Lección 56 - Preguntas Sujeto y Objeto en El Pasado Simple

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Write in English the following sentences. Please take into account the directions given in class.

Kiss Besar - Beso Bake Hornear
Baker Panadero Wallet Billetera
Shirt Camisa Get Conseguir - Obtener
Dust Desempolvar - Polvo Decide Decidir
What ¿Qué, cuál(es)? - Lo(a) que Listen to Escuchar
Say Decir Happen Suceder - Ocurrir -
Laugh Reir Light Encender - Luz
Popsicle Paleta de hielo Candle Vela

1. ¿Quién los besó? who kissed them?

2. ¿Qué horneó el panadero? What did the baker bake?
3. ¿Cuál de estos hombres robó tu billetera? Which of these men stole your wallet?
4. ¿Dónde conseguiste esa camisa nueva? Where did you get that new shirt?
5. ¿Quíen desempolvó mi radio viejo? Who dusted my old radio?
6. ¿Qué decidió Laura? What did Laura decide?
7. ¿Quienes no terminaron la tarea? Who didn't finish the homework?
8. ¿Quién no escuchó lo que dije? Who didn't listen to what I said?
9. ¿Cuál casa compraste, la nueva o la vieja? Which house did you buy, the new one the old?
10. ¿Qué le pasó a esta silla? What happen to this chair?

According to the next sentences make one Subject Question and one Object Question. Please take into
account the WH questions seen throughout the course.
11. Gina didn't remember her son's birthday.
S.Q Who didn´t remeber her son's birthday? ?
O.Q What didn't Gina remember? ?

12. My friends laughed a lot yesterday.

S.Q Who laughed a lot yesterday? ?
O.Q When did my friends laugh a lot? ?

13. My mother lit a candle in memory of her father.

S.Q Who lit a candle ? ?
O.Q Why did my mother light a candle? ?

14. The children licked their popsicles at the park.

S.Q Who licked their popsicles at the park? ?
O.Q What did the children lick? ?

15. We didn't remember where we parked the car.

S.Q Who didn't remember where we parked the car? ?
O.Q What didn't we remeber? ?
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Write in English the following sentences. Please take into account the directions given in class.

Kiss Besar - Beso Bake Hornear
Baker Panadero Wallet Billetera
Shirt Camisa Get Conseguir - Obtener
Dust Desempolvar - Polvo Decide Decidir
What ¿Qué, cuál(es)? - Lo(a) que Listen to Escuchar
Say Decir Happen Suceder - Ocurrir -
Laugh Reir Light Encender - Luz
Popsicle Paleta de hielo Candle Vela

1. ¿Quién los besó? Who kissed them? - Who kissed you?

2. ¿Qué horneó el panadero? What did the baker bake?
3. ¿Cuál de estos hombres robó tu billetera? Which of these men stole your wallet?
4. ¿Dónde conseguiste esa camisa nueva? Where did you get that new shirt?
5. ¿Quíen desempolvó mi radio viejo? Who dusted my old radio?
6. ¿Qué decidió Laura? What did Laura decide?
7. ¿Quienes no terminaron la tarea? Who didn't finish the homework?
8. ¿Quién no escuchó lo que dije? Who didn't listen to what I said?
9. ¿Cuál casa compraste, la nueva o la vieja? Which house did you buy, the new one or the
old one?
10. ¿Qué le pasó a esta silla? What happened to this chair?

According to the next sentences make one Subject Question and one Object Question. Please take into
account the WH questions seen throughout the course.
11. Gina didn't remember her son's birthday.
S.Q Who didn't remember her son's birthday? ?
O.Q What didn't Gina remember? ?

12. My friends laughed a lot yesterday.

S.Q Who laughed a lot yesterday? ?
O.Q When did my friends laugh a lot? ?

13. My mother lit a candle in memory of her father.

S.Q Who lit a candle? ?
O.Q Why did my mother light a candle? ?

14. The children licked their popsicles at the park.

S.Q Who licked their popsicles at the park? ?
O.Q What did the children lick? - Where did the children lick the popsicles? ?

15. We didn't remember where we parked the car.

S.Q Who didn't remember where we parked the car? ?
O.Q What didn't we remember? ?

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