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Faculty Computing

Assessment Name End Paper Code CLNA/A20E

Ex: End/Sup
Linux Network
Module Name Module Code C8-LNA-11

Month October Year 2020

Total Marks 100 Duration 13th January 2021


1. This is a project based assessment.

2. All questions should be fully answered.

3. Plagiarism should be avoided at all cost as it is a punishable offence.

4. Make proper use of in-text referencing and come up with a proper list of references at the end of the report. Note
that it contributes a total of 5 % of the marks.

5. Use the Times new Romans with a font size of 12 to produce a professionally written report.

6. Your report should be submitted on or before deadline through turnitin for originality check.

7. The deadline of submission is on Wednesday the 13th of January 2021. No late submissions will be allowed.
QP-ASM-001|Rev 004

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Linux Network Administration

Signaul Corporate Inc. is a highly innovative ICT company that provides hybrid data center solutions. Due to
the rapid increase of customer base and the requirement to meet the service level agreements (SLAs), the
company decided to replace current working operating system with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. As the System
Administrator, you will need to facilitate this deployment, making sure that both hardware and software
installations are perfectly nailed. You will configure scalable storage using partitions and logical volumes,
create and configure file systems, manage users and groups, manage security and system updates.

To accomplish the above requirements, you have to carry out the following tasks:

1. Installation is the first step to execute when working with new operating system. Explain RHEL
installation steps in your own words and demonstrate with proper figures/screenshots. [10 Marks]
2. As the system administrator you need to understand the boot process so that you can troubleshoot
the system should it not boot properly. Describe the boot sequence of Linux Operating system in
your own words and in detail, discuss the Runlevels available with RHEL systems. [10 Marks]
3. On large networks, it is a common practice for system administrators to construct their own
repositories where they keep copies of Red Hat packages, as well their own custom software
packages. Define how you would setup your own repository where you can keep your own software
packages. Demonstrate that your yum repository is functional by installing a package of your choice
from this repository. Include enough screenshots for demonstration. [10 Marks]
4. With proper screenshots, demonstrate the creation of a collaborative directory of your choice. It
should have the following characteristics; group ownership, it should be writable, readable &
accessible to members of the group only, files created in this directory automatically should have
group ownership set to the group. [5 Marks]
5. In detail explain the role of kernel in RHEL systems. Outline and demonstrate with proper steps and
enough figures on how you would build a new kernel from the source code RPM. Lastly you should
show an image of grub.conf and highlight the newly added kernel entry. [10 Marks]
6. Creating partitions is the most important part to system management and as the RHEL system
Administrator you need to know how to create custom partition layouts. Explain the usefulness of
RAID and LVM in RHEL deployments. With proper steps, demonstrate both RAID and LVM
configuration. [15]
QP-ASM-001|Rev 004

7. Define Disk Quota and its Utilities. Explain and demonstrate quota configuration with appropriate
steps and screenshots. [10 Marks]
8. Similar to other operating systems, RHEL has a standard set of file permissions. Apart from that, it
also has a more refined set of permissions implemented through access control lists (ACLs). Explain
and show how you would implement File system security using ACLs. Include enough screenshots.
[5 Marks]
9. Explain the concept of subnetting with proper examples. Define in detail how you would carry out
interface administration and routing on RHEL systems. Include enough figures. [10 Marks]
10. DNS and DHCP servers play a big role in the network and are considered the most critical parts of a
network infrastructure. Outline the steps to configure both DNS and DHCP servers. [10 Marks]
11. Make use of proper citation and referencing throughout your text. [5 Marks]

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Guidelines in completing the Project

Assignment writing guidelines:

12. Neat diagrams with proper labels need to be given where applicable.

13. For the practical questions proper screenshots needs to be produced to prove that the student has done the
practical work. The students can use their own judgment to limit the screenshot as there are no need
to take screenshot for each and every action of an activity, but at the same time the core working needs
to be captured properly.

14. Each question has a theory part and a practical part. The theory part needs to be explained in the
student’s own words with proper diagrams if applicable. The diagrams or picture needs to be labelled
properly and to be referenced in the text wherever required. The practical part needs to have proper
screenshots and proper steps and explanations.


15. The strength of the university depends on academic and personal integrity. In this course, you must be
honest and truthful. Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s work, words, or ideas as if they were your
own. Here are three reasons not to do it:

16. By far the deepest consequence of plagiarizing is the detriment to your intellectual and moral development:
you won’t learn anything, and your ethics will be corrupted.
17. Giving credit where it’s due but adding your own reflection will get you higher grades than putting your
name on someone else’s work.
18. The most common penalty is suspension from the university, but students caught plagiarizing are also
subject to lowered or failing grades as well as the possibility of expulsion. Please be sure to review the
University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
19. The plagiarized sections will not be marked and the plagiarism level will be decided by the evaluators own

QP-ASM-001|Rev 004

20. This project is to be completed and submitted by each student individually.

21. The project should be submitted electronically in a word document to the University’s Turnitin account
created for the student.
22. The deadline for the submission should be followed in all cases and if it had to be checked with the
plagiarism the accounts will be available in Turnitin 15 days before the submission and the students can
check the plagiarism percentage and make corrections until the submission deadline.
23. No excuses are encouraged for any reasons to submit the project on or before the deadline.
24. The deadline date for the submission of the project is 13th January 2020.

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