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Close-Reading Questions for Fahrenheit 451

Directions: Answer the following questions. Remember that even though the answers to these
questions may be personal, opinion based, and subjective, you must be able to defend your answer with
EACH RESPONSE. Create thoughtful responses since there are so few questions to answer.

One: The Hearth and the Salamander

1. Pp. 3 -4 Sketch the opening image in the first paragraph (Yes, actually draw it). What mood does
this image evoke? This image evokes fear and worry into the reader. Montag gives the reader
conflicting emotions seeing as he portraying bad things as good. What does it make you think the
rest of the book will be like? I feel as though the rest of the book will have him covered. I can feel
that the main character is going to have a lot of conflicting times ahead.
2. Pp. 7 Read the paragraph that starts with the phrase, “He saw himself in her eyes.” In what ways
does Montag identify with Clarisse? Clarisse challenges Montag to look inside himself in all the
questions she asks. He ponders if he is actually happy and has a good life when he looks at her.
Why does he say her face glows with the light of a candle and not an electric light? Guy Montag
appreciates the nature of life. He doesn’t like all the technology that constantly surrounds him in
his life. Clarisse is part of that nature and that calm that breaks Montag away from the technology.
3. Pp. 9 Read from where Clarisse says, “I sometimes think drivers” to where she says, “They had to
stretch out the advertising so it would last.” What metaphor might racing represent? The cars
racing by on the highway could symbolize the controlled society they all live in. No one can think
or act for themselves. When Clarisse’s uncle did, he was jailed!
4. Pp. 10-11 Read from, “Happy! Of all the nonsense” to “she would yawn long before he would.”
What effect does Clarisse have on Montag? Clarisse starts to make Montag think about himself.
He ponders whether he is actually happy like he’s been saying he is.
5. Pp. 13 Read the paragraph that starts, “Her face was like a snow covered island.” Even though
this paragraph is talking about Mildred in a drug-induced sleep, what might it suggest about her
during her waking hours? She is cold and distant. Her face is pale like snow, but her attitude is cold
and rigid.
6. Pp.15-16 Read the paragraph beginning with “Hell!” Why might there be an increasing number or
suicide attempts in this society? Why does Montag dislike the fact that these men are not
doctors? People are not as happy as they are pretending to be. The people in this society have a
picture in their heads of how “happy” they are, but in actuality, they are not. Montag dislikes the
fact that the men who are “doctors” just sit around and let a machine do their work.
7. Pp. 17-18 Read the paragraph that starts with “One drop of rain.” What is this odd paragraph
supposed to represent? This paragraph represents all the crazy going on in Montag’s life. There’s
Clarisse, Mildred, and much more affecting his brain. He cannot focus on one particular person or
thing, rather than a bunch of them.
8. Pp. 29-30 Read the paragraph that starts with, “Oh, they don’t miss me.” How does Clarisse’s
definition of ‘being social’ relate to social media use today? What Clarisse means by social is
actually hanging out and talking with friends instead of just watching a TV. Nowadays friends will
get together when to be on their phones and completely ignore each other.
9. Pp.51 Read Montag’s statement that begins with “You weren’t there, you didn’t see.” What could
have been in those books that would make someone die for them? What would be a cause that
you would die for? knowledge! There’s knowledge in the books that make people smarter and
help them break away from the government control. that woman knew that she would rather die
than lose all her knowledge and be deemed as insane.
10. Pp. 52 Read Montag’s statement that begins with, “Let you alone!” What does Montag mean
when he says that people should be bothered? Montag saying that people should be bothered by
each other. The people in their society are all kept to make themselves with their TVs and
technology. People should be bothering others by spending time with them.
11. Pp. 54 Read Beatty’s speech to Montag from, “When did it all start” to “paste pudding norm, do
you follow me?” What does Beatty mean by mass? How does mass make everything a ‘paste
pudding norm’? The more there is a something, The more normal it becomes. By mass, Beatty is
referring to the mass amount of things.
12. Pp.55-56 Read Beatty’s paragraph beginning with, “School is shortened.” How does this
paragraph relate to the question sometimes asked, “When are we ever going to use this in real
life?” For this society, English is never going to be needed. Histories and languages are information
13. Pp. 57 Read Beatty’s long paragraph beginning with, “Now let’s take up the minorities.” In your
own words, describe how the books in this society became extinct. In this society, the government
didn’t make the books go away. The people did. By growing out of reading books into technology
and social media, a need for books just wasn’t there, and the books stopped selling.
14. Pp. 58-59 Read the paragraph beginning with “Ah.” What about books offends people and makes
the firemen burn them? books to give people too much information and it makes them look like
the smart one. No one likes the smart one.
15. Pp 60-61 Read the paragraph beginning with “Luckily.” What role has the government played in
the censorship in this society? What role have the masses played? The government in this society
is VERY controlling. They don’t give people sides in an argument, only an opinion they should
already have.
16. Pp.68 Use your phones or the student computers to look up the quote that Montag reads from
the book he stole. From which book does it come? Why do you think this particular quote was
chosen? This quote comes from the Bible. This book holds so much knowledge that Montag
doesn’t know of.
Two: The Sieve and the Sand


17. Wp. 69-70 Pp. 73-74 Read the paragraph beginning with, “Jesus.” What are the similarities
between the society Montag is talking about and out society? Other developing countries are
starving, while America is well-fed and yet still greedy. We don’t seem to care about
anyone/anything else besides our own benefit.
18. Wp. 75 Pp.79 Read the paragraph beginning with, “Shut up.” How is this paragraph similar to the
paragraph mentioned in question 7? It has the same crazed energy as question 7. Montag is going
insane trying to understand everything little thing and different aspect in his life. What is
happening in this paragraph? Montag is trying to read the bible but a load of ads are blasting in his
ear. How does advertising interfere with our lives today? Advertising is used to target exactly what
we want to see. Our phones, computers, etc. are being used to advertise exactly what we want to
see so we will buy the product.
19. Wp. 77-78 Pp. 81-82 Read the paragraph beginning with, “It’s been a long time.” How is this
paragraph a challenge/calling to people in our society? Faber is warning us to not become like
him. Speak out for what we believe in and don’t wait until something goes wrong. The only way to
succeed is to actually do something.
20. Wp. 78 Pp. 82-83 Read the paragraphs beginning with, “You are a hopeless romantic” and ending
with “Quality, texture of information.” Are books the only thing in which we can find meaning?
We can gain meaning from friends and family, if we all are together. How could we make sure all
media is meaningful? We need to use social media to build up ourselves and each other. No more
tearing down each other to bring ourselves higher.
21. Wp. 83 Pp. 87 Read the paragraph beginning with, “But that would just nibble the edges.” What
does this paragraph say about society’s ability to stand up for what is right? They cannot. This
society just stands idly by waiting for something to happen. People who actually care of things are
too scared to stand up and be punished.
22. Wp. 85 Pp. 89 Read the paragraph beginning with, “Bring it.” How would the war make people
focus on books again? The “families” would disappear or be destroyed so they would have to rely
on books for entertainment. Books would be the new “family”.
Wp. 88-106 Pp. 91-110

23. Wp. 90-91 Pp. 94-95 Read the women’s conversation beginning with , “Oh, they come and go” and
ending with, “all about this woman who.” What does the abrupt change in subject say about
these women? These women don’t know how to have a proper conversation. They worry, but are
told not to. How does this show the effect of mass communication and entertainment in the
novel? This shows that communication really is a strange thing. The women cannot think or act for
themselves. It’s so strange to them, which is strange to us now.
24. Wp.93 Pp. 96-97 Read the conversation beginning with, “Sounds fine” and ending with, “do you
want us to vote for a man like that?” What can you infer about the legitimacy of politics in this
society from this passage? This society doesn’t care on whether or not their president is a good
leader. All they care about really is whether or not the person looks/sounds good enough. Based
on evidence in the conversation, why are the women unconcerned about the state of politics in
their society? They are concerned that their president is going to be the ugly-looking guy with the
weird name over the hot guy who has money.
25. Wp. 96 Pp.100 Read the excerpt of the poem and Mrs. Phelps reaction. What about the poem
could make her react that way? The poem talks of love and Mrs. Phelps’ husband is at war. The
government said he would be back soon so she’s trying to think positive that he will, but this
poem makes her sad over what if he doesn’t. How does this poem relate to the society in
Fahrenheit 451. The people in this society never really know how good they have it until what they
love is gone. Also, that books could enlighten the society to really appreciate those things.

Three: Burning Bright

Pp.111 -139

26. Pp. 111 Read the second paragraph. If you don’t know, use your phone to look up what allusion
Beatty is making in this paragraph. Why is it ironic that Beatty is making this allusion? Beatty is
being quite hypocritical. He’s doing the same thing Montag did/is doing.
27. Pp. 117 Read the two paragraphs beginning with “the house fell.” What is the purpose of these
descriptive paragraphs? The purpose is so we can picture what Montag is seeing as his house
burns and crumbles down. What other descriptive paragraph does this image remind you of? Any
paragraph where Montag loves to burn.
28. Pp.119 Read the paragraph beginning with “and then he was a shrieking blaze.” What purpose
does this descriptive paragraph serve? Beatty is described as a plastic doll. He is burning and
sizzling to the ground as an aftermath of being burned by Montag.
29. Pp. 121-122 Read the paragraph beginning with “a shotgun blast went off.” What is this type of
short, repetitive writing that is supposed to demonstrate a character’s thoughts called?
Wp. 133-158 Pp. 139 – 165

30. Pp. 141-142 Read the two paragraphs beginning with “but there was only the normal autumn
wind.” What does Montag believe Mildred’s reaction would be to the silence of the woods?
Montag believes Mildred would not be able to handle it and she would scream. Why would she
react that way? Mildred couldn’t even fall asleep without her musical seashells in her ears. She
was always surrounded by the talk and noise of her parlor walls. She would not be able to handle
finally being alone and silent.
31. Pp. 149 Read from “and then, after the time of the men sitting” to “Just-Before-Dawn a program
of.” What effect is created by juxtaposing (or putting contrasts right next to each other) the
television show about Montag’s death and the television show “Just-Before-Dawn?” It shows how
blinded the society is. They couldn’t even tell that it wasn’t Montag! All they care about is taking
someone down.
32. Pp. 153 In the paragraph that starts with “thousands on the roads” read from the part that says
“And when the war’s over” until the end. Is what they are doing important if it will just have to be
done again? Yes, since it will leave a lasting impression on others. It can show other people to step
up, act out, and fight for what’s right.
33. Pp. 155-156 Read from “’listen,’ said Granger” to “the gardener will be there a lifetime.” Why is it
impossible for Montag to miss Mildred? Mildred didn’t do anything positive for Montag. He
cannot miss the bad she caused, so there’s no reason for him to actually miss her.
34. Pp. 165 What is the significance of the Bible passage Montag remembers at the end? Look it up.
By including this passage, Montag is symbolizing a new beginning. Montag is closing off his old life
and opening up a new one. He is finally free from the societal controls and is a new man.

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