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2-5-8 List Menu

Directions: Choose as many activities from the menu below. The picked activities must
be a total of 10 points or more. Cross out the boxes on activities that you have
completed. Some of these activities can be done individually, some you will need a
partner. I will give you class time to complete some activities

2 Points
☐Activity #1: Grab a partner, and starting from a short distance, begin passing. After
each person is able to pass the ball from the same distance, go ahead and take a step
back. During this activity you will use a variety of passes we learned throughout the unit.
☐ Activity #2: Dribble the ball from one end of the court to the other end of the court
10 times. Back and forth counts for 2. Make sure you are using only one hand, eyes are
up, and you're bouncing the ball at the end of your fingertips. You can either walk, jog,
or run with the ball back and forth.
☐Activity #3: Defensive slides around the basketball court 3 times. Get in a low
position, with hands up and to the side, and slide your feet.

5 Points
☐Activity #1: In the game of basketball, most players need to have endurance
running back and forth on the court. In this activity, run back and forth 2 times, back and
forth counts as 1. Once you run twice, go ahead and calculate your heart rate. A system
that you can use to track you heart rate is find a pulse on your side neck and count of
many beats in 30 secs. Once you get that number multiply it by 2.
☐Activity #2: In pairs or individually, create a timeline of the game of basketball.
When it started till today's present game. You can use this website provided to help you.
☐Activity #3:Get into pairs and pick 1 basketball player, and write out 6 majors facts,
typed, about he/she basketball career.

8 Points
☐Activity #1: Create a video of yourself demonstrating either how to dribble, shoot,
or pass. Provide at least 3 ques for the skill that you find important
☐Activity #2: Create a mind map of all things basketball. Include videos, images,
facts, etc. minimum of 10 bubbles should be included.
☐ Activity #3: Watch 1 quarter of a basketball game either on youtube, your
television or laptop and summarize what went on in that corner. Some of the stuff you
can possibly write about is how many points did each team make? Who was playing?
Who are some players on each team? Anything interesting you found about watching
the game. Your summarization should be half a page

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