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NH 0220001


MARET 2021
1. By using your own words, please explain the eight Part of Speech!
1) noun : is a word used to name or describe people, things, places
and ideas.
2) pronoun : serves to avoid the repetition of the same noun or noun
phrase that has been previously mentioned
3) adjective : change a noun or pronoun
4) verb : to show the action of the subject, show events or
5) adverb : to explain or provide additional information about a verb
or adjective An adverb answers the question when?, where?, how?,
how much?, how long?, or how often?.”
6) conjunction : is a word that connects a word with a word in a
sentence or connects a sentence with a sentence in a paragraph.
7) preposition : is a word whose function is to show the relationship
between its object and other parts of the sentence.
8) interjection : are short words used to express emotions.
2. Give examples in nursery scope! (2 examples for each Part of Speech).
a. Noun
- She is a smart teacher and I like her
- many workers were trapped in the coal mine
b. Pronoun
- Last Thursday, Nash went to his friend's house,
Ali. He wanted to study English together with him. Before
heading to Ali's house, he visited Doni first because Nash
wanted Doni to accompany him to study with Ali. Doni's
house isn't far from Nash's house. It was only several
kilometers away. From Doni's house, they rode a motorcycle
to Ali's house.  They brought their English books
with them as well as some snacks.
- We planted a rose plant last month. It is growing well now
c. Adjective
- This material is quite difficult. I must study hard
- amlan is very happy because he got a new bicycle
d. Verb
- I had a lot of fun on my holiday in Lampung. My family and
I went to lots of fun places and did great things.
- We went to the beach and *made sand castles. We
also watched the waves roll in and destroy them. I helped
my little sister and brother learn to run in the shallow water
along the sand. They screamed happily every time the cold
water touches their toes.
- The chef chopped the beef to grill it to be a steak
e. Adverb
- Please read the instructions carefully  before you answer the
- He can answer the hardest question easily
f. Conjunction
- Tomorrow I will attend Linda and amlan’ wedding
- linda kept ignoring amlan as if he was invisible.
g. Preposition
- She came into the room.
- A little boy sat under a tree.
h. Interjection
- Thanks go, we save.
- Would that I were rich

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