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Distracted by Talent Assignment

1. According to Duckworth, what does “distracted by talent” mean (please reference content from the
text to support your response)?
You see other people and how good they are at something, but you forget all the hard work that goes
into it. When David was in the lower class he aced all the quizzes. When he got put in the higher class
he soon realized how much more work he was going to have to put into his assignments and studying

2. Please answer the following questions in the box below:

 Previously you have identified some successes and challenges. Are you experiencing similar
success and challenges or new ones?
 How does interest, purpose, and being distracted by talent relate to these successes and
 Of the current challenges you are experiencing, which might be a good stretch goal for you to
focus on during the remainder of the semester?

I am going through a new challenge of adapting to college life which in new to me. I have never really
lived away from home. But every day brings new challenges, I guess. The more people you meet or the
more assignments you get every day brings its challenges.

Well, if you have interest in what you are doing and find your purpose it will be easier to succeed, but
if you only focus on the talent portion you may become distracted and have a harder time overcoming
your challenges.

Something I want to make a stretch goal would be to incorporate physical exercise into my daily life. It
will help me lower my stress levels and be healthier.

3. What was the most important thing you have learned from your preparation for this module?


What personally, meaningful question(s) do you still have about this topic?

How do we shift our mindset from being discouraged by the success of others to admiring those
success and being inspired by them?

4. If you read pp. 26-34 (not required reading), please do the following:

 How does McKinsey epitomize being “distracted by talent”?

 What personal application can you make from these last sections of the chapter?

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