of Pediatric Patients With Proven
having hematologic and oncologic diseases (35%). Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcal Infections
Twenty-two pediatric patients (41%) were admitted to Nine pediatric patients were diagnosed with methicillin-
the intensive care unit. Twenty-five pediatric patients resistant staphylococcal infections: 1 MRSA and
(58%) had suspected coagulase-negative Staphlococcus 8 methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative Staphylo-
central-line associated bloodstream infections when coccus. Clinical information, microbiological data
Suchartlikitwong et al 5

Figure 1. Bland-Altman analyses of the differences between the 2 AUCs calculated using the reference method vs the simplified Equations A and B,
respectively. AUC indicates area under the plasma concentration–time curve; LOA, limits of agreement.

including vancomycin MICs, vancomycin Ctrough , and For the patient with MRSA surgical site infection,
calculated AUCs are shown in Table 2. Only 3 out of clinical improvement was documented, although pus
9 pediatric patients developed infections with strains culture was not repeated. In our clinical settings
with MICs  1 mg/L. Of these, all achieved the tar- follow-up hemocultures are not routinely obtained
get AUC24 /MIC  400 (range 414-1094). Among the daily once a hemoculture is positive for pathogenic
remaining 6 pediatric patients whose organisms had bacteria. All 8 pediatric patients with methicillin-
MICs > 1 mg/L, all but 1 reached AUC24 400 mgh/L resistant coagulase-negative Staphlococcus central-line
(range 414-646 mgh/L); however, none achieved the associated bloodstream infections showed sterility in
target AUC24 /MIC  400. their first repeat hemocultures. Six of these 8 achieved
6 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 00 No 0 2019

Figure 2. Scatter plot displaying the AUC using Equation A and measured serum trough concentrations. Each black dot represents 1 patient. The
solid line displays the linear regression line described by the equation: AUC = 28.4 (Trough) + 125. The coefficient of determination (r2 ) is 0.94. AUC
indicates area under the plasma concentration–time curve.

Table 2. Vancomycin Ctrough , Predicted AUC24 /MIC, and Clinical Outcomes of 9 Pediatric Patients Who Had Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcal

Vancomycin by Ref Vancomycin Treatment Presence
Age Diagnosis Identified Organisms MIC (mg/L) (mgh/L) AUC24 /MIC Ctrough (mg/L) Outcomes of AKI

3y SSI S. aureus 1.5 414 276 11 Success No

9 mo CLABSIa S. hominis 0.5 547 1094 15 Success No
3 mo CLABSI S. capitis 1 486 486 10 Success No
11 mo CLABSIa S. hominis 1 414 414 13 Success No
10 mo CLABSI S. haemolyticus 1.5 426 284 12 Success No
3 mo CLABSI S. hominis 2 646 323 16 Success No
9 mo CLABSI S. epidermidis 2 576 288 15 Success Yes
3y CLABSI Coagulase-negative 2 465 233 10 Success No
Staphylococcus sp.
1 mo CLABSI S. epidermidis 2 208 104 3 Success No

AKI indicates acute kidney injury; AUC24 , 24-hour steady-state vancomycin area under the serum concentration-time curve; CLABSI, central line-associated
bloodstream infection; Ctrough , serum trough concentration; MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration; ref, the reference method; SSI, surgical site infection.
These 2 pediatric patients had central venous catheters removed.

hemoculture sterility within 72 hours of vancomycin unit. All pediatric patients received 1 concomitant
therapy. The remaining 2 showed clinical improvement nephrotoxic medication, including furosemide (100%)
within 72 hours; however, as hemocultures were and vasopressors (25%). Their median measured Ctrough
not taken at this point, determination of sterility at was 15.1 mg/L (range 7.6-16.0 mg/L). In regard to the
this time point was not possible. The duration of AUC threshold of vancomycin-associated AKI, none
vancomycin therapy ranged from 7 to 12 days. of these pediatric patients reached the AUC24 cutpoint
of >650 mgh/L. Their calculated AUC24 ranged from
Subgroup Analysis of Pediatric Patients With Acute 392 to 610 mgh/L (median 568 mgh/L). Duration of
Kidney Injury vancomycin therapy varied between 2 and 9 days. AKI
Four out of 43 pediatric patients developed AKI after was entirely reversible in all pediatric patients without
vancomycin was administered. The mean (SD) of base- progressing to renal replacement therapy.
line serum creatinine and vancomycin doses were 0.25
(0.06) mg/dL and 62 (1.6) mg/(kg·day), respectively.
Median time from vancomycin initiation to AKI onset Discussion
was 4 days (range 2-5 days). Two pediatric patients We sought an accurate method for vancomycin AUC-
were diagnosed while staying in the intensive care based monitoring that had more acceptability and
Suchartlikitwong et al 7

reproducibility in pediatric settings. Calculating the is 50%. Thus, we suggest obtaining paired Cpeak and
AUC24 using 2-point simplified pharmacokinetic EqA Ctrough of the next dose to calculate AUC using EqA,
was more precise than using EqB. Regardless of the especially in pediatric patients with serious infections.
method used, AUC24  400 mgh/L was never seen In such cases, vancomycin dosing can be adjusted until
in Ctrough < 8 mg/L but was always seen in Ctrough the target AUC24 is reached.
> 10. A Ctrough 8-10 mg/L achieved the target AUC24 Of note, vancomycin-associated AKI is related to
calculated by EqA in 50% of our pediatric patients. This higher vancomycin exposure as measured both directly
finding was consistent with a systematic review, demon- by Ctrough  15-20 mg/L14,32 and indirectly by calculated
strating that Ctrough 6-10 mg/L was likely sufficient to AUC24 > 650 mgh/L.17 To avoid the side effect of renal
achieve AUC24 /MIC  400 for hospitalized children.30 toxicity, vancomycin dosing should not be tailored
The AUC-based monitoring through 2-point simpli- beyond these upper limits of the therapeutic range.
fied equations could reduce unnecessary vancomycin Regarding vancomycin-associated AKI, we could
dosage increments. In our study vancomycin was not demonstrate whether a higher vancomycin expo-
prescribed for children who had suspected serious sure had a direct impact on the risk of nephrotoxicity
methicillin-resistant staphylococcal infections. With in this study. Although there were 4 pediatric patients
only Ctrough monitoring, 70% of pediatric patients were who developed AKI after receiving vancomycin treat-
expected to have their vancomycin dose increased when ment, toxicity occurred in the context of concurrent
their measured Ctrough was <15 mg/L. When calculated use of nephrotoxic agents and critical illness, which
AUC24  400 mgh/L was targeted instead of Ctrough , a contributed to further renal impairment.
vancomycin dose adjustment would be required in only An important factor affecting AUC24 /MIC is the
40% of pediatric patients. This impact was similar to MIC of a Staphylococcus isolate.33 In our study, 1
a study in an adult population conducted at Syracuse MRSA isolate was found to have a vancomycin MIC
Upstate University Hospital, where pediatric patients of 1.5 mg/L. This is consistent with previous studies
were transitioned from only vancomycin Ctrough mon- in Thailand that reported MRSA strains with reduced
itoring to a 2-point AUC estimation method. Hos- susceptibility to vancomycin and alarming rises in
pital pharmacists made dosing alterations for pedi- vancomycin MIC creep rates.34–36 It is our concern
atric patients treated with vancomycin for complicated that a higher dose of vancomycin may be necessary
MRSA infections. When Ctrough was 10 to <15 mg/L, to meet a target AUC24 /MIC  400. However, risk
vancomycin doses were increased in 71% of pediatric of nephrotoxicity should be considered when intensive
patients in the Ctrough -based group and in 25% of vancomycin dosing regimen is used.
pediatric patients in the AUC-based group if they had This study had several strengths. Because of its
estimated AUC24 /MIC < 400.26 practicality, the 2-point simplified EqA for calculating
Some studies report a relationship between patient AUC is implementable for clinical practice. This study
age and vancomycin serum concentrations. Pediatric was conducted in the context of a hospital antibiotic
patients <6 years of age tended to have a lower Ctrough stewardship program aiming to optimize vancomycin
than older pediatric patients despite the same daily use for hospital-acquired infections. Additionally, ow-
dose and dosing interval.12,31 We evaluated patient age- ing to this being a prospective study, it has allowed us to
associated differences in both vancomycin Ctrough and determine exact time points at which vancomycin was
calculated AUC; however, no significant associations given and blood was drawn for vancomycin levels. This
were found. This was due to the limited number of contributed to the accuracy of AUC calculation by the
children aged above 5 years in our study. equation-based approach.
In order to implement vancomycin AUC-based Our study also had some limitations. First, the sam-
monitoring in resource-limited settings, we propose a ple size was calculated based on the primary end point
2-step approach. First, a vancomycin Ctrough should to find the differences between AUC values calculated
be obtained when steady state is attained. Measured from the reference method and EqA and EqB. Twenty
Ctrough > 10 mg/L usually corresponds to a target percent of study pediatric patients had staphylococcal
AUC24  400 mgh/L, thereby making dose adjustment infections, but only 1 had a MRSA infection. We there-
unnecessary. When Ctrough is <8 mg/L, it is unlikely fore had too few pediatric patients to address whether
to produce an AUC24  400 mgh/L; therefore, dose vancomycin AUC-based monitoring affected treatment
adjustment could be done roughly in a linear fashion efficacy. Extrapolation of the target AUC24 /MIC  400
in accordance with Ctrough and then Ctrough repeated to methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococ-
at the next steady state. Caution should be exercised cus infection should be considered with caution. This
when Ctrough is very low because it will overpredict target ratio is largely derived from clinical studies of
the increase in vancomycin dose. When Ctrough is 8- pediatric patients with MRSA infections. However, an
10 mg/L, the possibility of achieving the target AUC24 experimental study in novel rabbit models of neonatal
8 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 00 No 0 2019

coagulase-negative Staphlococcus central-line associ- AUC-based monitoring that is suitable for clinical use
ated bloodstream infections demonstrated a strong in pediatric patients.
relationship between the maximal bacterial killing and
AUC24 /MIC  400.6 Consequently, this study informs Conflicts of Interest
the need for future studies in humans to explore the The authors declare no conflicts of interest with respect to the
relationship between patient outcomes and optimal research, authorship, and publication of this article.
AUC24 /MIC of vancomycin dosing against methicillin-
resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. Neverthe-
less, all cases of coagulase-negative Staphlococcus
central-line associated bloodstream infections in this This study was supported by the Ratchadapiseksompotch
study were caused by methicillin-resistant coagulase- Fund, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Grant
negative Staphylococcus, which is a low-virulence bac- Number RA61/087.
terium. This may explain the successful treatment out-
comes seen in this study despite few pediatric patients Acknowledgments
actually reaching the goal AUC24 /MIC  400. We acknowledge the following study team who contributed
Regarding the pharmacokinetic profile of the refer- to this project: Dr Chotirat Nakaranurack, PhD, and the
ence method for AUC determination, the AUC24 that pharmacy staff at Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty
is calculated from the vancomycin daily dose divided of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, for
by the total body clearance is based on the concept of sharing their expertise on vancomycin pharmacokinetics;
steady state (Ratein = Rateout ) and does not depend Orawan Anunsittichai, RN, Jesdaporn Srisamer, RN, and
on body compartment assumptions. However, it is Pathomchai Amornrattanapaijit for data collection and doc-
worth mentioning that we estimated the vancomycin ument management; and Sumanee Nilgate, MSc, and the
clearance assuming a 1-compartment model with first- microbiology staff for providing microbiological information.
order elimination. Our AUC24 may not reflect the true
AUC24 , which requires extensive blood sampling, but Data Sharing
this estimation method is more practical in our clinical
The data used in these analyses are sharable under a commit-
pediatric settings.
ment to use the data only for research purposes and not to
Last, this study utilized the Etest, which has been the
identify any individual participant.
only available technique for vancomycin MIC detection
in our hospital to date. Due to the high molecu-
lar weight of vancomycin, it can be problematic for References
the Etest and can result in limited diffusion on the
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