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MARCH 9, 2021

Submit your lackings until Thursday, March 11, 2021 (12 noon) via my school based email
( using your last name and your section as its subject. Since it will
be a late submission, deduction shall be imposed.

Complete the table by supplying what is asked. You could interview others (family members,
relatives, friends and classmates) to be able to answer.
What do I know about philosophy?
What do others know about philosophy?
What do I know that others do not know about philosophy?
What do others know that I do not know about philosophy?

Allegory of the cave is a story of what philosophy does: there is still more in life than in what we
usually do. As a philosophy student, comment: “How dreadful the knowledge of the truth can be,
when there’s no help in truth” (refer to Sophocle’s Oedipus Rex).

Determine the following statements if they are arguments against: person, force, pity and people.
__________1. How can my opponent be relied upon, he is an ex-convict?
__________2. When an employer threatens an employee with dismissal unless he votes for the
employer’s candidate.
__________3. You better agree to my proposal or you cannot see your wife tonight.
__________4. A student who pleads to his teacher not to call his mother for she has heart ailment.
__________5. A student begs his teacher to pass him for him not to lose his scholarship.

Directions: Determine whether the given arguments are sound or unsound.

__________1. All stars are heavenly bodies. Carmil Martin is a star. Therefore, Carmi Martin is a
heavenly body.
__________2. Some roses are red. The gumamela is red. Therefore, the gumamela is a rose.
__________3. Brown is a color. Jose is brown. Therefore, Jose is a color.
__________4. Whatever is fair is beautiful. To kill an enemy in war is fair. Therefore, to kill an
enemy in war is beautiful.
__________5. All dogs are carnivorous. Cats are not dogs. Therefore, cats are not carnivorous.

Logic teaches us to be logical in making our arguments and it leads us to the truth. However, truth
is sometimes held by those whom we regard as experts. Aquino’s ‘Problem with the Truth’ tackles
one’s disagreement from a long-upheld truth espoused by a given community. He said that if
others would not accept other ways of arriving at truth, this would curtail rational discourse and
consequently makes truth unattainable. Read further the editorial entitled Problem with Truth of
Feature a person in your community who started from zero to a hero. You could interview that
person. Highlight at least three notable accomplishments that the person achieved despite the
situations and circumstances the person had gone through.

1. How would you handle a situation by which you know when you tell the truth it will only cost
harm than love?
2. Can you identify instances in your life where you felt you were not free? Why do you say that
you were not free then?
3. Freedom makes us responsible to our actions. When is the degree of accountability less, and
when is it great? Give some examples.

St. James (ABM)

1 Corrales, Christian Tracy R. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
2 Delirio, Mc Monarch V. INC 1.1+1.2+3.1 SAQ
3 Funtanilla, Joshe Andre A. INC 1.1-2.2
5 Manamtam, Joshua Bernard R. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
7 Paet, Kurt Lei C. INC 3.1 SAQ
9 Tesoro, Earl John P. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
2 Alcayaga, Joanna Marie R. INC 2.2
4 Figuerres, Quianne Myles INC 2.1-3.1 SAQ
12 Rojas, Chareena Felize B. INC 1.1-1.2

St. James (TVL)

1 Ankush, Jeed INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
3 Rualizo, Ivan Naxel R. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
5 Beltran, Neil Ace Jefferson G. INC 2.2-3.1 SAQ
7 Rabang, Gebreyl Isaac P. INC 2.1-2.2
8 Ragsag, Michael Angelo M. INC 2.2
2 Chua, Aaliyah Kiese M. INC 1.2
5 Rafanan, Cherry Lei R. INC 3.2 SAQ

St. Jude (STEM-TIS)

1 Aldana, Dwayne Latrell A. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
6 Rabilas, Jhoryl Josh P. INC 1.1-1.2
9 Recel, Julo Danielle T. INC 2.1-3.1 SAQ
12 Rosal, David II M. INC 1.1+1.2+3.1 SAQ
1 Baradi, Hyril Nicole T. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
2 Basallo, Ma. Laurence P. INC 2.2-3.1 SAQ
3 Fabro, Alteah Jezel E. INC 3.1 SAQ
6 Pascua, Christine Daye C. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
7 Rabara, Marjhay Anne V. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
8 Rabino, Maria Nerissa Q. INC SAQ
10 Somera, Rachelle Etienne Y. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ

St. Jude (HUMSS)

1 Alinio, Joshua R. INC 2.2
4 Garvida, Grevic D. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
5 Guerrero, Ernest Joseph C. INC 1.1-2.2
6 Martinez, Jan Rhizman M. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
8 Montaña, Paul Matthew C. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
12 Rapisura, Gerald C. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
13 Reclusado, Mac Jailer R. INC 2.1-2.2
14 Rigunay, Sean Carl R. INC SAQ
2 Battad, Angel Erika J. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
5 Nitcha, Cherrise Keesha M. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
6 Ped, Reena Mizzette R. INC 2.1-3.1 SAQ
7 Salvador, Kirsten Amber A. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
8 Tabbilos, Kyla A. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ

St. Andrew (STEM-NHS)

1 Alarca, Zeph Vincent F. INC 2.2
2 Alcantara, Nestor Craig F. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
3 Bello, Naiki Rostok R. INC 2.1-3.1 SAQ
4 Cabreros, Christian Paul A. INC 1.1-1.2
5 Cordero, Jayson M. INC 1.1-1.2
6 Daquep, Don King Harryson M. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
7 De Guzman, Lysander Paul R. INC 2.1-3.1 SAQ
8 Gabat, Kevin Jhon R. INC 1.1-1.2
13 Reoliquio, Jhon Mark C. INC 1.2+2.2
6 Lived, Ma. Vivien R. INC 3.1 SAQ
13 Ragasa, Reigner Marie C. INC 3.1 SAQ
14 Ranches, Sophia Dominique R. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
18 Seguia, Jeiah Ysabelle S. INC 2.1-2.2
26 Virtudes, Jennica R. INC 3.1 SAQ

St. Philip (GAS)

1 Adviento, Joshua Kristoffer R. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
2 Advincula, Zhen Karlo P. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
3 Altuna, Vince Matthew D. INC 2.1-3.1 SAQ
6 Fernandez, Prince Rex Alexis I. INC 2.1-3.1 SAQ
7 Fernando, Klein P. INC 2.1-3.1 SAQ
8 Lao, Cliff Marcus R. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
9 Lopez, Alexander P. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
11 Nisperos, Sonny Jay L. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
14 Pascua, Jethro A. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
16 Rabie, Jaden L. INC 1.1-1.2
17 Ramos, Kenneth T. INC 3.1 SAQ
20 Robiñol, Earl Joseph R. INC 2.2-3.1 SAQ
21 Saludez, Neil Aldwin INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
23 Tacla, Kim Cyrel T. INC 2.2-3.1
1 Barba, Richi T. INC 2.1-3.1 SAQ
2 Chan, Jesserie Vernice B. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
4 Jimenez, Jazmine Judelaine R. INC 2.1-3.1 SAQ
5 King, Jazmine O. INC 3.1 SAQ
8 Obrero, Viber P. INC 3.1 SAQ
11 Rabanal, Ashley Lorraine S. INC 1.1-2.2
12 Roque, Princess Mariella G. INC 1.1+2.2-3.1 SAQ
13 Rosario, Vea Jemalyn INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
11 Supnet, Pia Largie T. INC 1.1-2.2
12 Tamonte, Denesse Anne R. INC 1.1-3.1 SAQ
13 Villaruz, Sophia Eunice B. INC 2.1-2.2

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