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The first point in Deming's 14 points for improving quality is "Create a vision and demonstrate
commitment". Explain this point.

Deming believed that businesses are social entities whose basic purpose is to serve their customers and
employees. The first point in Deming's 14 points for improving quality is create a vision and demonstrate
commitment as explained that organizations must define values, mission, and vision of the future to
provide long term direction for its management and employees. In fulfilling the purpose, they must take
a long-term view, invest in innovation, education and take responsibility for providing jobs and
improving a firm's competitive position. Efficient leadership initiates with commitment. When an
organization commits to quality and performance excellence it is still difficult for managers.
Management may have conducted through assessments of their organizations and possess a full
assessment of what is needed to change which in turn are excuses to many that do not effectively follow
up on these opportunities to do so out of fear and denial of the true state of the organization.

2. List the steps taken by Japanese organizations as a result of Juran’s leadership.

This is the steps taken by Japanese organizations as a result of Juran’s leadership are directing quality
from the senior management level, Training the entire management hierarchy in quality principles,
striving to improve quality goals to executive levels, involving the workforces in quality and Revising the
reward and recognition structure to include quality.

3. Describe the similarities in the quality improvement philosophies of Deming, Juran, and Crosby.

Despite their significant differences to implementing organizational change, the philosophies of Deming,
Juran, and Croby are more alike than different. The view of quality as imperative in the future
competitiveness in global markets; makes top management commitment an absolute necessity;
demonstrates that quality management practice will save, not cost money; places responsibility for
quality on management, not the customer and strong management/ worker partnerships; and
recognizes the need for and difficulties associated with changing the organizational culture.

4. Describe the three steps to quality that summarize Feigenbaum’s quality philosophy.

Modern Quality Technology- This assignment requires the combination of office staff just as architects
and shop-floor laborers in the process by consistently assess and execute new strategies to attain clients
later on. The conventional quality office can't resolve 80% to 90 percent of value issues.

Quality Leadership- Management must maintain a constant focus and lead the quality effort and a
continuous management emphasis is grounded on sound planning rather than reaction to failures.
Organizational Commitment- A company will continuous training and motivation of the entire workforce
as well as an integration of quality in business planning indicate the importance of quality and provide
the meaning includes the aspects of the firm's activities.
1. The first point in Deming's 14 points for improving quality is "Create a vision and
demonstrate commitment". Explain this point.

Deming believed that businesses are social entities whose basic purpose is to serve their
customers and employees. The first point in Deming's 14 points for improving quality is create a
vision and demonstrate commitment as explained that organizations must define values, mission,
and vision of the future to provide long term direction for its management and employees. In
fulfilling the purpose, they must take a long-term view, invest in innovation, education and take
responsibility for providing jobs and improving a firm's competitive position. Efficient
leadership initiates with commitment. When an organization commits to quality and performance
excellence it is still difficult for managers. Management may have conducted through
assessments of their organizations and possess a full assessment of what is needed to change
which in turn are excuses to many that do not effectively follow up on these opportunities to do
so out of fear and denial of the true state of the organization.

2. List the steps taken by Japanese organizations as a result of Juran’s leadership.

This is the steps taken by Japanese organizations as a result of Juran’s leadership are directing
quality from the senior management level, Training the entire management hierarchy in quality
principles, striving to improve quality goals to executive levels, involving the workforces in
quality and Revising the reward and recognition structure to include quality.

3. Describe the similarities in the quality improvement philosophies of Deming, Juran, and

Despite their significant differences to implementing organizational change, the philosophies of

Deming, Juran, and Croby are more alike than different. The view of quality as imperative in the
future competitiveness in global markets; makes top management commitment an absolute
necessity; demonstrates that quality management practice will save, not cost money; places
responsibility for quality on management, not the customer and strong management/ worker
partnerships; and recognizes the need for and difficulties associated with changing the
organizational culture.

4. Describe the three steps to quality that summarize Feigenbaum’s quality philosophy.

Modern Quality Technology- This assignment requires the combination of office staff just as
architects and shop-floor laborers in the process by consistently assess and execute new
strategies to attain clients later on. The conventional quality office will not resolve 80% to 90
percent of value issues.
Quality Leadership- Management must maintain a constant focus and lead the quality effort and
a constant managing emphasis the grounded upon sound planning rather than reaction to failures.

Organizational Commitment- A company will continuous training and motivation of the entire
workforce as well as an integration of quality in business planning indicate the importance of
quality and provide the meaning includes the aspects of the firm's activities.

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