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165             June 20, 1947 Section 6. Publication of certain matters in the

Official Gazette. - There shall be published in the
AN ACT CREATING A PATENT OFFICE, Official Gazette a suitable view of the drawing, if there be
PRESCRIBING ITS POWERS AND DUTIES, a drawing, and the claims of each patent issued; the
REGULATING THE ISSUANCE OF PATENTS, AND rules and regulations duly promulgated and the
APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR amendments thereto; an annual index of the names of
investors and patentees and the title of the inventions
covered by the patents issued during each fiscal year; all
CHAPTER I - Organization and Operation
notices and decisions required under this Act to be
published; and such other information relating to patents
Section 1. Patent Office. - There is hereby created a and other matters within the jurisdiction of the Office, as
"Patent Office" under the executive supervision of the may, in the discretion of the Director, be useful to the
Department of Justice, where all records, books, public.
drawings, specifications, and other papers and things
pertaining to patents shall be safely kept and preserved.
CHAPTER II - Inventions Patentable
Section 2. Officers and employees of the Patent
Section 7. Inventions patentable. - Any invention of a
Office. - The Patent Office shall be under the direction of
new and useful machine, manufactured product or
a Director who shall have an assistant to be known as
substance, process, or an improvement of any of the
Assistant Director. The Director and Assistant Director
foregoing, shall be patentable.
shall be appointed by the President with the consent of
the Commission on Appointments of the Congress of the
Philippines, and shall hold office during good behavior. Section 8. Inventions not patentable. - An invention
The Director shall receive a salary of seven thousand shall not be patentable if it is contrary to public order or
two hundred pesos a year, and the Assistant Director a morals, or to public health or welfare, or if it constitutes a
salary of six thousand pesos a year. mere idea, scientific principle or abstract theorem not
embodied in an invention as specified in section seven
hereof, or any process not directed to the making or
To carry into effect the provisions of this Act, there shall
improving of a commercial product.
also be in said office such other officers and employees
as may be appointed by the Secretary of Justice upon
recommendation of the Director. Section 9. Invention not considered new or
patentable. - An invention shall not be considered new
or capable of being patented if it was known or used by
The term "Office" used in this Act means that Patent
others in the Philippines before the invention thereof by
the inventor named in an application for patent for the
invention; or if it was patented or described in any
The term "Director" used in this Act refers to the Director printed publication in the Philippines or any foreign
of Patents or the Assistant Director of Patents when country more than one year before the application for a
acting as or performing the duties of the Director. patent therefor; or if it had been in public use or on sale
in the Philippines for more than one year before the
Section 3. Special technical and scientific application for a patent therefor; or if it is the subject
assistance. - The Director is empowered to obtain the matter of a validly issued patent in the Philippines
assistance of technical, scientific or other qualified granted on an application filed before the filing of the
officers or employees of other departments, bureaus, application for patent therefor.
offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the
Government, including corporations owned, controlled or CHAPTER III - Application for Patent
operated by the Government, when deemed necessary
in the consideration of any matter submitted to the Office
Section 10. Right to patent. - The right to the patent
relative to the enforcement of the provisions of this Act.
belongs to the true and actual inventor, his heirs, legal
representatives or assigns. If two or more persons have
Section 4. Seal of Office. - The Office shall have a seal an invention jointly, the right to the patent belongs to
with which patents and other papers issued by it shall be them jointly. If two or more persons have made the
authenticated. The form and design of the seal shall be invention separately and independently of each other,
approved by the President of the Philippines. the right to the patent shall belong to the person who is
the first to file an application for such invention, unless
Section 5. Publication of laws and rules. - The the contrary is shown.
Director shall print, or cause to be printed, and make
available for distribution, pamphlet copies of the laws Section 11. Applications by non-residents. - Any
and of the rules and regulations of the Office, and may person filing an application for patent who is not a
print circulars of information relating to matters within the resident of the Philippines must appoint an agent or
jurisdiction of the Office. representative in the Philippines upon whom notice or
process relating to the application for patent may be
served. In the event of death, absence or inability of the terms as to enable any person skilled in the art
agent or representative, a new agent or representative or science to which the invention relates to make
must be appointed and notice thereof must be filed in the and practice the invention; and
Office. Upon failure to maintain an agent or
representative of record in this Office, service on the (e) A distinct and explicit claim or claims of the
Director shall be deemed sufficient. subject matter which the applicant claims as new
and seeks to have patented.
Section 12. Who may apply for patent. - An
application for patent may be filed only by the inventor, Section 15. Applications previously filed abroad. - An
his heirs, legal representatives or assigns. application for patent for an invention filed in this country
by any person who has previously regularly filed an
Section 13. The application. - The application for application for a patent for the same invention in a
patent shall be in English or Spanish, or in the national foreign country which, by treaty, convention, or law,
language with its corresponding English translation, and affords similar privileges to citizens of the Philippines
signed by the applicant, and shall include a statement shall have the same force and effect as the same
giving the name, address, and citizenship or nationality applicant would have if filed in this country on the date
of the applicant and of the inventor, if the applicant is not on which the application for patent for the same
the inventor, and: invention was first filed in such foreign country: Provided,
That the application in this country is filed within twelve
(a) A specification; months from the earliest date on which any such foreign
application was filed, and a certified copy of the foreign
application together with a translation thereof into
(b) Drawings, where the invention can be shown
English, if not in the English language, is filed within six
by drawings;
months from the date of filing in the Philippines, unless
the Director for good cause shown shall extend the time
(c) Power of attorney if the filing is through an for filing such certified copy.
CHAPTER IV - Issuance of Patent
(d) The assignment or a certified copy of the
assignment of the invention for recording, where
Section 16. Formal examination of the application. -
the application is filed by one who derives his
When an application for patent has been filed the
title from the inventor, or proof of title if the
Director shall determine whether it complies with the
derivation is not by assignment;
formal requirements. If the application is defective in this
respect the applicant shall be notified on the specific
(e) A sworn statement by the inventor of his defects and a time fixed, not less than four months,
inventorship; or such sworn statement may be within which such defects may be remedied.
made by his heirs or legal representatives in
case of death or incapacity of the inventor;
If the applicant fails to request reconsideration or to
however, such sworn statement will not be
remedy the defects within the time fixed by the Director,
required if a certified copy of a previously filed
or within such additional time, not exceeding four
foreign application containing the same is filed;
months, as may be granted, the application shall be
(f) The appointment of a resident agent or
representative in cases coming under section
Section 17. Multiple inventions in one application. - If
eleven hereof; and
several independent inventions which are not so closely
related as to be proper in one application are claimed,
(g) The required fee. the Director may require the application to be restricted
to a single invention in the same manner as notifications
Section 14. The specification. - The specification shall of defects in the application. A later application filed for
include: an invention divided out shall be considered as having
been filed on the same day as the first application
(a) The title of the invention; provided the later application is filed within four months
after the requirement to divide becomes final, or within
(b) A brief statement of its nature and purpose; such additional time, not exceeding four months, as may
be granted.
(c) A brief explanation of the drawings, where
there are drawings; Section 18. Issuance of patent. - If the original or
corrected application is in order, the Director shall issue
the patent and shall, as soon as practicable, make the
(d) A complete and detailed description of the
publication required by section six, Chapter I hereof.
invention in such full, clear, concise and exact
Section 19. How issued. - The patent shall be issued in invention covered thereby, which have been recorded in
the name of the Republic of the Philippines under the the Office, may surrender his patent or any claim or
seal of the Office and shall be signed by the Director, claims forming part thereof to the Director for
and registered together with the specification and cancellation.
drawings, if any, in books and records of the Office to be
kept for the purpose. Section 25. Correction of mistakes of Office. - The
Director shall have the power to correct without fee any
Section 20. Content of patent. - The patent shall mistake in a patent incurred through the fault of the
contain the patent number, the title of the invention, the Office when clearly disclosed by the records thereof, to
name and residence of the inventor and of the patentee make the patent conform to the records.
if the patentee be other than the inventor, the date on
which the application was filed, the date on which it is Section 26. Correction of mistake of application. - On
issued, and a grant to the patentee, his heirs or assigns, payment of the prescribed fee the Director is authorized
of the exclusive right to the invention throughout the to correct any mistake in a patent of a formal or clerical
Republic of the Philippines for the term thereof. A copy nature, not incurred through the fault of the Office.
of the specification and drawings shall be annexed to the
patent and be a part thereof. Section 27. Form and publication of amendment. -
Amendment or correction of a patent as provided in
CHAPTER V - Term of Patent sections twenty-five and twenty-six hereof, shall be
accomplished by a certificate of such amendment or
Section 21. Term of patent. - The term of a patent shall correction authenticated by the seal of the Office and
begin on the date when the patent is issued as shown on signed by the Director, which certificate shall be attached
the face thereof and shall expire seventeen years to the patent if the patent has been returned to the
thereafter. However, a patent shall cease to be in force Director. Notice of such amendment or correction shall
and effect of the patentee fails to pay the prescribed be published in the Official Gazette, and copies of the
annual fees within the prescribed times hereinafter patent furnished by the Office shall include a copy of the
provided or if the patent is cancelled in accordance with certificate of the amendment or correction.
the provisions of this Act.
CHAPTER VII - Cancellation of Patents
Section 22. Annual fees. - The first annual fee on a
patent shall be due and payable on the expiration of four Section 28. General grounds for cancellation. - Any
years from the date of issue. In a similar manner, annual person may on payment of the required fee petition the
fees on subsisting patents shall be due and payable on Director within three years from the date of publication of
the fifth and each subsequent anniversary of the date of the issue of the patent in the Official Gazette, to cancel
issue. If any annual fee is not paid within the prescribed the patent or any claim thereof, on any of the following
time, a notice of the non-payment shall be published in grounds:
the Official Gazette and the patentee shall have six
months from the date of the publication to pay the fee (a) That the invention is not new or patentable in
together with the surcharge required for the delayed accordance with sections seven, eight and nine,
payment. A notice of the lapsing of a patent for non- Chapter II hereof;
payment of any annual fee shall be published in the
Official Gazette.
(b) That the specification does not comply with
the requirement of section fourteen, Chapter III
Section 23. Reinstatement of a lapsed patent. - Within hereof; or
two years from the date on which the first unpaid annual
fee was due, a patent which has lapsed for non-payment
of any annual fee may be reinstated upon payment of all (c) That the person to whom the patent was
annual fees then due and the surcharge for issued was not the true and actual inventor or
reinstatement, and upon proof satisfactory to the Director did not derive his rights from the true and actual
that such non-payment was due to fraud, accident, inventor.
mistake or excusable negligence: Provided, however,
That such reinstatement shall not prejudice the rights Section 29. When patent may be cancelled at any
acquired by a third person while the patent was not in time. - A petition to cancel a patent on any of the
force. grounds specified in the next preceding section may be
filed at any time by the Solicitor General.
CHAPTER VI - Surrender, Correction and
Amendments of Patent Section 30. Requirements of the petition. - The
petition for cancellation must be in writing and verified by
Section 24. Surrender of patent. - Any patentee, with the petitioner or by any person on his behalf who knows
the consent of all persons having grants or licenses or the facts, and shall specify the grounds upon which it is
other right, title or interest in and to the patent and the based, and include a statement of the facts to be relied
upon. Copies of printed publications or of patents of (c) If by reason of the refusal of the patentee to
other countries, or other supporting documents grant a license or licenses on reasonable terms,
mentioned in the petition shall be filed therewith, or by reason of the conditions attached by the
together with the transaction thereof into English, if not in patentee to licenses or to the purchase, lease or
the English language. use of the patented article or working of the
patented process or machine of production the
Section 31. Notice and hearing. - Upon the filing of a establishment of any new trade or industry in the
petition for cancellation, the Director shall forthwith serve Philippines is prevented, or the trade of industry
notice of the filing thereof upon the patentee and all therein is unduly restrained; or
persons having grants or licenses, or any other right, title
or interest in and to the patent and the invention covered (d) If the patented invention relates to food or
thereby, as appears of record in the Office, and of notice medicine or is necessary for public health or
of the date of hearing thereon on such persons and the public safety.
petitioner. Notice of the filing of the petition shall be
published in the Official Gazette. The term "worked" or "working" as used in this section
means the manufacture and sale of a patented article, or
Section 32. Cancellation of the patent. - If the Director the carrying on of a patented process or the use of a
finds that a case for cancellation has been made out he patented machine for production, in or by means of a
shall order the patent or any specified claim or claims definite and substantial establishment or organization in
thereof cancelled. The order shall not become effective the Philippines and on a scale which is adequate and
until the time for appeal has elapsed or, if appeal is reasonable under the circumstances.
taken, until the judgment on appeal becomes final. When
the order or judgment becomes final, any rights Section 35. Notice and hearing. - Upon the filing of a
conferred upon the patentee by the patent or any petition under section thirty-four hereof, notice shall be
specified claim or claims cancelled thereby shall given in the same manner and form as that provided in
terminate. Notice of cancellation shall be published in the section thirty-one, Chapter VII hereof.
Official Gazette.
Section 36. Grant of license. - If the Director finds that
Section 33. Cancellation for fraud on the inventor. - a case for the grant of a license under section thirty-four
In the case of the ground specified in paragraph (c), hereof has been made out, he may order the grant of an
section twenty-eight hereof, if the petition for cancellation appropriate license and in default of agreement among
is made by or on behalf of the true and actual inventor the parties as to the terms and conditions of the license
from whom the patentee fraudulently derived the he shall fix the terms and conditions of the license in the
invention and is successful on this ground, a patent may order.
be obtained by such inventor, if he does not have a
patent, notwithstanding any knowledge or use or The order of the Director granting a license under this
publication of the patent cancelled: Provided, That the Chapter, when final, shall operate as a deed granting a
true and actual inventor shall file an application for license executed by the patentee and the other parties in
patent for such invention within six months after the interest.
order of cancellation has become final. The term of such
patent, however, shall expire seventeen years from the
date of issue of the patent cancelled. CHAPTER IX - Rights of Patentees and Infringement
of Patents
CHAPTER VIII - Compulsory Licensing
Section 37. Rights of patentees. - A patentee shall
have the exclusive right to make, use and sell the
Section 34. Grounds for compulsory license. - Any patented machine, article or product, and to use the
person may apply to the Director for the grant of a patented process for the purpose of industry or
license under a particular patent at any time after the commerce, throughout the territory of the Philippines for
expiration of three years from the date of the grant of the the term of the patent; and such making, using, or selling
patent, under any of the following circumstances: by any person without the authorization of the patentee
constitutes infringement of the patent.
(a) If the patented invention is not being worked
within the Philippines on a commercial scale, Section 38. Experimental use of invention. - The
although capable of being so worked, without making or using of a patented invention when not
satisfactory reason; conducted for profit and solely for the purpose of
research or experiment, or for instruction, shall not
(b) If the demand for the patented article in the constitute infringement.
Philippines is not being met to an adequate
extent and on reasonable terms, without Section 39. Temporary presence in the country. - No
satisfactory reason; patent shall prevent the use of any invention in any ship,
vessel, aircraft, or land vehicle of any other country machine, device, articles or process is patented either by
entering the territory of the Philippines temporarily or placing thereon the words "Philippines Patent" with the
accidentally, and such use shall not constitute number of the patent, or when from the nature of the
infringement of the patent, provided such invention is article this cannot reasonably be done, by placing such
used exclusively for the needs of the ship, vessel, notice on the package or container in which the device or
aircraft, or land vehicle and not used for the manufacture article is supplied to the public, or is descriptive or
of anything to be sold within or exported from the advertising matter used in connection with the patented
Philippines. machine, device, article or process.

Section 40. Rights of third parties prior to Section 45. Defenses in action for infringement. - In
application. - Any person who has purchased or an action for infringement the defendant, in addition to
acquired of the inventor, his legal representatives, or other defenses available to him, may show the invalidity
assigns, or who, with their knowledge and consent, of the patent or any claim thereof on any of the grounds
constructs any newly invented device or other patentable on which a petition of cancellation can be brought under
article, prior to the filing of the application therefor, shall section twenty-eight, Chapter VII hereof.
have the right to use and sell the specific thing
purchased, acquired or made, without liability therefor. Section 46. Patent found invalid to be cancelled. - If
the court shall find the patent or any claim thereof
Section 41. Use of invention by the Government. - invalid, the Director shall, on certification of the final
The Government of the Philippines may use any judgment to the Office, issue an order cancelling the
patented invention at any time for governmental patent or the claims found invalid, and shall publish a
purposes, and the manufacture or use of the invention notice thereof in the Official Gazette.
by or for the Government for such purposes shall not
constitute infringement of the patent, but the patentee Section 47. Assessors in infringement action. - Two
shall be entitled to receive a reasonable compensation or more assessors may be appointed by the court. The
for the use of the invention. assessors shall be so qualified by the necessary
scientific and technical knowledge required by the
CHAPTER X - Actions and Remedies for subject matter in suit. Either party may, as a preliminary
Infringement question, challenge the fitness of any assessor to sit in
an action.
Section 42. Civil action for infringement. - Any
patentee, or anyone possessing any right, title or interest Each assessor shall receive a compensation in an
in and to the patented invention, whose rights have been amount to be fixed by the court and advanced by the
infringed, may bring a civil action before the proper Court complaining party, and thereafter to be taxed as costs in
of First Instance, to recover from the infringer damages favor of the prevailing party.
sustained by reason of the infringement and to secure an
injunction for the protection of his rights. Section 48. Criminal action for repetition of
infringement. - If infringement is repeated by the
If the damages are inadequate or cannot be readily infringer or by anyone in connivance with him after final
ascertained with reasonable certainty, the court may judgment of the court against the infringer, the parties
award as damages a sum amounting to a reasonable liable shall, without prejudice to further civil action, be
royalty. punished by a fine not exceeding ten thousand pesos
and imprisonment not exceeding five years, or both such
The court may, according to the circumstances of the fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court, in a
case, award damages in a sum above the amount found criminal action instituted for the purpose. The criminal
as actual damages sustained provided the award does action herein provided shall prescribed in two years.
not exceed three times the amount of such actual
damages. Section 49. Appeal. - Appeal may be taken from the
judgment of the court in the civil and criminal actions
Section 43. Limitation of action for damages. - No herein provided in the same manner as in other actions.
damages can be recovered for acts of infringement
committed more than four years before the institution of CHAPTER XI - Assignment and Transmission of
the action for infringement. Rights

Section 44. Damages not recoverable for want of Section 50. Transmission of rights. - Patents and the
notice or marking. - Damages cannot be recovered for inventions covered thereby shall be protected as and
acts of infringement committed before the infringer had have the applicable rights of other property. Inventions
actual notice of the patent, unless the patentee or those and any rights, title or interest in and to patents and
exploiting the invention on his behalf or under his inventions covered thereby may be assigned, or
authorization have given notice to the public that the transmitted by inheritance or bequest.
Section 51. Assignment of inventions. - An section fifteen, Chapter III, hereof, for inventions shall be
assignment may be on the entire right, title or interest in six months in the case of designs.
and to the patent and the invention covered thereby, or
of an undivided share of the entire patent and invention Section 57. Notice of registration shall be
in which event the parties become joint owners thereof. published. - Notice of the registration of the design shall
An assignment may be limited to a specified territory. be published in the Official Gazette.

Section 52. Form of assignment. - The assignment Section 58. Term and extension thereof  . - The term
must be in writing, acknowledged before a notary public of the design registration shall be five years from the
or other officer authorized to administer oaths or perform date of registration.
notarial acts and certified under the hand and official
seal of the notary or other officer. Before the expiration of the five-year term upon payment
of the required fee, or within a further time thereafter not
Section 53. Recording. - The Director shall record to exceed six months upon payment of the surcharge,
assignment, licenses and other instruments relating to the owner of the registration may apply for an extension
any right, title or interest in and to inventions, and for an additional five years. The application for extension
patents or inventions covered thereby, which are must be accompanied by an affidavit showing that the
presented in due form to the Office for registration, in design is in commercial or industrial use in the
books and records kept for the purpose. The original Philippines or satisfactorily explaining non-use. In a
document together with a signed duplicate thereof shall similar manner an extension for a third five-year period
be filed, but if the original is not available, an may be obtained.
authenticated copy thereof in duplicate may be filed.
Upon recording, the Director shall retain the duplicate, Section 59. Marking. - The marking required by section
and return the original or the authenticated copy to the forty-four, Chapter X, hereof, shall be "Philippines
party filing with a notation of the fact of record. Notice of Design Registration," or appropriate abbreviation, and
the recording shall be published in the Official Gazette. the number of the registration.

Such instruments shall be void as against any Section 60. Infringement. - Infringement of a design
subsequent purchaser or mortgagee for a valuable registration shall consist in unauthorized copying of the
consideration and without notice unless it is recorded in registered design for the purpose of trade or industry in
the Office within three months from the date thereof, or the article or product and in the making, using or selling
prior to the subsequent purchase or mortgage. of the article or product copying the registered design.
Identity or substantial identity with the registered design
Section 54. Rights of joint owners. - If two or more shall constitute evidence of copying.
persons jointly own a patent and the invention covered
thereby either by the issuing of the patent to them jointly CHAPTER XIII - Review of Orders or Decisions of
or by reason of the assignment of an undivided share in Director
the patent and invention or by reason of the succession
in title to such share, each of the joint owners, shall be
entitled to personally make, use, or sell the invention for Section 61. Appeal from the action of Director. - The
his own profit, subject to any contract or agreement, but applicant for a patent or for the registration of a design,
neither of the owners shall be entitled to grant licenses any party to a proceeding to cancel a patent or to obtain
or to assign his right, title or interest or part thereof a compulsory license, and any party to any other
without the consent of the other owner or owners, or proceeding in the Office may appeal to the Supreme
without proportionately dividing the proceeds with the Court from any final order or decision of the Director.
other owner or owners.
Section 62. Stay. - A petition for review of any order or
CHAPTER XII - Designs decision of the Director rejecting in whole or in part an
application for a patent or registration of a design, shall
not stay any order or decision of the Director in respect
Section 55. Industrial designs. - Any new and original of any other applications then pending for a patent or
creation relating to the features of shape, pattern, design registration; but the Director shall proceed to act
configuration, ornamental, or artistic appearance of an on such other applications without regard to such petition
article or industrial product may be protected as an unless the Supreme Court shall otherwise direct.
industrial design by the author in the same manner and
subject to the same provisions and requirements as
relate to patents for inventions insofar as they are Section 63. How appeal is perfected. - An appeal from
applicable, except as otherwise hereinafter provided. an order or decision of the Director shall be perfected by
filing with the Director a notice of appeal and the
payment of the required appeal fee and filing with the
Section 56. Six months publication. - The period of Supreme Court a petition for review, within thirty days
one year specified in section nine, Chapter II, and from notice of the order or decision appealed from.
Section 64. Contents and notice of petition. - The Section 74. Penalty for false marking. - Any person
petition shall contain a summary statement of the issues who falsely represents or indicates that any device,
involved and the reasons relied upon for allowance of a article or product made or sold by him is patented, or is
review. Copies of the petition shall be served upon the the subject of a registered design, by making or having
Director and all other parties in interest. on the device, article or product, or on their containers or
packages, or using in advertising or displays used in
Section 65. Docketing fee and deposits for costs. - connection with them, or with any process, words
Upon filing the petition for review, the petitioner shall pay expressing or implying that the device, article, product or
to the clerk of the Supreme Court the docketing fee and process is patented or registered, shall be subject to a
shall deposit the sum of one hundred pesos for costs. fine of not less than one hundred pesos nor more than
one thousand pesos, or imprisonment for not less than
one month nor more than one year, or both, in the
Section 66. Elevation of copy of record. - Upon the
discretion of the court. Actions hereunder shall prescribe
filing of the petition, notice thereof shall be served by the
in two years.
clerk of the Supreme Court upon the Director, who,
within thirty days thereafter, shall certify and forward to
the Supreme Court a copy of the record as the same Section 75. Fees. - The following fees shall be paid:
appears in this Office.
For filing an application for patent, which shall
Section 67. Answer of respondent. - Upon receipt of include the cost of publication in the Official
the record, the clerk of the Supreme Court shall serve Gazette, two hundred pesos;
notice upon the Director and all other parties in interest,
requiring them to answer within ten days from service. For annual fees due at the beginning of the fifth
Copies of such answer shall served upon the petitioner. and each succeeding year, one hundred pesos
each year;
Section 68. Power of court. - The Supreme Court may,
on petition filed within five days after the filing of the For surcharge for delayed payment of an annual
answer, allow the parties to adduce additional evidence fee, twenty-five pesos;
material to the matter at issue, which shall constitute a
supplementary record to be considered in connection For reinstating lapsed patent, one hundred
with the record on appeal. pesos;

Section 69. Representation by Solicitor General. - In For filing a petition for cancellation, except when
all appeals from an order or decision of the Director the filed by the Solicitor General, fifty pesos;
Solicitor General shall appeal on behalf of the Director.
For filing a petition for a compulsory license, one
Section 70. Briefs on appeal. - Upon receipt of the hundred pesos;
answer to the petition or upon conclusion of the
presentation of additional evidence, the clerk of the For copies of records of the Office, two pesos
Supreme Court shall notify the parties, and the per photostat sheet, one peso per hundred
petitioner, within thirty days from such notice, shall file words of typewritten copy;
twenty copies of his brief upon the adverse parties and,
within thirty days from such service, the adverse parties
shall file twenty copies of their brief together with proof of For each certification of copy of any records, ten
service of five copies thereof upon the petitioner. pesos;

Section 71. Inclusion in calendar. - Upon the filing of For recording assignments, and other
the respondent's brief, or after the expiration of the time documents relating to title, and license, ten
for its filing, the case shall be included in the regular pesos;
calendar, unless the court advances the hearing for
special cause shown. For notice of appeal from the order or decision of
the Director; twenty-five pesos;
Section 72. Oral argument, its duration. - Each party
is entitled to one hour for oral argument, extendible in For filing application for registration of a design,
the discretion of the court. fifty pesos;

Section 73. Rules of Court applicable. - In all other For renewing design registration, fifty pesos;
matters not herein provided, the applicable provisions of
the Rules of Court shall govern. For surcharge for delayed renewal of design
registration, twenty pesos; and
CHAPTER XIV - Penalty for False Marking
For services not otherwise specified, the Director Section 83. Effective date. - This Act shall take effect
shall provide, by regulation, the fees therefor. on its approval.

CHAPTER XVI - Miscellaneous

Section 76. Certain priority for filing application

extended. - The rights of priority provided by section
nine, Chapter II; section fifteen, Chapter III; and section
fifty-six, Chapter XII hereof for the filing of applications
for patent for inventions and designs, which rights had
not expired on the eighth day of December, nineteen
hundred and forty-one, or which rights have arisen since
the eighth day of December, nineteen hundred and forty-
one, are extended until the first day of July, nineteen
hundred and forty-eight, in favor of the citizens of the
Philippines or citizens or subjects of countries which
have extended, or which now extend, or which within
said period ending the first day of July, nineteen hundred
and forty-eight, shall extend substantially reciprocal
privileges to citizens of the Philippines.

Section 77. Disqualification of officers and

employees from acquiring patents and design
registrations. - All officers and employees of the Office
shall not, during their employment or for one year
thereafter, apply for a grant of patent or for the
registration of a design, or acquire, directly or indirectly,
except by hereditary succession, any patent of invention
or design registration, or any right, title or interest

Section 78. Rules and regulations. - The Director

subject to the approval of the Secretary of Justice, shall
promulgate the necessary rules and regulations, not
inconsistent with law, for the conduct of all business in
the Patent Office.

Section 79. Records to be public. - The records of the

Office shall be open to public inspection, and any person
may obtain an authenticated copy thereof on payment of
the prescribed fees.

Section 80. Repealing clause. - Acts Numbered

Twenty-two hundred and thirty-five, Twenty-seven
hundred and ninety-three, as amended, and all other
acts, or parts of acts, inconsistent herewith, are hereby

Section 81. Reservation of prior rights. - Any rights

acquired under laws existing prior to the taking effect of
this Act are hereby respected and preserved.

Section 82. Appropriation. - The sum of seventy-five

thousand pesos, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the
National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the
initial expenses of the Office, including organization
expenses, salaries, supplies, equipment, and other
sundry expenses until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred
and forty-eight.
REPUBLIC ACT No. 166             June 20, 1947 (a) Consists of or comprises immoral, deceptive
or scandalous matter; or matter which may
AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGISTRATION AND disparage or falsely suggest a connection with
PROTECTION OF TRADE-MARKS, TRADE-NAMES persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or
AND SERVICE-MARKS, DEFINING UNFAIR national symbols, or bring them into contempt or
FOR OTHER PURPOSES (b) Consists of or comprises the flag or coat of
arms or other insignia of the Philippines or any
CHAPTER I - Powers, Duties and Functions of Patent of its political subdivisions, or of any foreign
Office nation, or any simulation thereof;

Section 1. Transfer of powers from Bureau of (c) Consists of or comprises a name, portrait, or
Commerce to Patent Office. - The powers, duties and signature identifying a particular living individual
functions vested in, or performed and exercised by, the except by his written consent, or the name,
Bureau of Commerce in connection with the registration signature, or portrait of a deceased President of
of trade-marks, trade-names and other marks are hereby the Philippines, during the life of his widow, if
transferred to the Patent Office. The administration of any, except by the written consent of the widow;
this Act shall devolve upon the Patent Office.
(d) Consists of or comprises a mark or trade-
All books, records, documents and files of the Bureau of name which so resembles a mark or trade-name
Commerce relating to trade-marks, trade-names and registered in the Philippines or a mark or trade-
other marks, and such personnel of the said Bureau as name previously used in the Philippines by
is now discharging the functions or performing the duties another and not abandoned, as to be likely,
of the Bureau of Commerce in connection with the when applied to or used in connection with the
registration of trade-marks, trade-names and other goods, business or services of the applicant, to
marks together with the corresponding appropriation, are cause confusion or mistake or to deceive
transferred to the Patent Office, and the Budget purchases; or
Commissioner shall make immediate provision for such
transfer. (e) Consists of a mark or trade-name which,
when applied to or used in connection with the
CHAPTER II - Registration of Marks and Trade- goods, business or services of the applicant is
Names merely descriptive or deceptively misdescriptive
of them, or when applied to or used in
connection with the goods, business or services
Section 2. What are registrable. - Trade-marks, trade-
of the applicant is primarily geographically
names and service-marks may be registered in
descriptive or deceptively misdescriptive of
accordance with the provisions of this Act.
them, or is primarily merely a surname.
Section 3. Application by non-residents. - Any person
(f) Except as expressly excluded in paragraphs
filing an application for the registration of a mark or
(a), (b), (c) and (d) of this section, nothing herein
trade-name, who is not a resident of the Philippines,
shall prevent the registration of a mark or trade-
must appoint an agent or representative in the
name used by the applicant which has become
Philippines upon whom notice or process relating to the
distinctive of the applicant's goods, business or
application or registration of the mark or trade-name may
services. The Director may accept as prima facie
be served. In the event of death, absence or inability of
evidence that the mark or trade-name has
the agent or representative, a new agent or
become distinctive, as applied to or used in
representative must be appointed, and notice thereof
connection with the applicant's goods, business
must be filed in the Patent Office. Upon failure to
or services, proof of substantially exclusive and
maintain an agent or representative of record in the
continuous use thereof as a mark or trade-name
Patent Office, service on the Director shall be deemed
by the applicant in connection with the sale of
goods, business or services for the five years
next preceding the date of the filing of the
Section 4. Registration of trade-marks, trade-names application for its registration.
and service-marks. - The owner of a trade-mark, trade-
name or service-mark used to distinguish his goods,
Section 5. Requirements of the application. - The
business or services from the goods, business or
application for the registration of a mark or trade-name
services of others shall have the right to register the
shall be in English or Spanish, or in the national
same, unless it:
language, with its corresponding English translation, and
signed by the applicant, and shall include:
(a) Sworn statement of the applicant's domicile repeated until the Director finally refuses registration or
and citizenship, the date of the applicant's first the applicant fails within the required period to reply or
use of the mark or trade-name, the date of the amend or appeal, whereupon the application shall be
applicant's first use of the mark or trade-name in deemed to have been abandoned, unless it can be
commerce or business, the goods, business or shown to the satisfaction of the Director that the delay in
services in connection with which the mark or responding was unavoidable, in which event such time
trade-name is used and the mode or manner in may be extended in the discretion of the Director. An
which the mark is used in connection with such abandoned application may be revived as a pending
goods, business or services, and that the person application within three months from the date of
making the application believes himself, or the abandonment, upon good cause shown and the payment
firm, corporation or association on whose behalf of the required fee.
he makes the verification, to be the owner of the
mark or trade-name sought to be registered, that Section 8. Opposition. - Any person who believes that
the mark or trade-name is in use in commerce or he would be damaged by the registration of a mark or
business, and that to the best of his knowledge trade-name may, upon payment of the required fee and
no person, firm, corporation or association has within thirty days after the publication under the first
the right to use such mark or trade-name in paragraph of section seven hereof, file with the Director
commerce or business either in the identical as opposition to the application. Such opposition shall be
form thereof or in such near resemblance in writing and verified by the oppositor, or by any person
thereto as might be calculated to deceive; on his behalf who knows the facts, and shall specify the
grounds on which it is based and include a statement of
(b) Such number of specimens or facsimiles of the facts relied upon. Copies of certificates of registration
the mark or trade-name as actually used as may of marks or trade-names registered in other countries or
be required by the Director; other supporting documents mentioned in the opposition
shall be filed therewith, together with the translation
(c) Power of attorney, if the filing is through thereof into English, if not in the English language. For
attorney; good cause shown and upon payment of the required
surcharge, the time for filing an opposition may be
extended for an additional thirty days by the Director,
(d) The appointment of an agent or
who shall notify the applicant of such extension.
representative, if the applicant is not domiciled in
the Philippines; and
Section 9. Notice and hearing. - Upon the filing of an
opposition, the Director shall forthwith serve notice of the
(e) The required fee.
filing on the applicant, and of the date of the hearing
thereof upon the applicant and the oppositor and all
Section 6. Classification of goods and services. - The other persons having any right, title or interest in the
Director shall establish a classification of goods and mark or trade-name covered by the application, as
services, for the convenience of the Patent Office appear of record in the Patent Office.
administration, but not to limit or extent the applicant's
rights. The applicant may register his mark or trade-
Section 10. Issuance and publication of certificates. -
name in one application for any of all the goods or
When the period for filing the opposition has expired, or
services included in one class, upon or in connection
when the Director shall have denied the opposition, the
with which he is actually using the mark or trade-name.
Director, upon payment of the required fee, shall issue
The Director may issue a single certificate for one mark
the certificate of registration. Upon issuance of a
or trade-name registered in a plurality of classes upon
certificate of registration, notice thereof making reference
payment of a fee equaling the sum of the fees for each
to the publication of the application shall be published in
registration in each class.
the Official Gazette.
Section 7. Examination and publication. - Upon the
Section 11. Issuance and contents of the
filing of an application for registration and the payment of
certificate. - Certificates of registration shall be issued in
the required fee, the Director shall cause an examination
the name of the Republic of the Philippines under the
of the application to be made, and, if on such
seal of the Patent Office, and shall be signed by the
examination it shall appear that the applicant is entitled
Director, and a record thereof together with a copy of the
to registration, the Director, upon payment of the
specimen or facsimile and the statement of the applicant,
required fee, shall cause the mark or trade-name to be
shall be kept in books for that purpose. The certificate
published in the Official Gazette.
shall reproduce the specimen or facsimile of the mark or
trade-name, contain the statement of the applicant and
If the applicant is found not entitled to registration, the state that the mark or trade-name is registered under this
Director shall advise the applicant thereof and of the Act, the date of the first use, the date of the first use in
reasons therefor. The applicant shall have a period of commerce or business, the particular goods or services
three months in which to reply or amend his application, for which it is registered, the number and date of the
which shall then be re-examined. This procedure may be
registration, the term thereof, the date on which the Such application for renewal shall include a sworn
application for registration was received in the Patent statement of the applicant's domicile and citizenship, the
Office, a statement of the requirement that in order to specific goods, business or services in connection with
maintain the registration, periodical affidavits of use which the mark or trade-name is still in use, the period of
within the specified times hereinafter in section twelve any nonuse in reference to the specific goods, business
provided, shall be filed, and such other data as the rules or services covered by original or renewed certificates of
and regulations may from time to time prescribe. registration and any rights granted third parties for the
use of the mark or trade-name, any additional goods,
Section 12. Duration. - Each certificate of registration business or services to which the mark or trade-name
shall remain in force for twenty years: Provided, That has been extended during the period of the original or
registrations under the provisions of this Act shall be renewed certificates of registration, and any material
cancelled by the Director, unless within one year variation in the manner of display of the mark or trade-
following the fifth, tenth and fifteenth anniversaries of the name from that shown in the original or renewed
date of issue of the certificate of registration, the certificate of registration. The applicant shall file the
registrant shall file in the Patent Office an affidavit application within six months before the expiration of the
showing that the mark or trade-name is still in use or period for which the certificate of registration was issued
showing that its non-use is due to special circumstances or renewed, or it may be made within three months after
which excuse such non-use and is not due to any such expiration for good cause shown and upon
intention to abandon the same, and pay the required fee. payment of the required surcharge.

The Director shall notify the registrant who files the In the event the applicant for renewal be not domiciled in
above-prescribed affidavits of his acceptance or refusal the Philippines, he shall be subject to and comply with
thereof and, if a refusal, the reasons therefor. the provisions of paragraph (d), section five, Chapter II
Section 13. Disclaimers before issue. - The Director
shall require unregistrable matter to be disclaimed, but Section 16. Effect of failure to renew registration. -
such disclaimer shall not prejudice or affect the Mere failure to renew any registration shall not affect the
applicant's or owner's rights then existing or thereafter right of the registrant to apply for and obtain a new
arising in the disclaimed matter, nor shall such registration under the provisions of this Act, nor shall
disclaimer prejudice or affect the applicant's or owner's such failure entitle any other person to register a mark or
rights of registration on another application of later date if trade-name unless he is entitled thereto in accordance
the disclaimed matter has become distinctive of the with the provisions of this Act.
applicant's or owner's goods, business or services.
CHAPTER IV - Cancellation of Registration
Section 14. Voluntary surrender, cancellation,
amendment and disclaimer after registration. - At any Section 17. Grounds for cancellation. - Any person,
time, upon application of the registrant and payment of who believes that he is or will be damaged by the
the required fee, the Director may permit any registration registration of a mark or trade-name, may, upon the
to be surrendered, cancelled, or for good cause shown payment of the prescribed fee, apply to cancel said
to be amended, he may permit any registered mark or registration upon any of the following grounds:
trade-name to be disclaimed in whole or in part:
Provided, That the registration when so amended shall (a) That the registered mark or trade-name
still contain registrable matter and the mark or trade- becomes the common descriptive name of an
name as amended shall still be registrable as a whole, article or substance on which the patent has
and that such amendment or disclaimer does not involve expired;
such changes in the registration as to alter materially the
character of the mark or trade-name. The Director shall (b) That it has been abandoned;
make appropriate entry upon the records of the Patent
Office and upon the certificate of registration or, if said
certificate is lost or destroyed, upon a certified copy (c) That the registration was obtained
thereof. The Director in his discretion and upon payment fraudulently or contrary to the provisions of
of the required fee, may issue a substitute certificate section four, Chapter II hereof;
limited to the term of the original certificate and
incorporating such amendment or correction. (d) That the registered mark or trade-name has
been assigned, and is being used by, or with the
CHAPTER III - Renewals of Certificate of Registration permission of, the assignee so as to
misrepresent the source of the goods, business
or services in connection with which the mark or
Section 15. Renewal. - Each certificate of registration trade-name is used; or
may be renewed for periods of twenty years from the
end of the expiring period upon the filing of an
application therefor and the payment of the required fee.
(e) That cancellation is authorized by other Section 23. Actions, and damages and injunction for
provisions of this Act. infringement. - Any person entitled to the exclusive use
of a registered mark or trade-name may recover
Section 18. Requirements of petition; notice and damages in a civil action from any person who infringes
hearing. - Insofar as applicable, the petition herein shall his rights, and the measure of the damages suffered
be in the same form as that provided in section eight, shall be either the reasonable profit which the
Chapter II hereof, and notice and hearing shall be as complaining party would have made, had the defendant
provided in section nine, Chapter II hereof. not infringed his said rights, or the profit which the
defendant actually made out of the infringement, or in
the event such measure of damages cannot be readily
Section 19. Cancellation of registration. - If the
ascertained with reasonable certainty, then the court
Director finds that a case for cancellation has been made
may award as damages a reasonable percentage based
out he shall order the cancellation of the registration. The
upon the amount of gross sales of the defendant of the
order shall not become effective until the period for
value of the services in connection with which the mark
appeal has elapsed, or if appeal is taken, until the
or trade-name was used in the infringement of the rights
judgment on appeal becomes final. When the order or
of the complaining party. In cases where actual intent to
judgment becomes final, any right conferred by such
mislead the public or to defraud the complaining party
registration upon the registrant or any person in interest
shall be shown, in the discretion of the court, the
of record shall terminate. Notice of cancellation shall be
damages may be doubled.
published in the Official Gazette.

The complaining party, upon proper showing, may also

CHAPTER V - Rights and Remedies
be granted injunction.
Section 20. Certificate of registration prima facie
Section 24. Power of court to order infringing
evidence of validity. - A certificate of registration of a
material destroyed. - In any action arising under this
mark or trade-name shall be prima facie evidence of the
Act, in which a violation of any right of the registrant shall
validity of the registration, the registrant's ownership of
have been established, the court may order that all
the mark or trade-name, and of the registrant's exclusive
labels, sign, prints, packages, wrappers, receptacles and
right to use the same in connection with the goods,
advertisements in the possession of the defendant,
business or services specified in the certificate, subject
bearing the registered mark or trade-name or any
to any conditions and limitations stated therein.
reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable imitation
thereof, and all plates, molds, matrices and other means
Section 21. Requirements of notice of registration of of making the same, shall be delivered up and
trade-mark. - The registrant of a trade-mark, heretofore destroyed.
registered or registered under the provisions of this Act,
shall give notice that his mark is registered by displaying
Section 25. Authority to determine right to
with the same as used the words "Registered in the
registration. - In any action involving a registered mark
Philippines Patent Office" or "Reg. Phil. Pat. Off."; and in
or trade-name the court may determine the right to
any suit for infringement under this Act by a registrant
registration, order the cancellation of registrations, in
failing so to mark the goods bearing the registered trade-
whole or in part, restore cancelled registration, and
mark, no damages shall be recovered under the
otherwise rectify the register with respect to the
provisions of this Act unless the defendant has actual
registration of any party to the action. Judgments and
notice of the registration.
orders shall be certified by the court to the Director, who
shall make appropriate entry upon the records of the
Section 22. Infringement, what constitutes. - Any Patent Office, and shall be controlled thereby.
person who shall use, without the consent of the
registrant, any reproduction, counterfeit, copy or
Section 26. Action for false or fraudulent
colorable imitation of any registered mark or trade-name
declaration. - Any person who shall procure registration
in connection with the sale, offering for sale, or
in the Patent Office of a mark or trade-name by a false or
advertising of any goods, business or services on or in
fraudulent declaration or representation, oral or in
connection with which such use is likely to cause
writing, or by any false means, shall be liable in a civil
confusion or mistake or to deceive purchasers or others
action by any person injured thereby for any damages
as to the source or origin of such goods or services, or
sustained in consequence thereof.
identity of such business; or reproduce, counterfeit, copy
or colorably imitate any such mark or trade-name and
apply such reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable Section 27. Jurisdiction of Court of First Instance. -
imitation to labels, signs, prints, packages, wrappers, All actions under this Chapter and Chapters VI and VII
receptacles or advertisements intended to be used upon hereof shall be brought before the proper Court of First
or in connection with such goods, business or services, Instance.
shall be liable to a civil action by the registrant for any or
all of the remedies herein provided.
Section 28. Appeal. - Appeal may be taken from any Section 30. False designation of origin and false
judgment or final order of the Court of First Instance in description forbidden. - Any person who shall affix,
the same manner as in other actions. apply, annex or use in connection with any goods or
services, or any container or containers for goods, a
CHAPTER VI - Unfair Competition false designation of origin, or any false description or
representation, including words or other symbols tending
falsely to describe or represent the same, and shall
Section 29. Unfair competition, rights and
cause such goods or services to enter into commerce,
remedies. - A person who has identified in the mind of
and any person who shall with knowledge of the falsity of
the public the goods he manufactures or deals in, his
such designation of origin or description or
business or services from those of others, whether or not
representation cause or procure the same to enter into
a mark or trade-name is employed, has a property right
commerce, shall be liable to a civil action for damages
in the goodwill of the said goods, business or services so
and injunction provided in section twenty-three, Chapter
identified, which will be protected in the same manner as
V hereof, by any person doing business in the locality
other property rights. Such a person shall have the
falsely indicated as that of origin or in the region in which
remedies provided in section twenty-three, Chapter V
said locality is situated, or by any person who believes
that he is or is likely to be damaged by the use of any
such false description or representation.
Any person who shall employ deception or any other
means contrary to good faith by which he shall pass off
CHAPTER VIII - Assignment and Transmission of
the goods manufactured by him or in which he deals, or
his business, or services for those of the one having
established such goodwill, or who shall commit any acts
calculated to produce said result, shall be guilty of unfair Section 31. Rights assignable and form of
competition, and shall be subject to an action therefor. assignment. - A registered mark or trade-name, or one
for which application to register has been filed shall be
assignable with the goodwill of the business in which the
In particular, and without in any way limiting the scope of
mark or trade-name is used, or with that part of the
unfair competition, the following shall be deemed guilty
goodwill of the business connected with the use of and
of unfair competition:
symbolized by the mark or trade-name, and in any such
assignment it shall not be necessary to include the
(a) Any person, who in selling his goods shall goodwill of the business connected with the use of and
give them the general appearance of goods of symbolized by any other mark or trade-name used in the
another manufacturer or dealer, either as to the business or by the name or style under which the
goods themselves or in the wrapping of the business is conducted. Upon payment of the required
packages in which they are contained, or the fee, the Director shall record assignments in due form in
devices or words thereon, or in any other feature books kept for that purpose.
of their appearance, which would be likely to
influence purchasers to believe that the goods
The assignment must be in writing, acknowledged before
offered are those of a manufacturer or dealer
a notary public or other officer authorized to administer
other than the actual manufacturer or dealer, or
oaths or perform other notarial acts and certified under
who otherwise clothes the goods with such
the hand and official seal of the notary or other officer.
appearance as shall deceive the public and
defraud another of his legitimate trade, or any
subsequent vendor of such goods or any agent An assignment shall be void as against any subsequent
of any vendor engaged in selling such goods purchaser for a valuable consideration without notice,
with a like purpose; unless it is recorded in the Patent Office within three
months after the date thereof or prior to such subsequent
(b) Any person who by any artifice, or device, or
who employs any other means calculated to
induce the false belief that such person is Section 32. Issuance of certificate of registration to
offering the services of another who has assignee. - A certificate of registration of a mark or
identified such services in the mind of the public; trade-name may be issued to the assignee of the
applicant, but the assignment must first be recorded in
the Patent Office. In case of change of ownership the
(c) Any person who shall make any false
Director shall, at the request of the owner and upon
statement in the course of trade or who shall
proper showing and payment of the required fee, issue
commit any other act contrary to good faith of a
to such assignee a new certificate of registration of the
nature calculated to discredit the goods,
said mark or trade-name in the name of such assignee,
business or services of another.
and for the unexpired part of the original period.
CHAPTER VII - False Designation of Origin and False
CHAPTER IX - Review of Orders or Decisions of
Section 33. Appeal from action of Director. - Any convention or treaty relating to marks or trade-names, or
party who has been denied registration of a mark or the repression of unfair competition to which the
trade-name, or to the renewal of the registration, or to Philippines may be a party, shall be entitled to the
any cancellation proceeding in the Patent Office, may benefits and subject to the provisions of this Act to the
appeal to the Supreme Court from the final order or extent and under the conditions essential to give effect to
decision of the Director. any such convention and treaties so long as the
Philippines shall continue to be a party thereto, except
Section 34. Procedure on appeal. - Sections sixty- as provided in the following paragraphs of this section.
three to seventy-three, inclusive, Chapter VIII, of
Republic Act No. _____ entitled "An Act creating a No registration of a mark or trade-name in the
Patent Office, prescribing its powers and duties, Philippines by a person described in the preceding
regulating the issuance of patents, and appropriating paragraph of this section shall be granted until such
funds therefor," shall be applicable to the appeals herein mark or trade-name has been registered in the country
provided. of origin of the applicant, unless the applicant alleges
use in commerce.
CHAPTER X - Importations Prohibited
For the purposes of this section, the country of origin of
Section 35. Goods bearing infringing marks or trade- the applicant is the country in which he has bona fide
names. - No article of imported merchandise which shall and effective industrial or commercial establishment, or if
copy or simulate the name of any domestic product, or he has not such an establishment in the country in which
manufacturer, or dealer, or of any manufacturer or dealer he is domiciled, or if he has not a domicile in any of the
located in any foreign country which, by treaty, countries described in the first paragraph of this section,
convention or law affords similar privileges to citizens of the country of which he is a national.
the Philippines, or which shall copy or simulate a mark or
trade-name registered in accordance with the provisions An application for registration of a mark or trade-name
of this Act, or shall bear a mark or trade-name calculated under the provisions of this Act filed by a person
to induce the public to believe that the article is described in the first paragraph of this section who has
manufactured in the Philippines, or that it is previously duly filed an application for registration of the
manufactured in any foreign country or locality other than same mark or trade-name in one of the countries
the country or locality where it is in fact manufactured, described in said paragraph shall be accorded the same
shall be admitted to entry at any customhouse of the force and effect as would be accorded to the same
Philippines. In order to aid the officers of the customs application if filed in the Philippines on the same date on
service in enforcing this prohibition, any person who is which the application was first filed in such foreign
entitled to the benefits of this Act, may require his name country: Provided, That -
and residence, and the name of the locality in which his
goods are manufactured, a copy of the certificate of (a) The application in the Philippines is filed
registration of his mark or trade-name to be recorded in within six months from the date on which the
books which shall be kept for this purpose in the Bureau applicant was first filed in the foreign country;
of Customs, under such regulations as the Collector of and within three months from the date of filing or
Customs with the approval of the Secretary of Finance within such time as the Director shall in his
shall prescribe, and may furnish to the said Bureau discretion grant, the applicant shall furnish a
facsimiles of his name, the name of the locality in which certified copy of the application for or registration
his goods are manufactured, or of his registered mark or in the country of origin of the applicant, together
trade-name, and thereupon the Collector of Customs with a translation thereof into English, if not in
shall cause one or more copies of the same to be the English language;
transmitted to each collector or other proper officer of the
Bureau of Customs. (b) The application conforms as nearly as
practicable to the requirements of this Act, but
Section 36. Goods with false designation of origin use in commerce need not be alleged;
and false description. - Any goods marked or labeled in
contravention of the provisions of section thirty, Chapter (c) The rights acquired by third parties before the
VII hereof, shall not be imported into the Philippines or date of the filing of the first application in the
admitted to entry at any customhouse in the Philippines. foreign country shall in no way be affected by a
registration obtained on an application filed
CHAPTER XI - Provisions in Reference to Foreign under this paragraph; and
Industrial Property
(d) Nothing in this paragraph shall entitle the
Section 37. Rights of foreign registrants. - Persons owner of a registration granted under this
who are nationals of, domiciled in, or have a bona fide or section to sue for acts committed prior to the
effective business or commercial establishment in any date on which his mark or trade-name was
foreign country, which is a party to any international
registered in this country unless the registration The word "registrant" includes the owner of a registered
is based on use in commerce. mark or trade-name.

The registration of a mark under the provisions of this Section 39. Fees. - The following fees shall be paid:
section shall be independent of the registration in the
country of origin and the duration, validity or transfer in For filing application for registration for each
the Philippines of such registration shall be governed by class included in the application, fifty pesos;
the provisions of this Act.
For filing application for revival of abandoned
Trade-names of persons described in the first paragraph application for registration, twenty-five pesos;
of this section shall be protected without the obligation of
filing or registration whether or not they form parts of For publication in the Official Gazette of
marks. allowance of application, fifty pesos;

Any person designated in the first paragraph of this For filing of opposition, fifty pesos;
section as entitled to the benefits and subject to the
provisions of this Act shall be entitled to effective
protection against unfair competition, and the remedies For issuance and publication of certificate of
provided herein for infringement of marks and trade- registration, twenty-five pesos;
names shall be available so far as they may be
appropriate in repressing acts of unfair competition. For filing each affidavit required by section
twelve, Chapter II hereof, twenty-five pesos;
Citizens or residents of the Philippines shall have the
same benefits as are granted by this section to persons For filing disclaimer, amendment, surrender or
described in the first paragraph hereof. cancellation after registration, twenty pesos;

CHAPTER XII - Construction and Definitions For issuance of a substitute certificate of

registration following correction of a registrant's
Section 38. Words and terms defined and mistake, twenty-five pesos;
construed. - In the construction of this Act, unless the
contrary is plainly apparent from the context - For issuance of a new certificate of registration
following change of ownership of mark, twenty-
The term "trade-name" includes individual names and five pesos;
surnames, firm names, trade-names, devices or words
used by manufacturers, industrialists, merchants, For filing petition for renewal of certificate of
agriculturists, and others to identify their business, registration for each class, fifty pesos;
vocations or occupations; the names or titles lawfully
adopted and used by natural or juridical persons, unions, For filing petition for cancellation, fifty pesos;
and any manufacturing, industrial, commercial,
agricultural or other organizations engaged in trade or For surcharge for any delayed payment or any
commerce. delayed action of an applicant or registrant,
twenty-five pesos;
The term "trade-mark" includes any word, name, symbol,
emblem, sign or device or any combination thereof For notice of appeal from orders or decisions of
adopted and used by a manufacturer or merchant to Commissioner, twenty-five pesos;
identify his goods and distinguish them from those
manufactured, sold or dealt in by others.
For recording assignments for each mark or
trade-name, ten pesos;
The term "service-mark" means a mark used in the sale
or advertising of services to identify the services of one
For issuance of a certificate regarding the
person and distinguish them from the services of others
registration or non-registration of each mark or
and includes without limitation the marks, names,
trade-name, ten pesos;
symbols, titles, designations, slogans, character names,
and distinctive features of radio or other advertising.
For issuance of an affirmative or negative
certificate regarding the registration of any
The word "business" includes vocations or occupations.
document in connection, with a mark or trade-
name, ten pesos;
The term "mark" includes any trade-mark or service-
mark entitled to registration under this Act whether
registered or not.
For filing any other documents in connection was issued or renewed, the registrant may
with marks or trade-names not required by law renew the registration upon filing an application
to be filed, ten pesos; therefor, as provided in section fifteen, Chapter
III hereof. If said application is granted a renewal
For certifying a copy to be a true and exact copy, certificate shall be issued by the Director in
one peso; accordance with the provisions of this Act.

For copies of records, two pesos per photostat Section 42. Renewal of registrations which expired
sheet; one peso per one hundred words of during the war. - The provisions of this Act to the
typewritten copy; and contrary notwithstanding, registrations under prior laws
which expired after the eighth day of December,
nineteen hundred forty-one, and which the owners were
For services not otherwise specified, the Director
not able to renew for causes arising out of the war, may
shall, by regulation, provide the fees therefor.
be renewed within one year after this Act takes effect,
and non-use of the mark or trade-name may be shown to
Section 40. Collective marks and collective trade- be due to special circumstances. If the application for
names. - Collective marks and collective trade-names renewal is granted, a renewal certificate to commence
belonging to cooperatives, associations or other from the date of the expiration of the prior registration
collective groups or organization may also be registered shall be issued by the Director in accordance with the
under the provisions of this Act, even though the said provisions of this Act.
collectivities may not possess an industrial, commercial
or agricultural establishment. Foreign collectivities may
Section 43. Pending applications. - All applications for
not, however, procure such registration if the existence
registration pending on the effective date of this Act may
of such collectivities is contrary to the laws of the country
be amended, if practicable, to bring them under the
of origin.
provisions of this Act, without the payment of any
additional fee. The prosecution of such applications
Such collective marks and collective trade-names, when whether amended or not and the grant of registrations
registered, shall be entitled to the protection provided thereon shall conform to the provisions of this Act.
herein in the case of marks and trade-names, except
when used so as to represent falsely that the owner or a
Section 44. Repealing clause. - Act Numbered Six
user makes or sells the goods on which the mark or
hundred and sixty-six of the Philippine Commission,
trade-name is used, or so as to represent falsely the
approved March six, nineteen hundred and three, and all
origin of the goods or services.
laws amendatory thereto; Act Numbered Thirty hundred
and seventy of the Philippine Legislature, approved
The other provisions of this Act relating to marks and March sixteen, nineteen hundred and twenty-three; Act
trade-names shall apply to collective marks and Numbered Thirty-two hundred and two, approved
collective trade-names, except that the part of paragraph December three, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, and
(e), section four, Chapter II hereof, relating to all other acts, or parts of acts inconsistent herewith, are
geographically descriptive marks or trade-names shall hereby repealed.
not be applicable in appropriate cases.
Section 45. Effective date. - This Act shall take effect
A "collective mark" or collective trade-name" is a mark or on its approval.
trade-name used by the members of a cooperative, an
association or other collective group or organization.

CHAPTER XIV - Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 41. Reservation in favor of prior

registration. - Owners of marks or trade-names
registered under the provisions of the laws in force prior
hereto, the registrations of which are still subsisting
under the said laws are hereby granted the right:

(a) Within one year after the taking effect of this

Act to surrender their certificates of registration
and procure the issuance of new certificates, in
which event they shall be entitled to the benefits
and subject to the provisions of this Act; or

(b) Within one year before the expiration of the

period for which the certificates of registration
those existing and create new ones; consolidate related
undertakings; transfer functions, appropriations,
equipment, property, records, and personnel from one
department, bureau, office, agency or instrumentality to
another; to eliminate duplicated services or authorize
new ones not provided for; classify, combine, split or
abolish positions; standardize salaries and do whatever
is necessary and desirable to effect economy and
promote efficiency in the government service.

Section 3. Officers and employees whose positions are

abolished or who may be separated from the service as
a consequence of the reorganization provided in this Act
shall not lose their civil service eligibility for a period of
ten years from the date of their separation from the
service, nor their right to any gratuity which the Congress
may provide. In case an office needs the services of
AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE additional personnel, preference in the appointment shall
PHILIPPINES TO REORGANIZE WITHIN ONE YEAR be given to the officers or employees who may be
THE DIFFERENT EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS, separated from the service as a result of this
BUREAUS, OFFICES, AGENCIES AND OTHER reorganization and in accordance with the
INSTRUMENTALITIES OF THE GOVERNMENT, recommendation of the Commissioner of Civil Service.
Section 4. Any action taken by the President pursuant to
the provisions of this Act shall be immediately reported
Section 1. Declaration of Policy. - It is declared to be the to Congress and shall be valid and subsisting until
policy of Congress to promote simplicity, economy and Congress shall provide otherwise.
efficiency, and to improve the service in the transaction
of the public business in the departments, bureaus,
Section 5. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
agencies, boards, commissions, offices, and other
instrumentalities of the Government, including all
corporations owned or controlled by the Government by:

1. Limiting expenditures to the lowest amount

consistent with the efficient performance of
essential services, activities, and functions;

2. Eliminating duplication and overlapping of

services, activities, and functions;

3. Consolidating services, activities and

functions of a similar nature;1awphi1©

4. Abolishing services, activities, and functions

not necessary to the efficient conduct of the
Government; and

5. Defining and limiting executive functions,

services and activities.

Section 2. For the purpose of carrying out the policy set

forth in section one of this Act, the President of the
Philippines is hereby authorized to effect by executive
order from time to time, for a period not exceeding one
year from the date of the approval of this Act, and within
the limits of the total current appropriation, such reforms
and changes in the different executive departments,
bureaus, offices, agencies and other instrumentalities of
the Government including the corporations owned or
controlled by the government as he may deem
necessary, with the power to diminish, add to or abolish
manufacturer, bottler, or seller, may be entitled by law or

Sec. 5. No action shall be brought under this Act

against any person to whom the registered
manufacturer, bottler, or seller, has transferred by way of
sale, any of the containers herein referred to, but the
sale of the beverage contained in the said containers
shall not include the sale of the containers unless
specifically so provided.

Sec. 6. The provision of this Act shall not be

interpreted as prohibiting the use of bottles as containers
for "sisi", "bagoong", "patis", and similar native products.
Sec. 7. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Section 1. Persons engaged or licensed to engaged in

the manufacture, bottling or selling of soda water,
mineral or aerated waters, cider, milk, cream, or other
lawful beverages in bottles, boxes, casks, kegs, or
barrels, and other similar containers, with their names or
the names of their principals or products, or other marks
of ownership stamped or marked thereon, may register
with the Philippine Patent Office a description of the
names or are used by them, under the same conditions,
rules, and regulations, made applicable by law or
regulation to the issuance of trademarks.

Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, without the

written consent of the manufacturer, bottler or seller who
has successfully registered the marks of ownership in
accordance with the provisions of the next preceding
section, to fill such bottles, boxes, kegs, barrels, or other
similar containers so marked or stamped, for the
purpose of sale, or to sell, dispose of, buy, or traffic in, or
wantonly destroy the same, whether filled or not, or to
use the same for drinking vessels or glasses or for any
other purpose than that registered by the manufacturer,
bottler or seller. Any violation of this section shall be
punished by a fine or not more than one hundred pesos
or imprisonment of not more than thirty days or both.

Sec. 3. The use by any person other than the

registered manufacturer, bottler, or seller, without written
permission of the latter, of any such bottle, cask, barrel,
keg, box or other similar container, or the possession
thereof by any junk dealer or dealer in casks, barrels,
kegs, boxes, or other similar containers, the same being
duly marked or stamped and registered as herein
provided, shall be prima facie evidence that such use, or
possession is unlawful.

Sec. 4. The criminal action provided in this Act shall is

no way affect any civil action to which the registered
a motion for reconsideration is filed within that period of
fifteen (15) days, then within ten (10) days from notice or
publication, when required by law, of the resolution
denying the motion for reconsideration. No more than
one motion for reconsideration shall be allowed any
party. If no appeal is filed within the periods here fixed,
the ruling, award, order, decision or judgment shall
become final and may be executed as provided by
existing law.

Section 3. How appeals taken.— Appeals shall be taken

by filing a notice of appeal with the Court of Appeals and
with the court, officer, board, award, order, decision or
judgment appealed from, serving a copy thereof on all
other interested parties.1avvphi1 The notice of appeal
shall state, under oath, the material dates to show that it
REPUBLIC ACT No. 5434 was filed within the period fixed in this Act.

An Act to Provide a Uniform Procedure for Appeals Section 4. Docketing fee and deposits for costs.— Upon
from the Court of Agrarian Relations, the Secretary filing of the notice of appeal, the appellant shall pay to
of Labor Under Section 7 of Republic Act Numbered the Clerk of the Court of Appeals the docketing fee fixed
Six Hundred Two, also Known as "The Minimum in Rule 141, Section 2 (a) of the Rules of Court and
Wage Law", the Department of Labor Under Section deposit the sum of fifty pesos (₱50.00) for costs, or in
23 of Republic Act Numbered Eight Hundred case the appellant be a laborer, employee, agricultural
Seventy-Five, also Known as "The Industrial Peace lessee, or tenant, a motion setting forth said fact under
Act", the Land Registration Commission, the oath, and praying that he be exempted from payment of
Securities and Exchange Commission, the Social docketing fee and the deposit for costs. Copy of the
Security Commission, the Civil Aeronautics Board, motion shall be served on all interested parties. Should
the Patent Office, and the Agricultural Inventions the court find said motion to be well founded it shall grant
Board, and for Other Purposes the same; but if the Court denies the motion, the
appellant shall pay the docketing fee and make the
deposit for costs within fifteen (15) days from notice of
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
the denial. Failure to pay the docketing fee and make the
Representatives of the Philippine Congress Assembled:
deposit for costs within the period here fixed shall be a
ground to dismiss the appeal.
Section 1. Appeals from specified agencies.— Any
provision of existing law or Rule of Court to the contrary
Section 5. Effect of appeal.— Appeal shall not stay the
notwithstanding, parties aggrieved by a final ruling,
award, order, ruling, decision or judgment unless the
award, order, decision, or judgment of the Court of
officer or body rendering the same or the court, on
Agrarian Relations; the Secretary of Labor under Section
motion, after hearing, and on such terms as it may deem
7 of Republic Act Numbered Six hundred and two, also
just, should provide otherwise. The propriety of a stay
known as the "Minimum Wage Law"; the Department of
granted by the officer or body rendering the award,
Labor under Section 23 of Republic Act Numbered Eight
order, ruling decision or judgment may be raised only by
hundred seventy-five, also known as the "Industrial
motion in the main case.
Peace Act"; the Land Registration Commission; the
Securities and Exchange Commission; the Social
Security Commission; the Civil Aeronautics Board, the Section 6. Elevation of Record.— Within five (5) days
Patent Office and the Agricultural Inventions Board, may from the payment of the docket fee and deposit for costs,
appeal therefrom to the Court of Appeals, within the the Clerk of the Court of Appeals shall notify the clerk of
period and in the manner herein provided, whether the court, commission, board, or office concerned to forward
appeal involves questions of fact, mixed questions of fact the record of the case. Within five (5) days from receipt
and law, or questions of law, or all three kinds of of such notice, the latter shall comply by forwarding the
questions. From final judgments or decisions of the whole original record of the case or a certified true copy
Court of Appeals, the aggrieved party may appeal by of the whole record to the Court of Appeals. Failure to
certiorari to the Supreme Court as provided in Rule 45 of elevate the record within the period here fixed shall be
the Rules of Court. dealt with as for contempt of Court.

Section 2. Appeals to Court of Appeals.— Appeals to Section 7. Appellate procedure; Briefs.— Until the
the Court of Appeals shall be filed within fifteen (15) days Supreme Court shall provide otherwise by Rule of Court,
from notice of the ruling, award, order, decision of appeals shall proceed as provided by Rules 46 to 55 of
judgment or from the date of its last publication, if the Rules of Court, insofar as applicable, with the
publication is required by law for its effectivity; or in case following modifications:
(a) The appellant’s brief shall be served and filed
within thirty (30) days from the date that he is
notified that the record has been received by the
Court of Appeals, within the period above fixed,
and shall contain, as an appendix, the ruling,
order, award, decision or judgment appealed
from; the appellee’s brief shall be served and
filed within thirty (30) days from receipt of the
appellant’s brief; and the appellant’s reply brief,
within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the
appellee’s brief.

(b) The Court of Appeals may extend the periods

above fixed only for good cause; and the total
extension granted any party shall not, except in
meritorious cases, be greater than the original
period above fixed.

(c) Where the appellant has been exempted

from paying the docket fee or making the deposit
for costs, or when the appellee is an employee,
laborer or tenant, he shall be allowed to file his
briefs in typewritten or mimeographed form.

Section 8. Repealing clause.— Section twelve of

Republic Act Numbered One thousand two hundred and
sixty-seven as amended; Section seven of Republic Act
Numbered Six hundred two, as amended; Section
twenty-three of Republic Act Numbered Eight hundred
and seventy-five; Section thirty-six of Commonwealth Act
Numbered Eighty-three, as amended; Section five of
Republic Act Numbered One thousand one hundred and
sixty-one, as amended, Section four of Republic Act
Numbered One thousand one hundred fifty-one;
Sections forty-eight and forty-nine of Republic Act
Numbered Seven hundred and seventy-six; Sections
sixty-three, sixty-four and sixty-five of Republic Act
Numbered One hundred and sixty-five, as amended;
Section two of Republic Act Numbered One thousand
two hundred and eighty-seven, Section thirty-three of
Republic Act Numbered One hundred sixty-six, and all
other portions of said Acts, and all other laws, rules and
regulations, or Rules of Court, or parts thereof, that are
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are hereby
amended, repealed or modified to conform herewith.

Section 9. Effectivity.— This Act shall take effect upon

its approval.
assistance as it may need for the accomplishment of its

Done in the City of Manila, this 20th day of November, in

the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and sixty-seven.




By virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I,

FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines,
do hereby create a committee to update the Philippine
patent system composed of the following:

The Secretary of Commerce and Industry Chairman

The Chairman, National Science Dev. Board Member
The Chairman, Philippines Patent Office “
The Chairman, Philippine Inventors Comm. “
The Director-General, Presidential Economic

The Director, Office of the National Planning,

National Economic Council

The Legal and Policy Research Office, Presidential

Economic Staff, shall act as Secretariat.

The Committee shall have the following powers and


1. Review the Philippine patent system and submit a

comprehensive amendatory bill to upgrade our laws
along international trends for protection of industrial

2. Study and recommend means of coordinating the

activities of the Philippines Patent Office and the
Philippine Inventors Commission in order to reduce the
backlog in processing patent applications; and

3. Study and recommend means by which venture

capital may be made available to inventors to finance the
manufacture of inventions.

The Committee is empowered to call upon any

government office, agency or instrumentality for such
(a) consolidate and/or coordinate all functions and efforts
in particular and development of foreign trade in general;

(b) maintain reasonable allocation/distribution as

between domestic and export market through export
retention, export allocation, export subsidy, pricing,
export ban and other schemes and measures to ensure
price stability and supply availabilities of essential
commodities in the local market;

(c) regulate the import of essential consumers and

producers’ items a view to enhancing availability at fair
and competitive prices to end-users; and

(d) promote and regulate domestic trade, marketing and

distribution to ensure the rational, economic and steady
flow of commodities from producing and/or marketing
centers to areas in short-supply through the support of
centralized buying operations, terminal markets and
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 721 large scale and economical distribution systems
organized by the public or private sector.
INTEGRATED REORGANIZATION PLAN BY Authority and responsibility for the Department is vested
RECONSTITUTING THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE. in the Secretary of Trade, hereinafter referred to as the
Secretary. He shall be assisted by only one
WHEREAS, it is the declared policy of the government to
strengthen the socio-economic development in the field
of commercial activities by vigorous export promotion to The following are created in the Department Proper: (1)
generate foreign exchange and by effective domestic Planning Service; (2) Financial and Management
trade and marketing programs; Service; (3) Administrative Service; and (4) Legal
WHEREAS, with the creation of a separate Department
of Tourism and a Department of Industry, the role and Section 2. Bureau of Domestic Trade.  The Bureau of
scope of activities of the Department of Trade Domestic Trade shall, among others, consolidate
necessitate a redefinition; and functions pertaining to local commerce and the
protection of the consuming public.
WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to realign
government efforts toward export and trade promotion There are created the following divisions in the Bureau of
for greater effectiveness. Domestic Trade:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, (a) Trade Nationalization Division which shall implement
President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers the provisions of Republic Act Numbered One Thousand
vested in me by the constitution, do hereby adopt, Three Hundred Eighteen, Republic Act Numbered One
approve and make as part of the law of the land the Thousand One Hundred Eighty and all such laws relating
amendment to the provisions of Part IX of the Integrated to the regulations of retail trade and other business in
Reorganization Plan by reconstituting the Department of Filipino citizens;
(b) Domestic Trade Promotion Division which shall
Accordingly, Part IX of the Integrated Reorganization stimulate domestic commerce, establish trade
Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: relationship among businessmen and encourage the
organization of merchant groups among Filipinos
engaged in different lines of business;
Section 1. Department proper.  The Department of
Trade, hereinafter referred to in this Decree as the
Department, shall be responsible for the promotion, (c) Brokers Division which shall administer the licensing
development, expansion, regulation and control of of commercial brokers and real estate brokers and
foreign and domestic trade and in pursuance of this appraisers, excluding brokers for stocks and securities;
responsibility shall be empowered and authorized to
issue such rules and regulations and adopt such (d) Consumer Protection Division which shall administer
measures as to: the registration of business names, private merchants,
and bulk sales documents; and enforce laws on
monopolies and trade and practices in restraint of trade, securities, exchanges, brokers, dealers and their
mislabeling and product misrepresentation, other unfair salesmen; and
trade practices and consumer protection in general, in
this last regard for which it shall coordinate with the Food (b) Examiners and Appraisers Division which shall,
and Drug Administration of the Department of Health; among others, handle the financial and accounting
and phase of the visitorial functions of the Commission.

(e) Field Operations Divisions which shall extend the The Legal Enforcement Division is renamed Corporate
services and functions of the Bureau to the different Division. It shall, among others, handle the processing of
regions, provinces and district of the country. corporation papers and by-laws, articles of association
and partnership agreements, the registration and
Section 3. Bureau of Foreign Trade. The Bureau of licensing of securities, and investigation of corporations.
Foreign Trade shall, among others, consolidate all
functions and efforts pertaining to the promotion of The Securities and Exchange Commission shall be
exports in particular and development of foreign trade in converted into a collegial body composed of a full-time
general. Chairman and two full-time members who shall serve for
a term of six years for which the corresponding positions
The following divisions are created in the Bureau: are created. In the initial appointments of Chairman and
members, one shall be appointed to service for six
(a) Foreign Trade Promotion Division shall, among years, one for four years, and one for two years. The
others, conduct researches and studies on the promotion positions of Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner
and expansion of Philippine exports. It shall also provide are hereby abolished: Provided, That the incumbent
necessary information to interested persons and Commissioner shall continue to serve the Commission in
businessmen on foreign trade development and accordance with Paragraph 13, Article 1, Chapter 1, Part
prospects. XXIII of the Integrated Reorganization Plan.

(b) Export Service Coordination Division which shall, Section 5. Philippines  Bureau of Products
among others, coordinate all activities and functions of Standards. The Bureau of Standards is renamed
government agencies involved in the processing of Philippines Bureau of Products Standards which shall,
export papers. It shall also update, improve or simplify among others, be responsible for establishing standards
the administrative procedures involved in the processing for commodities, inspection and certification of products
of export papers. for exports and local distribution, and inspection and
certification of products imported by the country.
(c) Foreign Trade Relations Division shall, among others,
deal with Philippine commercial relations with other Section 6. Philippines Patent office. The Philippines
countries. It shall gather information on other countries’ Patent Office shall, among others, be responsible for the
economies and economic and commercial policies and promotion of scientific research and inventions; and for
shall encourage Philippine participation in international the protection of owners of industrial property rights.
trade fairs and expositions.
In addition to the General Organic Chemistry Division;
All commercial attaches shall be appointed by, and Chemical Technology Division; Mechanical Division;
placed under the control of the Secretary and under the Electrical, Design and Utility Model Examining Division;
supervision of the Director of the Bureau of Foreign and the Trademark Examining Division, the following
Trade, except when actually assigned to missions divisions are created.
abroad, in which case the provisions of Paragraph 3,
Article IV, Part XVIII of the Integrated Reorganization (a) Legal Service Division which shall, among others,
Plan shall prevail. render legal advise to the Director of Patents and to hear
and decide inter-parte cases, oppositions, cancellations,
Section 4. Securities and Exchange Commission. The interferences, public-use proceedings and matters
Securities and Exchange Commission shall, among dealing with compulsory licensing.
others, encourage the formation of partnership and
corporate ventures with widely and publicly held equity, (b) Research and Information Division which shall,
and protect the investing public from deceptions and among others, be responsible for the conduct or
frauds in securities marketing. researches on various subjects, act as custodian of all
scientific and legal books of the Office and shall perform
The following divisions are retained in the Securities and library service functions, and product and disseminate
Exchange Commission: information pertaining to office and court decisions on
patent and trademark case.
(a) Stock Brokers and Exchange Division which shall,
among others, handle the regulation of activities of
Section 7. Bureau of Fiber Inspection Service.  The appropriated for the remainder of Fiscal year nineteen
Bureau of Fiber Inspection Service is renamed Bureau of hundred and seventy-five (1974-1975).
Fiber Development and Inspection Service, which shall,
among others, be responsible for the maintenance and Section 13. Personnel.  Except for such technical
enforcement of a uniform standard classification of positions as the Secretary may recommend to and be
abaca and other Philippine fibers intended for export and approved by the president, all positions in the
for domestic consumption. Department shall be subject to the provisions of Civil
Service Law and the rules and regulations of the Wage
Section 8. ECAFE UNIT.  The ECAFE Unit is renamed and Position Classification Office (WAPCO).
ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission forAsia and
the Pacific) Unit. The ESCAP Unit of the Philippine Section 14. Repeal.  Any and all existing statutes,
Committee on ESCAP matters is retained in the decree, rules and regulations, or parts thereof
Department and its functions shall include, among inconsistent herewith are repealed or modified
others, to act as liaison agency for securing quick accordingly.
exchange of information between the ESCAP Secretariat
and the Philippine Government and the various Section 15. Effectivity.  This Decree shall take effect
governments in the ESCAP region and to work for the immediately.
implementation of resolution or studies approved or
undertaken by the Commission and ESCAP Secretariat,
respectively. Done in the City of Manila, this 2nd day of June, in the
year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-five.
Section 9. UNCTAD Unit.  The UNCTAD Unit of the
Philippine Committee on UNCTAD matters is maintained
in the Department and its functions, shall include, among
others, to act as liaison agency in the various areas of
economic and trade development between the United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD) and the Philippine Government in the various
trade aspects of international economic cooperation and
to undertake the implementation of resolution and
studies recommended and approved by the inter-agency
committee involved.

Section 10. Government-Owned or Controlled

Corporations and Agencies attached to the Department
of Trade. The following agencies are attached to the
Department: (a) Philippine Export Credit Insurance and
Guarantee Corporation; (b) Permanent Committee for
the Implementation of the Philippine Indonesian
Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation; d)
Design Center Philippines; (e) Metric System Board; (f)
Philippine Shipper’s Council; (g) Cottage Industry
Development Council (CIDC); (h) Cottage Industry
Development Enterprise (CIDE); (i) National Cottage
Industries Development Authority (NACIDA); and (j)
Nacida Bank.

Section 11. Price Control Council.  The Price Control

Council is renamed Price Stabilization Council and
placed under the administrative supervision of the

Section 12. Trade Assistance Centers. The putting up of

trade assistance centers with an appropriation of four
million five hundred thousand pesos (P4,500,000) under
the current Annual General Appropriation Decree is
hereby transferred from the Bureau of Domestic Trade to
the Office of the Secretary. To carry out the purposes of
the trade assistance centers, the sum of two million two
hundred fifty thousand pesos (P2,250,000) is hereby
Section 1. Chapter VIII of republic Act Numbered 165 is
hereby amended to read as follows:


"ARTICLE ONE. Voluntary Licensing

"Sec. 33-A. Voluntary License Contracts. (1) All

voluntary license contracts as well as renewals thereof
involving payment of royalty for the use of patents,
transfer of technology, or furnishing of services
respecting patents of technology, or furnishing of
services respecting patents shall, whenever entered into
between residents and non-residents, be submitted to
the Technology Resource center for prior approval and

"(2) The royalty to be granted in all license contracts

involving manufacturing (including actual transfer of
technology services such as secret formulate,
processes, technical know-how and the like) shall,
whenever entered into between an alien licensor and a
Filipino licensee, not exceed five per cent (5%) of the net
wholesale price of the articles manufactured under the
royalty agreement and shall be equally distributed to all
the patentees in cases where more than one patent
similar to that contemplated in Section 34-C hereof are

(3) The term "net wholesale price" means the gross

amount billed for the patented product subject to royalty

"(a) Trade, quality, or cash discounts, and

broker's or agent's commission, if any, allowed
or paid;

"(b) Credits or allowances, if any, given or made

on account of rejection or return of the patented
product previously delivered; and

PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 1263 "(c) Any tax, excise or other government charge,
included in such amount, on, or measured by,
the production, sale, use or delivery of the
"(4) Unless and until approved and registered in
WHEREAS, certain provisions of Republic Act No. 165, accordance with paragraph (1) of this section, the
otherwise known as the Patent Law, have become license contract contemplated therein may not be the
obsolete and are inadequate to meet the demands of our subject of an application filed with either the Board of
primordial goal of industrial and overall national Investment or the Central Bank of the Philippines.
economic development; Neither will it have an effect against third persons until
such registration.
WHEREAS, this goal can, to a significant extent, be
promoted through the licensing of patents; "Sec. 33-B. Rights of Licensor. (1) In the absence of any
provision of the contrary in the license contract, the grant
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, of a license shall not prevent the licenses from granting
President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers further licenses to third persons nor from exploiting the
vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby order and invention himself.
decree the following:
"(2) Without prejudice to the grant of a compulsory "(a) If the patented invention is not being worked
license in accordance with Section 34 hereof, the grant within the Philippines on a commercial scale,
of an exclusive license shall prevent the licensor form although capable of being so worked, without
granting further licenses to third persons and, unless satisfactory reason;
otherwise expressly provided in the license contract,
from exploiting the invention himself. "(b) If the demand for the patented article in the
Philippines is not being met to an adequate
"Sec. 33-C. Rights of Licensee. (1) The license shall be extent and on reasonable terms;
entitled to exploit the invention during the whole duration
of the patent in the entire territory of the Philippines "(c) If, by reason of refusal of the patentee to
through any application of the invention, and in respect grant a license or licenses on reasonable terms,
of all acts referred to in sections 37 and 42. or by reason of the conditions attached by the
patentee to article or working of the patented
"(2) Clauses of the following tenor contained in license process or machine for production, the
contracts shall be null and void: establishment of any new trade or industry in the
Philippines is prevented, or the trade or industry
"(a) Those which impose upon the licensee the therein is unduly restrained;
obligation to acquire from a specific source
capital goods, intermediate products, raw "(d) If the working of the invention within the
materials, and other technologies, or of country is being prevented or hindered by the
permanently employing personnel indicated by importation of the patented article; or
the licensor;
"(2) In any of the above cased, a compulsory license
"(b) Those pursuant to which the licensor shall be granted to the petitioner provided that he has
reserves the right to fix the sale or resale prices proved his capability to work the patented product or to
of the products manufactured on the basis of the make use of the patented product in the manufacture of
license; a useful product, or to employ the patented process.

"(c) Those that contain restrictions regarding the "(3) The term "worked" or "working" as used in this
volume and structure of production; section means the manufacture and sale of the patented
article, of the patented machine, or the application of the
"(d) Those that prohibit the use of competitive patented process for production, in or by means of a
technologies; definite and substantial establishment or organization in
the Philippines and on a scale which is reasonable and
adequate under the circumstances. Importation shall not
"(e) Those that establish a full or partial
constitute "working."
purchase option in favor of the licensor;

"Sec. 34-A. Products of Processes Vital to National

"(f) Those that obligate the licensee to transfer to
Defense, Economy of Health. The National Economic
the licensor the inventions or improvements that
Development Authority may, by order, provide that for
may be obtained through the use of the licensed
certain categories of such products or processes or for
certain categories of such products or processes, which
are declared in such order to be of vital importance to
"(g) Those that require payment of royalties to the country's defense or economy or to public health,
the owners of patents for patents which are not compulsory license may be granted under the conditions
used; provided in the next preceding section the conditions
provided in the next preceding section even before the
"(h) Those that prohibit the licensee to export the expiration of the period mentioned therein.
licensed product; and
Sec. 34-B. Product, Substances or Processes Subject of
"(i) Other clauses with equivalent effects. Project Approved by the Board of Investments. (1) All
products or substances and/or processes involved in any
"ARTICLE TWO. Compulsory Licensing industrial project approved by the Board of Investments
under the Investment Incentives Act shall be deemed
"Sec. 34. Grounds for Compulsory Licensing. (1) Any products or substances and/or processes vital to the
person may apply to the Director for the grant of a national defense or economy or to public health. If the
license under a particular patent at any time after the proponent of the project is neither a patentee not
expiration of two years from the date of the grant of the licensee of any of the products, substances or processes
patent, under any of the following circumstances; involved therein, a compulsory license may, upon
application by the proponent or endorsement made by
the Board of Investments, be issued in his favor by the
Director of Patents without need of complying with the "(2) A compulsory license sought under Section
provisions of Section 34 and 34-A. 34-B shall be issued within one hundred twenty
days from the filing of the proponent's
"(2) In cases falling under the foregoing application or receipt of the Board of
paragraph, the requirements of Sections 34-D Investment's endorsement.
and 34-E shall be complied with, but no hearing
shall be necessary except to determine the "Sec. 35-A. Rights of Compulsory License. The
identity of the patent owner of the products, compulsory license shall give the licensee the right of
substances or processes subject of the patentees referred to in Section 37 and 42 hereof.
application or endorsement. If two or more
patents exist for the same product, substance or Sec. 35-B. Terms and Conditions of Compulsory
process, the license shall be granted under all License. (1) A compulsory license shall be non-
subsisting patents involved. exclusive, but this shall be without prejudice to the
licensee's right to oppose an application for a new such
Sec. 34-C. Compulsory License Based Upon license.
Interdependence of Patents. If an invention protected by
a patent within the country cannot be worked without "(2) The terms and conditions of a compulsory
infringing rights derived from a patent granted on a license, fixed in accordance with Section 35,
priority, a compulsory license may, upon application and may contain obligations and restrictions both for
without necessity of complying with the requirements of the licensee and for the registered owner of the
Sections 34, be granted under the conditions specified in patent.
Section 35 to the registered owner of the latter patent, to
the extent necessary for the working of his invention and "(3) A compulsory license shall only be granted
insofar as such invention forming the subject of the subject to the payment of adequate royalties
earlier patent, or constitutes noteworthy technical commensurate with the extent to which the
progress in relation to it. invention is worked. However, royalty payments
shall not exceed five per cent (5%) of the net
Sec. 34-D. Form and Contents of Petition. The petition wholesale price (as defined in section 33-A) of
for compulsory licensing must be in writing and verified the product, substance, or process subject of the
by the petitioner and accompanied by the required filing compulsory license is involved in an industrial
fee. It shall give the name and address of the petitioner project approved by the Board of Investments,
as well as those of the necessary party or parties the royalty payable to the patentee or patentees
respondent; and shall state the number and date of issue shall not exceed three per cent (3%) of the net
of the patent in connection with which compulsory wholesale price (as defined in Section 34-A) of
license is sought; the name of the patentee; the title of the patented commodity manufactured under the
the invention; the statutory ground of grounds upon patented process; the same rate of royalty shall
which compulsory license is sought; the ultimate facts be paid whenever two or more patents are
constituting the petitioner's cause of action; and relief involved, which royalty shall be distributed to the
prayed for. patentees in rates in rates proportional to the
extent of commercial use by the licensee giving
Sec. 34-E. Notice of Hearing. (1) Upon filing of a petition preferential values to the holder of the oldest
under Section 34, a notice shall be given in the same subsisting product patent.
manner and form as that provided in section 31, Chapter
VII hereof. The resident agent or representative "Sec. 35-C. Transfer of Compulsory License. A
appointed in accordance with the rules of practice before compulsory license can only be transferred with the
the Patent Office in patent cases shall be found to undertaking which uses the patented invention. Any such
accept service of notice of filing of the petition within the transfer shall, on pain of invalidity, require the
meaning of this section. authorization of the Director of Patents and its
registration in accordance with Section 33-A.
"(2) In every case, the notice shall be published
in a newspaper of general circulation in the "Sec. 35-D. Amendment and Cancellation. (1) Upon
country three times for three consecutive weeks. request of the registered owner of the patent or of the
licensee, the terms of the compulsory license may be
"Sec. 35. Grant of License. (1) If the Director finds that a amended by the Director of Patents when new facts
case for the grant is a license under Section 34 hereof justify it, in particular when the registered owner of the
has been made out, he shall, within one hundred eighty patent grants contractual licenses on terms more
days from the date the petition was filed, order the grant favorable to the contractual licensees.
of an appropriate license. The order shall state the terms
and conditions of the license which he himself must fix in "(2) At the request of the registered owner of the
default of an agreement on the matter manifested or patent, the compulsory license may be canceled
submitted by the parties during the hearing.
if the licensee does not comply with the "For recording assignment, and other documents relating
prescribed terms of the license. to title and license, Twenty Pesos;

"(3) The provisions of Sections 33-A and 35 "For notice of appeal to the Court of Appeals from an
shall apply with respect to amendments and order or decision of the Chief Patent Examiner, Fifty
cancellations of compulsory licenses." Pesos;

"ARTICLE THREE Common Provision For renewing a design or utility model patent, One
Hundred Fifty Pesos;
"Sec. 35-E. Licensee's Exemption form Liability. (1) Any
one who works a patented product, substance and/or "For surcharge of delayed renewal of a design or utility
process under a license granted under this Chapter shall model patent, Forty Pesos; and
be free from any liability for infringement, provided that in
the case of voluntary licensee no conclusion with the "For services not otherwise specified, the Director shall
licensor is proven. This is without prejudice to the right of provide, by regulation, the fees therefor.
the rightful owner of the patent to recover from the
licensor whatever he may have received as royalties "The Director may by rule fix higher fees for nationals
under the license. from the developed countries.

"(2) The existence of a conflict between two or "The Philippine Investors Commission shall be exempt
more patents shall in no way affect the right of from paying the above fees but only with respect to
the licensee under this Chapter to work the application filed by it in behalf of indigent inventors."
invention, and no injunction or other court
process shall be valid and enforced which
interferes with this right. Any person violating Section 3. The same Act is further amended by inserting
this provision shall be punished by a fine not between Sections eighty-two and eighty-three the
less than Five Thousand Pesos but not following new section:
exceeding Thirty Thousand Pesos but not
exceeding Thirty Thousand Pesos or by "Sec. 82-A. The Director shall authorized to use and
imprisonment of not less than one year but not spend a portion not to exceed fifty per cent of the
exceeding five years." Office's total income for the improvement of facilities and
services as well as for equipment outlay, for
Section 2. Section 75 of the same Act is hereby implementation of this Act including expenses for
amended to read as follows: participation in the World Intellectual Property
Organization and similar organizations concerned with
international cooperation in the expeditious processing of
"Sec. 75. Fees. The following fees shall be paid for filing patent applications."
an application for patent which shall include the cost of
publication in the official Gazette, Four Hundred Pesos, if
it is an invention patent and Two Hundred pesos, if it is a Section 4. This Decree shall become effective thirty
utility model or design patent, upon filing each days following its promulgation.
application and, if it is on invention patent, Twenty-Five
Pesos for each claim in excess of five claims presented Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of December, in
on filing or at any other time. the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-
For issuing each original invention patent, One Hundred

For annual fees due at the beginning of the fifth and

each succeeding year, Two Hundred Pesos each; for
surcharge for delayed payment of annual fee, Fifty
Pesos; for reinstating a lapse patent, Two Hundred
Pesos; for filing a petition for cancellation, except when
filed by the Solicitor General, One Hundred Pesos; for
filing a petition for compulsory license, Two Hundred
Pesos; for copies of records of the Office, Two Pesos
per hundred words of typewritten copy;

"For each certification of copy of any record, Twenty




WHEREAS, Intellectual Property Rights – patents,

trademarks and copyrights – have gained universal
importance because of the important role technology
plays in influencing international economics and trade;

WHEREAS, government policies related to Intellectual

Property Rights would have far-reaching economic
implications on our trade relations with our trading

WHEREAS, the recognition and adequate protection of

the rights of inventors, authors, and trademarks owners
should enhance the economic environment needed to
attract foreign investments;

WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Government to protect

intellectual properties against infringements, piracy and

WHEREAS, there is a pressing need to have close

coordination among government agencies responsible
for the protection of intellectual property rights;

WHEREAS, there is a pressing need to come up with

concerted efforts in the policy formulation of the
Government in order to effectively combat piracy and
counterfeiting of intellectual property rights;

WHEREAS, the Government is now currently in the

process of evaluating its present laws on intellectual
property rights in consonance with its multilateral and
bilateral commitments;


the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers
vested in me by law, do hereby order:

Section 1. Organization. – There is hereby created an

Inter-Agency Committee on Intellectual Property Rights
(hereinafter called the “Committee”) under the Office of
the President.

Section 2. Composition. – The Committee shall be

composed of the Secretary of Trade and Industry, as
Chairman, the Secretary of Justice and Secretary of
Finance as Vice-Chairman, and the following as
Members: the Chief Presidential Legal Counsel, the
Director of the National Bureau of Investigation, the
Chief of the Philippine National Police, the
Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs, the Chairman
of the Videogram Regulatory Board, the Commissioner
of the National Telecommunications Commission, the
Chief of the Copyright Office of the National Library, the h. Prepare and implement a fast-track anti-piracy and
Director of the Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and counterfeiting plan of action and adopt appropriate
Technology Transfer, the Director of the Bureau of Trade strategies and measures to ensure an effective and
Regulations and Consumer Protection, and one efficient anti-piracy and counterfeiting program, and
representative each from two major non-government public adherence to and compliance with all domestic
organizations involved in the protection and promotion of and international laws for the protection of intellectual
intellectual property rights to be determined by the property rights;
i. Coordinate with the appropriate government agencies
Section 3. Powers and Functions. – The Committee and non-governmental organizations an information
shall have the following powers and functions: dissemination campaign on intellectual property rights
and the measures that have to be adopted to address
a. Recommend policies and coordinate the policy the issues.
making process in the Executive Branch of the
Government vis-a-vis protection and enforcement of j. Recommend appropriate intellectual property rights
intellectual property rights; issuances and legislation to the President and Congress;

b. Coordinate with the different agencies of the k. Consider the granting of monetary rewards and
Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the incentives to informants who are willing to give vital
Government in order to effectively address the problem information to build up cases for the prosecution of
areas arising from infringement and counterfeiting of criminal offenders as provided under existing laws; and
intellectual property rights;
l. Perform such other functions necessary in the
c. Enlist the assistance of any branch, department, pursuance of its objectives.
bureau, office, agency or instrumentality of the
Government, including government-owned and Section 4. Technical and Administrative Staff. – The
controlled corporations, in the anti-piracy and Committee shall organize its Secretariat under the Office
counterfeiting drive, which may include the use of its of the Secretary of Trade and Industry to be headed by
personnel, facilities and resources for a more resolute an Executive Officer designated by the Chairman.
prevention, detection and investigation of violations of
laws enumerated in paragraph (d) hereof, and Section 5. Funding. – The Committee shall, upon the
prosecution of criminal and administrative cases; recommendation of the Chairman, be provided with an
initial budget to be determined and approved by the
d. Cause and direct the immediate investigation and President. Appropriations for the succeeding years shall
speedy prosecution of cases involving violations of be incorporated in the budget proposals under the Office
copyright, trademarks, patents and other intellectual of the President.
property related laws or such intellectual property theft-
related cases that is referred to the Committee; Section 6. Operating Guidelines. – The Committee
shall adopt such operating guidelines as may be
e. Recommend the transfer of a case involving violations necessary to implement this Executive Order.
of the laws or statutes detailed in paragraph (d) hereon
from any law enforcement agency or prosecution office, Section 7. Effectivity. – This Executive Order shall take
as the Committee may deem proper and necessary, in effect immediately.
the interest of efficient and expeditious dispensation of
criminal justice, and monitor for speedy resolution such
cases under investigation or prosecution as the case DONE in the City of Manila, this 26th day of February in
may be, by the appropriate operating or implementing the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-
agency herein provided; Three.

f. Refer, as the Committee may deem proper and for the

same reasons stated in the preceding paragraph, to the
appropriate law enforcement agency or prosecution
office, the investigation or prosecution, as the case may
be, of any of the cases adverted to in paragraph (d)

g. Monitor the progress of on-going investigation and

prosecution of cases taken cognizance of by the

The May 22, 2001 decision of the Court of

Appeals3 contained a summary of this dispute:

"Plaintiff-appellant Pearl and Dean (Phil.), Inc. is a

corporation engaged in the manufacture of advertising
display units simply referred to as light boxes. These
units utilize specially printed posters sandwiched
between plastic sheets and illuminated with back lights.
Pearl and Dean was able to secure a Certificate of
Copyright Registration dated January 20, 1981 over
these illuminated display units. The advertising light
boxes were marketed under the trademark "Poster Ads".
The application for registration of the trademark was filed
with the Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and Technology
Transfer on June 20, 1983, but was approved only on
September 12, 1988, per Registration No. 41165. From
1981 to about 1988, Pearl and Dean employed the
services of Metro Industrial Services to manufacture its
advertising displays.

Sometime in 1985, Pearl and Dean negotiated with

defendant-appellant Shoemart, Inc. (SMI) for the lease
and installation of the light boxes in SM City North Edsa.
Since SM City North Edsa was under construction at that
time, SMI offered as an alternative, SM Makati and SM
Cubao, to which Pearl and Dean agreed. On September
11, 1985, Pearl and Dean’s General Manager, Rodolfo
Vergara, submitted for signature the contracts covering
SM Cubao and SM Makati to SMI’s Advertising
Promotions and Publicity Division Manager, Ramonlito
Abano. Only the contract for SM Makati, however, was
returned signed. On October 4, 1985, Vergara wrote
Abano inquiring about the other contract and reminding
him that their agreement for installation of light boxes
was not only for its SM Makati branch, but also for SM
Cubao. SMI did not bother to reply.

G.R. No. 148222               August 15, 2003 Instead, in a letter dated January 14, 1986, SMI’s house
counsel informed Pearl and Dean that it was rescinding
PEARL & DEAN (PHIL.), INCORPORATED, Petitioner, the contract for SM Makati due to non-performance of
vs. the terms thereof. In his reply dated February 17, 1986,
SHOEMART, INCORPORATED, and NORTH EDSA Vergara protested the unilateral action of SMI, saying it
MARKETING, INCORPORATED, Respondents. was without basis. In the same letter, he pushed for the
signing of the contract for SM Cubao.
Two years later, Metro Industrial Services, the company
CORONA, J.: formerly contracted by Pearl and Dean to fabricate its
display units, offered to construct light boxes for
In the instant petition for review on certiorari under Rule Shoemart’s chain of stores. SMI approved the proposal
45 of the Rules of Court, petitioner Pearl & Dean (Phil.) and ten (10) light boxes were subsequently fabricated by
Inc. (P & D) assails the May 22, 2001 decision1 of the Metro Industrial for SMI. After its contract with Metro
Court of Appeals reversing the October 31, 1996 Industrial was terminated, SMI engaged the services of
decision2 of the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch EYD Rainbow Advertising Corporation to make the light
133, in Civil Case No. 92-516 which declared private boxes. Some 300 units were fabricated in 1991. These
respondents Shoemart Inc. (SMI) and North Edsa were delivered on a staggered basis and installed at SM
Marketing Inc. (NEMI) liable for infringement of Megamall and SM City.
trademark and copyright, and unfair competition.
Sometime in 1989, Pearl and Dean, received reports that
exact copies of its light boxes were installed at SM City
and in the fastfood section of SM Cubao. Upon Wherefore, defendants SMI and NEMI are found jointly
investigation, Pearl and Dean found out that aside from and severally liable for infringement of copyright under
the two (2) reported SM branches, light boxes similar to Section 2 of PD 49, as amended, and infringement of
those it manufactures were also installed in two (2) other trademark under Section 22 of RA No. 166, as amended,
SM stores. It further discovered that defendant-appellant and are hereby penalized under Section 28 of PD 49, as
North Edsa Marketing Inc. (NEMI), through its marketing amended, and Sections 23 and 24 of RA 166, as
arm, Prime Spots Marketing Services, was set up amended. Accordingly, defendants are hereby directed:
primarily to sell advertising space in lighted display units
located in SMI’s different branches. Pearl and Dean (1) to pay plaintiff the following damages:
noted that NEMI is a sister company of SMI.
(a) actual damages - ₱16,600,000.00,
In the light of its discoveries, Pearl and Dean sent a representing profits
letter dated December 11, 1991 to both SMI and NEMI derived by defendants
enjoining them to cease using the subject light boxes as a result of infringe-
and to remove the same from SMI’s establishments. It ment of plaintiff’s copyright
also demanded the discontinued use of the trademark from 1991 to 1992
"Poster Ads," and the payment to Pearl and Dean of
compensatory damages in the amount of Twenty Million (b) moral damages - ₱1,000.000.00
Pesos (P20,000,000.00).
(c) exemplary damages - ₱1,000,000.00
Upon receipt of the demand letter, SMI suspended the
leasing of two hundred twenty-four (224) light boxes and
NEMI took down its advertisements for "Poster Ads" (d) attorney’s fees - ₱1,000,000.00
from the lighted display units in SMI’s stores. Claiming
that both SMI and NEMI failed to meet all its demands, plus
Pearl and Dean filed this instant case for infringement of
trademark and copyright, unfair competition and (e) costs of suit;
(2) to deliver, under oath, for impounding in the
In denying the charges hurled against it, SMI maintained National Library, all light boxes of SMI which
that it independently developed its poster panels using were fabricated by Metro Industrial Services and
commonly known techniques and available technology, EYD Rainbow Advertising Corporation;
without notice of or reference to Pearl and Dean’s
copyright. SMI noted that the registration of the mark (3) to deliver, under oath, to the National Library,
"Poster Ads" was only for stationeries such as all filler-posters using the trademark "Poster
letterheads, envelopes, and the like. Besides, according Ads", for destruction; and
to SMI, the word "Poster Ads" is a generic term which
cannot be appropriated as a trademark, and, as such,
(4) to permanently refrain from infringing the
registration of such mark is invalid. It also stressed that
copyright on plaintiff’s light boxes and its
Pearl and Dean is not entitled to the reliefs prayed for in
trademark "Poster Ads".
its complaint since its advertising display units contained
no copyright notice, in violation of Section 27 of P.D. 49.
SMI alleged that Pearl and Dean had no cause of action Defendants’ counterclaims are hereby ordered
against it and that the suit was purely intended to malign dismissed for lack of merit.
SMI’s good name. On this basis, SMI, aside from praying
for the dismissal of the case, also counterclaimed for SO ORDERED.4
moral, actual and exemplary damages and for the
cancellation of Pearl and Dean’s Certification of On appeal, however, the Court of Appeals reversed the
Copyright Registration No. PD-R-2558 dated January trial court:
20, 1981 and Certificate of Trademark Registration No.
4165 dated September 12, 1988. Since the light boxes cannot, by any stretch of the
imagination, be considered as either prints, pictorial
NEMI, for its part, denied having manufactured, installed illustrations, advertising copies, labels, tags or box
or used any advertising display units, nor having wraps, to be properly classified as a copyrightable class
engaged in the business of advertising. It repleaded "O" work, we have to agree with SMI when it posited that
SMI’s averments, admissions and denials and prayed for what was copyrighted were the technical drawings only,
similar reliefs and counterclaims as SMI." and not the light boxes themselves, thus:

The RTC of Makati City decided in favor of P & D: 42. When a drawing is technical and depicts a utilitarian
object, a copyright over the drawings like plaintiff-
appellant’s will not extend to the actual object. It has so
been held under jurisprudence, of which the leading certificate of registration, following the clear mandate
case is Baker vs. Selden (101 U.S. 841 (1879). In that conveyed by Section 20 of Republic Act 166, as
case, Selden had obtained a copyright protection for a amended, otherwise known as the Trademark Law,
book entitled "Selden’s Condensed Ledger or which reads:
Bookkeeping Simplified" which purported to explain a
new system of bookkeeping. Included as part of the book SEC. 20. Certification of registration prima facie
were blank forms and illustrations consisting of ruled evidence of validity.- A certificate of registration of a
lines and headings, specially designed for use in mark or trade-name shall be prima facie evidence of the
connection with the system explained in the work. These validity of the registration, the registrant’s ownership of
forms showed the entire operation of a day or a week or the mark or trade-name, and of the registrant’s exclusive
a month on a single page, or on two pages following right to use the same in connection with the goods,
each other. The defendant Baker then produced forms business or services specified in the certificate, subject
which were similar to the forms illustrated in Selden’s to any conditions and limitations stated therein."
copyrighted books. The Court held that exclusivity to the (underscoring supplied)
actual forms is not extended by a copyright. The reason
was that "to grant a monopoly in the underlying art when The records show that on June 20, 1983, Pearl and
no examination of its novelty has ever been made would Dean applied for the registration of the trademark
be a surprise and a fraud upon the public; that is the "Poster Ads" with the Bureau of Patents, Trademarks,
province of letters patent, not of copyright." And that is and Technology Transfer. Said trademark was recorded
precisely the point. No doubt aware that its alleged in the Principal Register on September 12, 1988 under
original design would never pass the rigorous Registration No. 41165 covering the following products:
examination of a patent application, plaintiff-appellant stationeries such as letterheads, envelopes and calling
fought to foist a fraudulent monopoly on the public by cards and newsletters.
conveniently resorting to a copyright registration which
merely employs a recordal system without the benefit of
an in-depth examination of novelty. With this as factual backdrop, we see no legal basis to
the finding of liability on the part of the defendants-
appellants for their use of the words "Poster Ads", in the
The principle in Baker vs. Selden was likewise applied advertising display units in suit. Jurisprudence has
in Muller vs. Triborough Bridge Authority [43 F. Supp. interpreted Section 20 of the Trademark Law as "an
298 (S.D.N.Y. 1942)]. In this case, Muller had obtained a implicit permission to a manufacturer to venture into the
copyright over an unpublished drawing entitled "Bridge production of goods and allow that producer to
Approach – the drawing showed a novel bridge appropriate the brand name of the senior registrant on
approach to unsnarl traffic congestion". The defendant goods other than those stated in the certificate of
constructed a bridge approach which was alleged to be registration." The Supreme Court further emphasized the
an infringement of the new design illustrated in plaintiff’s restrictive meaning of Section 20 when it stated, through
drawings. In this case it was held that protection of the Justice Conrado V. Sanchez, that:
drawing does not extend to the unauthorized duplication
of the object drawn because copyright extends only to
the description or expression of the object and not to the Really, if the certificate of registration were to be deemed
object itself. It does not prevent one from using the as including goods not specified therein, then a situation
drawings to construct the object portrayed in the may arise whereby an applicant may be tempted to
drawing. register a trademark on any and all goods which his
mind may conceive even if he had never intended to use
the trademark for the said goods. We believe that such
In two other cases, Imperial Homes Corp. v. Lamont, omnibus registration is not contemplated by our
458 F. 2d 895 and Scholtz Homes, Inc. v. Maddox, 379 Trademark Law.
F. 2d 84, it was held that there is no copyright
infringement when one who, without being authorized,
uses a copyrighted architectural plan to construct a While we do not discount the striking similarity between
structure. This is because the copyright does not extend Pearl and Dean’s registered trademark and defendants-
to the structures themselves. appellants’ "Poster Ads" design, as well as the parallel
use by which said words were used in the parties’
respective advertising copies, we cannot find
In fine, we cannot find SMI liable for infringing Pearl and defendants-appellants liable for infringement of
Dean’s copyright over the technical drawings of the trademark. "Poster Ads" was registered by Pearl and
latter’s advertising display units. Dean for specific use in its stationeries, in contrast to
defendants-appellants who used the same words in their
xxx xxx xxx advertising display units. Why Pearl and Dean limited the
use of its trademark to stationeries is simply beyond us.
The Supreme Court trenchantly held in Faberge, But, having already done so, it must stand by the
Incorporated vs. Intermediate Appellate Court that the consequence of the registration which it had caused.
protective mantle of the Trademark Law extends only to
the goods used by the first user as specified in the xxx xxx xxx
We are constrained to adopt the view of defendants- copyrights, trademarks and unfair competition arising
appellants that the words "Poster Ads" are a simple from infringement of any of the first three. We shall focus
contraction of the generic term poster advertising. In the then on the following issues:
absence of any convincing proof that "Poster Ads" has
acquired a secondary meaning in this jurisdiction, we (1) if the engineering or technical drawings of an
find that Pearl and Dean’s exclusive right to the use of advertising display unit (light box) are granted
"Poster Ads" is limited to what is written in its certificate copyright protection (copyright certificate of
of registration, namely, stationeries. registration) by the National Library, is the light
box depicted in such engineering drawings ipso
Defendants-appellants cannot thus be held liable for facto also protected by such copyright?
infringement of the trademark "Poster Ads".
(2) or should the light box be registered
There being no finding of either copyright or trademark separately and protected by a patent issued by
infringement on the part of SMI and NEMI, the monetary the Bureau of Patents Trademarks and
award granted by the lower court to Pearl and Dean has Technology Transfer (now Intellectual Property
no leg to stand on. Office) — in addition to the copyright of the
engineering drawings?
xxx xxx xxx
(3) can the owner of a registered trademark
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the assailed legally prevent others from using such trademark
decision is REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and another is if it is a mere abbreviation of a term descriptive
rendered DISMISSING the complaint and counterclaims of his goods, services or business?
in the above-entitled case for lack of merit.5
Dissatisfied with the above decision, petitioner P & D
filed the instant petition assigning the following errors for Petitioner P & D’s complaint was that SMI infringed on its
the Court’s consideration: copyright over the light boxes when SMI had the units
manufactured by Metro and EYD Rainbow Advertising
A. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS for its own account. Obviously, petitioner’s position was
ERRED IN RULING THAT NO COPYRIGHT premised on its belief that its copyright over the
INFRINGEMENT WAS COMMITTED BY engineering drawings extended ipso facto to the light
RESPONDENTS SM AND NEMI; boxes depicted or illustrated in said drawings. In ruling
that there was no copyright infringement, the Court of
Appeals held that the copyright was limited to the
drawings alone and not to the light box itself. We agree
with the appellate court.
SM AND NEMI; First, petitioner’s application for a copyright certificate —
as well as Copyright Certificate No. PD-R2588 issued by
the National Library on January 20, 1981 — clearly
stated that it was for a class "O" work under Section 2
(O) of PD 49 (The Intellectual Property Decree) which
was the statute then prevailing. Said Section 2 expressly
enumerated the works subject to copyright:
NEGOTIATION OF ADVERTISING SEC. 2. The rights granted by this Decree shall, from the
CONTRACTS WITH PEARL & DEAN. moment of creation, subsist with respect to any of the
following works:
ERRED IN NOT HOLDING RESPONDENTS x x x           x x x          x x x
FOR ACTUAL, MORAL & EXEMPLARY (O) Prints, pictorial illustrations, advertising copies,
DAMAGES, ATTORNEY’S FEES AND COSTS labels, tags, and box wraps;
x x x           x x x          x x x
Although petitioner’s copyright certificate was entitled
In resolving this very interesting case, we are challenged "Advertising Display Units" (which depicted the box-type
once again to put into proper perspective four main electrical devices), its claim of copyright infringement
concerns of intellectual property law — patents, cannot be sustained.
Copyright, in the strict sense of the term, is purely a include a stamped or marked container of goods. In
statutory right. Being a mere statutory grant, the rights relation thereto, a trade name means the name or
are limited to what the statute confers. It may be designation identifying or distinguishing an enterprise.
obtained and enjoyed only with respect to the subjects Meanwhile, the scope of a copyright is confined to
and by the persons, and on terms and conditions literary and artistic works which are original intellectual
specified in the statute.7 Accordingly, it can cover only creations in the literary and artistic domain protected
the works falling within the statutory enumeration or from the moment of their creation. Patentable inventions,
description.8 on the other hand, refer to any technical solution of a
problem in any field of human activity which is new,
P & D secured its copyright under the classification class involves an inventive step and is industrially applicable.
"O" work. This being so, petitioner’s copyright protection
extended only to the technical drawings and not to the ON THE ISSUE OF PATENT INFRINGEMENT
light box itself because the latter was not at all in the
category of "prints, pictorial illustrations, advertising This brings us to the next point: if, despite its
copies, labels, tags and box wraps." Stated otherwise, manufacture and commercial use of the light
even as we find that P & D indeed owned a valid boxes without license from petitioner, private
copyright, the same could have referred only to the respondents cannot be held legally liable for
technical drawings within the category of "pictorial infringement of P & D’s copyright over its technical
illustrations." It could not have possibly stretched out to drawings of the said light boxes, should they be liable
include the underlying light box. The strict application9 of instead for infringement of patent? We do not think so
the law’s enumeration in Section 2 prevents us from either.
giving petitioner even a little leeway, that is, even if its
copyright certificate was entitled "Advertising Display For some reason or another, petitioner never secured a
Units." What the law does not include, it excludes, and patent for the light boxes. It therefore acquired no patent
for the good reason: the light box was not a literary or rights which could have protected its invention, if in fact it
artistic piece which could be copyrighted under the really was. And because it had no patent, petitioner
copyright law. And no less clearly, neither could the lack could not legally prevent anyone from manufacturing or
of statutory authority to make the light box copyrightable commercially using the contraption. In Creser Precision
be remedied by the simplistic act of entitling the Systems, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals,12 we held that "there
copyright certificate issued by the National Library as can be no infringement of a patent until a patent has
"Advertising Display Units." been issued, since whatever right one has to the
invention covered by the patent arises alone from the
In fine, if SMI and NEMI reprinted P & D’s technical grant of patent. x x x (A)n inventor has no common law
drawings for sale to the public without license from P & right to a monopoly of his invention. He has the right to
D, then no doubt they would have been guilty of make use of and vend his invention, but if he voluntarily
copyright infringement. But this was not the case. SMI’s discloses it, such as by offering it for sale, the world is
and NEMI’s acts complained of by P & D were to have free to copy and use it with impunity. A patent, however,
units similar or identical to the light box illustrated in the gives the inventor the right to exclude all others. As a
technical drawings manufactured by Metro and EYD patentee, he has the exclusive right of making, selling or
Rainbow Advertising, for leasing out to different using the invention.13 On the assumption that petitioner’s
advertisers. Was this an infringement of petitioner’s advertising units were patentable inventions, petitioner
copyright over the technical drawings? We do not think revealed them fully to the public by submitting the
so. engineering drawings thereof to the National Library.

During the trial, the president of P & D himself admitted To be able to effectively and legally preclude others from
that the light box was neither a literary not an artistic copying and profiting from the invention, a patent is a
work but an "engineering or marketing primordial requirement. No patent, no protection. The
invention."10 Obviously, there appeared to be some ultimate goal of a patent system is to bring new designs
confusion regarding what ought or ought not to be the and technologies into the public domain through
proper subjects of copyrights, patents and trademarks. In disclosure.14 Ideas, once disclosed to the public without
the leading case of Kho vs. Court of Appeals,11 we ruled the protection of a valid patent, are subject to
that these three legal rights are completely distinct and appropriation without significant restraint.15
separate from one another, and the protection afforded
by one cannot be used interchangeably to cover items or On one side of the coin is the public which will benefit
works that exclusively pertain to the others: from new ideas; on the other are the inventors who must
be protected. As held in Bauer & Cie vs.
Trademark, copyright and patents are different O’Donnel,16 "The act secured to the inventor the
intellectual property rights that cannot be interchanged exclusive right to make use, and vend the thing
with one another. A trademark is any visible sign patented, and consequently to prevent others from
capable of distinguishing the goods (trademark) or exercising like privileges without the consent of the
services (service mark) of an enterprise and shall patentee. It was passed for the purpose of encouraging
useful invention and promoting new and useful invention. The irony here is that, had petitioner secured a
inventions by the protection and stimulation given to patent instead, its exclusivity would have been for 17
inventive genius, and was intended to secure to the years only. But through the simplified procedure of
public, after the lapse of the exclusive privileges granted copyright-registration with the National Library — without
the benefit of such inventions and improvements." undergoing the rigor of defending the patentability of its
invention before the IPO and the public — the petitioner
The law attempts to strike an ideal balance between the would be protected for 50 years. This situation could not
two interests: have been the intention of the law.

"(The p)atent system thus embodies a carefully crafted In the oft-cited case of Baker vs. Selden21 , the United
bargain for encouraging the creation and disclosure of States Supreme Court held that only the expression of
new useful and non-obvious advances in technology and an idea is protected by copyright, not the idea itself. In
design, in return for the exclusive right to practice the that case, the plaintiff held the copyright of a book which
invention for a number of years. The inventor may keep expounded on a new accounting system he had
his invention secret and reap its fruits indefinitely. In developed. The publication illustrated blank forms of
consideration of its disclosure and the consequent ledgers utilized in such a system. The defendant
benefit to the community, the patent is granted. An reproduced forms similar to those illustrated in the
exclusive enjoyment is guaranteed him for 17 years, but plaintiff’s copyrighted book. The US Supreme Court
upon the expiration of that period, the knowledge of the ruled that:
invention inures to the people, who are thus enabled to
practice it and profit by its use."17 "There is no doubt that a work on the subject of book-
keeping, though only explanatory of well known systems,
The patent law has a three-fold purpose: "first, patent may be the subject of a copyright; but, then, it is claimed
law seeks to foster and reward invention; second, it only as a book. x x x. But there is a clear distinction
promotes disclosures of inventions to stimulate further between the books, as such, and the art, which it is,
innovation and to permit the public to practice the intended to illustrate. The mere statement of the
invention once the patent expires; third, the stringent proposition is so evident that it requires hardly any
requirements for patent protection seek to ensure that argument to support it. The same distinction may be
ideas in the public domain remain there for the free use predicated of every other art as well as that of
of the public."18 bookkeeping. A treatise on the composition and use of
medicines, be they old or new; on the construction and
use of ploughs or watches or churns; or on the mixture
It is only after an exhaustive examination by the patent
and application of colors for painting or dyeing; or on the
office that a patent is issued. Such an in-depth
mode of drawing lines to produce the effect of
investigation is required because "in rewarding a useful
perspective, would be the subject of copyright; but no
invention, the rights and welfare of the community must
one would contend that the copyright of the treatise
be fairly dealt with and effectively guarded. To that end,
would give the exclusive right to the art or manufacture
the prerequisites to obtaining a patent are strictly
described therein. The copyright of the book, if not
observed and when a patent is issued, the limitations on
pirated from other works, would be valid without regard
its exercise are equally strictly enforced. To begin with, a
to the novelty or want of novelty of its subject matter.
genuine invention or discovery must be demonstrated
The novelty of the art or thing described or explained has
lest in the constant demand for new appliances, the
nothing to do with the validity of the copyright. To give to
heavy hand of tribute be laid on each slight technological
the author of the book an exclusive property in the
advance in art."19
art described therein, when no examination of its
novelty has ever been officially made, would be
There is no such scrutiny in the case of copyrights nor a surprise and a fraud upon the public. That is the
any notice published before its grant to the effect that a province of letters patent, not of copyright. The
person is claiming the creation of a work. The law claim to an invention of discovery of an art or
confers the copyright from the moment of creation20 and manufacture must be subjected to the examination
the copyright certificate is issued upon registration with of the Patent Office before an exclusive right therein
the National Library of a sworn ex-parte claim of can be obtained; and a patent from the government
creation. can only secure it.

Therefore, not having gone through the arduous The difference between the two things, letters patent and
examination for patents, the petitioner cannot exclude copyright, may be illustrated by reference to the subjects
others from the manufacture, sale or commercial use of just enumerated. Take the case of medicines. Certain
the light boxes on the sole basis of its copyright mixtures are found to be of great value in the healing
certificate over the technical drawings. art. If the discoverer writes and publishes a book on
the subject (as regular physicians generally do), he
Stated otherwise, what petitioner seeks is exclusivity gains no exclusive right to the manufacture and sale
without any opportunity for the patent office (IPO) to of the medicine; he gives that to the public. If he
scrutinize the light box’s eligibility as a patentable
desires to acquire such exclusive right, he must advertising spaces thereon, which, however, were not at
obtain a patent for the mixture as a new art, all specified in the trademark certificate.
manufacture or composition of matter. He may
copyright his book, if he pleases; but that only Under the circumstances, the Court of Appeals correctly
secures to him the exclusive right of printing and cited Faberge Inc. vs. Intermediate Appellate
publishing his book. So of all other inventions or Court,23 where we, invoking Section 20 of the old
discoveries. Trademark Law, ruled that "the certificate of registration
issued by the Director of Patents can confer (upon
The copyright of a book on perspective, no matter how petitioner) the exclusive right to use its own symbol only
many drawings and illustrations it may contain, gives no to those goods specified in the certificate, subject to any
exclusive right to the modes of drawing described, conditions and limitations specified in the certificate x x
though they may never have been known or used x. One who has adopted and used a trademark on his
before. By publishing the book without getting a patent goods does not prevent the adoption and use of the
for the art, the latter is given to the public. same trademark by others for products which are of a
different description."24 Faberge, Inc. was correct and
xxx was in fact recently reiterated in Canon Kabushiki
Kaisha vs. Court of Appeals.25
Now, whilst no one has a right to print or publish his
book, or any material part thereof, as a book intended to Assuming arguendo that "Poster Ads" could validly
convey instruction in the art, any person may practice qualify as a trademark, the failure of P & D to secure a
and use the art itself which he has described and trademark registration for specific use on the light boxes
illustrated therein. The use of the art is a totally meant that there could not have been any trademark
different thing from a publication of the book infringement since registration was an essential element
explaining it. The copyright of a book on bookkeeping thereof.1âwphi1
cannot secure the exclusive right to make, sell and use
account books prepared upon the plan set forth in such ON THE ISSUE OF UNFAIR COMPETITION
book. Whether the art might or might not have been
patented, is a question, which is not before us. It was not If at all, the cause of action should have been for unfair
patented, and is open and free to the use of the public. competition, a situation which was possible even if P & D
And, of course, in using the art, the ruled lines and had no registration.26 However, while the petitioner’s
headings of accounts must necessarily be used as complaint in the RTC also cited unfair competition, the
incident to it. trial court did not find private respondents liable therefor.
Petitioner did not  appeal this particular point; hence, it
The plausibility of the claim put forward by the cannot now revive its claim of unfair competition.
complainant in this case arises from a confusion of ideas
produced by the peculiar nature of the art described in But even disregarding procedural issues, we
the books, which have been made the subject of nevertheless cannot hold respondents guilty of unfair
copyright. In describing the art, the illustrations and competition.
diagrams employed happened to correspond more
closely than usual with the actual work performed by the By the nature of things, there can be no unfair
operator who uses the art. x x x The description of the competition under the law on copyrights although it is
art in a book, though entitled to the benefit of applicable to disputes over the use of trademarks. Even
copyright, lays no foundation for an exclusive claim a name or phrase incapable of appropriation as a
to the art itself. The object of the one is explanation; trademark or tradename may, by long and exclusive use
the object of the other is use. The former may be by a business (such that the name or phrase becomes
secured by copyright. The latter can only be associated with the business or product in the mind of
secured, if it can be secured at all, by letters the purchasing public), be entitled to protection against
patent." (underscoring supplied) unfair competition.27 In this case, there was no evidence
that P & D’s use of "Poster Ads" was distinctive or well-
ON THE ISSUE OF TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT known. As noted by the Court of Appeals, petitioner’s
expert witnesses himself had testified that " ‘Poster Ads’
This issue concerns the use by respondents of the mark was too generic a name. So it was difficult to identify it
"Poster Ads" which petitioner’s president said was a with any company, honestly speaking."28 This crucial
contraction of "poster advertising." P & D was able to admission by its own expert witness that "Poster Ads"
secure a trademark certificate for it, but one where the could not be associated with P & D showed that, in the
goods specified were "stationeries such as letterheads, mind of the public, the goods and services carrying the
envelopes, calling cards and newsletters."22 Petitioner trademark "Poster Ads" could not be distinguished from
admitted it did not commercially engage in or market the goods and services of other entities.
these goods. On the contrary, it dealt in electrically
operated backlit advertising units and the sale of This fact also prevented the application of the doctrine of
secondary meaning. "Poster Ads" was generic and
incapable of being used as a trademark because it was
used in the field of poster advertising, the very business DECISION
engaged in by petitioner. "Secondary meaning" means
that a word or phrase originally incapable of exclusive
appropriation with reference to an article in the market DE LEON, JR., J.:
(because it is geographically or otherwise descriptive)
might nevertheless have been used for so long and so
exclusively by one producer with reference to his article Before us is a petition for review on certiorari of the
that, in the trade and to that branch of the purchasing Decision 1 dated May 24, 1993 of the Court of Appeals
public, the word or phrase has come to mean that the setting aside and declaring as null and void the Orders 2
article was his property.29 The admission by petitioner’s dated February 10, 1992 and March 19, 1992 of the
own expert witness that he himself could not associate Regional Trial Court, Branch 90, of Quezon City granting
"Poster Ads" with petitioner P & D because it was "too the issuance of a writ of preliminary
generic" definitely precluded the application of this injunction.chanrob1es virtua1 1aw 1ibrary
The facts of the case are as follows:chanrob1es virtual
Having discussed the most important and critical issues, 1aw library
we see no need to belabor the rest.
On December 20, 1991, petitioner Elidad C. Kho filed a
All told, the Court finds no reversible error committed by complaint for injunction and damages with a prayer for
the Court of Appeals when it reversed the Regional Trial the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction, docketed
Court of Makati City. as Civil Case No. Q-91-10926, against the respondents
Summerville General Merchandising and Company
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED and the (Summerville, for brevity) and Ang Tiam Chay.
decision of the Court of Appeals dated May 22, 2001 is
AFFIRMED in toto. The petitioner’s complaint alleges that petitioner, doing
business under the name and style of KEC Cosmetics
Laboratory, is the registered owner of the copyrights
Chin Chun Su and Oval Facial Cream Container/Case,
as shown by Certificates of Copyright Registration No. 0-
1358 and No. 0-3678; that she also has patent rights on
Chin Chun Su & Device and Chin Chun Su for
medicated cream after purchasing the same from Quintin
Cheng, the registered owner thereof in the Supplemental
Register of the Philippine Patent Office on February 7,
1980 under Registration Certificate No. 4529; that
respondent Summerville advertised and sold petitioner’s
cream products under the brand name Chin Chun Su, in
similar containers that petitioner uses, thereby
misleading the public, and resulting in the decline in the
petitioner’s business sales and income; and, that the
respondents should be enjoined from allegedly infringing
on the copyrights and patents of the petitioner.

The respondents, on the other hand, alleged as their

defense that Summerville is the exclusive and authorized
importer, re-packer and distributor of Chin Chun Su
products manufactured by Shun Yi Factory of Taiwan;
that the said Taiwanese manufacturing company
authorized Summerville to register its trade name Chin
Chun Su Medicated Cream with the Philippine Patent
Office and other appropriate governmental agencies;
that KEC Cosmetics Laboratory of the petitioner
obtained the copyrights through misrepresentation and
G.R. No. 115758. March 19, 2002.] falsification; and, that the authority of Quintin Cheng,
assignee of the patent registration certificate, to
ELIDAD C. KHO, doing business under the name and distribute and market Chin Chun Su products in the
style of KEC COSMETICS LABORATORY, Petitioner, Philippines had already been terminated by the said
v. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, SUMMERVILLE Taiwanese Manufacturing Company.
ANG TIAM CRAY, Respondents. After due hearing on the application for preliminary
injunction, the trial court granted the same in an Order
dated February 10, 1992, the dispositive portion of which x           x          x
reads:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

ACCORDINGLY, the application of plaintiff Elidad C. As ratiocinated in La Chemise Lacoste, S.S. v.

Kho, doing business under the style of KEC Cosmetic Fernandez, 129 SCRA 373,
Laboratory, for preliminary injunction, is hereby granted.
Consequentially, plaintiff is required to file with the Court "Registration in the Supplemental Register, therefore,
a bond executed to defendants in the amount of five serves as notice that the registrant is using or has
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to the effect that appropriated the trademark. By the very fact that the
plaintiff will pay to defendants all damages which trademark cannot as yet he on guard and there are
defendants may sustain by reason of the injunction if the certain defects, some obstacles which the use must still
Court should finally decide that plaintiff is not entitled overcome before he can claim legal ownership of the
thereto. mark or ask the courts to vindicate his claims of an
exclusive right to the use of the same. It would be
SO ORDERED. 3 deceptive for a party with nothing more than a
registration in the Supplemental Register to posture
The respondents moved for reconsideration but their before courts of justice as if the registration is in the
motion for reconsideration was denied by the trial court Principal Register.
in an Order dated March 19, 1992. 4
The reliance of the private respondent on the last
On April 24, 1992, the respondents filed a petition sentence of the Patent office action on application Serial
for certiorari with the Court of Appeals, docketed as CA- No. 30954 that ‘registrants is presumed to be the owner
G.R. SP No. 27803, praying for the nullification of the of the mark until after the registration is declared
said writ of preliminary injunction issued by the trial cancelled’ is, therefore, misplaced and grounded on
court. After the respondents filed their reply and almost a shaky foundation. The supposed presumption not only
month after petitioner submitted her comment, or on runs counter to the precept embodied in Rule 124 of the
August 14 1992, the latter moved to dismiss the petition Revised Rules of Practice before the Philippine Patent
for violation of Supreme Court Circular No. 28-91, a Office in Trademark Cases but considering all the facts
circular prohibiting forum shopping. According to the ventilated before us in the four interrelated petitions
petitioner, the respondents did not state the docket involving the petitioner and the respondent, it is devoid of
number of the civil case in the caption of their petition factual basis. As even in cases where presumption and
and, more significantly, they did not include therein a precept may factually be reconciled, we have held that
certificate of non-forum shopping. The respondents the presumption is rebuttable, not conclusive, (People v.
opposed the petition and submitted to the appellate court Lim Hoa, G.R. No. L-10612, May 30, 1958, Unreported).
a certificate of non-forum shopping for their petition. One may be declared an unfair competitor even if his
competing trademark is registered (Parke, Davis & Co. v.
On May 24, 1993, the appellate court rendered a Kiu Foo & Co., Et Al., 60 Phil 928; La Yebana Co. v.
Decision in CA-G.R. SP No. 27803 ruling in favor of the chua Seco & Co., 14 Phil 534)." 6
respondents, the dispositive portion of which
reads:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library The petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration. This she
followed with several motions to declare respondents in
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby given due course contempt of court for publishing advertisements notifying
and the orders of respondent court dated February 10, the public of the promulgation of the assailed decision of
1992 and March 19, 1992 granting the writ of preliminary the appellate court and stating that genuine Chin Chun
injunction and denying petitioners’ motion for Su products could be obtained only from Summerville
reconsideration are hereby set aside and declared null General Merchandising and Co.
and void. Respondent court is directed to forthwith
proceed with the trial of Civil Case No. Q-91-10926 and In the meantime, the trial court went on to hear
resolve the issue raised by the parties on the merits. petitioner’s complaint for final injunction and damages.
On October 22, 1993, the trial court rendered a Decision
SO ORDERED. 5 7 barring the petitioner from using the trademark Chin
Chun Su and upholding the right of the respondents to
In granting the petition, the appellate court ruled use the same, but recognizing the copyright of the
that:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library petitioner over the oval shaped container of her beauty
cream. The trial court did not award damages and costs
The registration of the trademark or brandname "Chin to any of the parties but to their respective counsels
Chun Su" by KEC with the supplemental register of the were awarded Seventy-Five Thousand Pesos
Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and Technology (P75,000.00) each as attorney’s fees. The petitioner duly
Transfer cannot be equated with registration in the appealed the said decision to the Court of Appeals.
principal register, which is duly protected by the
Trademark Law. On June 3, 1994, the Court of Appeals promulgated a
Resolution 8 denying the petitioner’s motions for
reconsideration and for contempt of court in CA-G.R. SP is entitled to the relief demanded, and the whole or part
No. 27803. of such relief consists in restraining the commission or
continuance of the act or acts complained of, either for a
Hence, this petition anchored on the following limited period or perpetually. Thus, a preliminary
assignment of errors:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library injunction order may be granted only when the
application for the issuance of the same shows facts
I entitling the applicant to the relief demanded. 10 This is
the reason why we have ruled that it must be shown that
the invasion of the right sought to be protected is
RESPONDENT HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS material and substantial, that the right of complainant is
COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION clear and unmistakable, and, that there is an urgent and
AMOUNTING TO LACK OF JURISDICTION IN FAILING paramount necessity for the writ to prevent serious

II In the case at bar, the petitioner applied for the issuance

of a preliminary injunctive order on the ground that she is
entitled to the use of the trademark on Chin Chun Su
RESPONDENT HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and its container based on her copyright and patent over
COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION the same. We first find it appropriate to rule on whether
AMOUNTING TO LACK OF JURISDICTION IN the copyright and patent over the name and container of
REFUSING TO PROMPTLY RESOLVE PETITIONER’S a beauty cream product would entitle the registrant to the
MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION. use and ownership over the same to the exclusion of
Trademark, copyright and patents are different
intellectual property rights that cannot be interchanged
IN DELAYING THE RESOLUTION OF PETITIONER’S with one another. A trademark is any visible sign capable
MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION, THE of distinguishing the goods (trademark) or services
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS DENIED (service mark) of an enterprise and shall include a
PETITIONER’S RIGHT TO SEEK TIMELY APPELLATE stamped or marked container of goods. 12 In relation
RELIEF AND VIOLATED PETITIONER’S RIGHT TO thereto, a trade name means the name or designation
DUE PROCESS. identifying or distinguishing an enterprise. 13 Meanwhile,
the scope of a copyright is confined to literary and artistic
IV works which are original intellectual creations in the
literary and artistic domain protected from the moment of
their creation. 14 Patentable inventions, on the other
RESPONDENT HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS hand, refer to any technical solution of a problem in any
COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION field of human activity which is new, involves an
AMOUNTING TO LACK OF JURISDICTION IN FAILING inventive step and is industrially applicable. 15
CONTEMPT. 9 Petitioner has no right to support her claim for the
exclusive use of the subject trade name and its
The petitioner faults the appellate court for not container. The name and container of a beauty cream
dismissing the petition on the ground of violation of product are proper subjects of a trademark inasmuch as
Supreme Court Circular No. 28-91. Also, the petitioner the same falls squarely within its definition. In order to be
contends that the appellate court violated Section 6, entitled to exclusively use the same in the sale of the
Rule 9 of the Revised Internal Rules of the Court of beauty cream product, the user must sufficiently prove
Appeals when it failed to rule on her motion for that she registered or used it before anybody else did.
reconsideration within ninety (90) days from the time it is The petitioner’s copyright and patent registration of the
submitted for resolution. The appellate court ruled only name and container would not guarantee her the right to
after the lapse of three hundred fifty-four (354) days, or the exclusive use of the same for the reason that they
on June 3, 1994. In delaying the resolution thereof, the are not appropriate subjects of the said intellectual
appellate court denied the petitioner’s right to seek the rights. Consequently, a preliminary injunction order
timely appellate relief. Finally, petitioner describes as cannot be issued for the reason that the petitioner has
arbitrary the denial of her motions for contempt of court not proven that she has a clear right over the said name
against the respondents. and container to the exclusion of others, not having
proven that she has registered a trademark thereto or
We rule in favor of the respondents. used the same before anyone did.

Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 58 of the Revised Rules of We cannot likewise overlook the decision of the trial
Civil Procedure, one of the grounds for the issuance of a court in the case for final injunction and damages. The
writ of preliminary injunction is a proof that the applicant dispositive portion of said decision held that the
petitioner does not have trademark rights on the name complaint or pleading asserting a claim. She therefore
and container of the beauty cream product. The said could no longer submit a motion to dismiss nor raise
decision on the merits of the trial court rendered the defenses and objections not included in the
issuance of the writ of a preliminary injunction moot and answer/comment she had earlier tendered. Thirdly,
academic notwithstanding the fact that the Same has substantial justice and equity require this Court not to
been appealed in the Court of Appeals. This is supported revive a dissolved writ of injunction in favor of a party
by our ruling in La Vista Association, Inc. v. Court of without any legal right thereto merely on a technical
Appeals 16 , to wit:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library infirmity. The granting of an injunctive writ based on a
technical ground rather than compliance with the
Considering the preliminary injunction is a provisional requisites for the issuance of the same is contrary to the
remedy which may be granted at any time after the primary objective of legal procedure which is to serve as
commencement of the action and before judgment when a means to dispense justice to the deserving party.
it is established that the plaintiff is entitled to the relief
demanded and only when his complaint shows facts The petitioner likewise contends that the appellate court
entitling such reliefs . . . and it appearing that the trial unduly delayed the resolution of her motion for
court had already granted the issuance of a final reconsideration. But we find that petitioner contributed to
injunction in favor of petitioner in its decision rendered this delay when she filed successive contentious motions
after trial on the merits . . . the Court resolved to Dismiss in the same proceeding, the last of which was on
the instant petition having been rendered moot and October 27, 1993, necessitating counter-manifestations
academic. An injunction issued by the trial court after it from private respondents with the last one being filed on
has already made a clear pronouncement as to the November 9, 1993. Nonetheless, it is well-settled that
plaintiff’s right thereto, that is, after the same issue has non-observance of the period for deciding cases or their
been decided on the merits, the trial court having incidents does not render such judgments ineffective or
appreciated the evidence presented, is proper, void. 17 With respect to the purported damages she
notwithstanding the fact that the decision rendered is not suffered due to the alleged delay in resolving her motion
yet final . . . Being an ancillary remedy, the proceedings for reconsideration, we find that the said issue has
for preliminary injunction cannot stand separately or likewise been rendered moot and academic by our ruling
proceed independently of the decision rendered on the that she has no right over the trademark and,
merit of the main case for injunction. The merit of the consequently, to the issuance of a writ of preliminary
main case having been already determined in favor of injunction.
the applicant, the preliminary determination of its non-
existence ceases to have any force and effect. Finally, we rule that the Court of Appeals correctly
(Emphasis supplied) denied the petitioner’s several motions for contempt of
court. There is nothing contemptuous about the
La Vista categorically pronounced that the issuance of a advertisements complained of which, as regards the
final injunction renders any question on the preliminary proceedings in CA-G.R. SP No. 27803 merely
injunctive order moot and academic despite the fact that announced in plain and straightforward language the
the decision granting a final injunction is pending appeal. promulgation of the assailed Decision of the appellate
Conversely, a decision denying the applicant-plaintiff’s court. Moreover, pursuant to Section 4 of Rule 39 of the
right to a final injunction, although appealed, renders Revised Rules of Civil Procedure, the said decision
moot and academic any objection to the prior dissolution nullifying the injunctive writ was immediately executory.
of a writ of preliminary injunction.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision
The petitioner argues that the appellate court erred in not and Resolution of the Court of Appeals dated May 24,
dismissing the petition for certiorari for non-compliance 1993 and June 3, 1994, respectively, are hereby
with the rule on forum shopping. We disagree. First, the AFFIRMED. With costs against the
petitioner improperly raised the technical objection of petitioner.chanrob1es virtua1 1aw 1ibrary
non compliance with Supreme Court Circular No. 28-91
by filing a motion to dismiss the petition for certiorari filed SO ORDERED.
in the appellate court. This is prohibited by Section 6,
Rule 66 of the Revised Rules of Civil Procedure which
provides that" (I)n petitions for certiorari before the
Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, the provisions
of Section 2, Rule 56, shall be observed. Before giving
due course thereto, the court may require the
respondents to file their comment to, and not a motion to
dismiss, the petition . . . (Emphasis supplied)." Secondly,
the issue was raised one month after petitioner had filed
her answer/comment and after private respondent had
replied thereto. Under Section 1, Rule 16 of the Revised
Rules of Civil Procedure, a motion to dismiss shall be
filed within the time for but before filing the answer to the

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