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Chapter 1 Acids, Bases & Buffers Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I Chetan V.

Jain (M-Pharma)


Acids, Bases are defined by four main theories
1. Traditional theory / concept
2. Arrhenius theory
3. Bronsted and Lowry theory
4. Lewis theory
1. Traditional theory / concept
 Acid : are the substance
o Which converts blue litmus paper to red
o Having the PH < 7
o Sour Taste
o React with bases to form salts and Water
o Eg :- Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
 Base : are the substance
o which converts red litmus paper to blue
o Having the PH >7
o Bitter taste
o React with Acids to form salts and water
o Eg: Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
2. Arrhenius theory*
 In 1884 of Svante Arrhenius Also known as, Arrhenius theory of
 Electron dissociation theory
 This theory define acids & bases according to their formation of ions
when dissolved in water
 An Acid is a substance that can release hydrogen ion (H+) when dissolved
in water or A substance which when dissolved in water gives hydrogen
ions (H+) is known as acid
E.g. Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

1. 1 | P a g e
Chapter 1 Acids, Bases & Buffers Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I Chetan V. Jain (M-Pharma)

 A Base is a substance that can release a Hydroxyl ion (OH-) when

dissolved in water Or A substance which when dissolved in water gives
Hydroxyl ion (OH-)is known as Base
Eg: Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH]

 Neutralization reaction :
o Acids react with Base and form Salt & Water
o Eg: Hydrochloric acid react sodium hydroxide and form Sodium
chloride (Salt) & water
NaOH + HCl = NaCl + H2O
(BASE) + (ACID) = (SALT) + (WATER)
 Limitation of Arrhenius theory
o Water is essential
o Not explain Acidity or Basisity of non aqueous Solvent Eg :Benzene
o Basisity of Ammonia (No OH- ion) is not explained
o Acidity of BF3,AlCl3 (No H+ ion) is not explained
3. Bronsted and Lowry theory
 Bronsted in Copenhagen and Lowry in London independently in 1923
proposed simultaneously new definition of acid and base
 Acid: is a substance that can donate a proton i.e. acid is a proton donor.
 Base: is a substance that can accept a proton i.e. base is a proton acceptor.

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Chapter 1 Acids, Bases & Buffers Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I Chetan V. Jain (M-Pharma)

4. Lewis theory
 One of the simplest bonding theories was developed by G.N. Lewis and
is called Lewis Theory.
 Acid: is a molecule or ion that can accept a lone pair of electrons.
 Base: is a molecule or ion that has a lone pair of electrons which is

 Strong & Weak Acid and Base

o Strong Acid: Produce more amounts of H+ ions in water. E.g. HCl
o Weak Acid: Produce fewer amounts of H+ ions in water. E.g. CH3COOH
o Strong Base: Produce more amounts of OH- ions in water. E.g. NaOH
o Weak Base: Produce fewer amounts of OH- ions in water. E.g. NH4OH
Acids Bases

Strong Weak Strong Weak





HCIO3 H2CO3 - -

HBr C6H5OH - -

HI - - -

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Chapter 1 Acids, Bases & Buffers Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I Chetan V. Jain (M-Pharma)

 Buffer Solution
o It is capable to resist / appose / prevent the change in pH or pOH
value when adding in small amount of acid & base.
 Types of Buffer Solutions
o Acidic Buffer: solution contains weak acid and salt known as acidic
o Basic Buffer: solution contains weak base and salt known as basic
 pH and pOH
o pH : - log
o pOH : - log
o Therefore pH + pOH = 14
7 + 7 = 14
Some Official Acids & Bases
 Acids
o Boric Acid [H3BO3]
o Hydrochloric Acid [HCl] Conc. & Dil
 Bases
o Strong Ammonium Hydroxide [NH4OH]
o Calcium Hydroxide [Ca(OH)2]
o Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH]

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Chapter 1 Acids, Bases & Buffers Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I Chetan V. Jain (M-Pharma)

Boric Acid: (H3BO3)

o Synonym : Boracic Acid , Orthoboric Acid
o Limit: It contains not less than 99% & not more than 100.5% of H3BO3.
o Preparation: Borax with Sulphuric acid in presence of water.
Na2B4O7 + H2SO4 + 5H2O = 4H3BO3 + Na2SO4
o Properties:
 White crystalline powder.
 Odorless.
 Insoluble in water.
 Soluble in Ethanol.
 Soluble in glycerin.
o Uses:
 Local anti-infective.
 To maintain acidic pH medium in Medicament.
 Preparation of buffer solution.
 In ophthalmic preparation.
 Dusting powder.
 Preparation of ointment.

Conc. Hydrochloric Acid [HCl]

o Synonym : Muriatic Acid
o Limit: It contains not less than 35% and not more than 38% of HCl.
o Preparation: Conc Sulfuric acid reacts with sodium chloride.
NaCl + H2SO4 = HCl + NaHSO4
o Properties:
 Clear Colorless Liquid.
 Pungent Odor.
 Miscible with water and alcohol.
 Fuming liquid.
o Uses:
 As a Pharmaceucal Aid (Afacidifying Agent)
 As a solvent in Industry
 As a reagent in Laboratory
 For manufacturing of basic Pharmaceuticals.
o Storage: temp not exceeding 30 C in a glass stopped container.

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Chapter 1 Acids, Bases & Buffers Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I Chetan V. Jain (M-Pharma)

Dil. Hydrochloric Acid [HCl]

o Synonym , Limit, Properties, uses and storage same as Conc.
Hydrochloric Acid [HCl]
o Preparation: 10 ml Conc. HCl + up to 100 ml Water.

Strong Ammonium Hydroxide [NH4OH]

o Synonym : Ammonium hydroxide, strong ammonium water, liquor
ammoniae forties
o Limit: It contains not less than 25% of ammonia.
o Preparation: By mixing ammonium chloride with slaked lime.
NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 =NH4OH + CaCl2
o Properties:
 Clear colorless liquid
 Pungent odor
 Characteristic taste
 Miscible with water
 Aqueous solution is strongly
 Alkaline in nature.
o Uses:
 Alkalizing agent
 Reflux stimulant (fainted person)
 Vasoconstrictor
 Strong base
 Antacid
 Reagent in Laboratory.
o Storage: temp store in umber color bottle with rubber stopper.

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Chapter 1 Acids, Bases & Buffers Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I Chetan V. Jain (M-Pharma)

Calcium Hydroxide [Ca(OH)2]

o Synonym : Slaked Lime, Lime water
o Preparation: By treating calcium chloride with sodium hydroxide.
CaCl2 + 2NaOH = Ca(OH)2 + 2NaCl
o Properties:
 White amorphous powder,
 Slight bitter taste,
 Slightly soluble in Water,
 Insoluble in Alcohol
 Soluble in Glycerin.
o Uses:
 Antacid
 Astringent
 Fluid electrolyte
 Emulsifying agent
 Absorb carbon dioxide
 Making of glass
 White washing of cloth.

Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH]

o Synonym : Caustic soda, soda lye
o Preparation: By treating sodium carbonate with lime water.
Na2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 = 2NaOH + CaCO3
o Properties:
 White amorphous pellets
 Slight bitter taste
 Soluble in water, alcohol and glycerin &
 Deliquescent in nature.
o Uses:
 Alkalizing agent
 Disinfectant for animal houses
 For preparation of soap
 Absorb CO2 gas
 Common laboratory reagent.
o Storage: well closed container & protect from moisture & CO2.

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Chapter 1 Acids, Bases & Buffers Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I Chetan V. Jain (M-Pharma)

Question Bank
 Explain
o Traditional acid-base theory with examples,
o Discuss Arrhenius acid-base theory with example and list
limitations for it.
o Define acid and base as per Arrhenius theory and write
drawbacks of it.
o Bronsted and Lowry acid-base theory with examples,
o Lewis acid-base theory with examples.
 Give Monograph for: all Official Acid as well as base
 Define with examples
o Strong & Weak Acid
o Strong & Weak Base
 Define and give types of Buffer Solutions

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