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1.0 Task 1: Design Evaluation Using ACCESS FM

1.1 Case Study Description
1.2 Evaluation of product

2.0 Task 2: Design Evaluation Using PIM

2.1 product Evaluation Based on Case Studies


1.0) Design Evaluation Using ACCESS FM
In creating new designs and products, designer often look up at previous and
existing works made by other designers to analyze and evaluate the works which will
prevent them from copying the works of other designers. Other than that, it also helps
to determines the characteristics of existing products that could be enhanced and
improved to be applied to a new function, designs or area. The research from the
evaluation can be collated to enlighten a new design ideas or new design

One of useful ways to evaluate existing products is through the method

ACCESS FM. It is an acronym that stands for Aesthetic, Cost, Customer,
Environment, Safety, Size, Material. In the following report, a product i.e., stool will
be evaluated using ACCESS FM.

1.1) Case Study (Yosegi Stool)

The Yosegi Stool is a pair of nesting stools, inspired by a traditional
Japanese Shinto Kumiki puzzle. The design incorporates two traditional
Japanese techniques which is Yosegi, an art of using inlaid wood to create
exquisite patterns and Tsugite, a geometric wooden joint technique. It works
as a multifunctional stool wich fits best into category of furniture, decorative
items and homeware design. Apart from being just a stool, Yosegi Stool when
separated in two, it also works as companion seats or footrests.

Figure 1 shows Yosegi stools

This stool was a develop thought from Yoshi Ito, the founder of
TAMEN Studio. It took almost two years for the designer to complete the
project design which started in May 2016 and completed in September 2017.

This stool has won the Gold A’ Design Award in 2018 for its very precise
wood crafting work.

1.2) Evaluation of Product

This stool has an elegant style due to its design that applies two
traditional Japanese craftmanship techniques and turned into contemporary
pieces. The first technique is called Yosegi, which means “combined wood”.
The name reflects the method of combining different wood block shapes and
sizes to create patterns. The techniques use can be seen on the beautiful
surface of the stool’s designs that use two different high-quality timber to
create different patterns using the tones of the woods which is Japanese
Hinoki cypress, Nyatoh and Jindai cedar.

Figure 2 shows the pattern created from Tsugite and surface of Yosegi stool

The second technique used is Tsugite, the most common mechanism

for Japanese geometric wooden joint. From this design, the technique applied
has crafted 12 conjoined diamoned-shape and has form the stool to be in
hexagon shape. This technique also gives an advantage to the appearance of
Yosegi Stool by not showing any grafting materials such as nails or screw
being used like most other stool has. This makes the chair look neater, and
aesthetically pleasing.

Figure 3

Figure 4

Apart from looking sturdy, the finishing of Yosegi Stool is highly

detailed while having attractive shaped furniture pieces shown through its
unique complex cuts in timber. All timbers used in this stool has given a warm
hue and mostly dominated by the tones of Jindai cedar.

The Yosegi stool retails in between $2,500.00 for set that use Japanese
Hinoki Cypress and Nyatoh wood to $6,000.00 for set that use Jindai Cedar.
The cost is differ depending on types of wood as because all the woods have
different characteristics such as wood grain and its quality. The more beautiful
the wood grain, the higher its value. Same goes to the durability and the
quality of the wood. In this design, it can be seen that the stool set which use
Jindai Cedar has a higher price as it has more beautiful grain and filled with
vibrant tones of cedar.

Figure 5 On the left is Yosegi stool with Jindai Cedar
and on the left is Yosegi stool with Hinoki Cypress and Nyatoh Wood

Figure 6 shows the price stated on its website

To evaluate, it is a reasonable rate based on the overall output of the

finished product. Besides of using high value wood, the ability of Yosegi stool
to merge into a single seat and be stored for save spacing with the detail of its
complex mechanism is another reason of its high-priced. It is also a good
value for money as it is stable and durable for a long period of use.

The shape, structure and tone of Yosegi stool most probably will
attract adults starting from the age of 35 to the age of 50s or people who
enthusiast with furniture and wood deco. The average consumer of such an
age is able to purchase because they already have a stable savings and
individual between those ages tend to use furniture as the color is warm and
giving peace to the environment to the interior and space. This chair is also
produced for consumers who love high value and luxury furniture that is
usually used by the affluent societies.
Its pieces that are extremely delicate and sophisticated certainly
appeals for an individual who appreciates finer details of furniture. As Yosegi
stool is inspired by traditional Japanese craftmanship and has been crafted

with a modern design that is in keeping with the present, this stool might be
for consumer who has a taste and style in traditional, classic and contemporary
design. In all likelihood, consumer will use the stool mainly in hall or any
interior and décor that suits with its function as a stool such as pairing the
stool with a small two-seater dining table. Yosegi stool can make a dull area
look more appealing with its bold and contemporary appearance.
In short, this stool has a high potential to attract many consumers
based on its appearance and function but its high price may cause the
consumer to change their view and consideration unless the consumer is really
determined and capable to purchase Yosegi stool.
Everything has its pros and cons. The same goes for Yosegi stool. It
may look beautiful, elegant and bold. However, the effect of the production of
this stool to some extent affect the environment due to the materials used in
the production of this stool are woods cut from trees that take years to grow.
Yosegi stool generally use various types of woods and this might lead
to deforestation to obtain the material. Deforestation is the removal and
clearing of forest or trees for different purposes. There are companies and
manufactures who are into deforestation but do not follow the method's best
practises. They might burn or cut trees down and do not plant new ones to
replace what they have removed and because of this, there will be lesser trees
to be used in the future as sources of wood.
As for Yosegi stool, among the used wood is Jindai Cedar which took
20 to 50 years to reach a height of 4 meters and a spread of 2.5 meters.
Although the replanting process is done, the process to re-cover the logging
activities that have been done might take some time. However, it is a good key
that Yosegi stool does not produce this stool in mass production and only with
a limit number of productions. This measure can reduce the number of
deforestation and also save the environment from further violations.

The brainy part of Yosegi stool is the mechanism used in constructing
it. The Tsugite technique which is the Japanese geometric wooden joint has

pieced each component together without the need for additional tools,
adhesives, nails or even screw. This results to no presence of hazardous part
that are easy to come off and cause danger to users, especially causing choke
towards small children.
Another safety measure that has applied in this stool is its mass.
Yosegi stool is handcrafted from high value woods, which indirectly provides
a lightness in terms of mass. Its lightweight can reduce the risk of injuries if
there is an unwanted incident occurring for example, the chair falls

Figure 7
The figure focus on the sharp edges and lines of Yosegi stool

However, a serious injuries can occur because of this hexagon-shaped

stool. It has a sharp edges as well as sharp lines that could threat not only
children but also adults. The sharp edges and sharp line may scratch user’s
clothing or skin especially when user wants to take out and seperated the stool
in two. The design also do not even consider to make a slight curved for each
edges. Based on this, it can be define that the designers of Yosegi stool
prioritizes aesthetics over the value of safety that should be given concern
when producing products.


Yosegi stool is designed to be in size of L360 x W312 x H400mm
which is not very different from any of the nesting stools on the market. This
shows that the designers already have looked very closely at the ergonomics
of stool during the process of designing the stool.

Figure 8
Variations of stool sizes
Even so, when the two Yosegi stools are nested, the single seat
measure a height of 480mm which is the average limit measurement for a
height of standard stool. This is an appropriate size that could be use by all
level of age as it is not too tall and not too small.

Figure 8
The right picture shows the upper stool become higher
after being merged to the second stool

Apart from its size that is ergonomic, Yosegi stool also takes a very
little area when stacked up against the other pair of Yosegi stool. This design
conveniently taking up much less space than most current designs because of
its size that can be differ according to the situation and the consumer will.

All products have a primary function and the reason for which they
were intended, but most products also have a variety of additional functions.
The primary function of the Yosegi stool is to create a combined or nested
stool seat and seems to be a space saver which it does effectively.

Figure 9
The process of using Yosegi stool

Figure 10

Other unique function of this stool is that it also works as a companion

seat or even a footrest when the stool is separated in two which is incredibly
impressive when observed first-hand. It is obviously easy to use and
convenient to use in any situation but must be handled by adults. Yosegi stool
works as a multi-function stool that is relevant to be applied in nowadays life
style which encompasses space saving.

All materials to create Yosegi stool is 100 percent made out of high
value woods. Woods are appropriate materials in the design and usage of these
stool because wood is mainly use in other furniture design. Among the woods
used in creating this detailed and crafted stool are Japanese Hinoki Cypress,
Nyatoh, and Jindai Cedar which are known for their lightweight, durability as
well as beautiful colour.
Japanese Hinoki Cypress has an impressive durability which is said
still stay sturdy even after 200 years of being logged and eventually become
weaker after 1,000 years. The texture of Hinoki is smooth to touch and has a

unique scent even though the wood has been dried. It has an extremely fine
grain and holds up well in humid environments. Meanwhile Nyatoh wood,
they are easy to handle with as it stains but polishes well. Cedar has tiny air
pockets within the wood grain, and those air pockets protect the wood from
temperature changes. This cause Yosegi stool is not hot to the touch, even
though it is hot outside.
Since it is beautifully hand crafted by notable furniture maker Hida
Sangyo, Yosegi tools are not a mass production and number of its production
is limited. The choice of material in creating Yosegi stool is well choose to in
line with the intended purpose of the stool which are to provide a high degree
of durability that resists wear and tear from everyday use.

2.0) Design Evaluation Using PMI

PMI (plus, minus, interesting) is a brainstorming method for data collection on
a concept, idea, or when a team or an individual takes a comprehensive look at a work
set that has completed. PMI aims to help people see all points of view and learn about
a problem more generally. PMI is designed to open up the thought of each individual
and to inspire innovation.
Thus, “Plus” is connected to the subject's positive elements. There may be all
the advantages or benefits of a particular item. “Minus” is linked to the negative
element which it implies one thing's bad or disadvantages. Meanwhile “Interesting”
applies to certain points which are not positive or bad, but which are considered to be
neutral insights, statements or points of interest.
It encourages designer to consider all variables and evaluate of other product
designs. An attempt has been made in this report to clarify how the PMI works and
how the PMI helps in evaluating various products of wall clock.

2.1) Case Studies

Case study 1 (Kangaroo Pouch Clock)

Figure 11
Kangaroo Pouch Clock in two designs

Designed by David Raffoul, Kangaroo Pouch clock is a wall clock

with a convenient pouch for storage. The timepiece is made of solid wood,
sturdy, handsome, and easy to pair with any home decor. The pattern is
finished in natural oil or white paint; for the minimalist two-hand movement
in black, any choice renders a fine backdrop. In order not to detract from its
revolutionary purpose, the smooth, round clock has no markers of numbers.
The pouch can hold everything from keys to writing tools such as pen and
sticky notes.

Figure 12
Close up on the storage

The ‘plus’ factor in this wall clock is that it does not only work as a
wall clock but also works as a storage. This can help consumers in space
saving as well as saving money because consumers do not need to buy storage
equipment to place their stuff especially small stuff like keys, that are easily to
lose. Other than that, it has a high value of aesthetics as the design is minimal
and not crowded. The material chosen also contributes to the aesthetic of the

Even though it is able to keep small items inside the pouch, in the long
run the clock wall can become dirty and has scratches as a result of those
action. For example, carbon from the pencil can leave dirt or user accidentally
scratch the clock when taking out scissor that is being keep inside the pouch.
Other than that, the clock can not hold a big pressure if user keep many things
inside the pouch. This will lead to will lead to the probability for the clock to
fall easily. In addition of its ‘minus’, the clock wall definitely needs to be
hung lower than normal height to make it easier for users to reach and store
items placed in the pouch. This is seen as unusual and may disfigure the
interior as proper height to hang wall clock is around eye level for most
people which is 137cm to 145 cm.
To make it interesting, the designer may design this wall clock for kids
as the height and the function is more suitable for kids. When designing for
kids, the wall clock must have markers of numbers and diversify color options
as kids are growing and have a lot of learning process. The idea of the pouch
is great but designers might enlarge the size of the storage or add any
mechanism to the pouch to make it more attractive.

Case study 2 (Falling Numbers Wall Clock)

Figure 13
Front view of Falling numbers wall clock

The Karlsson has designed Wall Clock Dropping Numbers that is

suitable for home with an aesthetic of topsy turvy theme. The numbers seem
to slip off this timepiece's face, and some are also upside down and none of
them are in proper order. This jumbled look has the effect of making it appear

like a massive earthquake has just happened and this wall clock has been
shaken so hard, all the numbers have jumbled up and out of order.

Figure 14

Unique and has its own meaning is the plus aspect of this wall clock.
Its design is a perfect eye-catching interior decor and have an implicit
meaning that will definitely attract the attention of anyone who loves
something that is subjective and has a deep meaning. It is also a great concept
where the designer use monochrome color to make the design more balance as
well as to avoid packed and crowded design.
The ‘minus’ for this design is that the number sequences are too
scatter. This will lead to difficulty in telling the time by some user. This also
shows that this design is not user friendly where it does not consider consumer
with dyslexia. Some of the digits are out from the panel which can be make
the digits came off easily. Other than that, the panel of the clock is too simple
with sharp edges and lines.

Figure 15
Example when Falling Numbers wall clock hanging on the wall

Designers can improve the design by using the same concept which is
earthquake but make the sequences of the number less scatter. On top of that,
the placement of the digit should be inside the panel to avoid any damage. The
concept also should be applied on the plain square panel by adding some

‘crack’ features to show that the wall clock has been shaken so hard during the

Case study 3 (Little Note Clock)

Figure 16
Little note clock that allows user to write anything on the panel

The Little Note Clock has a whimsical mechanism that allows user to
mark off the most impressive events of the day by scribbling in line with the
positions of the hour hand. Tim Defleur designed the chronometer that is
made from a smooth and rounded body of silicone material. The dial is made
of metal or plywood and finished with a white dry-erase sheet. A small
offshoot from the bottom of the clock has a curious look which actually
functions as magnetized removable marker.

The ‘plus’ aspect for this wall clock is that it can unleash the creativity
of the user as user can draw anything on the white dry-erase sheet. They may
draw number on their own style, do a doodle, or due to be done work. This
will give user many new experiences and never get bored when looking at the
wall clock. Besides, the material used is safe and convenient for any ages to

However, the ‘minus’ aspect for this wall clock is that the dry-erase
sheet can get dirty after a long usage. The marker will leave stain if user did
not wipe the sheet frequently. Designer also does not provide any parts from
the clock to be the wiper or eraser. Other than that, the hour hand may get
broken easily. This is because their hand or the marker may accidentally
collide with the hour hand while drawing or writing. This clock also not

suitable for a long-term use because the ink will run out after many usage and
user may lose interest to use it again. The placement of the marker is too
contra and making the wall clock look like a magnifying glass.

Figure 17
Example of usage in Little Note Clock and its mechanism

To make it interesting, designer may design the marker to be refillable

and provide user with ink refill. Any parts from the marker also should has a
wiper or marker eraser to allow user to wipe previous notes or to change their
style. Along with that, designer can change the position and the mechanism of
the marker to be more interesting.

Case study 4 (Sophie, Adjustable Clock)

Figure 18
Variations of Sophie, the adjustable clock

Sophie is an adjustable form wall clock, comprises of two overlapping

laser cut painted plywood surfaces with twelve lines each. The lower dial of

the panel is connected to the clock mechanism, but it is easy for user to rotate
the upper one according on their decorating style and taste. Depending on the
time of day, various configurations can create different shadows along the
wall. Thus, with each impulse or change of mood, the design has a different
look, and a new way of being seen which will benefits user in terms of mood.

Figure 19 shows on how to rotate the panel

The only ‘minus’ factor about this wall clock is that it might get
broken easily if the user rotate it too often. The mechanism can become loose
after prolonged use. Moreover, users may also face some problems when
rotating the panel. They need to be carefully controlled to prevent the clock
from falling.

To make it more interesting, designers can develop this wall clock

with producing it in many shapes. Aside from that, it is also interesting if
designers can combine two different shape of panel together. This will create
more fun and unexpected shadow as well as design.

Case study 5 (Umbra, Cage Wall Clock)

Figure 20
Umbra being hung on the wall

A new and modern translation of a retro concept is called Umbra's

Cage Wall Clock by Alan Wisniewski. Alan looked to the past for his
inspiration while designing the wall clock and modelled the object after a
classic clock one might see in their childhood gym class.
For its ‘plus’, it is interesting that the domed metal cage also could
represent the number of the clock from the front. The wall clock that could be
as home accessory is 16" in diameter which is a good size as user can see it
from far. The combination of solid wood and metal as materials is also
brilliant to make it look retro.

Figure 20
The close up on the metal dome

The ‘minus’ factor for this product is that the metal dome is too high.
Thus, in terms of care, the clock easy to get dusty and it is hard to clean. In a
long run, the metal will rust and will break easily. In that case, to make it
interesting, the designer could lower the metal dome and make the size a bit
small or a standard size of a wall clock for user to have ease in terms of
cleaning the dust.
 Multifunction  Dirty and  Design for
 Minimal scratches after kids
design long usage  Various
 Cannot hold big colour
pressure option
 Not a proper  Enlarge the
height to hang storage size
the wall clock or add any
 Unique  Numbers too  Make
 Has its own scatter number less
meaning  Not user friendly scatter
 Eye catching  Digits out from  Placement
the panel of digit

 Monochrome  Too simple should be
colour panel inside panel
 Design
panel to be
more stylish

 Unleash  Dirty after long  Provide user

creativity usage with
 Safe material  Does not provide refillable ink
 Convenient eraser  Any parts of
for all age  Hour hand may marker
break should have
 Ink run out after eraser
long usage  Change the
position and
of the
 Create  Mechanism can  Produce
different loose various
design and  Difficulties in shape
style rotating the  Combine 2
 Let user to panel different
determined shapes
their style and
 Home décor  Metal dome is  Lower the
 Can see from too high dome
far  Difficulties in  Make
cleaning standard
 Rusty metal size so that
easy to

Table 1 shows summarization of PMI

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