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LAW OFFICES OF Pullano & Farrow PLLC www. ‘Name: Langston McFadden, sq, Direct Dial 585-730-1040 mall: Mareh 17, 2021 VIA FIRST-CLASS MAIL William J. Barlow, Jr., Mayor 13 West Oneida Street City Hall - 2 Floor Oswego, New York 13126 Re; Notice to Cease and Desist Dear Mayor Barlow: This office represents Pontiac Nursing Home (hereinafter, Pontiac”). It has come to our attention that you made several defamatory comments about Pontiac in a recent article by James T. Mulder. The following shall serve as a response to your comments. For your own edification, operating 2 facility such as Pontiac is extremely demanding, This is especially so during the midst of a global pandemic. Pontiac provides skilled nursing, and rehabilitation services on a daily basis to the disabled, infirmed, and elderly residents with around-the-clock care and tireless service. Pontiac's staff and management team have the utmost respect for their residents and are disappointed and deeply saddened by the recent allegations. Despite these allegations, it should be known that Pontiac is committed to providing quality care to its residents and has implemented appropriate measures to ensure the protection and well- being of all of its residents, Pontiac, its employees and its management team are disappointed that you have chosen to engage in a course of action that, in their opinion, does nothing but sow discourse and anger. Among the many reckless statements recently attributed to you in a news media publication was your comment that “Pontiac should have been closed long ago... [and it is] nothing but trouble, poorly managed, doesn't properly care for residents and offers sub-par living and working conditions...." Since Pontiac has no record of you having worked at, visited or toured the full facility, we can only assume that your statements are based on misinformation, speculation and designed to create negative public opinion about the facility. Given the vitriol nature of your comments, we can also assume your statements were intentionally made in an effort to denigrate the hard-working men and women employed at the facility. Men and women that place their health and well-being on the line every day during this slobal pandemic. ‘These frontline workers deserve the public's thanks and support and should. not be the focus of any effort by local politicians to score political points. 69 Cascade Dr. Suite 307 ¢ Rochester * New York « 14614 « 585.730.4773 phone 888.971.3736 lax William J. Barlow, Jr, Mayor March 17, 2021 The statements and comments made by you are defamatory, slanderous and malicious in nature, It should be noted that your comments, in essence, advocate “shut[ting] down" a facility that houses as many as 80 elderly and vulnerable individuals and employs more than 60 residents of the City of Oswego and the surrounding areas, Surely such advocacy does nothing to serve the betterment of your constituents. Inlight of yourrecent comments, Pontiac hereby demands that you immediately cease and desist from making any further negative and defamatory comments about Pontiac, Please consider this letter Pontiac's good faith effort to resolve this matter without the need for litigation. Sincerely, PULLANO & YARROW LDM/nrh ce: Cosimo Mastropierro Law Offices of Pullano & Farrow PLLC 69 Cascade Dr. Suite 307 ¢ Rochester ® New York © 14614 # 585.730.4773 phone « 888.971.3736 fax Page 2 of 2

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