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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, O1c0t.o5b9er58
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20o1. 190.0290775.39

Knowledge of Nurses about Prevention of Patient Fall Risk in

Inpatient Room of Private Hospital in Medan

Roymond H. Simamora1, Nurmaini2, Cholina Trisa Siregar1

Faculty of Nurses Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2Faculty Comunity of Health Universitas Sumatera Utara

Fall risk is an increase in susceptibility to falls, it can cause physical harm. Falls is an incident that causes
a person suddenly lie downor accidentally sprawl on the floor. Providing safety to the patient is very
important, and to realize patient’s safety especially to reduce injury from the effect of fall risk, the first step
required is prevention based of knowledge. The study design was descriptive with Proportional random
sampling technique. Research purposes to determine the level of nurses knowledge about prevention the risk
of patients fall. An instrument used in this study is a questionnaire. The Population in this study were nurse
workers in inpatient ward of Private Hospital in Medan. Samples were 150 nurse workers. The result showed
that 57.3% respondents belong to the category of good level knowledge. The results of this study can be an
input for the hospital to improving nurse knowledge through the procurement of seminars on prevention of
risk patients fall.

Keywords: Identification, Fall Risk, Knowledge, Nurses, patient.

Background didn’t do risk assessment patient fall on inpatients, there

were 14.2% nurse’s didn’t perform risk management
Based on the rate incidence of patients fall every year
patients fall after doing assessment. This proves that
in all hospitals found in the United States reported data of
the incidence of patients fall is still high and is still
700,000 to 1,000,000 people have experience falls every
far from the accreditation standard which suggest for
year in the hospital. Reports from hospitals and mental
the incidence of patient fall is not expected to occur in
health units in the UK in 2011 were 282,000 patients fall
hospital or 0% incidence. Nurses must be knowledgeable
each year, there which 840 had hip fractures, 550 patients
because every intervention to be applied must be based
had fractures, and 30 had an intra cranial injury(1). In
on knowledge.
the book “Preventing Fall In Hospital, A Toolkit For
Improving Quality of Care” (2013) suggests in the Method: This study design was descriptive
UK about 152,000 falls are reported in acute hospitals quantitative with Proportional random sampling
each year, with more than 26,000 reported from mental technique. Samples were 150 nurse. This study was
health units and 28,000 from community hospitals (2) . conducted from 21 April to 28 May 2018. An instrument
Based on survey conducted by the Hospital Comitee in used questionnaire.
Indonesian about incidence of patient fallsin January-
April (2011) reported cases of unexpected events (KTD) Results and Discussion
and near-accident events (KNC) caused by the patient
Table 1. Distribution frequency and percentage
falls were 5.15% (3). Based on the congress XII report
characteristics respondents in inpatient wards
of the Indonesian Hospital Association showed that the
incidence of patients falling was included in the three Characteristic Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
major hospital medical incidents and was secondgrade
after the medicine error. Data from the report shows that
20-29 28 25,3
as many as 34 cases (14%) incident falls occurred in
hospitals in Indonesian. Based on the data that got from 30-39 74 49,3
Private Hospital in Medan about reduce the riskpatient 40-49 30 20,1
falls from January to June 2017 there were 9.2% nurses 50-59 18 5,3
Characteristic Frequency (n) Percentage (%) True False
No. Question
Gender f % F %
When doing
Male 10 6,7
9 remonitoringhighrisk 82 54.7 68 45.3
Women 140 93,3 patients fall
Education One of the intervention
10 120 80.0 30 20.0
on highrisk patients fall
High School 4 2,7
precaution measures of
Diploma 114 76 11 80 53.3 70 46.7
lowrisk patients fall
Bacheloor 32 21,3 When nurse give
12 intervention four-sided 128 85.3 22 14.7
Experience of working
bed safety
<1 Years 6 4 When nurse cut-in
1-3 Years 16 10,7 13 theidentification 82 54.7 68 45.3
braceletsof patient fall.
>3 Years 128 85,3
The color of the
14 identification bracelet 118 78.7 32 21.3
The results of the study, it is found that most patient at risk of falling
respondent characteristics in the age range 30-39 years The scale assessment
is 49.3%, with gender most women that is 93.3%, most 15 of risk falls on pediatric 134 89.3 16 10.7
have the last education Diploma nursing is 76%, and patients
most has experience working in nursing service for> 3 16 Use of Morse Fall Scale 120 80.0 30 20.0
years is 85.3%. Things to be
17 150 100.0 0 0
Table 2. Distribution Frequency and Percentage patients by using
Identity Knowledge of Nurse in Inpatient Room of humpty dumpty scale
Private Hospital in Medan Things to be assessment
18 from patients by using 128 85.3 22 14.7
Morse Fall Scale
True False
No. Question Effect fromresults
f % F %
changes assessment
What the meaning of 19 from the low risk of 128 85.3 22 14.7
1 128 85.3 22 14.7
patients fallsincidence falling to high risk of
The stage of reduces falling.
risk patient injury from 49.3 In elderly patients,
2 76 50.7 64
falls in the patient 20 things to be asses when 122 81.3 28 18.7
safety goals do assessment risk falls
factors causing risk
3 patients fall in the 116 77.3 34 22.7 Based on the results of the study, it is found that
hospital more respondents answered correctly on question 17, at
When did the early most wrong in question number 2
4 assessment of risk 120 80.0 30 20.0
patients fall
Table 3. Distribution and Frequency of Knowledge
when did the of Nurse on Prevention of Patient Fall Risk in
5 reassessment of risk 104 69.3 46 30.7
patients fall Inpatient Room of Privaate Hospital in Medan
When do prevention of 4.0
6 144 96.0 6 Knowledge of Nurse’s Frekuency (n) Persentage (%)
risk patients fall
Not good 64 42.7
Result of the Error
7 assessmentrisk patients 142 94.7 8 5.3 Good 86 57.3
Based on the results of the study found that the
To prevent the patient
from falling, when the knowledge of nurses about the Prevention of Risk
8 138 92.0 12 8.0
patient first come to the Patients Fall in Inpatient Room Private hospital in
room. What nurse do?. Medan is in good category.
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, October 2019, Vol. 10, No. 10 761
Table 4: Distribution and Frequency of Nurses initial assessment of the risk of falling patients, the first
Knowledge Component on Prevention of Risk thing a nurse must know is the risk factor of falling, so
Patient Fall in Inpatient Room Private hospital in that the nurse does not give a wrong score during the
Medan patient’s initial assessment.

Good Not good In consistent with the theory in JCI (9), Hospitals
No Component
F % F % apply the assessment process to all inpatients who are
the meaning of patients falls at falls ofrisk and use appropriate assessment tools /
1 58 38.7 92
incidence 61.3 method with the patient provided by the service. In the
2 Risk factors for fall 106 77.3 34 22.7 component of risk fall assessment element, it was found
Elements of Fall Risk
86 57.3 64 42.7
that the knowledge of the nurse was in good category
Assessment that is as many as 43 people (57.3%). This indicates
Prevention of Patients Falls that there are still nurses who do not know about the
4 68 45.3 82 54.7
element of risk risk assessment that is as much as 32
The scale of falls risk
5 76 50.7 74 49.3 people (42.7%), errors in risk assessment fall can be
caused by lack of accuracy nurses in terms of scoring
Based on the results of the study, it is found that the assessment of risk falls, whereas the impact of risk
the knowledge component of nurses on Prevention of assessment mistakes fall very affect the implementation
Risk Patient Falls at the most at risk factors falling ie 58 or intervention to be provided. errors in this judgment
people (77.3%). can be fatal, resulting in falling patients affecting the
quality and image issues of a hospital (10).
The results of the study showed that nurses’
Respondents shows that the knowledge of nurses knowledge about the risk prevention component of risk
about prevention of patients fall risk is in good category. was still in the low category of 45.3%. Knowledge of
The result of this study same with study conducted by (4), nurses can not be caused by education. Notoatmodjo:
there were 96% nurses have level of knowledge about states that the higher the level of one’s knowledge,
patient safety with good category, The same thing was the better the person’s knowledge (11). According to
presented obtained 76.4% nurses have a good level of Simamora: education will affect a person in making
knowledge(5). This study obtained that knowledge will decisions so that the higher the level of education a
greatly affect to prevent patient risk of fall. Differential person increasingly understands and understands about a
with Enie: 82% of respondents are included in the low science and will affect their behavior, so that the behavior
knowledge level category (6). This can happen because will be higher compliance (11). This is in line with the
nurses who workers have low awareness to explore research conducted by Kilateng: where it was found that
the science of prevention of risk patients fall and this the relationship between nurse knowledge about patient
can also be caused by lack of training organized by the safety and risk prevention measures fell (12). The age
hospital which is very affect on the increase of nursing range is early adulthood. Early adulthood is a productive
knowledge. age range, where in this range one is usually considered
more able to complete social tasks, be more responsible,
Based on the components of nurses’ knowledge,
think rationally, have life experience and adequate
it was found that the lowest knowledge was falling
education. According to Budiman:, age affects the
risk definition, namely 29 respondents (38.7%). This
capability and mindset of a person. Increasing age will
can happen because nurses who work lack a clear
develop the ability to catch and the mindset of a person
understanding of the risk of falling. Understanding is a
so that knowledge gained better. This is in accordance
person’s ability to understand the knowledge he receives.
with the results of this study where the results obtained
Understanding of knowledge is a cognitive aspect of a
as many as 20 people (54.1%) nurses are in the age range
person (7). Based on Budiono research, to increase the
30-39 years have knowledge in both categories. Another
knowledge of health workers, especially nurses, what
thing that influence the research is gender, in this study
needs to be done is socialization and training (8). Based
it was found that more respondents have female gender
on the results of the study, 77.3% of nurses had good
that is as much 70 people (93,3%), responder who is
knowledge. The researcher assumes that to carry out the
good knowledge is female gender that is as much as
42 people (60%). Budiman: states that the individual Source of Finding: Directorate of Research and
variables of sex can affect performance, essentially more Community Service Directorate General of Strengthening
diligent women than men. Research and Development of the Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education
In line with research conducted by Prasetyo: stated in accordance with the Research and Service Funding
that more nurses have female gender that is (83,3%), in Agreement for the Budgetary Community 2018
this research is explained that woman better in patient
safety than men, because nursing is still identical with Ethical Consideration: the study was approved
work that fits the nature of women who are more patient, by the central ethics commite of Fakultas keperawatan
gentle and caring to the patient being treated (3). The Universitas Sumatera Utara. Persmission was olso
results showed that more than half of respondents had obtained from the head Nurse in Hospital Medan.
the last education background of Diploma nursing that Informed concent was taken from the Nurses individually
is as many as 57 people (76.5%). Nurses who have a after explaining the objectives and purpose of the study.
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Referensi Jurnal Berdasarkan Harvard Style, Apa Style, Dan Vancouver Style

1 Harvard Style
Simamora R, Nurmaini N, Siregar C. 2019, ‘Knowledge of Nurses About Prevention of
Patient Fall Risk in Inpatient Room of Private Hospital in Medan’, Indian Journal of Public
Healt Research & Development, 10(10), hh.760-763

2 APA Style
Simamora R, Nurmaini N, Siregar C. 2019, Knowledge of Nurses About Prevention of
Patient Fall Risk in Inpatient Room of Private Hospital in Medan. Indian Journal of Public
Healt Research & Development, 10(10). 760-763

3 Vancouver Sstyle
Simamora R, Nurmaini N, Siregar C. Knowledge of Nurses About Prevention of Patient
Fall Risk in Inpatient Room of Private Hospital in Medan. Indian Journal of Public Healt
Research & Development. 2019 April;10(10):760-763
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, October 2019, Vol. 10, No. 10 765

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