Informática Ejercicios I

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Rubi Bazó Ingles

Exercise 1.- - ¿Cuál es su profesión?

Completa cada una de las distintas profesiones, siguiendo el ejemplo:

She is a - engineer
nurse - miner
- dentist
- teacher
- detective
- astronaut

Exercise 2 - Utilizar a / an donde sea necesario:

1. My sister is_____nurse.

2. He is ____ policeman and his wife is ___engineer.

3. She is ____ good musician.

4. What ____ expensive car!

5. ______ travel agent would give you ___ information about ___reservations.
6. It is _____ pleasure to do it.

7. He drinks wine three times ____ day.

8. He broke ___ arm in ___ skiing accident.

9 ______ hour.

10. I'll pay you ___thousand_____ month.

Exercise 3 - Escribe el articulo a / an cuando sea necesario

Bottle of milk 'a' bottle of milk ('bottle' es contable)

Rain is good for the grass ('rain' es incontable)

1. Bob drinks____beer.
2. Does Jack like___ meat?
3. I have ___old car.
4 _____bread isn't expensive.
5. Do you want ______ cup of tea?
6. My husband never drinks ____ alcohol.
7. Australia is ______island.
8. I want to buy _____new car
9. I need ____ glass of water
10. Can I have ______bar of chocolate?

Con artículo o sin artículo? (no article) Elige la respuesta correcta para cada frase:

1. How much money do you want? Give me ________ 10 dollars.


2. I gave him ________ money that I found.


3. She is ________ only person here that speaks Japanese.


4. I live in ________ London.


5. This kind of ________ weather makes me happy.


6. He bought ________ new car.


7. What does he do? He sells ________ cars.


8. I live on ________ Washington Street.


9. I drank ________ glass of milk.

10. Two of my classmates come from ________ Vietnam.
2. the
Adverbs: Form and Function (Los adverbios: La forma y el funcionamiento)

Exercise 1:

- Put the adverbs in the correct place in the sentence. Follow the example.

Example: My computer has never made that noise before. (never)

1- It’s not easy to get tickets.always

2- Why are you here when I need you?never

3- My girlfriend cooks a hot meal for lunch.usually

4- They’ll expect us to take a bottle of wine.probably

5- McVities Plain Chocolate Digestive biscuits are the best.definitely

6- I have been so happy in my life.never

7- Do you clean your nose with your T-shirt? usually

8- I remember buying more beer.definitely

9- August is the hottest month in Spain.usually

10- I can manage to be there around three o’clock.probably

11- I’m terribly sorry, our dog’s done that before.never

12- Yes, you’re right.probably

13- Is the heating on? I feel cold in your house.always

14- You should say thank you when someone gives you something.always

15- Valencia are going to win on Sunday.definitely

Exercise 2:

- Put the words on the right into the correct position in each line of the
story. More than one position may be possible. Follow the examples.

Jealousy and Lies

outside - still - even - quite - still - enough - hardly ever - carelessly -

outside - strangely - still - terribly

Santi’s car stopped outside the restaurant at 10pm.

He was still wearing his work clothes which were (still) dirty from a long

day in the fish factory. He opened the door and didn’t look

at me as he stood net to our table. It took a long time for

someone to speak. I couldn’t believe he had found us.

“Have you had to eat?” he asked David. I saw panic in

David’s eyes. He is lost for words, but now he just sat

there. Santi took David’s napkin

and threw it on the floor,

. “I’d like to speak to you David.” said

Santi. I felt relieved as both men left the restaurant and

people around me started speaking again. I was worried

and I felt guilty when I had seen the pain in Santi’s eyes.
both – quietly – never - enough – curiously – quite – even – finally –

freely – still - immediately

Santi and David stood silently in the street,

waiting for the other to speak. “ How long have you been

seeing my wife?” asked Santi, . “About four months,”

replied David. “ Look Santi, I had any intention….” “Shut

up! Don’t you think you’ve done damage?” cried Santi,

causing late-night shoppers to look at the two men

. David was surprised when Santi hit him.

He didn’t think Santi would use violence. He thought that

Santi might walk away and say nothing.

When Maria left the restaurant , she saw

David on the floor. Blood was running from his nose and

onto his white shirt. Santi was standing there, his body

shaking with anger. Almost I took Santi’s

hand and pulled him away.

- Elige el significado correcto.

1. after ______________ 6. under_______________
2. Behind_____________ 7. between _________________
3. above ______________ 8. About_______________
4. Through ___________ 9. with _________________
5. Up ______________ 10. From ________________

Lee las siguientes frases, y escribe otra frase con un significado parecido a la primera.
Sigue el ejemplo.
You must drink water to live. / You can’t live without drinking water.

1 He plays football very well.

playing fooball
He’s good at .
2 She wouldn’t let me pay the bill.

She insisted on .
3 I appreciate the money you lent me.

Thank you for .

4 Is golf the only sport you play?

Besides , are there any other sports you play?

5 It took me two years to learn to swim.

After two years I succeeded in .

6 I don’t intend to change my job.

I have no intention of .
7 Craig was a farmer before he became a teacher.

Craig was a teacher after .

8 I had a shower after I played tennis.

I played tennis before .

9 The flat was expensive, but we bought it.

In spite of , we bought the flat.

10 ‘Why don’t we go for a pizza?’ said Ruben.
‘How about ?’ said Ruben.

‘Do you feel like ?’ said Ruben.

‘What about ?’ said Ruben.

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