Comparison With Existing Provisions: Penalties U/s 182 of The Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 Proposed by Finance Bill, 2010

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Penalties u/s 182 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 proposed by Finance Bill, 2010


# the
to which
offence has
6 Any person who repeats Such person shall pay a 137 N/A New
erroneous calculation in the penalty of five thousand
return for more than one
rupees or three per cent of
year whereby amount of
tax less than the actual tax the amount of the tax
payable under this involved, whichever is
Ordinance is paid.
7 Any person who fails to Such person shall pay a 174 185 Abolished Rs.
2,000 & 5,000 on
maintain records required penalty of ten thousand
rupees or five percent of 1st and 2nd
under this Ordinance or the default.
the amount of tax on
rules made thereunder income whichever is higher
9 Any person who fails to Such person shall pay a 176 186 1st = 2,000
2nd = 5,000
furnish the information penalty of five thousand
3rd = 10,000
required or to comply with rupees for the first default
any other term of the and ten thousand rupees
notice served under section for each subsequent
176 default.
10 Any person who- Such person shall pay a 114, 115, 187 Knowingly =200%
(a) makes a false or 116, 174, of tax shortfall
penalty of twenty five
misleading statement to an 176, 177 Other = 25% of
thousand rupees or 100% and tax shortfall
Inland Revenue Authority
either in writing or orally or of the amount of tax
electronically including shortfall whichever is
. a statement in an
higher: Provided that in
application, certificate,
declaration, notification, case of an assessment
return, objection or other order deemed under
document including
section 120, no penalty
books of accounts made,
prepared, given, shall be imposed to the
filed or furnished under this extent of the tax shortfall
(b) furnishes or files a false occurring as a result of the
or misleading information taxpayer taking a
or document or statement
reasonably arguable
to an Income tax Authority
either in writing or orally or position on the application
electronically; of this Ordinance to the
(c) omits from a statement
taxpayer‘s position
made or information
furnished to an Income tax
Authority any matter or
thing without which the
statement or the
information is false or
misleading in a material
12 Where a person has Such person shall pay a 20, 111 184 Previously it was
100%, now Rs.
concealed income or penalty of twenty five
25,000 or 100%
furnished inaccurate thousand rupees or an whichever is
particulars of such income, amount equal to the tax
including but not limited to which the person sought to
the suppression of any evade whichever is higher.
income or amount However, no penalty shall
chargeable to tax, the be payable on mere
claiming of any deduction disallowance of a claim of
for a expenditure not exemption from tax of any
actually incurred or any act income or amount declared
referred to in sub section by a person or mere
(1) of section 111, in the disallowance of any
course of any proceeding expenditure declared by a
under this Ordinance person to be deductible,
before any Income tax unless it is proved that the
authority or the appellate person made the claim
tribunal. knowing it to be wrong.
14 Any person who Such person shall pay a General N/A New
contravenes any of the penalty of five thousand
provision of this Ordinance rupees or three percent of
for which no penalty has, the amount of tax involved,
specifically, been provided whichever is higher
in this section
15 Any person who fails to Such person shall pay a 148, 149,
150, 151,
collect or deduct tax as penalty of twenty five
152, 153,
required under any thousand rupees or the 153A, 154,
155, 156,
provision of this Ordinance 10% of the amount of tax
156A, 156B,
or fails to pay the tax whichever is higher. 158, 160,
231A, 231B,
collected or deducted as
233, 233A,
required under section 160 234, 234A,
235, 236,

In view of the above it can easily be concluded that tax matter require special skills and
knowledge and it is not a job of a lay man to tax matters .That is why there exist a whole industry
of tax consultancy in each country, Therefore, it is requested that potential tax filler of this
institute may kindly submit their own tax return at their own risk or consult any tax consultant at
their convenience. However, they can contact the Office for obtaining relevant information about
their salary.

Furthermore , for future convenience of the staff members of this institute , I suggest that
members should register themselves with PIFRA to receive their monthly salary slip through e-

If agree, Madam, DFA is submitted for your kind perusal. Please.

Date: ____-08-2019

It is to notify for general information in view of the letter No:SO(E-I)/E&AD/9-

108/2019 ,dated 22-07-2019 , that kindly visit to register for receiving
monthly salary slip online through e-mail which will helps in retrieving relevant and personal
data for the purpose of filling return.

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