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Cause No.


Fort Worth Independent School District,


Georgia Clark and Mike Morath, in his official capacity as Texas

Commissioner of Education

In the 250th District Court of Travis County, Texas

Assigned to Judge Catherine A. Mauzy

Final Judgment

On December 16, 2020, the Court heard and considered the above-styled and numbered

cause. Plaintiff Fort Worth Independent School District appeared through its attorneys of

record. Defendants Georgia Clark and Mike Morath, in his official capacity as Texas

Commissioner of Education, appeared through their attorneys of record. After considering

the administrative record, the briefing, the relevant law, and the oral argument, the Court

renders judgment as follows:

IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the November 25, 2019

Decision of the Commissioner in Docket No. 006-R2-10-2019 is hereby REVERSED and

the September 17, 2019 Decision of the Board of Trustees for the Fort Worth Independent

School District is thereby REINSTATED.

Final Judgment
FWISD v. Clark, et al.; Cause No. D-1-GN-19-008899 1
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this judgment disposes of all parties and all claims,

is final and appealable, and any relief not expressly provided for is denied.

Hon. Catherine A. Mauzy

Final Judgment
FWISD v. Clark, et al.; Cause No. D-1-GN-19-008899 2

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