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Assessment Date:

Assessor :

Name : Designation :

Years of employment :

Questionnaire Answer

Are you Happy with your current work? Why?

What is your future career plan?

What is your career objective in the next one

to three year?

How do you think we can do to improve our


What have you achieved this year?

What you failed to achieve this year?

Are you ready to take on a new role?

Give 3 comments about your superior

What do you expect your manager to help you

in improving your career?
Assessor comments(by manager)

Assessment General Guidelines

1. This assessment form is aim to create a consistent content & help Managers give relevant
questions to ensure a fair assessment is recorded for management review.

2. After completing the form managers will revert with comments for employee to review & sign off
the assessment form. The review session shall be conducted face-to-face.

3. Assessment is not mean for salary increment; it is a process for yearly review of staff performance.

4. Management will assess if there is a necessity to increase salary or demote/promote an employee.

5. All salary discussion shall be in gross Vietnam Dong.

6. Employee is requested to be open and honest in response to assessment, all content of discussion
shall not be disclosed to other parties.

I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the terms of this document relating to
the assessment.


Date :

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