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Three experiments were conducted to study the effect of an imperfect substitute for food on demand
for food in a closed economy. In Experiments 1 and 2, rats pressed a lever for their entire daily food
ration, and a fixed ratio of presses was required for each food pellet. In both experiments, the fixed
ratio was held constant during a daily session but was increased between sessions. The fixed ratio
was increased over a series of daily sessions once in the absence of concurrently available sucrose
and again when sucrose pellets were freely available. For both series, increases in the fixed ratio
reduced food intake, but body weight was reduced only in the no-sucrose condition. In the sucrose
condition, body weight and total caloric intake (sucrose plus food) were relatively unaffected by
increases in the fixed ratio. At all fixed ratios, food intake was proportionally reduced by the intake
of sucrose. In Experiment 3, monkeys obtained food or saccharin by pressing keys; the fixed ratio
of presses per food pellet was increased once when tap water was each monkey's only source of fluid,
again when each monkey's water was sweetened with saccharin, and a third time when each monkey
had concurrent access to the saccharin solution and plain water. Increases in the fixed ratio, but not
the intake of the saccharin solution, reduced each monkey's food intake. Because neither rats'
sucrose nor monkeys' saccharin intakes affected the slope of the respective demand curves for food,
monkeys and rats increased their daily output of presses and thereby defended their daily intake of
those complementary elements of food. However, sucrose reduced rats' food intake. The relative
constancy of body weight and total caloric intake in the sucrose condition is consistent with the
possibility that rats tended to regulate caloric intake.
Key words: closed economy, demand, substitution, regulation, lever press, rats, monkeys

A critical empirical and conceptual focus inforcement were applied to an analysis of

within the emerging discipline of behavioral the relation between consumption of some
economics is the demand relation between biologically essential commodity and its unit
an individual consumer's consumption of a cost (Bauman, 1991, 1992; Hursh, Raslear,
commodity and its unit cost (Hursh, 1980, Shurdeff, Bauman, & Simmons, 1988; Ras-
1984; Hursh & Bauman, 1987; Kagel, Battalio, lear, Bauman, Hursh, Shurtleff, & Simmons,
& Green, 1995; Lea, 1978; Lea & Roper, 1988). In each of these experiments, a fixed
1977). In several laboratory experiments, number of lever presses was required for the
methods that heretofore were used to study delivery of a single food pellet, and because
the strengthening of operant behavior by re- the only food available was delivered for lever
pressing, individual rats were required to sat-
The views of the authors do not purport to reflect the isfy the fixed ratio (FR) of presses per pellet
position of the Department of the Army or the Depart- for access to their entire daily ration of food.
ment of Defense (para 4-3, AR 360-5). The research de- In an effort to characterize demand rapidly
scribed in this report was conducted in compliance with and comprehensively, a geometric series of
the Animal Welfare Act and other federal statutes and FRs was used in these studies, such that each
regulations relating to animals and experiments involving
animals and adheres to the principles stated in the Guide FR in a series was used for a single 24-hr pe-
for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, NIH Publication riod.
86-2. Steven Hursh is at Science Applications Inc., Jop- The demand curves that resulted from
patown, Maryland, David Shurdeff is at the National In- these studies were remarkably homogenous
stitute of Drug Abuse, Parklawn Building, Rockville,
Maryland, and Thomas Raslear is at the Federal Railroad in shape. When plotted in logarithmic coor-
Administration, Department of Transportation, Washing- dinates, it was clear that maximum intake was
ton, D.C. reduced little by the first few FRs, because
All correspondence and requests for reprints should daily output of lever presses increased in al-
be addressed to Richard A. Bauman, Department of Neu-
robehavioral Assessment, Division of Neurosciences, Wal- most exact proportion to the increases in the
ter Reed Army Institute of Research, Bldg. 40, Washing- FR. Subsequent increases in the FR resulted
ton, D.C. 20307-5100. in more rapid reductions of daily intake as

402 RICHARD A. BAUMAN et al.

increases in daily output were reduced. It was pellet increased, few if any food pellets would
only at the largest FRs that output itself was be demanded, although consumption might
reduced, at which point food intake de- not be reduced to zero (Lea & Roper, 1977;
creased precipitously. Neuringer, 1969). However, if the substitute
In economic theory, the mathematical con- for food pellets was imperfect, elasticity might
cept of slope is used to quantify the shape of be affected in a less than all-or-none fashion.
a demand curve, and, in logarithmic coordi- In an effort to evaluate this proposition, a se-
nates, the slope of a demand curve is a mea- ries of three studies was conducted to exam-
sure of the economic quantity: price elasticity ine the effect of an imperfect substitute for
of demand, or simply demand elasticity (Dea- food on the demand for food in a closed
ton & Muellbauer, 1982). Demand elasticity economy. In the first experiment, the ratio of
(e) equals the percentage change in con- presses per food pellet was increased daily,
sumption (q) that occurs for a percentage once when food pellets were a rat's only
change in price (p). In the following equa- source of calories and nutrients and again
tion for elasticity, when a rat had free access to an unlimited
e= (Aq/q)/(Ap/p), (1) supply of sucrose pellets, a caloric substitute
for food. In the second experiment, the prin-
Aq and Ap represent change in consumption cipal ,objective was to systematically replicate
and unit price, respectively. For a typical the results of Experiment 1 using a shorter
downward sloping demand curve, e is nega- series of FRs in which the daily increment in
tive, because Aq is negative. the FR was about three times that of Experi-
In previous laboratory studies of demand, ment 1. In the third experiment, the objec-
Ap/p was constant, because a geometric series tive was to study the effects of a sweet but
of FRs was used. However, progressively larger noncaloric substitute for food on the demand
FRs reduced q, and Aq grew increasingly for food by rhesus monkeys. A monkey's de-
more negative. As a consequence, e also grew mand for food was studied once when only
increasingly more negative. However, e was tap water was concurrently available and
near zero or at least very small (0 > e > again when saccharin-sweetened water was
-0.50) at small to moderate FRs, because Aq available.
was a very small negative number. It was only
with further increases in the FR that the re- EXPERIMENT 1
sulting increases in Aq drove e toward -1.0,
at which point the relative changes in con- The purpose of the first experiment was
sumption and price were equal [-(Aq/ twofold. First, the experiment was designed
q) =Ap/p], and it was only at large FRs that e to assess the effects of a freely available calor-
exceeded -1.0. In economic terms, this ic substitute for food on demand for food in
means that demand was inelastic (0 > e > a closed economy. However, because previous
-1.0), or minimally responsive, with respect studies of demand for food in a closed econ-
to increases in unit cost over a wide range of omy typically did not provide an animal with
FRs and only became elastic (e < -1.0) at access to caloric substitutes for food, body
higher unit costs. weight as well as food intake were reduced by
This inelasticity of demand over a wide daily increases in the FR. Consequently, daily
range of FRs in previous studies of demand increases in response output might have been
was not unexpected, because the only food driven, at least in part, by the loss of body
available was delivered for lever pressing. In weight. Therefore, another purpose of the
other words, the economy used in these stud- present experiment was to use sucrose to
ies was closed to alternatives, or substitutes, minimize or eliminate this reduction of body
for food (Collier, 1981, 1983; Hursh, 1980, weight.
1984). It is conceivable, therefore, that de- METHOD
mand for food might have been more elastic
had there been a less costly substitute avail- Subjects and Apparatus
able. In the extreme, it is conceivable that if Five adult male Sprague-Dawley rats, weigh-
the same food (a perfect substitute) were ing between 499 and 537 g, were used.
available as the fixed ratio of presses per food Rats were individually housed in standard
Table 1 to the nearest gram. At all times, water was free-
Composition of Bioserv dustless precision food pellets. ly available and, with the exception of the 1st
These numbers summarize data from a representative day of preliminary training, a fixed number of
analysis. The carbohydrate profile was as follows: mono- lever presses was always required for the deliv-
saccharides = 3.6 mg/45-mg pellet, disaccharides =
23.58 mg/45-mg pellet, trisaccharides = 0, and polysac- ery of each 45-mg food pellet On the 1st day
charides = 0.675 mg/45-mg pellet. of preliminary training, the food trough in
Source Percentage
each chamber was filled with food pellets and
a single food pellet was delivered for each lever
Protein k 18.5 press. No special procedures were used to train
Fat 5.5 a rat either to eat from the food trough or press
Ash 4.4
Carbohydrates 60.4 the lever. Within 5 days of being placed in their
Fiber 5.0 chambers, all rats came to press the lever and
Moisture 3.0 obtained their entire daily intake of food by
Vitamins and minerals 3.0 doing so.
No-sucrose condition. Because the FR was to
be increased to a value well in excess of 400,
Coulbourn rodent test cages (25 cm by 29 cm an effort was made to expose each rat to a
by 29 cm) that were enclosed in ventilated, moderately intermittent rate of food delivery
sound-attenuating fiberglass shells. Within at the smallest ratio. Therefore, each rat's
each test cage, a flat, thin, steel lever pro- food intake was allowed to stabilize at an ini-
truded through the left front wall, and mid- tial ratio of 10 presses per pellet. At no time
way along this wall was a rectangular opening during this condition were sucrose pellets
that led to a recessed food trough. A standard available. The food delivered for lever press-
pellet dispenser was connected to the back of ing was a rat's only source of nutrients and
this trough and, when activated, dispensed a calories.
45-mg Bioserv dustless precision food pellet. Once intake had stabilized, the FR was in-
As shown in Table 1, each pellet consisted of creased daily, such that one FR was used for
a balanced mixture of the major macronutri-
a single day, and the FR on 1 day was 20%
ents, vitamins, and minerals. Directly above
the trough and near the ceiling was a house- larger than that on the preceding day. This
light, and near the left wall, at the same level pattern of daily increases was continued for
as the houselight, was a Sonalert. In the left
22 days, resulting in the following series of
corner, a metal cup that was bolted to the
FRs (within rounding error): 10, 12, 14, 17,
floor was used as the reservoir for sucrose pel- 20, 24, 29, 35, 42, 50, 60, 72, 83, 103, 124,
lets. Water was always available from a water 149, 179, 215, 258, 310, 372, 446.
bottle accessible through a hole in the right Sucrose condition. The day following the im-
wall. position of FR 446, the FR value was returned
All test cages were housed in an environ- to 10, and each rat's food intake and body
mental chamber in which the temperature weight were allowed to restabilize. At this
and relative humidity were maintained at 21 point, a metal food cup was mounted in the
+ 3 °C and 50%, respectively. Outside of this corner directly behind the lever and was
chamber, cables connected the test cages to filled with 50 g of 45-mg sucrose pellets. This
a computer interface that was linked to a was more sucrose than any rat was capable of
PDP8/E0m computer. Superskedl& software was consuming in 1 day, even if it ate only su-
used to control all experimental contingen- crose. Food and sucrose intakes were allowed
cies and record lever presses and pellet deliv- to stabilize before the FR was again increased
eries. 20% each day for 22 days.
Daily pellet intakes and lever presses in
Procedure both conditions were recorded in computer
Within each cage, a 12:12 hr light/dark cy- data files. Intake of sucrose was measured
cle was imposed by turning the houselight on each morning by first subtracting any spillage
at 9:00 a.m. and off at 9:00 p.m. Between 9:00 from 50 g before subtracting the weight of
and 9:30 a.m., each rat's cage was cleaned, its what remained in a rat's cup from this differ-
water changed, and its body weight recorded ence.
404 RICHARD A. BAUMAN et al.
RESULTS were remarkably stable in the sucrose condi-
Figures 1 and 2 show the individual intakes
of food pellets and the corresponding indi- DISCUSSION
vidual daily output of lever presses at each In the no-sucrose and sucrose conditions,
FR. Fewer than 22 points are plotted for Rats increases in the FR reduced demand for food
2 and 5 when sucrose was available because and resulted in sustained increases in daily
Rat 2 stopped pressing at a ratio of 258, the output of lever presses over a wide range of
18th ratio, and Rat 5 stopped at FR 372, the FRs. Unlike the increases in response output
next-to-last ratio in the series. in the no-sucrose condition, the increases in
In general, food intake decreased and daily response output in the sucrose condition
output of lever pressing increased as the FR could not have been motivated by a progres-
increased in both the no-sucrose and sucrose sive reduction in body weight, because the in-
conditions. During both conditions, intake take of sucrose minimized the reductions in
decreased little for the first 9 or 10 ratios (FR body weight that accompanied a reduction of
10 to FR 50) because daily output of lever food intake. In fact, even in the no-sucrose
presses increased sufficiently to offset increas- condition, it is difficult to reconcile the in-
es in the FR However, at larger FRs, food in- creases in output that occurred at the small
take gradually decreased as increases in daily to moderate FRs because body weight re-
output were reduced until, at the largest FRs, mained constant within this range of unit
food intake decreased precipitously as output costs.
also decreased. A notable exception to these The constancy of body weight notwith-
effects of the FR on food intake and daily out- standing, intake of sucrose reduced the fre-
put of lever presses is the data for Rat 1, quency with which rats initiated FRs. This out-
whose daily output appeared to increase lin- come seems to suggest that the intake of
early over the entire range of FRs. sucrose reduced the reinforcing potency of
Over a wide range of FRs, the individual food. However, it is also true that the rate at
food intake curves and the lever-press output which daily output of lever presses increased
curves for the sucrose condition appeared to was not affected by the intake of sucrose, be-
be very similar in shape to, albeit displaced cause the lever-press functions for the no-su-
downward from, the corresponding food in- crose and sucrose conditions were nearly par-
take and lever-press output curves for the no- allel in logarithmic coordinates. Perhaps the
sucrose condition. In logarithmic coordi- clearest and most impressive illustration of
nates, this implies that food intake and lever this parallelism can be found in the response
presses were proportionally reduced by the output functions for Rat 1. Figure 1 shows
intake of sucrose. that these curves were almost perfectly par-
Figure 3 shows that sucrose intakes were allel across the entire range of FRs and, at the
much higher than food-pellet intakes at all largest FR, output was in excess of 98,500
fixed ratios. As implied by the pellet intakes presses per day. A most important implication
in Figures 1 and 2, increases in the FR re- of this parallelism is that lever pressing in the
duced food intake, but sucrose intake either no-sucrose condition was not less resistant to
remained high or increased. Sucrose intakes change than lever pressing in the sucrose
for Rats 1, 2, and perhaps 4 appeared to in- condition, because the rate at which lever
crease at FRs greater than 80. pressing increased in the no-sucrose and su-
The effects of FR size and the concurrent crose conditions was similar (Nevin, Mandell,
availability of sucrose on body weight are also & Yarensky, 1983). In other words, resistance
shown in Figure 3. In the no-sucrose condi- to change (which is defined here as an in-
tion, increases in the FR significantly reduced crease in response output to defend food in-
the body weights of all rats. In the sucrose take) and possibly response strength were not
condition rats were generally heavier (Cas- reduced by the intake of sucrose, which clear-
tonguay & Hirsch, 1981; Sclafani, 1987a, ly reduced drive level, defined in terms of
1987b), but the reduction of food intake by overall body weight (Nevin, Smith, & Roberts,
increases in the FR did not result in a signif- 1987). This apparent invariance focuses at-
icant loss of body weight. Mean body weights tention on what concepts are necessary and


256 0
128 00 0
0 0
64- 00 0l1
I~- 32
wl 00 0
Iii 16 Uf)
c 8. U)
4. I1
2 a-
10 15 22 34 51 76 114171256384577

S. ~~~0 00
M 0 E
I.- z ~~~~~~0
hi 0 LL.
LdI 5 U)
a. 3~~~~~~~~~~~~
4 ir
I 1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1

10 15 22 34 51 76 114171256384577 10 15 22 34 51 76 114171256384577
? 0
U) m
I-- 0
hl IL.

Li (U)
0w 0 U

10 15 22 34 51 76 114171 256384577 10 15 22 34 51 76 114171256384577
Fig. 1. In the left column, pellet intakes at each FR for Rats 1, 2, and 3 are shown for the no-sucrose (squares)
and sucrose (circles) conditions of Experiment 1. In the right column, the corresponding output of lever presses at
each FR for these rats is shown. All points represent totals from the light and dark periods, and the smooth lines in
this and subsequent figures are simple spline fits that describe the trajectory of points within each coordinate space.
The axes are scaled logarithmically.
406 RICHARD A. BAUMAN et al.
0 C]
~~~~ 0O 10000
LI 0
4i4 o00
Li (I)
0w LLI
V) 1000 00 0 00
a. 0
n 0

10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171256 384 577 10 15 22 34 51 76 114171256384577

I-- lY
LI 0
10 15 22 34 51 76 114171256384577 10 15 22 34 51 76 114171 256384577
10000 qw-

a. (I)

l flo


10 15 22 34 51 76 114171 256384577 10 15 22 34 51 76 114171256384577

Fig. 2. In the top and middle panels of the left column, pellet intakes at each FR for Rats 4 and 5 are shown for
the no-sucrose (squares) and sucrose (circles) conditions of Experiment 1. In the top and middle panels of the right
column, the corresponding outputs of lever presses at each FR for Rats 4 and 5 are shown. Mean intake and mean
output functions for the 5 rats at each FR are shown for the no-sucrose and sucrose conditions in the lower left and
right panels, respectively. The axes are scaled logarithmically.


RAT= 1 RAT=2


10 15 22 34 51 76 114171 256384577 10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384 577


V) 21
cx 1!

10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384 577

10 15 22 34 51 76 114171 256384577 PELLET °°°FOOD e°°SUCROSE

D1 400 1

10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384 577 10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384 577
Fig. 3. In the three panels of the left column and the top and middle panels of the right column, food (squares)
and sucrose (circles) intakes are shown at each FR for Experiment 1. In the bottom right panel, mean body weights
(±SE+A) are shown for the no-sucrose and sucrose conditions. The horizontal lines in this plot are drawn across from
mean body weight at FR 10, the first FR in the series.
408 RICHARD A. BAUMAN et al.

sufficient for explaining drive in a closed The proportional reduction of food intake
economy (Collier, 1981; Lea, 1983; Logan, by the intake of sucrose implies that over a
1964; Richter, 1927, 1942; Young, 1966; wide range of FRs, the intake of sucrose did
Young & Chaplin, 1945). One interpretation not affect the slope of the demand curve on
is based on the idea that food in a closed logarithmic coordinates. According to con-
economy is a costly economic commodity that temporary and classical economic theory
can be purchased with an animal's instru- (Deaton & Muellbauer, 1982), the availability
mental allocation of responses (Bauman, of substitutes should affect the slope of the
1991) or time (Bauman & Kant, 1995) and demand curve and, as a consequence, e. In
whose value can be diluted by the presence particular, one expectation was that the avail-
of substitutes, especially less costly substitutes. ability of sucrose would accelerate the reduc-
In the present study, then, sucrose should tion of food intake by increasingly larger FRs.
have diluted the value of food, which was In fact, the more extreme data points in Fig-
more costly. As a consequence, food would ures 1 and 2 are consistent with the possibility
have supported less lever pressing in the su- that the intake of sucrose may have affected
crose condition. However, sucrose was an im- the slope of the food demand curve and e
perfect substitute for food and, thus, the daily (Lea & Roper, 1977). In particular, the intake
increases in lever pressing in the sucrose con- of sucrose induced an abrupt cessation of lev-
dition could have been driven by those nu- er pressing by Rat 2 at FR 258 and by Rat 5
tritionally unique or complementary ele- at FR 372; the rate at which food intake was
ments of food (essential fatty and amino reduced appeared to accelerate at the largest
acids, vitamins, and minerals) that were nec- ratios for Rats 2, 4, and 5.
essary for maintaining metabolic homeostasis
(Nicolaidis & Rowland, 1976; Overmann,
1976; Richter, Holt, & Barelare, 1938; Rozin EXPERIMENT 2
& Schulkin, 1990; Stricker, 1990). In Experiment 1, the conclusion that su-
Sucrose is, however, a perfect substitute for crose was a substitute for food was not strong-
the disaccharide fraction of a food pellet, ly supported by the intake data of Figure 3
which was about 50% for each Bioserv pellet because sucrose intake clearly increased as
(see Table 1).' Therefore, if the intake of su- food intake decreased for only 2 or perhaps
crose completely replaced the disaccharide 3 of the 5 rats. Although it is conceivable that
fraction of food and total caloric intake re- more of the sucrose that was consumed was
mained constant, food intake would be re- actually absorbed and metabolized as food in-
duced by a fixed proportion of what the in- take declined, a more convincing case for
take was during the no-sucrose condition. substitution, at the level of intake, might be
This is exactly what occurred over a wide made if it could be shown to be generally true
range of ratios. In fact, the actual reduction that sucrose and food intakes are reciprocally
was typically less than 50% because a rat related to the FR. Thus, a second study was
could not take in the essential elements of undertaken to examine the strength and gen-
food without also consuming the carbohy- erality of the proposed substitution effect.
drate calories in food, which in turn reduced In the second experiment, a rat again had
the need for the calories in sucrose. Conse- free access to an unlimited supply of sucrose
quently, the percentage reduction of food in- pellets as the FR of presses per food pellet
take was most likely determined by the intake was increased daily. Because the size of the
equilibrium that resulted from the settling of daily increases in the FR might be expected
a rat's food and sucrose intakes (Wirtshafter to affect the rapidity and magnitude of the
& Davis, 1977). increase in sucrose intake and reduction of
food intake with increases in the FR, the daily
' Table 1 shows that the Bioserv pellets used in Exper- step between successive FRs was made larger
iments 1 and 2 consisted of 60.42% carbohydrate. Table than it was in Experiment 1 (300% instead of
1 also shows that disaccharides represented (23.58 mg/ 20% per day). As a consequence, the follow-
27.85 mg) X 100 = 84% of the carbohydrates. Because ing shortened series of ratios was used: 1, 3,
sucrose was the only disaccharide among the ingredients
used to manufacture these pellets, each pellet consisted 9, 27, 81, and 243 presses per pellet. Raslear
of 60.42% X 84% = 50.65% sucrose. et al. (1988) reported that rats were capable

of sustaining their daily output of presses at ually and daily output of lever presses in-
each ratio in a similar series. creased between FR 1 and FR 81 (Figures 4
and 5). At FR 243, lever-press output de-
METHOD creased and, as a consequence, intake de-
Subjects and Apparatus creased precipitously. Over a wide range of
Six adult male Sprague-Dawley rats, weigh- ratios, many of the individual intake and out-
ing between 430 and 560 g, were used. They put curves for the sucrose condition are par-
were housed in individual hanging wire cages allel to, but displaced downward from, the in-
(24.1 cm long by 20.3 cm wide by 18.4 cm take and output functions for the no-sucrose
deep). Protruding through the front wall of condition. In logarithmic coordinates, this
each cage was a tube that provided continu- implies that food intake and lever-press out-
ous access to tap water. A standard Gerbrands put were proportionally reduced by the in-
lever was connected to a pellet dispenser that take of sucrose.
when activated delivered a single 45-mg Bio- Figure 6 shows the intakes of sucrose and
serv food pellet into a small food cup that was food (in grams) for individual rats and at
mounted next to the lever. An aluminum cup each FR. Increases in the FR reduced food
was bolted to the rear floor of each cage and intake and increased sucrose intake for Rats
was used as the receptacle for 45-mg sucrose 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, although the changes in su-
pellets. All cages were maintained in a temper- crose intake were less monotonic than the
ature- and humidity-controlled environmental changes in food intake. Although the sucrose
chamber (see Experiment 1) in which the and food intakes for Rat 6 decreased between
lights were on between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. FR 1 and 9, intake of sucrose increased be-
and off during the remaining 12 hr. yond FR 9 as food intake continued to de-
Outside of the environmental chamber a crease.
PDP/8e@g computer and Supersked@& software DISCUSSION
were used to control the experimental con-
tingencies and to record presses and pellet In both Experiment 1 and Experiment 2,
deliveries. Individual body weights were re- increases in the FR reduced food intake in
corded daily during the sucrose condition. the no-sucrose and sucrose conditions. It was
Body weights were not recorded during the also true in Experiments l and 2 that rats'
no-sucrose condition. intake of sucrose reduced food intake but,
over a wide range of ratios, food intake was
Procedure not reduced more rapidly in the sucrose than
The procedural details and conditions of in the no-sucrose conditions. The logarithmic
this experiment were identical to those of Ex- plots of the food intake curves for the no-
periment 1 except for the series of FRs. Dur- sucrose and sucrose conditions in Experi-
ing the no-sucrose condition, each rat's daily ments 1 and 2 showed that over a wide range
food intake was allowed to stabilize at FR 1 of FRs, food intake was proportionally re-
before the FR was increased daily, such that duced by the intake of sucrose, although food
each ratio in the following series was used for intake appeared to be reduced more in Ex-
a single day: 3, 9, 27, 81, and 243 presses per periment 1 than in Experiment 2. The most
pellet. likely explanation for this more extreme re-
The day after FR 243 the FR was reset to 1, duction of food intake in Experiment 1 is that
and each rat's food intake was allowed to re- sucrose intake was larger in Experiment 1
cover and stabilize before a daily allotment of than in Experiment 2 (cf. Figure 3 with Fig-
50 g of 45-mg sucrose pellets was made freely ure 6). One likely cause of this discrepancy
available from a cup at the rear of its cage. in sucrose intakes is that the intake of food
After food intake and sucrose intake stabi- at the first FR in Experiment 2 was larger
lized at FR 1, the FR was again increased dai- than the intake of food at the first FR in Ex-
ly. periment 1, an outcome that most probably
resulted from the fact that the first FR in Ex-
RESULTS periment 2 (FR 1) was smaller by a factor of
In general, in both the no-sucrose and su- 10 than the first FR in Experiment 1 (FR 10).
crose conditions, food intake decreased grad- Regardless of the reason for the larger intake
410 RICHARD A. BAUMAN et al.


3 a
3 0
I- 0
a.. 10 (I)

1 3 9 27 81 243 1 3 9 27 81 243
10001 46656
100 L 7776
i~- 0

a. 10 e) 1296
1 2161
1 3 9 27 81 243 1 3 9 27 81 243

W aL 7776


a.. w 1296 4 _

-1 216
1 3 9 27 81 2443 1 3 9 27 81 2443
Fig. 4. In the left column, pellet intakes at each FR for Rats 1, 2, and 3 are shown for the no-sucrose (squares)
and sucrose (circles) conditions of Experiment 2. In the right column, the corresponding output of lever presses at
each FR for these rats is shown. The axes are scaled logarithmically. The data points represent totals for the light
and dark periods.



l3 oa0- - -D o
- s~0
w \ 0
-i V)
w w
(L 10 MU 1296

I 216
3 9 27 81 243 1 3 9 27 81 243
4665611 i I

1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~o

IL 14 ( 1296

3 9 27 81 243 1 3 9 27 81 243
1000 46656 II
Xn 100, ct&0 7776-

L 10 LIi 1296
X~ _
1 3 9 27 81 243 1 3 9 27 81 243
Fig. 5. In the left column, pellet intakes at each FR for Rats 4, 5, and 6 are shown for the no-sucrose (squares)
and sucrose (circles) conditions of Experiment 2. In the right column, the corresponding output of lever presses at
each FR for these rats is shown. The axes are scaled logarithmically. The data points represent totals for the dark
and light periods.
412 RICHARD A. BAUMAN et al.


1 3 9 27 81 243 1 3 9 27 81 243

2, -e/ v ~~15

1 3 9 27 81 243 3 9 27 81 243

,5 5o

1 3 9 27 81 243 1 3 9 27 81 243
Fig. 6. Food and sucrose intakes are shown for each rat at each FR in the no-sucrose (squares) and sucrose
(circles) conditions of Experiment 2.

of food at the first FR in Experiment 2, it is end of the water spout behind the front panel
possible that the smaller intake of sucrose at was connected via a solenoid valve to a grav-
the first FR in Experiment 2 rendered it more ity-feed watering system that provided contin-
susceptible to being increased by the larger uous access to tap water from a self-replenish-
daily increases in the unit cost of food in that ing common reservoir. A recessed food cup
experiment, as a comparison of Figures 3 and was located below the spout, and to the right
6 reveals. of this food cup was the array of six keys. Only
four keys were used in the present experi-
Both cages were continuously maintained
In Experiments 1 and 2, the reduction of in an environmental chamber in which the
food intake by the intake of sucrose was at- temperature was 21 ± 3 °C and the relative
tributed to the substitution of sucrose for humidity was 50%. The overhead lights were
food. An implicit but nevertheless critical as- on between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and off
sumption underlying this conclusion was that during the remaining 12 hr. Outside of this
the calories of sucrose were responsible for chamber, a customized interface was tethered
reducing food intake. In an independently to the box on each cage and to an adjacent
conceived experiment, a monkey's demand PDP8/E* computer. Supersked9 software was
for food was used to evaluate this assumption. used to control the delivery of water and food
The original objective of this experiment was and to record daily food and water totals as
to determine whether a relatively inexpensive well as any press on one of the four keys that
noncaloric substitute for food would increase equaled or exceeded 0.50 N.
the elasticity of demand for food. This was
accomplished in three phases. In the first Procedure
phase, monkeys had free access to water, and
daily increases in the FR were used to char- During all stages of this study, the upper
acterize demand for food. During the second left key was used as the choice key for water,
phase, sodium saccharin was added to each and the upper right key was used as the
monkey's water supply, and daily increases in choice key for food. Immediately after the de-
the FR were again used to determine demand livery of a food pellet or a squirt of water,
for food. Because saccharin-sweetened water both choice keys were illuminated, and the
was the only source of fluid in the second lower left and right keys were dark. If a food
phase, a third phase was conducted, in which pellet had been delivered and a monkey
the intake of saccharin-sweetened water was chose to continue eating, it could press the
partially decoupled from a monkey's re- upper right key; this darkened it and illumi-
quired daily intake of water by allowing each nated the key directly below it. While the low-
monkey concurrent access to saccharin-sweet- er right key (the food key) was illuminated,
ened water and to a large fraction of its nor- a fixed number of presses on it was required
mal daily intake of plain tap water. for the delivery of each 750-mg Bioserv ba-
nana-flavored monkey pellet. If, however, a
METHOD monkey chose to drink, it could press the up-
Subjects and Apparatus per left key; this darkened it and illuminated
Two adult male rhesus macaques (Macaca the key directly below it. While the lower left
mulatta) were used as subjects. Monkey 4 key (the water key) was illuminated, 10 press-
weighed 14 kg, and Monkey 5 weighed 10 kg. es on it were always required for each squirt
Each monkey lived in a separate cage (0.64 of water. After 10 presses on the water key,
m long, 0.62 m wide, and 0.78 m high). the water cuelight was immediately illuminat-
Along one side of each cage hung a rectan- ed for 2 s before the solenoid was opened.
gular box (0.58 m long, 0.19 m wide, and This signaled delay allowed the monkey to
0.46 m high) that housed a pellet dispenser, position its mouth near the spout before the
a water solenoid, and six hinged translucent water was released. The amount of water re-
press plates or keys. At the upper left of this leased was 2 cc per squirt, except in the third
surface, a water spout protruded into the stage of this study. As explained below, the
cage, and above the spout was a cuelight. The specific procedure used in the third stage re-
414 RICHARD A. BAUMAN et al.

quired an adjustment of the volume per This amount of water represented 67% of the
squirt. 24-hr intake of unadulterated water by these
The choice key for water was always illu- monkeys at the smallest FR for food. Thus, if
minated during the completion of a ratio on a monkey did not reduce its fluid intake at
the food key, and the choice key for food was the smallest FR, some fluid would have to be
always illuminated during the completion of obtained by drinking the saccharin-sweet-
the FR 10 on the water key. This signaled the ened water. At the beginning of each day's
opportunity to switch from pressing the food session, the source of plain tap water was
key to the water key during the completion made available from a standard water bottle
of an FR on the food key or to switch from that was hung from the side of each cage.
pressing the water key to the food key at any Before the FR for food was increased, the
time during the completion of the FR 10 on amount of water per squirt was increased by
the water key, although no such switches were increasing the duration of a squirt. A dura-
recorded. If, during the completion of a ratio tion was chosen that resulted in an approxi-
on either the food or the water key, the mon- mate equality between the daily number of
key paused longer than 15 s, the associated squirts of saccharin-sweetened water and the
choice key was reilluminated. number of food pellets at the first ratio (FR
During the food+H20 condition, the food 10).
intake of each monkey was allowed to stabi-
lize at FR 10. After intake stabilized, the FR RESULTS
for food was increased 20% each day. The se- Under the food+H20 condition, food in-
ries of ratios was identical to the series used take decreased gradually between FR 10 and
in Experiment 1, with the exception that in FR 86. Beyond FR 86, the decline of food in-
the present study, the largest ratio was 372. take accelerated (Figure 7, top row). As food
At all times during this stage, plain tap water intake decreased for Monkey 4, water intake
was the only fluid available. also decreased, albeit not as rapidly. This cor-
The day after FR 372, the FR for food was related decrease of food and water intake was
reset to 10 and the first saccharin condition much less evident for Monkey 5, whose water
(Food+sac 1) was imposed. Each monkey's intake decreased little, if at all, as food intake
water was sweetened by adding enough sodi- was reduced from 234 to 34 pellets per day.
um saccharin to the common reservoir to When saccharin-sweetened water (Figure 7,
produce a 0.007-M saccharin solution. Oga- middle row) was concurrently available, in-
wa, Yamashita, Noma, and Sato (1972) re- creases in the FR again reduced food intake;
ported that the activity of the chorda tympani however, over a wide range of FR values, each
in rhesus macaques was significantly elevated monkey's food intake curve from the
above threshold by a 0.007-M saccharin solu- Food+sac 1 condition overlapped the corre-
tion, and Weiskrantz (1960) reported behav- sponding food intake curve for the
ioral data that revealed that rhesus macaques food+H20 condition. The intake of saccha-
exhibit a moderately strong preference for rin-sweetened water increased for Monkey 4
this molarity of saccharin solution over water. beyond FR 179, but the intake of saccharin-
After each monkey's food and saccharin- sweetened water by Monkey 5 changed little
sweetened water intakes stabilized, the FR for as the FR increased.
food was increased daily. The only fluid avail- In agreement with the results of the
able was saccharin-sweetened water. The day Food+sac 1 condition, each monkey's food
following FR 372, the food FR was reset to 10, intake curve for the food+H20 condition
the individual food and saccharin-sweetened overlapped the corresponding food intake
water intakes were allowed to restabilize and, curve for the Food+sac 2 condition (Figure
the FR for food was again increased. This rep- 7, bottom row). Monkey 4 increased its intake
lication of the Food+sac 1 condition was the of saccharin-sweetened water as the FR value
Food+sac 2 condition. increased, and food intake decreased. This
In the final condition (food+sac+free increase emerged at a smaller ratio during
H20), 300 ml of plain tap water and saccha- the redetermination. During the Food+sac 1
rin-sweetened water were concurrently avail- condition, intake increased beyond an FR of
able as the FR for food was increased daily. 149 but, during the redetermination, intake

1280 12801
F- 640 640
Ih ti fIQiO
5 320 n
80 J~~~~~~~
80 ao 0
w 40 40
20 20
a. 10 10
10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384 10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384


10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384 10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384

I-- 1280

cix 13E0 rae-

Cl) 80.
I- 40 T
4 20 E
10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384 10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384
TYPE 1- FOOD+H20 6-6-6 FOOD+SAC ° °eG H20+SAC TYPE 6-613 FOOD+H20 6 -6-6FOOD+SAC G-e-e H20+SAC
Fig. 7. Pellets of food (squares) and squirts of fluid (circles) are plotted as a function of FR size in the food+H20
condition (top row), in the Food+sac 1 condition (middle row), and in the Food+sac 2 condition (bottom row),
which was a redetermination of the Food+sac 1 condition. The left column shows data from Monkey 4, and the right
column shows data from Monkey 5. The axes are logarithmically scaled. The smooth lines are simple spline fits that
describe the trajectory of points within the coordinates of the figure. The squares in the middle and lower rows of
graphs represent food intakes from the food+H20 condition (top row) replotted for comparison.
416 RICHARD A. BAUMAN et al.

increased beyond FR 103. Once again, the in- Collier, 1985; Collier & Hirsch, 1977; Moran
take of saccharin-sweetened water by Monkey & McHugh, 1981; Rogers, Carlyle, Hill, &
5 changed little as the FR was increased, al- Blundell, 1988; Sclafani, 1987b), but not by
though intake did increase slightly at the four equal volumes of air, water, sodium chloride,
largest FRs. urea, or 3-methylglucose (Booth, 1972b).
Figure 8 shows each monkey's food intakes In all three experiments, the reduction of
with and without saccharin-sweetened water food intake by increases in the FR for food
available and the intake of saccharin-sweet- was accompanied by increases in the intake
ened water at each FR in logarithmic coor- of a concurrently available, less costly com-
dinates. The individual adjustments of modity. Equation 1 can be used to quantify
amount per squirt resulted in approximate this relationship. One can compute the ratio
equality of pellet deliveries and deliveries of of relative changes in consumption of the al-
saccharin-sweetened water at FR 10 (the first ternative, Aq/q (sucrose or saccharin), to rel-
circle and triangle in each plot overlap). In ative changes in the unit price of food, Ap/p
agreement with the results of the Food+sac (food). The ratio of these relative changes, ec,
1 and 2 conditions, the food intakes for the is the cross-price elasticity of demand for su-
food+H20 and the food+sac+free H20 con- crose or saccharin, and economic substitu-
ditions did not deviate systematically from tion is said to occur when ec is positive. In all
each other over a wide range of ratios. As the three experiments, as increases in the FR re-
FR increased and food intake declined, in- duced Aq for food, ec-,ucrose and eccchwin, the
take of saccharin-sweetened water increased cross-price elasticities of demand for sucrose
for both monkeys. This increase occurred be- and saccharin, increased, because Aq in-
yond FR 86 for Monkey 4 and beyond FR 72 creased for both alternatives. Sucrose and sac-
for Monkey 5. charin were therefore economic substitutes
for food. In contrast, increases in the FR for
DISCUSSION food reduced the water intake of Monkey 4
Unlike the intake of sucrose, the intake of in the food+H20 condition and, thus, ec-ater
saccharin did not reduce demand for food. was negative. This means that for Monkey 4
Taken together, the results of Experiments 1, water was a complement for food, whereas for
2, and 3 are consistent with the conclusion Monkey 5 water was neither a complement
that the calories of sucrose were responsible nor a substitute, because this monkey's water
for the reduction of food intake in Experi- intake remained remarkably constant across
ments 1 and 2. However, this conclusion ne- the entire range of FRs.
glects the fact that saccharin was in solution Despite the cross-price increases in sucrose
and sucrose was solid; therefore, food intake and saccharin, only the intake of sucrose re-
may have been reduced in Experiments 1 and duced demand for food. In particular, over a
2 because sucrose was more filling. This pos- wide range of FRs, the intake of sucrose in
sibility is unlikely for several reasons. The first Experiments 1 and 2 reduced the intake of
is that sucrose is easily digested. Soon after or food without systematically affecting the slope
even before entering the small intestine, su- of the demand curve for food in logarithmic
crose may have been hydrolyzed to glucose, coordinates. In terms of the quantity (q) of
which rapidly diffuses across the intestinal food consumed at successive FRs, this means
wall and into the portal blood supply (Krause that ln (qno sucrose, i+l/qosucrose, i) = ln (qsucrose, i+/
& Mahan, 1979). This means that sucrose qsucrose, i), which implies that the elasticity of
probably did not accumulate in any signifi- demand for food in the no-sucrose condition
cant amounts in the stomach or gut and and the elasticity of demand in the sucrose
thereby distend the stomach or compete with condition were equal, because the elasticity of
food for space in the gastrointestinal tract. A demand is equivalent to the slope of the de-
less speculative reason is that the food intake mand curve in logarithmic coordinates.
of rats, monkeys, and humans is significantly (Hursh & Winger, 1995, describe a normal-
suppressed by oral consumption and intra- ization method that permits direct compari-
gastric preloads of glucose, fructose, and su- son of elasticities between commodities that
crose solutions (Booth, 1972a, 1972b; Caston- differ in level of consumption.) In Experi-
guay & Hirsch, 1981; Castonguay, Phillips, & ment 3, qn. saccharin and qsacchmi were similar

300ml FREE H20/24 HOURS



10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384

0Y 1000

-J 100



10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384

TYPE 9 °8- FOOD+H20 6 6 FOOD+SAC E E e H20+SAC
Fig. 8. Pellets of food (triangles) and squirts of saccharin-sweetened water (circles) for Monkeys 4 and 5 are
shown at each FR in the food+sac+H20 condition. The squares represent food intakes in the food+H20 condition.
418 RICHARD A. BAUMAN et al.
over a wide range of FRs, because the intake of calories from sucrose occupied an increas-
of saccharin-sweetened water did not system- ingly larger fraction of the rat's total caloric in-
atically affect demand for food (as shown in take until, at the largest FR, total caloric intake
Figures 7 and 8). As a consequence, the elas- and intake of calories from sucrose were almost
ticity of demand for food. in the absence of identical. (In each plot, this is implied by the
saccharin and the elasticity of demand for convergence of the triangles and circles.) Sec-
food in the presence of saccharin were ap- ond, the intake of sucrose greatly minimized
proximately equal. the reduction of total caloric intake across a
Sucrose is therefore an economic substi- wide range of FRs, although total caloric in-
tute that has metabolic consequences, be- takes in Experiment 1 appeared to be reduced
cause increases in the FR increased sucrose at the very largest FRs and perhaps total caloric
intake, which minimized weight loss and pro- intakes were reduced more in Experiment 2,
portionally reduced food intake. In contrast, within which the daily increases in the FR were
saccharin intake did not reduce demand for relatively large. The minimal nature of this re-
food nor did it systematically affect the elas- duction is most apparent when compared to
ticity of demand for food. It was, however, a the necessarily larger reductions of caloric in-
substitute for food, because increases in the take and body weight that were incurred in the
FR reduced food intake and increased the in- no-sucrose condition of Experiments 1 and 2.
take of saccharin. Therefore, saccharin is an (In Experiments 1 and 2, the food intake and
economic substitute that does not have met- corresponding caloric intake curves for the no-
abolic consequences. sucrose condition are identical in shape, be-
cause, in the absence of sucrose, total caloric
intake at each FR is directly proportional to
GENERAL DISCUSSION food intake at that FR) Taken together, these
The rats in Experiments 1 and 2 and the two general findings are consistent with the
monkeys in Experiment 3 defended their dai- possibility that rats in the present study (a)
ly food intake at the smallest FR against pro- were affected by relatively short-term variations
gressive increases in the unit cost of food by in caloric deficit (perhaps on a meal-to-meal
increasing their daily output of presses. How- basis, as suggested by Campfield & Smith, 1990;
ever, an inverse relationship between FR size Johnson, Ackroff, Peters, & Collier, 1986; Kan-
and operant output does not imply that an arek, 1976; Louis-Sylvestre & Le Magnen,
animal is actively regulating its intake of food 1980); (b) compensated, albeit imperfectly, for
or some correlated quantity such as calories. the declining intake of a more costly source of
It was only by reducing a rat's food intake calories by substituting the intake of a less costly
while it had free access to a caloric substitute source of calories (Castonguay et al., 1985);
for food that it was possible to determine and (c) tended to regulate total daily caloric
whether caloric intake would be regulated. In intake (Booth, 1972a, 1972b; Nicolaidis & Row-
an effort to directly evaluate whether and the land, 1976). Although a caloric substitute for
extent to which caloric intake was regulated, food was not used in Experiment 3, it is likely
the number of kilocalories for food and su- that if one had been available, the monkeys in
crose were calculated for each rat in Experi- that experiment also would have compensated
ments 1 and 2. This was done by multiplying for the intake of a relatively inexpensive caloric
the number of grams of food and sucrose at substitute for food by reducing their intake of
each FR by the caloric densities of food (3.8 food (Foltin & Shuster, 1984; Hansen, Jen, &
kcal/g) and sucrose (4.0 kcal/g). Kribbs, 1981; McHugh, Gibbs, Falasco, Moran,
Figure 9 shows the individual and mean ca- & Smith, 1975; McHugh & Moran, 1978;
loric intakes in kilocalories for food, sucrose, McHugh, Moran, & Barton, 1975).
and the food + sucrose total at each FR in Ex- If regulation is indeed responsible for the
periment 1. The individual caloric intakes for data shown in Figures 9 and 10, then one
food, sucrose, and the total at each FR in Ex- might legitimately ask, what is regulated?
periment 2 are shown in Figure 10. There are Mrosovsky (1986) and Mrosovsky and Powley
two general features of the plots in Figures 9 (1977) persuasively argued that body-fat reg-
and 10. First, as the FR increased and the in- ulation in the rat is an empirically supporta-
take of calories from food decreased, the intake ble assumption but is extremely complex be-
(n 64

J 16
0 81
_ 4

10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384 577 10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384 577




10 15 22 34 51 76 11j4171 256 384 577 10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384 577

128 12&
64 23 64-
32 32
2 16
0 3X 8
01 4 u

1' 1V
10 15 22 34 51 76 114171256384577 10 15 22 34 51 76 114 171 256 384 577
Fig. 9. In the left column and in the top and middle panels of the right column, caloric intake in kilocalories from
food (squares) and sucrose (circles) and total (food + sucrose) caloric intake are shown at each FR in Experiment
1. Mean caloric intakes are displayed in the bottom right plot.
256 2561
128 128

f) 64 La . LI A
i 32 32
O 16 16
< 8 8
0 4 4,
.5 .5.
1 3 9 27 81 243 1 3 9 27 81 243
j A- A

Un 3 F~~~~~L
e- A _ A

t 3 32
0 14 16
-j 4

1 3 9 27 81 243 1 3 9 27 81 243
256 256
128 128
U1) 64 1. A 64
32 32-
0 16 16
8 8
0 4- 4

JI 1
2 2


1 3 9 27 81 243 1 3 9 27 81 243

Fig. 10. Caloric intakes in kilocalories for individual rats are shown at each FR in Experiment 2. The format for
this figure is identical to that of Figure 9.

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