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G.R. No. 119243. April 17, 1997.

] Rules and Regulations on continuous, unauthorized

absences, what is plain is that it was wielded with undue
BREW MASTER INTERNATIONAL INC., Petitioner, v. haste resulting in a deprivation of due process, thus not
NATIONAL FEDERATION OF LABOR UNIONS allowing for a determination of just cause or
(NAFLU), ANTONIO D. ESTRADA and HONORABLE abandonment. In this light, petitioner’s dismissal was
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION (Third illegal. This is not to say that his absence should go
Division), Respondents. unpunished, as impliedly noted by the NLRC in declining
to award back wages. In the absence of the appropriate
Victorino Lopez Arcilla Amiana Cua Kagaoan Law offense which defines complainant’s infraction in the
Offices for Petitioner. company’s Rules and Regulations, equity dictates that a
penalty commensurate to the infraction be imposed.


Petitioner’s finding that complainant was guilty of
abandonment is misplaced. Abandonment as a just and
valid ground for dismissal requires the deliberate, This is a special civil action for certiorari seeking the
unjustified refusal of the employee to resume his reversal of the 7 October 1994 decision 1 of the National
employment. Two elements must then be satisfied: (1) Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) in NLRC Case No.
the failure to report for work or absence without valid or 00-06-04136-93 (CA No. L-007370-94), which modified
justifiable reason; and (2) a clear intention to sever the the 11 July 1994 decision 2 of the Labor Arbiter by
employer-employee relationship. The second element is directing the reinstatement of private respondent Antonio
the more determinative factor and must be evinced by D. Estrada, the complainant, without loss of seniority
overt acts. Likewise, the burden of proof is on the rights and
employer to show the employee’s clear and deliberate
intent to discontinue his employment without any Private respondent National Federation of Labor Unions
intention of returning, mere absence is not sufficient. (NAFLU), a co-complainant in the labor case, is a labor
These elements are not present here. First, as held union of which complainant is a member.
above, complainant’s absence was justified under the
circumstances. As to the second requisite, we are not The factual and procedural antecedents are summarized
convinced that complainant ever intended to sever the in the decision of the Labor Arbiter which we quote
employer-employee relationship. Complainant verbatim:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
immediately complied with the memo requiring him to
explain his absence, and upon knowledge of his Complainant was first employed by respondent on 16
termination, immediately sued for illegal dismissal. September 1991 as route helper with the latest daily
These plainly refuted any claim that he was no longer wage of P119.00. From 19 April 1993 up to 19 May
interested in returning to work. Without doubt, the 1993, for a period of one (1) month, complainant went on
intention is lacking. absent without permission (AWOP). On 20 May 1993,
respondent thru Mr. Rodolfo Valentin, sent a Memo to
GOVERN THE CONDUCT OF HIS EMPLOYEES, "Please explain in writing within 24 hours of your receipt
THESE RULES AND THEIR IMPLEMENTATION MUST of this memo why no disciplinary action should be taken
BE FAIR, JUST AND REASONABLE; CASE AT BAR. — against you for the following offense:chanrob1es virtual
Petitioner failed to discharge the burden of proof that 1aw library
complainant was guilty of abandonment. No evidence
other than complainant’s letter explaining his absence You were absent since April 19, 1993 up to May 19,
was presented. Needless to state, the letter did not 1993.
indicate, in the least, that complainant was no longer
interested in returning to work. On the contrary, For your strict compliance."cralaw virtua1aw library
complainant sought petitioner’s understanding. In
declaring him guilty of abandonment, petitioner merely In answer to the aforesaid memo, complainant
relied on its Rules and Regulations which limited its
application to a six-day continuous absence, contrary to
the purpose of the law. While the employer is not "Sa dahilan po na ako ay hindi nakapagpaalam sainyo
precluded from prescribing rules and regulations to [sic] dahil inuwi ko ang mga anak ko sa Samar dahil ang
govern the conduct of his employees, these rules and asawa ko ay lumayas at walang mag-aalaga sa mga
their implementation must be fair, just and reasonable. It anak ko. Kaya naman hindi ako naka long distance or
must be underscored that no less than our Constitution telegrama dahil wala akong pera at ibinili ko ng gamot ay
looks with compassion on the workingman and protects puro utang pa."cralaw virtua1aw library
his rights not only under a general statement of a state
policy, but under the Article on Social Justice and Finding said explanation unsatisfactory, on 16 June
Human Rights, thus placing labor contracts on a higher 1993, respondent thru its Sales Manager, Mr. Henry A.
plane and with greater safeguards. Verily, relations Chongco issued a Notice of Termination which
between capital and labor are not merely contractual.
They are impressed with public interest and labor
contracts must, perforce, yield to the common good. We "We received your letter of explanation dated May 21,
then conclude that complainant’s "prolonged" absence 1993 but we regret to inform you that we do not consider
without approval does not fall within the definition of it valid. You are aware of the company Rules and
abandonment and that his dismissal was unjustified. Regulations that absence without permission for six (6)
While we do not decide here the validity of petitioner’s
consecutive working days is considered abandonment of interested in working. Complainant likewise invoked
work. compassion in the application of sanctions, as dismissal
from employment brings untold hardship and sorrows on
In view of the foregoing, the company has decided to the dependents of the wage earners. In his case, a
terminate your employment effective June 17, 1993 for penalty less punitive than dismissal could have
abandonment of work."cralaw virtua1aw library

Hence, this complaint. In the assailed decision 8 of 7 October 1994, the NLRC
modified the Labor Arbiter’s decision and held that
Complainants contend that individual complainant’s complainant’s dismissal was invalid for the following
dismissal was done without just cause; that it was not reasons:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
sufficiently established that individual complainant’s
absence from April 19, 1993 to June 16, 1993 are Complainant-appellant’s prolonged absences, although
unjustified; that the penalty of dismissal for such violation unauthorized, may not amount to gross neglect or
is too severe; that in imposing such penalty, respondent abandonment of work to warrant outright termination of
should have taken into consideration complainant’s employment. Dismissal is too severe a penalty. For one,
length of service and as a first offender, a penalty less the mere fact that complainant-appellant is a first
punitive will suffice such as suspension for a definite offender must be considered in his favor. Besides, it is
period, (Position Paper, complainants). generally impossible for an employee to anticipate when
he would be ill or compelled to attend to some family
Upon the other hand, respondent contends that problems or emergency like in the case at bar.
individual complainant was dismissed for cause allowed
by the company Rules and Regulations and the Labor Reliance on the ruling enunciated in the cited case of
Code; that the act of complainant in absenting from work Shoemart Inc. v. National Labor Relations, 176 SCRA
for one (1) month without official leave is deleterious to 385, is quite misplaced because of the obvious
the business of respondent; that it will result to stoppage dissimilarities of the attendant circumstances in the said
of production which will not only destructive to case vis-a-vis those obtaining in the case at bar. Unlike
respondent’s interests but also to the interest of its in the aforecited Shoemart Case, herein complainant-
employees in general; that the dismissal of complainant appellant was not dismissed for unauthorized absences
from the service is legal, (Position Paper, respondent). 3 and eventually reinstated anterior to his second
dismissal for the same offense nor was he given a
The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint for lack of second chance which he could have ignored.
merit, citing the principle of managerial control, which
recognizes the employer’s prerogative to prescribe Otherwise stated, the difference between the two cases
reasonable rules and regulations to govern the conduct greatly lies [in] the fact that complainant in the Shoemart
of his employees. The principle allows the imposition of Case in the language of the Supreme Court was "an
disciplinary measures which are necessary for the inveterate absentee who does not deserve
efficiency of both the employer and the employees. In reinstatement" compared to herein complainant-
complainant’s case, he persisted in not reporting for appellant who is a first offender." 9
work until 16 June 1993 notwithstanding his receipt of
the memorandum requiring him to explain his absence The NLRC then decreed as follows:chanrob1es virtual
without approval. The Labor Arbiter, relying on 1aw library
Shoemart, Inc. v. NLRC, 4 thus concluded:chanrob1es
virtual 1aw library PREMISES CONSIDERED, and [sic] the Decision of the
Labor Arbiter, dated 11 July 1994 is hereby MODIFIED,
Verily, it is crystal clear that individual complainant has by directing the reinstatement of complainant-appellant
indeed abandoned his work. The filing of the complaint to his former position without loss of seniority rights and
on 25 June 1993 or almost two (2) months from the date other benefits, but without backwages. The other
complainant failed to report for work affirms the findings findings in the appealed decision stand AFFIRMED. 10
of this Office and therefore, under the law and
jurisprudence which upholds the right of an employer to Petitioner’s motion for the reconsideration 11 was denied
discharge an employee who incurs frequent, prolonged by the NLRC in its 7 December 1994 resolution. 12
and unexplained absences as being grossly remiss in his Petitioner thus filed this special civil action contending
duties to the employer and is therefore, dismissed for that the NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion in
cause, (Shoemart, Inc. v. NLRC, 176 SCRA 385). An ordering complainant’s reinstatement, which in effect
employee is deemed to have abandoned his position or countenances the reinstatement of an employee who is
to have resigned from the same, whenever he has been found guilty of "excessive" absences without prior
absent therefrom without previous permission of the approval. It further argued that the NLRC failed to
employer for three consecutive days or more. This consider the rationale behind petitioner’s Rules and
justification is the obvious harm to employer’s interest Regulations; that it was deprived of its prerogative to
resulting from [sic] the non-availability of the worker’s enforce them; and that complainant’s reinstatement
services, (Supra). (Emphasis supplied) 5 would adversely affect its business and send the wrong
signals to its employees.
and ruled that complainant’s termination from his
employment was "legal, the same with just or authorized In its comment 13 for public respondent NLRC, the
cause and due process." 6 Office of the Solicitor General maintained that dismissal
from employment was too severe a penalty for a first
Complainant appealed to the NLRC, alleging that the time offender like complainant. Although he violated
immediate filing of a complaint for illegal dismissal verily petitioner’s rules and regulations, his absences were
indicated that he never intended to abandon his work, justified: he had to bring his children to Samar, his home
then cited Policarpio v. Vicente Dy Sun, Jr., 7 where the province, as his wife deserted him. While that by itself
NLRC ruled that prolonged absence does not, by itself, might not excuse the failure to seek permission, the
necessarily mean abandonment. Accordingly, there must Office of the Solicitor General submitted, however, that
be a concurrence of intention and overt acts from which "it would be at [sic] the height of callousness if one,
it can be inferred that the employee is no longer considering his plight under the circumstance[s], would
not give due consideration to [complainant’s] not indicate, in the least, that complainant was no longer
explanation. There has to be an exception." 14 interested in returning to work. On the contrary,
complainant sought petitioner’s understanding. In
Applying Itogon-Suyoc Mines, Inc. v. NLRC, 15 the declaring him guilty of abandonment, petitioner merely
Office of the Solicitor General recommended relied on its Rules and Regulations which limited its
complainant’s reinstatement, which would be more application to a six-day continuous absence, contrary to
harmonious to the dictates of social justice and equity. It the purpose of the law. While the employer is not
further emphasized that the reinstatement should not be precluded from prescribing rules and regulations to
considered a condonation of complainant’s irresponsible govern the conduct of his employees, these rules and
behavior, rather, it must be viewed as a mitigation of the their implementation must be fair, just and reasonable. It
severity of the penalty of dismissal. Accordingly, it prays must be underscored that no less than our Constitution
that this petition be dismissed. looks with compassion on the workingman and protects
his rights not only under a general statement of a state
In its reply, 16 petitioner disputed the application of policy, 21 but under the Article on Social Justice and
Itogon-Suyoc because: (1) the employee involved Human Rights, 22 thus placing labor contracts on a
therein had been in the service for twenty-three years higher plane and with greater safeguards. Verily,
while complainant herein had served petitioner for only relations between capital and labor are not merely
two years; and (2) the offense in Itogon-Suyoc was contractual. They are impressed with public interest and
limited to a single act of high grading while complainant labor contracts must, perforce, yield to the common
herein committed a series of unexcused absences. good. 23

We gave due course to the petition and dispensed with We then conclude that complainant’s "prolonged"
complainant’s comment. absence without approval does not fall within the
definition of abandonment and that his dismissal was
The sole issue to be resolved is whether the NLRC unjustified. While we do not decide here the validity of
committed grave abuse of discretion in modifying the petitioner’s Rules and Regulations on continuous,
decision of the Labor Arbiter. unauthorized absences, what is plain is that it was
wielded with undue haste resulting in a deprivation of
The answer must be in the negative. due process, thus not allowing for a determination of just
cause or abandonment. In this light, petitioner’s
A scrutiny of the facts discloses that complainant’s dismissal was illegal. This is not to say that his absence
absence was precipitated by a grave family problem as should go unpunished, as impliedly noted by the NLRC
his wife unexpectedly deserted him and abandoned the in declining to award back wages. In the absence of the
family. Considering that he had a full-time job, there was appropriate offense which defines complainant’s
no one to whom he could entrust the children and he infraction in the company’s Rules and Regulations,
was thus compelled to bring them to the province. It equity dictates that a penalty commensurate to the
would have been extremely difficult for him to have been infraction be imposed.
husband and wife/father and mother at the same time to
the children in the metropolis. He was then under WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DISMISSED and
emotional, psychological, spiritual and physical stress the decision of the National Labor Relations Commission
and strain. The reason for his absence is, under these in NLRC Case No. 06-04136-93 is hereby AFFIRMED.
circumstances, justified. While his failure to inform and No pronouncement as to costs.
seek petitioner’s approval was an omission which must
be corrected and chastised, he did not merit the severest SO ORDERED.
penalty of dismissal from the service.

Petitioner’s finding that complainant was guilty of

abandonment is misplaced. Abandonment as a just and
valid ground for dismissal requires the deliberate,
unjustified refusal of the employee to resume his
employment. Two elements must then be satisfied: (1)
the failure to report for work or absence without valid or
justifiable reason; and (2) a clear intention to sever the
employer-employee relationship. The second element is
the more determinative factor and must be evinced by
overt acts. 17 Likewise, the burden of proof is on the
employer to show the employee’s clear and deliberate
intent to discontinue his employment without any
intention of returning, 18 mere absence is not sufficient.
19 These elements are not present here. First, as held
above, complainant’s absence was justified under the
circumstances. As to the second requisite, we are not
convinced that complainant ever intended to sever the
employer-employee relationship. Complainant
immediately complied with the memo requiring him to
explain his absence, and upon knowledge of his
termination, immediately sued for illegal dismissal.
These plainly refuted any claim that he was no longer
interested in returning to work. 20 Without doubt, the
intention is lacking. cdtech

Moreover, petitioner failed to discharge the burden of

proof that complainant was guilty of abandonment. No
evidence other than complainant’s letter explaining his
absence was presented. Needless to state, the letter did
Order, dated January 4, 1999, certifying the labor
dispute to the NLRC for compulsory arbitration.
Accordingly, all the striking workers were directed to
return to work within twelve (12) hours from receipt of the
Order and for the [respondent] to accept them back
G.R. No. 170351, March 30 : 2011] under the same terms and conditions of employment
prior to the strike. Further, the parties were directed to
LEYTE GEOTHERMAL POWER PROGRESSIVE cease and desist from committing any act that would
EMPLOYEES UNION - ALU - TUCP, PETITIONER, VS. exacerbate the situation.
DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, RESPONDENT. However, despite earnest efforts on the part of the
Secretary of Labor and Employment to settle the dispute
DECISION amicably, the petitioner remained adamant and
unreasonable in its position, causing the failure of the
NACHURA, J.: negotiation towards a peaceful compromise. In effect,
the petitioner did not abide by [the] assumption order
Under review is the Decision[1] dated June 30, 2005 of issued by the Secretary of Labor.
the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 65760,
which dismissed the petition for certiorari filed by Consequently, on January 15, 1999, the [respondent]
petitioner Leyte Geothermal Power Progressive filed a Complaint for Strike Illegality, Declaration of Loss
Employees Union - ALU?TUCP (petitioner Union) to of Employment and Damages at the NLRC-RAB VIII in
annul and set aside the decision [2] dated December 10, Tacloban City and at the same time, filed a Petition for
1999 of the National Labor Relations Commission Cancellation of Petitioner's Certificate of Registration
(NLRC) in ÂÂÂÂÂNLRC Certified Case No. V-02-99. with DOLE, Regional Office No. VIII. The two cases were
later on consolidated pursuant to the New NLRC Rules
The facts, fairly summarized by the CA, follow. of Procedure. The consolidated case was docketed as
NLRC Certified Case No. V-02-99 (NCMB-RAB VIII-NS-
blockquote>[Respondent Philippine National Oil 12-0190-98; RAB Case No. VIII-1-0019-99). The said
Corporation]-Energy Development Corporation [PNOC- certified case was indorsed to the NLRC 4th Division in
EDC] is a government-owned and controlled corporation Cebu City on June 21, 1999 for the proper disposition
engaged in exploration, development, utilization, thereof.[3]
generation and distribution of energy resources like
geothermal energy. In due course, the NLRC 4 th Division rendered a decision
in favor of respondent, to wit:
Petitioner is a legitimate labor organization, duly
registered with the Department of Labor and WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing premises,
Employment (DOLE) Regional Office No. VIII, Tacloban judgment is hereby rendered as follows:
1. Declaring the officers and members of
Among [respondent's] geothermal projects is the Leyte [petitioner] Union as project employees;
Geothermal Power Project located at the Greater
Tongonan Geothermal Reservation in Leyte. The said 2. Declaring the termination of their
Project is composed of the Tongonan 1 Geothermal employment by reason of the completion
Project (T1GP) and the Leyte Geothermal Production of the project, or a phase or portion
Field Project (LGPF) which provide the power and thereof, to which they were assigned, as
electricity needed not only in the provinces and cities of valid and legal;
Central and Eastern Visayas (Region VII and VIII), but
also in the island of Luzon as well. Thus, the 3. Declaring the strike staged and
[respondent] hired and employed hundreds of conducted by [petitioner] Union through
employees on a contractual basis, whereby, their its officers and members on December
employment was only good up to the completion or 28, 1998 to January 6, 1999 as illegal
termination of the project and would automatically expire for failure to comply with the mandatory
upon the completion of such project. requirements of the law on strike[;]
Majority of the employees hired by [respondent] in its 4. Declaring all the officers and members
Leyte Geothermal Power Projects had become members of the board of [petitioner] Union who
of petitioner. In view of that circumstance, the petitioner instigated and spearheaded the illegal
demands from the [respondent] for recognition of it as strike to have lost their employment[;]
the collective bargaining agent of said employees and for
a CBA negotiation with it. However, the [respondent] did 5. Dismissing the claim of [petitioner]
not heed such demands of the petitioner. Sometime in Union against PNOC-EDC for unfair
1998 when the project was about to be completed, the labor practice for lack of merit[;]
[respondent] proceeded to serve Notices of Termination
of Employment upon the employees who are members
6. Dismissing both parties' claims against
of the petitioner.
each other for violation of the
Assumption Order dated January 4,
On December 28, 1998, the petitioner filed a Notice of
1999 for lack of factual basis[;]
Strike with DOLE against the [respondent] on the ground
of purported commission by the latter of unfair labor
7. Dismissing all other claims for lack of
practice for "refusal to bargain collectively, union busting
and mass termination." On the same day, the petitioner
declared a strike and staged such strike.

To avert any work stoppage, then Secretary of Labor Petitioner Union filed a motion for reconsideration of the
Bienvenido E. Laguesma intervened and issued the NLRC decision, which was subsequently denied.
Posthaste, petitioner Union filed a petition Petitioner Union likewise points out that there was no
for certiorari before the CA, alleging grave abuse of interval in the employment contract of its officers and
discretion in the decision of the NLRC. As previously members, who were all employees of respondent, which
adverted to, the CA dismissed the petition for certiorari, lack of interval, for petitioner Union, "manifests that the
thus: `undertaking' is usually necessary and desirable to the
usual trade or business of the employer."
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises,
judgment is hereby rendered by us DISMISSING the We cannot subscribe to the view taken by petitioner
Petition. The assailed Decision dated December 10, Union.
1999 of the NLRC 4th Division in NLRC Certified Case
No. V-02-99 (NCMB-RAB VIII-NS-12-0190-98; RAB The distinction between a regular and a project
Case No. VIII-1-0019-99) and its Order dated March 30, employment is provided in Article 280, paragraph 1, of
2001 are hereby AFFIRMED. the Labor Code:

Costs against the Petitioner.[5] ART. 280. Regular and Casual Employment.-- The
provisions of written agreement to the contrary
notwithstanding and regardless of the oral agreement of
Hence, this appeal by certiorari filed by petitioner Union,
the parties, an employment shall be deemed to be
positing the following questions of law:
regular where the employee has been engaged to
perform activities which are usually necessary or
desirable in the usual business or trade of the
employer, except where the employment has been
fixed for a specific project or undertaking the
completion or termination of which has been
determined at the time of the engagement of the
employee or where the work or service to be performed
is seasonal in nature and the employment is for the
duration of the season.
An employment shall be deemed to be casual if it is not
covered by the preceding paragraph:  Provided, That,
any employee who has rendered at least one year of
service, whether such service is continuous or broken,
shall be considered a regular employee with respect to
the activity in which he is employed and his employment
shall continue while such actually exists.[7]
WERE DISMISSED FOR COMPLETION [OF] THE The foregoing contemplates four (4) kinds of employees:
"PROJECT?" (a) regular  employees or those who have been
"engaged to perform activities which are usually
4. MAY A FIRM HIDE UNDER THE SPURIOUS CLOAK necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of
OF "PROJECT COMPLETION" TO DISMISS EN the employer"; (b) project employees or those "whose
MASSE  THE EMPLOYEES WHO HAVE ORGANIZED employment has been fixed for a specific project or
AMONG THEMSELVES A LEGITIMATE LABOR undertaking[,] the completion or termination of which has
ORGANIZATION TO PROTECT THEIR RIGHTS? been determined at the time of the engagement of the
employee";  (c) seasonal employees or those who work
5. WHEN THERE IS NO  STOPPAGE OF WORK, MAY or perform services which are seasonal in nature, and
A PROTEST ACTIVITY BE CONSIDERED AS the employment is for the duration of the season; [8] and
A STRIKE CONTRARY TO ITS CONCEPTUAL (d) casual employees or those who are not regular,
DEFINITION UNDER ARTICLE 212 (O) OF THE project, or seasonal employees. Jurisprudence has
LABOR CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES? added a fifth kind-- a fixed-term employee. [9]

6. WHEN THE DISMISSAL IS AIMED AT RIDDING THE Article 280 of the Labor Code, as worded, establishes
COMPANY OF MEMBERS OF THE UNION, IS THIS that the nature of the employment is determined by law,
UNION BUSTING?[6] regardless of any contract expressing otherwise. The
supremacy of the law over the nomenclature of the
contract and the stipulations contained therein is to bring
Stripped of rhetoric, the issues for our resolution are:
to life the policy enshrined in the Constitution to "afford
full protection to labor."[10] Thus, labor contracts are
1. Whether the officers and members of petitioner placed on a higher plane than ordinary contracts; these
Union are project employees of respondent; and are imbued with public interest and therefore subject to
the police power of the State.[11]
2. Whether the officers and members of petitioner
Union engaged in an illegal strike. However, notwithstanding the foregoing iterations,
project employment contracts which fix the employment
for a specific project or undertaking remain valid under
On the first issue, petitioner Union contends that its the law:
officers and members performed activities that were
usually necessary and desirable to respondent's usual x x x By entering into such a contract, an employee is
business. In fact, petitioner Union reiterates that its deemed to understand that his employment is
officers and members were assigned to the Construction coterminous with the project. He may not expect to be
Department of respondent as carpenters and masons, employed continuously beyond the completion of the
and to other jobs pursuant to civil works, which are project. It is of judicial notice that project employees
usually necessary and desirable to the department. engaged for manual services or those for special skills
like those of carpenters or masons, are, as a rule, It is evidently important to become clear about the
unschooled. However, this fact alone is not a valid meaning and scope of the term "project" in the present
reason for bestowing special treatment on them or for context. The "project" for the carrying out of which
invalidating a contract of employment. Project "project employees" are hired would ordinarily have
employment contracts are not lopsided agreements in some relationship to the usual business of the employer.
favor of only one party thereto. The employer's interest is Exceptionally, the "project" undertaking might not have
equally important as that of the employee[s'] for theirs is an ordinary or normal relationship to the usual business
the interest that propels economic activity. While it may of the employer. In this latter case, the determination of
be true that it is the employer who drafts project the scope and parameters of the "project" becomes fairly
employment contracts with its business interest as easy. x x x. From the viewpoint, however, of the legal
overriding consideration, such contracts do not, of characterization problem here presented to the Court,
necessity, prejudice the employee. Neither is the there should be no difficulty in designating the
employee left helpless by a prejudicial employment employees who are retained or hired for the purpose of
contract. After all, under the law, the interest of the undertaking fish culture or the production of vegetables
worker is paramount.[12] as "project employees," as distinguished from ordinary or
"regular employees," so long as the duration and scope
of the project were determined or specified at the time of
In the case at bar, the records reveal that the officers
engagement of the "project employees." For, as is
and the members of petitioner Union signed employment
evident from the provisions of Article 280 of the
contracts indicating the specific project or phase of work
Labor Code, quoted earlier, the principal test for
for which they were hired, with a fixed period of
determining whether particular employees are
employment. The NLRC correctly disposed of this issue:
properly characterized as "project employees" as
distinguished from "regular employees," is whether
A deeper examination also shows that [the individual
or not the "project employees" were assigned to
members of petitioner Union] indeed signed and
carry out a "specific project or undertaking," the
accepted the [employment contracts] freely and
duration (and scope) of which were specified at the
voluntarily. No evidence was presented by [petitioner]
time the employees were engaged for that project.
Union to prove improper pressure or undue influence
when they entered, perfected and consummated [the
In the realm of business and industry, we note that
employment] contracts. In fact, it was clearly established
"project" could refer to one or the other of at least two (2)
in the course of the trial of this case, as explained by no
distinguishable types of activities. Firstly, a project could
less than the President of [petitioner] Union, that the
refer to a particular job or undertaking that is within the
contracts of employment were read, comprehended, and
regular or usual business of the employer company, but
voluntarily accepted by them. x x x.
which is distinct and separate, and identifiable as such,
from the other undertakings of the company. Such job or
x x x x
undertaking begins and ends at determined or
determinable times. The typical example of this first type
As clearly shown by [petitioner] Union's own admission,
of project is a particular construction job or project of a
both parties had executed the contracts freely and
construction company. A construction company
voluntarily without force, duress or acts tending to vitiate
ordinarily carries out two or more [distinct] identifiable
the worker[s'] consent. Thus, we see no reason not to
construction projects: e.g., a twenty-five-storey hotel in
honor and give effect to the terms and conditions
Makati; a residential condominium building in Baguio
stipulated therein. x x x.[13]
City; and a domestic air terminal in Iloilo City. Employees
who are hired for the carrying out of one of these
Thus, we are hard pressed to find cause to disturb the separate projects, the scope and duration of which has
findings of the NLRC which are supported by substantial been determined and made known to the employees at
evidence. the time of employment, are properly treated as "project
employees," and their services may be lawfully
It is well-settled in jurisprudence that factual findings of terminated at completion of the project.
administrative or quasi-judicial bodies, which are
deemed to have acquired expertise in matters within The term "project" could also refer to, secondly, a
their respective jurisdictions, are generally accorded not particular job or undertaking that is not within the regular
only respect but even finality, and bind the Court when business of the corporation. Such a job or undertaking
supported by substantial evidence.[14] Rule 133, Section must also be identifiably separate and distinct from the
5 defines substantial evidence as "that amount of ordinary or regular business operations of the employer.
relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might accept The job or undertaking also begins and ends at
as adequate to justify a conclusion." determined or determinable times.[18]

Consistent therewith is the doctrine that this Court is not

Plainly, the litmus test to determine whether an individual
a trier of facts, and this is strictly adhered to in labor
is a project employee lies in setting a fixed period of
cases.[15] We may take cognizance of and resolve factual
employment involving a specific undertaking which
issues, only when the findings of fact and conclusions of
completion or termination has been determined at the
law of the Labor Arbiter or the NLRC are inconsistent
time of the particular employee's engagement.
with those of the CA.[16]
In this case, as previously adverted to, the officers and
In the case at bar, both the NLRC and the CA were one
the members of petitioner Union were specifically hired
in the conclusion that the officers and the members of
as project employees for respondent's Leyte Geothermal
petitioner Union were project employees. Nonetheless,
Power Project located at the Greater Tongonan
petitioner Union insists that they were regular employees
Geothermal Reservation in Leyte. Consequently, upon
since they performed work which was usually necessary
the completion of the project or substantial phase
or desirable to the usual business or trade of
thereof, the officers and the members of petitioner Union
the Construction Department of respondent.
could be validly terminated.
The landmark case of ALU-TUCP v. NLRC[17] instructs
Petitioner Union is adamant, however, that the lack of
on the two (2) categories of project employees:
interval in the employment  contracts  of  its officer and deemed "casuals" but not to the "project" employees nor
members negates the latter's status the regular employees treated in paragraph one of Art.
as mere project employees. For petitioner Union, the
lack of interval further drives home its point that its Clearly, therefore, petitioners being project employees,
officers and members are regular employees who or, to use the correct term, seasonal employees, their
performed work which was usually necessary or employment legally ends upon completion of the project
desirable to the usual business or trade of respondent. or the [end of the] season. The termination of their
employment cannot and should not constitute an illegal
We are not persuaded. dismissal.

Petitioner Union's members' employment for more than a Considering our holding that the officers and the
year does equate to their regular employment with members of petitioner Union were project employees, its
respondent. In this regard, Mercado, Sr. v. claim of union busting is likewise dismissed.
NLRC[19] illuminates:
On the second issue, petitioner Union contends that
The first paragraph [of Article 280 of the Labor Code] there was no stoppage of work; hence, they did not
answers the question of who are regular employees. It strike. Euphemistically, petitioner Union avers that it
states that, regardless of any written or oral agreement "only engaged in picketing,"[20] and maintains that
to the contrary, an employee is deemed regular where "without any work stoppage, [its officers and members]
he is engaged in necessary or desirable activities in the only engaged in xxx protest activity."
usual business or trade of the employer, except for
project employees. We are not convinced.  Petitioner Union splits hairs.
A project employee has been defined to be one whose To begin with, quite evident from the records is the
employment has been fixed for a specific project or undisputed fact that petitioner Union filed a Notice of
undertaking, the completion or termination of which has Strike on December 28, 1998 with the Department of
been determined at the time of the engagement of the Labor and Employment, grounded on respondent's
employee, or where the work or service to be performed purported unfair labor practices, i.e.,  "refusal to bargain
is seasonal in nature and the employment is for the collectively, union busting and mass termination." On
duration of the season, as in the present case. even date, petitioner Union declared and staged a strike.
The second paragraph of Art. 280 demarcates as Second, then Secretary of Labor, Bienvenido E.
"casual" employees, all other employees who do not fall Laguesma, intervened and issued a Return-to-Work
under the definition of the preceding paragraph. The Order[21] dated January 4, 1999, certifying the labor
proviso, in said second paragraph, deems as regular dispute to the NLRC for compulsory arbitration. The
employees those "casual" employees who have Order narrates the facts leading to the labor dispute, to
rendered at least one year of service regardless of the wit:
fact that such service may be continuous or broken.
On 28 December 1998, [petitioner Union] filed a Notice
Petitioners, in effect, contend that the proviso in the of Strike against [respondent] citing unfair labor
second paragraph of Art. 280 is applicable to their case practices, specifically: refusal to bargain collectively,
and that the Labor Arbiter should have considered them union busting and mass termination as the grounds
regular by virtue of said proviso. The contention is [therefor].  On the same day, [petitioner] Union went on
without merit. strike and took control over [respondent's] facilities of its
Leyte Geothermal Project.
The general rule is that the office of a proviso is to
qualify or modify only the phrase immediately preceding Attempts by the National Conciliation and Mediation
it or restrain or limit the generality of the clause that it Board -RBVIII to forge a mutually acceptable solution
immediately follows. Thus, it has been held that a proved futile.
proviso is to be construed with reference to the
immediately preceding part of the provision to which it is In the meantime, the strike continues with no settlement
attached, and not to the statute itself or to other sections in sight placing in jeopardy the supply of much needed
thereof. The only exception to this rule is where the clear power supply in the Luzon and Visayas grids.
legislative intent is to restrain or qualify not only the
phrase immediately preceding it (the proviso) but also x x x x
earlier provisions of the statute or even the statute itself
as a whole. The on-going strike threatens the availability of
continuous electricity to these areas which is critical to
Policy Instruction No. 12 of the Department of Labor and day-to-day life, industry, commerce and trade. Without
Employment discloses that the concept of regular and doubt, [respondent's] operations [are] indispensable to
casual employees was designed to put an end to casual the national interest and falls (sic) within the purview of
employment in regular jobs, which has been abused by Article 263 (g) of the Labor Code, as amended, which
many employers to prevent so - called casuals from warrants (sic) the intervention of this Office.
enjoying the benefits of regular employees or to prevent
casuals from joining unions. The same instructions show
that the proviso in the second paragraph of Art. 280 was Third, petitioner Union itself, in its pleadings, used the
not designed to stifle small-scale businesses nor to word "strike."
oppress agricultural land owners to further the interests
of laborers, whether agricultural or industrial. What it Ultimately, petitioner Union's asseverations are belied by
seeks to eliminate are abuses of employers against their the factual findings of the NLRC, as affirmed by the CA:
employees and not, as petitioners would have us
believe, to prevent small-scale businesses from The failure to comply with the mandatory requisites for
engaging in legitimate methods to realize profit. Hence, the conduct of strike is both admitted and clearly shown
the proviso is applicable only to the employees who are on record. Hence, it is undisputed that no strike vote was
conducted; likewise, the cooling-off period was not party, supervise the conduct of the secret balloting. In
observed and that the 7-day strike ban after the every case, the union or the employer shall furnish the
submission of the strike vote was not complied with Department the results of the voting at least seven days
since there was no strike vote taken. before the intended strike or lockout, subject to the
cooling-off period herein provided.
x x x x
In fine, petitioner Union's bare contention that it did not
The factual issue of whether a notice of strike was timely hold a strike cannot trump the factual findings of the
filed by [petitioner] Union was resolved by the evidence NLRC that petitioner Union indeed struck against
on record. The evidence revealed that [petitioner] Union respondent. In fact, and more importantly, petitioner
struck even before it could file the required notice of Union failed to comply with the requirements set by law
strike. Once again, this relied on [petitioner] Union's prior to holding a strike.
proof. [Petitioner] Union['s] witness said:
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision of
Atty. Sinsuat: You stated that you struck on 28 the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 65760
December 1998 is that correct? is AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner Union.
Witness : Early in the morning of December 1998. SO ORDERED.
x x x x

Atty. Sinsuat: And you went there to conduct the strike

did you not?

Witness : Our plan then was to strike at noon of

December 28 and the strikers will be positioned at their
respective areas.[22]

Article 263 of the Labor Code enumerates the requisites

for holding a strike:

Art. 263. Strikes, picketing, and lockouts. - (a) x x x.

x x x x.

(c) In cases of bargaining deadlocks, the duly certified or

recognized bargaining agent may file a notice of strike or
the employer may file a notice of lockout with the
Department at least 30 days before the intended date
thereof. In cases of unfair labor practice, the period of
notice shall be 15 days and in the absence of a duly
certified bargaining agent, the notice of strike may be
filed by any legitimate labor organization in behalf of its
members. However, in case of dismissal from
employment of union officers duly elected in accordance
with the union constitution and by-laws, which may
constitute union busting, where the existence of the
union is threatened, the 15-day cooling-off period shall
not apply and the union may take action immediately.

(d)  The notice must be in accordance with such

implementing rules and regulations as the Department of
Labor and Employment may promulgate.

(e)During the cooling-off period, it shall be the duty of the

Department to exert all efforts at mediation and
conciliation to effect a voluntary settlement. Should the
dispute remain unsettled until the lapse of the requisite
number of days from the mandatory filing of the notice,
the labor union may strike or the employer may declare a

(f) A decision to declare a strike must be approved by a

majority of the total union membership in the bargaining
unit concerned, obtained by secret ballot in meetings or
referenda called for that purpose. A decision to declare a
lockout must be approved by a majority of the board of
directors of the corporation or association or of the
partners in a partnership, obtained by secret ballot in a
meeting called for that purpose. The decision shall be
valid for the duration of the dispute based on
substantially the same grounds considered when the
strike or lockout vote was taken. The Department may,
at its own initiative or upon the request of any affected
Solidbank, its manner or operation, its plans, processes,
or data of any kind."9

Aside from acknowledging that he had no cause of

action against Solidbank or its affiliate companies,
Rivera agreed that the bank may bring any action to
seek an award for damages resulting from his breach of
the Release, Waiver and Quitclaim, and that such award
would include the return of whatever sums paid to him by
virtue of his retirement under the SRP. 10 Rivera was
likewise required to sign an undated Undertaking as a
G.R. No. 163269             April 19, 2006 supplement to the Release, Waiver and Quitclaim in
favor of Solidbank in which he declared that he received
ROLANDO C. RIVERA, Petitioner, in full his entitlement under the law (salaries, benefits,
vs. bonuses and other emoluments), including his
SOLIDBANK CORPORATION, Respondent. separation pay in accordance with the SRP. In this
Undertaking, he promised that "[he] will not seek
employment with a competitor bank or financial
institution within one (1) year from February 28, 1995,
and that any breach of the Undertaking or the provisions
CALLEJO, SR., J.: of the Release, Waiver and Quitclaim would entitle
Solidbank to a cause of action against him before the
Assailed in this Petition for Review on Certiorari is the appropriate courts of law.11 Unlike the Release, Waiver
Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV and Quitclaim, the Undertaking was not notarized.
No. 52235 as well as its Resolution 2 denying the Motion
for Partial Reconsideration of petitioner Rolando C. On May 1, 1995, the Equitable Banking Corporation
Rivera. (Equitable) employed Rivera as Manager of its Credit
Investigation and Appraisal Division of its Consumers’
Petitioner had been working for Solidbank Corporation Banking Group.12 Upon discovering this, Solidbank First
since July 1, 1977.3 He was initially employed as an Vice-President for Human Resources Division (HRD)
Audit Clerk, then as Credit Investigator, Senior Clerk, Celia J.L. Villarosa wrote a letter dated May 18, 1995,
Assistant Accountant, and Assistant Manager. Prior to informing Rivera that he had violated the Undertaking.
his retirement, he became the Manager of the Credit She likewise demanded the return of all the monetary
Investigation and Appraisal Division of the Consumer’s benefits he received in consideration of the SRP within
Banking Group. In the meantime, Rivera and his brother- five (5) days from receipt; otherwise, appropriate legal
in-law put up a poultry business in Cavite. action would be taken against him.13

In December 1994, Solidbank offered two retirement When Rivera refused to return the amount demanded
programs to its employees: (a) the Ordinary Retirement within the given period, Solidbank filed a complaint for
Program (ORP), under which an employee would Sum of Money with Prayer for Writ of Preliminary
receive 85% of his monthly basic salary multiplied by the Attachment14 before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
number of years in service; and (b) the Special Manila on June 26, 1995. Solidbank, as plaintiff, alleged
Retirement Program (SRP), under which a retiring therein that in accepting employment with a competitor
employee would receive 250% of the gross monthly bank for the same position he held in Solidbank before
salary multiplied by the number of years in his retirement, Rivera violated his Undertaking under the
service.4 Since Rivera was only 45 years old, he was not SRP. Considering that Rivera accepted employment with
qualified for retirement under the ORP. Under the SRP, Equitable barely three months after executing the
he was entitled to receive P1,045,258.95 by way of Undertaking, it was clear that he had no intention of
benefits.5 honoring his commitment under said deed.

Deciding to devote his time and attention to his poultry Solidbank prayed that Rivera be ordered to return the
business in Cavite, Rivera applied for retirement under net amount of P963,619.28 plus interests therein, and
the SRP. Solidbank approved the application and Rivera attorney’s fees, thus:
was entitled to receive the net amount of P963,619.28.
This amount included his performance incentive award WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed that:
(PIA), and his unearned medical, dental and optical
allowances in the amount of P1,666.67, minus his total
1. At the commencement of this action and upon
accountabilities to Solidbank amounting
the filing of a bond in such amount as this
to P106,973.00.6 Rivera received the amount and
Honorable Court may fix, a writ of preliminary
confirmed his separation from Solidbank on February 25,
attachment be forthwith issued against the
properties of the defendant as satisfaction of any
judgment that plaintiff may secure;
Subsequently, Solidbank required Rivera to sign an
undated Release, Waiver and Quitclaim, which was
2. After trial, judgment be rendered ordering
notarized on March 1, 1995.8 Rivera acknowledged
defendant to pay plaintiff the following sums:
receipt of the net proceeds of his separation and
retirement benefits and promised that "[he] would not, at
any time, in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly
(P963,619.28) PESOS, Philippine Currency, as
engage in any unlawful activity prejudicial to the interest
of 23 May 1995, plus legal interest of 12% per
of Solidbank, its parent, affiliate or subsidiary companies,
annum until fully paid;
their stockholders, officers, directors, agents or
employees, and their successors-in-interest and will not
disclose any information concerning the business of
3. Such sum equivalent to 10% of plaintiff’s Group, also did not mention that he would have to sign
claims plus P2,000.00 for every appearance by such Undertaking which contained the assailed
way of attorney’s fees; and provision. Thus, he had no choice but to sign it. He
insisted that the question of whether he violated the
4. Costs of suit. Undertaking is a genuine issue of fact which called for
the presentation of evidence during the hearing on the
merits of the case. He also asserted that he could not
PLAINTIFF prays for other reliefs just and equitable
cause injury or prejudice to Solidbank’s interest since he
under the premises.15
never acquired any sensitive or delicate information
which could prejudice the bank’s interest if disclosed.
Solidbank appended the Affidavit of HRD First Vice-
President Celia Villarosa and a copy of the Release,
Rivera averred that he had the right to adduce evidence
Waiver and Quitclaim and Undertaking which Rivera
to prove that he had been faithful to the provisions of the
Release, Waiver and Quitclaim, and the Undertaking,
and had not committed any act or done or said anything
In an Order dated July 6, 1995, the trial court issued a to cause injury to Solidbank.18
Writ of Preliminary Attachment17 ordering Deputy Sheriff
Eduardo Centeno to attach all of Rivera’s properties not
Rivera appended to his Opposition his Counter-Affidavit
exempt from execution. Thus, the Sheriff levied on a
in which he reiterated that he had to sign the
parcel of land owned by Rivera.
Undertaking containing the employment ban provision,
otherwise his availment of the SRP would not push
In his Answer with Affirmative Defenses and through. There was no truth to the bank’s allegation that,
Counterclaim, Rivera admitted that he received the net "in exchange for receiving the larger amount
amount of P963,619.28 as separation pay. However, the of P1,045,258.95 under the SRP, instead of the very
employment ban provision in the Undertaking was never much smaller amount of P224,875.81 under the ORP, he
conveyed to him until he was made to sign it on agreed that he will not seek employment in a competitor
February 28, 1995. He emphasized that, prior to said bank or financial institution within one year from
date, Solidbank never disclosed any condition to the February 28, 1995." It was the bank which conceived the
retirement scheme, nor did it impose such employment SRP to streamline its organization and all he did was
ban on the bank officers and employees who had accept it. He stressed that the decision whether to allow
previously availed of the SRP. He alleged that the him to avail of the SRP belonged solely to Solidbank. He
undertaking not to "seek employment with any also pointed out that the employment ban provision in
competitor bank or financial institution within one (1) year the Undertaking was not a consideration for his
from February 28, 1995" was void for being contrary to availment of the SRP, and that if he did not avail of the
the Constitution, the law and public policy, that it was retirement program, he would have continued working
unreasonable, arbitrary, oppressive, discriminatory, for Solidbank for at least 15 more years, earning more
cruel, unjust, inhuman, and violative of his human rights. than what he received under the SRP. He alleged that
He further claimed that the Undertaking was a contract he intended to go full time into the poultry business, but
of adhesion because it was prepared solely by Solidbank after about two months, found out that, contrary to his
without his participation; considering his moral and expectations, the business did not provide income
economic disadvantage, it must be liberally construed in sufficient to support his family. Being the breadwinner,
his favor and strictly against the bank. he was then forced to look for a job, and considering his
training and experience as a former bank employee, the
On August 15, 1995, Solidbank filed a Verified Motion for job with Equitable was all he could find. He insisted that
Summary Judgment, alleging therein that Rivera raised he had remained faithful to Solidbank and would
no genuine issue as to any material fact in his Answer continue to do so despite the case against him, the
except as to the amount of damages. It prayed that the attachment of his family home, and the resulting mental
RTC render summary judgment against Rivera. anguish, torture and expense it has caused them. 19
Solidbank alleged that whether or not the employment
ban provision contained in the Undertaking is In his Supplemental Opposition, Rivera stressed that,
unreasonable, arbitrary, or oppressive is a question of being a former bank employee, it was the only kind of
law. It insisted that Rivera signed the Undertaking work he knew. The ban was, in fact, practically absolute
voluntarily and for valuable consideration; and under the since it applied to all financial institutions for one year
Release, Waiver and Quitclaim, he was obliged to return from February 28, 1995. He pointed out that he could not
the P963,619.28 upon accepting employment from a work in any other company because he did not have the
competitor bank within the one-year proscribed period. qualifications, especially considering his age. Moreover,
Solidbank appended to its motion the Affidavit of after one year from February 28, 1995, he would no
Villarosa, where she declared that Rivera was employed longer have any marketable skill, because by then, it
by Equitable on May 1, 1995 for the same position he would have been rendered obsolete by non-use and
held before his retirement from Solidbank. rapid technological advances. He insisted that the ban
was not necessary to protect the interest of Solidbank,
Rivera opposed the motion contending that, as gleaned as, in the first place, he had no access to any "secret"
from the pleadings of the parties as well as Villarosa’s information which, if revealed would be prejudicial to
Affidavit, there are genuine issues as to material facts Solidbank’s interest. In any case, he was not one to
which call for the presentation of evidence. He averred reveal whatever knowledge or information he may have
that there was a need for the parties to adduce evidence acquired during his employment with said bank.20
to prove that he did not sign the Undertaking voluntarily.
He claimed that he would not have been allowed to avail In its Reply, Solidbank averred that the wisdom of
of the SRP if he had not signed it, and consequently, his requiring the Undertaking from the 1995 SRP is purely a
retirement benefits would not have been paid. This was management prerogative. It was not for Rivera to
what Ed Nallas, Solidbank Assistant Vice-President for question and decry the bank’s policy to protect itself from
HRD and Personnel, told him when he received his unfair competition and disclosure of its trade secrets.
check on February 28, 1995. Senior Vice-President The substantial monetary windfall given the retiring
Henry Valdez, his superior in the Consumers’ Banking officers was meant to tide them over the one-year period
of hiatus, and did not prevent them from engaging in any to assail the same, hence, is estopped from insisting or
kind of business or bar them from being employed retaining the said amount of P963,619.28.
except with competitor banks/financial institutions.21
However, the CA ruled that the attachment made upon
On December 18, 1995, the trial court issued an Order of Rivera’s family home was void, and, pursuant to the
Summary Judgment.22 The fallo of the decision reads: mandate of Article 155, in relation to Article 153 of the
Family Code, must be discharged.
rendered in favor of plaintiff and against defendant Hence, this recourse to the Court.
ordering the latter to pay to plaintiff bank the amount of
HUNDRED NINETEEN AND 28/100 (P963,619.28)
PESOS, Philippine Currency, as of May 23, 1995, plus I.
legal interest at 12% per annum until fully paid, and the
costs of the suit.
encouraged as they are directed to meet again and sit THE EXISTENCE OF GENUINE ISSUES AS TO
down to find out how they can finally end this rift and MATERIAL FACTS WHICH CALL FOR THE
litigation, all in the name of equity, for after all, defendant PRESENTATION OF EVIDENCE IN A TRIAL ON THE
had worked for the bank for some 18 years.23 MERITS.

The trial court declared that there was no genuine issue II.
as to a matter of fact in the case since Rivera voluntarily
executed the Release, Waiver and Quitclaim, and the
Undertaking. He had a choice not to retire, but opted to THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT
do so under the SRP, and, in fact, received the benefits DECLARING THE ONE-YEAR EMPLOYMENT BAN
According to the RTC, the prohibition incorporated in the CONSTITUTING RESTRAINT OF TRADE WHICH
Undertaking was not unreasonable. To allow Rivera to VIOLATES PUBLIC POLICY AS ENUNCIATED IN OUR
be excused from his undertakings in said deed and, at CONSTITUTION AND LAWS.
the same time, benefit therefrom would be to allow him
to enrich himself at the expense of Solidbank. The RTC
ruled that Rivera had to return the P963,619.28 he III.
received from Solidbank, plus interest of 12% per annum
from May 23, 1998 until fully paid. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN AFFIRMING
Aggrieved, Rivera appealed the ruling to the CA which RESPONDENT TO PAY SOLIDBANK THE AMOUNT
rendered judgment on June 14, 2002 partially granting OF P963,619.28 AS OF MAY 23, 1995, PLUS LEGAL
the appeal. The fallo of the decision reads: INTEREST OF 12% PER ANNUM UNTIL FULLY PAID.


The decision appealed from is AFFIRMED with the
modification that the attachment and levy upon the family MORE SPECIFICALLY, THE COURT OF APPEALS
home covered by TCT No. 51621 of the Register of ERRED IN AFFIRMING THE PORTION OF THE

The CA declared that there was no genuine issue The issues for resolution are: (1) whether the parties
regarding any material fact except as to the amount of raised a genuine issue in their pleadings, affidavits, and
damages. It ratiocinated that the agreement between documents, that is, whether the employment ban
Rivera and Solidbank was the law between them, and incorporated in the Undertaking which petitioner
that the interpretation of the stipulations therein could not executed upon his retirement is unreasonable,
be left upon the whims of Rivera. According to the CA, oppressive, hence, contrary to public policy; and (2)
Rivera never denied signing the Release, Waiver, and whether petitioner is liable to respondent for the
Quitclaim, including the Undertaking regarding the restitution of P963,619.28 representing his retirement
employment prohibition. He even admitted joining benefits, and interest thereon at 12% per annum as of
Equitable as an employee within the proscribed one-year May 23, 1995 until payment of the full amount.
period. The alleged defenses of Rivera, the CA declared,
could not prevail over the admissions in his On the first issue, petitioner claims that, based on the Moreover, Rivera’s justification pleadings of the parties, and the documents and
for taking the job with Equitable, "dire necessity," was affidavits appended thereto, genuine issues as to
not an acceptable ground for annulling the Undertaking matters of fact were raised therein. He insists that the
since there were no earmarks of coercion, undue resolution of the issue of whether the employment ban is
influence, or fraud in its execution. Having executed the unreasonable requires the presentation of evidence on
said deed and thereafter receiving the benefits under the the circumstances which led to respondent bank’s offer
SRP, he is deemed to have waived the right of the SRP and ORP, and petitioner’s eventual
acceptance and signing of the Undertaking on March 1,
1995. There is likewise a need to adduce evidence on
whether the employment ban is necessary to protect
respondent’s interest, and whether it is an undue prohibiting him from being employed with any competitor
restraint on petitioner’s constitutional right to earn a living bank or financial institution within one year from
to support his family. He further insists that respondent is February 28, 1995. Petitioner insists that he acted in
burdened to prove that it sustained damage or injury by good faith when he received his retirement benefits;
reason of his alleged breach of the employment ban hence, he cannot be punished by being ordered to return
since neither the Release, Waiver and Quitclaim, and the sum of P963,619.28 which was given to him for and
Undertaking he executed contain any provision that in consideration of his early retirement.
respondent is automatically entitled to the restitution of
the P963,619.28. Petitioner points out that all the deeds Neither can petitioner be subjected to the penalty of
provide is that, in case of breach thereof, respondent is paying 12% interest per annum on his retirement pay
entitled to protection before the appropriate courts of of P963,619.28 from May 23, 1995, as it is improper and
law. oppressive to him and his family. As of July 3, 2002, the
interest alone would amount to P822,609.67, thus
On the second issue, petitioner avers that the prohibition doubling the amount to be returned to respondent bank
incorporated in the Release, Waiver and Quitclaim under the decision of the RTC and the CA. The
barring him as retiree from engaging directly or indirectly imposition of interest has no basis because the Release,
in any unlawful activity and disclosing any information Waiver and Quitclaim, and the Undertaking do not
concerning the business of respondent bank, as well as provide for payment of interest. The deeds only state
the employment ban contained in the Undertaking he that breach thereof would entitle respondent to bring an
executed, are oppressive, unreasonable, cruel and action to seek damages, to include the return of the
inhuman because of its overbreath. He reiterates that it amount that may have been paid to petitioner by virtue
is against public policy, an unreasonable restraint of thereof. On the other hand, any breach of the
trade, because it prohibits him to work for one year in the Undertaking or the Release, Waiver and Quitclaim would
Philippines, ultimately preventing him from supporting his only entitle respondent to a cause of action before the
family. He points out that a breadwinner in a family of appropriate courts of law. Besides, the amount received
four minor daughters who are all studying, with a wife by petitioner was not a loan and, therefore, should not
who does not work, one would have a very difficult time earn interest pursuant to Article 1956 of the Civil Code.
meeting the financial obligations even with a steady,
regular-paying job. He insists that the Undertaking Finally, petitioner insists that he acted in good faith in
deprives him of the means to support his family, and seeking employment with another bank within one year
ultimately, his children’s chance for a good education from February 28, 1995 because he needed to earn a
and future. He reiterates that the returns in his poultry living to support his family and finance his children’s
business fell short of his expectations, and unfortunately, education. Hence, the imposition of interest, which is a
the business was totally destroyed by typhoon "Rosing" penalty, is unwarranted.
in November 1995.
By way of Comment on the petition, respondent avers
Petitioner further maintains that respondent’s that the Undertaking is the law between it and petitioner.
management prerogative does not give it a license to As such, the latter could not assail the deed after
entice its employees to retire at a very young age and receiving the retirement benefit under the SRP. As
prohibit them from seeking employment in a so-called gleaned from the averments in his petition, petitioner
competitor bank or financial institution, thus prevent admitted that he executed the Undertaking after having
them from working and supporting their families been informed of the nature and consequences of his
(considering that banking is the only kind of work they refusal to sign the same, i.e., he would not be able to
know). Petitioner avers that "management’s prerogative receive the retirement benefit under the SRP.
must be without abuse of discretion. A line must be
drawn between management prerogative regarding Respondent maintains that courts have no power to
business operations per se and those which affect the relieve parties of obligations voluntarily entered into
rights of the employees. In treating its employees, simply because their contracts turned out to be
management should see to it that its employees are at disastrous deeds. Citing the ruling of this Court in
least properly informed of its decision or modes of Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of
action." Appeals,26 respondent avers that petitioner is obliged to
pay 12% per annum interest of the P963,619.28 from
On the last issue, petitioner alleges that judicial or extrajudicial demand.
the P1,045,258.95 he received was his retirement
benefit which he earned after serving the bank for 18 In reply, petitioner asserts that respondent failed to prove
years. It was not a mere gift or gratuity given by that it sustained damages, including the amount thereof,
respondent bank, without the latter giving up something and that neither the Release, Waiver and Quitclaim nor
of value in return. On the contrary, respondent bank the Undertaking obliged him to pay interest to
received "valuable consideration," that is, petitioner quit respondent.
his job at the relatively young age of 45, thus enabling
respondent to effect its reorganization plan and forego
the salary, benefits, bonuses, and promotions he would The petition is meritorious.
have received had he not retired early.
Sections 1 and 3, Rule 34 of the Revised Rules of Civil
Petitioner avers that, under the Undertaking, respondent Procedure provide:
would be entitled to a cause of action against him before
the appropriate courts of law if he had violated the Section 1. Summary judgment for claimant. – A party
employment ban. He avers that respondent must prove seeking to recover upon a claim, counterclaim, or cross-
its entitlement to the P963,619.28. The Undertaking claim or to obtain a declaratory relief may, at any time
contains no provision that he would have to return the after the pleading in answer thereto has been served,
amount he received under the SRP; much less does it move with supporting affidavits, depositions or
provide that he would have to pay 12% interest per admissions for a summary judgment in his favor upon all
annum on said amount. On the other hand, the Release, or any part thereof.
Waiver and Quitclaim does not contain the provision
xxxx contract action involving the interpretation of such
contract, and ruled that:
Sec. 3. Motion and proceedings thereon. – The motion
shall be served at least ten (10) days before the time [A] contract can be interpreted by the court on summary
specified for the hearing. The adverse party may serve judgment if (a) the contract’s terms are clear, or (b) the
opposing affidavits, depositions, or admissions at least evidence supports only one construction of the
three (3) days before the hearing. After the hearing, the controverted provision, notwithstanding some ambiguity.
judgment sought shall be rendered forthwith if the x x x If the court finds no ambiguity, it should proceed to
pleadings, supporting affidavits, depositions, and interpret the contract – and it may do so at the summary
admissions on file, show that, except as to the amount of judgment stage. If, however, the court discerns an
damages, there is no genuine issue as to any material ambiguity, the next step – involving an examination of
fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment extrinsic evidence – becomes essential. x x x Summary
as a matter of law. judgment may be appropriate even if ambiguity lurks as
long as the extrinsic evidence presented to the court
For a summary judgment to be proper, the movant must supports only one of the conflicting interpretations. 39
establish two requisites: (a) there must be no genuine
issue as to any material fact, except for the amount of In this case, there is no dispute between the parties that,
damages; and (b) the party presenting the motion for in consideration for his availment of the SRP, petitioner
summary judgment must be entitled to a judgment as a executed the Release, Waiver and Quitclaim, and the
matter of law.27 Where, on the basis of the pleadings of a Undertaking as supplement thereto, and that he received
moving party, including documents appended thereto, no retirement pay amounting to P963,619.28 from
genuine issue as to a material fact exists, the burden to respondent. On May 1, 1995, within the one-year ban
produce a genuine issue shifts to the opposing party. If and without prior knowledge of respondent, petitioner
the opposing party fails, the moving party is entitled to a was employed by Equitable as Manager of its Credit
summary judgment.28 Investigation and Appraisal Division, Consumers’
Banking Group. Despite demands, petitioner failed to
A genuine issue is an issue of fact which requires the return the P963,619.28 to respondent on the latter’s
presentation of evidence as distinguished from an issue allegation that he had breached the one-year ban by
which is a sham, fictitious, contrived or a false claim. The accepting employment from Equitable, which according
trial court can determine a genuine issue on the basis of to respondent was a competitor bank.
the pleadings, admissions, documents, affidavits or
counteraffidavits submitted by the parties. When the We agree with petitioner’s contention that the issue as to
facts as pleaded appear uncontested or undisputed, then whether the post-retirement competitive employment ban
there is no real or genuine issue or question as to any incorporated in the Undertaking is against public policy is
fact and summary judgment called for. On the other a genuine issue of fact, requiring the parties to present
hand, where the facts pleaded by the parties are evidence to support their respective claims.
disputed or contested, proceedings for a summary
judgment cannot take the place of a trial. 29 The evidence As gleaned from the records, petitioner made two
on record must be viewed in light most favorable to the undertakings. The first is incorporated in the Release,
party opposing the motion who must be given the benefit Waiver and Quitclaim that he signed, to wit:
of all favorable inferences as can reasonably be drawn
from the evidence.30 4. I will not, at any time, in any manner whatsoever,
directly or indirectly engage in any unlawful activity
Courts must be critical of the papers presented by the prejudicial to the interest of the BANK, its parent, affiliate
moving party and not of the papers/documents in or subsidiary companies, their stockholders, officers,
opposition thereto.31 Conclusory assertions are directors, agents or employees, and their successors-in-
insufficient to raise an issue of material fact. 32 A party interest and will not disclose any information concerning
cannot create a genuine dispute of material fact through the business of the BANK, its manner or operation, its
mere speculations or compilation of differences. 33 He plans, processes or data of any kind.40
may not create an issue of fact through bald assertions,
unsupported contentions and conclusory The second undertaking is incorporated in the
statements.34 He must do more than rely upon Undertaking following petitioner’s execution of the
allegations but must come forward with specific facts in Release, Waiver and Quitclaim which reads:
support of a claim. Where the factual context makes his
claim implausible, he must come forward with more
persuasive evidence demonstrating a genuine issue for 4. That as a supplement to the Release and Quitclaim, I
trial.35 executed in favor of Solidbank on FEBRUARY 28, 1995,
I hereby expressly undertake that I will not seek
employment with any competitor bank or financial
Where there are no disputed material facts, the institution within one (1) year from February 28, 1995. 41
determination of whether a party breached a contract is
a question of law and is appropriate for summary
judgment.36 When interpreting an ambiguous contract In the Release, Waiver and Quitclaim, petitioner
with extrinsic evidence, summary judgment is proper so declared that respondent may bring "an action for
long as the extrinsic evidence presented to the court damages which may include, but not limited to the return
supports only one of the conflicting of whatever sums he may have received from
interpretations.37 Where reasonable men could differ as respondent under said deed if he breaks his undertaking
to the contentions shown from the evidence, summary therein."42 On the other hand, petitioner declared in the
judgment might be denied. Undertaking that "any breach on his part of said
Undertaking or the terms and conditions of the Release,
Waiver and Quitclaim will entitle respondent to a cause
In United Rentals (North America), Inc. v. Keizer, 38 the of action against [petitioner] for protection before the
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals resolved the issue of appropriate courts of law."43
whether a summary judgment is proper in a breach of
Article 1306 of the New Civil Code provides that the in the Encyclopaedic Dictionary is the following: "The
contracting parties may establish such stipulations, business which a person has learnt, and which he
clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem carries on for subsistence or profit; occupation;
convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, particularly employment, whether manual or mercantile,
morals, good customs, public order or public policy. The as distinguished from the liberal arts or the learned
freedom of contract is both a constitutional and statutory professions and agriculture." Bouvier limits the meaning
right.44 A contract is the law between the parties and to commerce and traffic, and the handicraft of
courts have no choice but to enforce such contract as mechanics. (In re Pinkney, 47 Kan., 89.) We are inclined
long as it is not contrary to law, morals, good customs to adopt and apply the broader meaning given by the
and against public policy. lexicographers.50

The well-entrenched doctrine is that the law does not In the present case, the trial court ruled that the
relieve a party from the effects of an unwise, foolish or prohibition against petitioner accepting employment with
disastrous contract, entered into with full awareness of a competitor bank or financial institution within one year
what he was doing and entered into and carried out in from February 28, 1995 is not unreasonable. The
good faith. Such a contract will not be discarded even if appellate court held that petitioner was estopped from
there was a mistake of law or fact. Courts have no assailing the post-retirement competitive employment
jurisdiction to look into the wisdom of the contract ban because of his admission that he signed the
entered into by and between the parties or to render a Undertaking and had already received benefits under the
decision different therefrom. They have no power to SRP.
relieve parties from obligation voluntarily assailed, simply
because their contracts turned out to be disastrous The rulings of the trial court and the appellate court are
deals.45 incorrect.

On the other hand, retirement plans, in light of the There is no factual basis for the trial court’s ruling, for the
constitutional mandate of affording full protection to simple reason that it rendered summary judgment and
labor, must be liberally construed in favor of the thereby foreclosed the presentation of evidence by the
employee, it being the general rule that pension or parties to prove whether the restrictive covenant is
retirement plans formulated by the employer are to be reasonable or not. Moreover, on the face of the
construed against it.46 Retirement benefits, after all, are Undertaking, the post-retirement competitive
intended to help the employee enjoy the remaining years employment ban is unreasonable because it has no
of his life, releasing him from the burden of worrying for geographical limits; respondent is barred from accepting
his financial support, and are a form of reward for being any kind of employment in any competitive bank within
loyal to the employer.47 the proscribed period. Although the period of one year
may appear reasonable, the matter of whether the
In Ferrazzini v. Gsell, 48 the Court defined public policy in restriction is reasonable or unreasonable cannot be
civil law countries and in the United States and the ascertained with finality solely from the terms and
Philippines: conditions of the Undertaking, or even in tandem with the
Release, Waiver and Quitclaim.
By "public policy," as defined by the courts in the United
States and England, is intended that principle of the law Undeniably, petitioner retired under the SRP and
which holds that no subject or citizen can lawfully do that received P963,619.28 from respondent. However,
which has a tendency to be injurious to the public or petitioner is not proscribed, by waiver or estoppel, from
against the public good, which may be termed the "policy assailing the post-retirement competitive employment
of the law," or "public policy in relation to the ban since under Article 1409 of the New Civil Code,
administration of the law." (Words & Phrases Judicially those contracts whose cause, object or purpose is
Defined, vol. 6, p. 5813, and cases cited.) Public policy is contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or
the principle under which freedom of contract or private public policy are inexistent or void from the beginning.
dealing is restricted by law for the good of the public. Estoppel cannot give validity to an act that is prohibited
(Id., Id.) In determining whether a contract is contrary to by law or one that is against public policy.51
public policy the nature of the subject matter determines
the source from which such question is to be solved. Respondent, as employer, is burdened to establish that
(Hartford Fire Ins. Co. v. Chicago, M. & St. P. Ry. Co., a restrictive covenant barring an employee from
62 Fed. 904, 906.) accepting a competitive employment after retirement or
resignation is not an unreasonable or oppressive, or in
The foregoing is sufficient to show that there is no undue or unreasonable restraint of trade, thus,
difference in principle between the public policy (orden unenforceable for being repugnant to public policy. As
publico) in the two jurisdictions (the United States and the Court stated in Ferrazzini v. Gsell, 52 cases involving
the Philippine Islands) as determined by the Constitution, contracts in restraint of trade are to be judged according
laws, and judicial decisions.49 to their circumstances, to wit:

The Court proceeded to define "trade" as follows: x x x There are two principal grounds on which the
doctrine is founded that a contract in restraint of trade is
x x x In the broader sense, it is any occupation or void as against public policy. One is, the injury to the
business carried on for subsistence or profit. Anderson’s public by being deprived of the restricted party’s industry;
Dictionary of Law gives the following definition: and the other is, the injury to the party himself by being
"Generally equivalent to occupation, employment, or precluded from pursuing his occupation, and thus being
business, whether manual or mercantile; any occupation, prevented from supporting himself and his family.
employment or business carried on for profit, gain, or
livelihood, not in the liberal arts or in the learned And in Gibbs vs. Consolidated Gas Co. of Baltimore,
professions." In Abbott’s Law Dictionary, the word is supra, the court stated the rule thus:
defined as "an occupation, employment or business
carried on for gain or profit." Among the definitions given
Public welfare is first considered, and if it be not restraint is reasonable from the standpoint of public
involved, and the restraint upon one party is not greater policy.62
than protection to the other party requires, the contract
may be sustained. The question is, whether, under the Not to be ignored is the fact that the banking business is
particular circumstances of the case and the nature of so impressed with public interest where the trust and
the particular contract involved in it, the contract is, or is interest of the public in general is of paramount
not, unreasonable.53 importance such that the appropriate standard of
diligence must be very high, if not the highest degree of
In cases where an employee assails a contract diligence.63
containing a provision prohibiting him or her from
accepting competitive employment as against public We are not impervious of the distinction between
policy, the employer has to adduce evidence to prove restrictive covenants barring an employee to accept a
that the restriction is reasonable and not greater than post-employment competitive employment or restraint on
necessary to protect the employer’s legitimate business trade in employment contracts and restraints on post-
interests.54 The restraint may not be unduly harsh or retirement competitive employment in pension and
oppressive in curtailing the employee’s legitimate efforts retirement plans either incorporated in employment
to earn a livelihood and must be reasonable in light of contracts or in collective bargaining agreements between
sound public policy.55 the employer and the union of employees, or separate
from said contracts or collective bargaining agreements
Courts should carefully scrutinize all contracts limiting a which provide that an employee who accepts post
man’s natural right to follow any trade or profession retirement competitive employment will forfeit retirement
anywhere he pleases and in any lawful manner. But it is and other benefits or will be obliged to restitute the same
just as important to protect the enjoyment of an to the employer. The strong weight of authority is that
establishment in trade or profession, which its employer forfeitures for engaging in subsequent competitive
has built up by his own honest application to every day employment included in pension and retirement plans
duty and the faithful performance of the tasks which are valid even though unrestricted in time or geography.
every day imposes upon the ordinary man. What one The raison d’etre is explained by the United States
creates by his own labor is his. Public policy does not Circuit Court of Appeals in Rochester Corporation v.
intend that another than the producer shall reap the fruits W.L. Rochester, Jr.:64
of labor; rather, it gives to him who labors the right by
every legitimate means to protect the fruits of his labor x x x The authorities, though, generally draw a clear and
and secure the enjoyment of them to himself. 56 Freedom obvious distinction between restraints on competitive
to contract must not be unreasonably abridged. Neither employment in employment contracts and in pension
must the right to protect by reasonable restrictions that plans. The strong weight of authority holds that
which a man by industry, skill and good judgment has forfeitures for engaging in subsequent competitive
built up, be denied.57 employment, included in pension retirement plans, are
valid, even though unrestricted in time or geography.
The Court reiterates that the determination of The reasoning behind this conclusion is that the
reasonableness is made on the particular facts and forfeiture, unlike the restraint included in the employment
circumstances of each case.58 In Esmerson Electric Co. contract, is not a prohibition on the employee’s engaging
v. Rogers,59 it was held that the question of in competitive work but is merely a denial of the right to
reasonableness of a restraint requires a thorough participate in the retirement plan if he does so engage. A
consideration of surrounding circumstances, including leading case on this point is Van Pelt v. Berefco, Inc.,
the subject matter of the contract, the purpose to be supra, 208 N.E.2d at p. 865, where, in passing on a
served, the determination of the parties, the extent of the forfeiture provision similar to that here, the Court said:
restraint and the specialization of the business of the
employer. The court has to consider whether its "A restriction in the contract which does not preclude the
enforcement will be injurious to the public or cause employee from engaging in competitive activity, but
undue hardships to the employee, and whether the simply provides for the loss of rights or privileges if he
restraint imposed is greater than necessary to protect does so is not in restraint of trade." (emphasis added)65
the employer. Thus, the court must have before it
evidence relating to the legitimate interests of the A post-retirement competitive employment restriction is
employer which might be protected in terms of time, designed to protect the employer against competition by
space and the types of activity proscribed.60 former employees who may retire and obtain retirement
or pension benefits and, at the same time, engage in
Consideration must be given to the employee’s right to competitive employment.66
earn a living and to his ability to determine with certainty
the area within which his employment ban is restituted. A We have reviewed the Undertaking which respondent
provision on territorial limitation is necessary to guide an impelled petitioner to sign, and find that in case of failure
employee of what constitutes as violation of a restrictive to comply with the promise not to accept competitive
covenant and whether the geographic scope is co- employment within one year from February 28, 1995,
extensive with that in which the employer is doing respondent will have a cause of action against petitioner
business. In considering a territorial restriction, the facts for "protection in the courts of law." The words "cause of
and circumstances surrounding the case must be action for protection in the courts of law" are so broad
considered.61 and comprehensive, that they may also include a cause
of action for prohibitory and mandatory injunction against
Thus, in determining whether the contract is reasonable petitioner, specific performance plus damages, or a
or not, the trial court should consider the following damage suit (for actual, moral and/or exemplary
factors: (a) whether the covenant protects a legitimate damages), all inclusive of the restitution of
business interest of the employer; (b) whether the the P963,619.28 which petitioner received from
covenant creates an undue burden on the employee; (c) respondent. The Undertaking and the Release, Waiver
whether the covenant is injurious to the public welfare; and Quitclaim do not provide for the automatic forfeiture
(d) whether the time and territorial limitations contained of the benefits petitioner received under the SRP upon
in the covenant are reasonable; and (e) whether the
his breach of said deeds. Thus, the post-retirement
competitive employment ban incorporated in the
Undertaking of respondent does not, on its face, appear
to be of the same class or genre as that contemplated in

It is settled that actual damages or compensatory

damages may be awarded for breach of contracts.
Actual damages are primarily intended to simply make
good or replace the loss covered by said breach. 67 They
cannot be presumed. Even if petitioner had admitted to
having breached the Undertaking, respondent must still
prove that it suffered damages and the amount
thereof.68 In determining the amount of actual damages,
the Court cannot rely on mere assertions, speculations,
conjectures or guesswork but must depend on
competent proof and on the best evidence obtainable
regarding the actual amount of losses. 69 The benefit to
be derived from a contract which one of the parties has
absolutely failed to perform is of necessity to some
extent a matter of speculation of the injured party.

On the assumption that the competitive employment ban

in the Undertaking is valid, petitioner is not automatically
entitled to return the P963,619.28 he received from
respondent. To reiterate, the terms of the Undertaking
clearly state that any breach by petitioner of his promise
would entitle respondent to a cause of action for
protection in the courts of law; as such, restitution of
the P963,619.28 will not follow as a matter of course.
Respondent is still burdened to prove its entitlement to
the aforesaid amount by producing the best evidence of
which its case is susceptible.70


GRANTED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-
G.R. CV No. 52235 is SET ASIDE. Let this case be
REMANDED to the Regional Trial Court of Manila for
further proceedings conformably with this decision of the

Consequently, respondent sued petitioner for damages
before the RTC of Pasig City, Branch 261. Respondent
alleged, among others, that petitioner’s employment with
Professional Pension Plans, Inc. violated the non-
involvement clause in her contract of employment, to wit:


further undertakes that during his/her engagement with
EMPLOYER and in case of separation from the
Company, whether voluntary or for cause, he/she shall
not, for the next TWO (2) years thereafter, engage in or
be involved with any corporation, association or entity,
whether directly or indirectly, engaged in the same
business or belonging to the same pre-need industry as
the EMPLOYER. Any breach of the foregoing provision
shall render the EMPLOYEE liable to the EMPLOYER in
the amount of One Hundred Thousand Pesos
(P100,000.00) for and as liquidated damages.5

Respondent thus prayed for ₱100,000 as compensatory

damages; ₱200,000 as moral damages; ₱100,000 as
exemplary damages; and 25% of the total amount due
plus ₱1,000 per counsel’s court appearance, as
attorney’s fees.

Petitioner countered that the non-involvement clause

was unenforceable for being against public order or
public policy: First, the restraint imposed was much
greater than what was necessary to afford respondent a
fair and reasonable protection. Petitioner contended that
the transfer to a rival company was an accepted practice
in the pre-need industry. Since the products sold by the
companies were more or less the same, there was
nothing peculiar or unique to protect. Second,
respondent did not invest in petitioner’s training or
G.R. No. 163512             February 28, 2007 improvement. At the time petitioner was recruited, she
already possessed the knowledge and expertise
required in the pre-need industry and respondent
DAISY B. TIU, Petitioner benefited tremendously from it. Third, a strict application
vs. of the non-involvement clause would amount to a
PLATINUM PLANS PHIL., INC., Respondent. deprivation of petitioner’s right to engage in the only
work she knew.
In upholding the validity of the non-involvement clause,
QUISUMBING, J.: the trial court ruled that a contract in restraint of trade is
valid provided that there is a limitation upon either time
For review on certiorari are the Decision1 dated January or place. In the case of the pre-need industry, the trial
20, 2004 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. court found the two-year restriction to be valid and
74972, and its Resolution2 dated May 4, 2004 denying reasonable. The dispositive portion of the decision
reconsideration. The Court of Appeals had affirmed the reads:
decision3 dated February 28, 2002 of the Regional Trial
Court (RTC) of Pasig City, Branch 261, in an action for WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of
damages, ordering petitioner to pay respondent the plaintiff and against the defendant, ordering the latter
₱100,000 as liquidated damages. to pay the following:

The relevant facts are as follows: 1. the amount of One Hundred Thousand Pesos
(P100,000.00) for and as damages, for the
Respondent Platinum Plans Philippines, Inc. is a breach of the non-involvement provision (Item
domestic corporation engaged in the pre-need industry. No. 8) of the contract of employment;
From 1987 to 1989, petitioner Daisy B. Tiu was its
Division Marketing Director. 2. costs of suit.

On January 1, 1993, respondent re-hired petitioner as There being no sufficient evidence presented to sustain
Senior Assistant Vice-President and Territorial the grant of attorney’s fees, the Court deems it proper
Operations Head in charge of its Hongkong and Asean not to award any.
operations. The parties executed a contract of
employment valid for five years.4 SO ORDERED.6

On September 16, 1995, petitioner stopped reporting for On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court’s
work. In November 1995, she became the Vice- ruling. It reasoned that petitioner entered into the
President for Sales of Professional Pension Plans, Inc., contract on her own will and volition. Thus, she bound
a corporation engaged also in the pre-need industry. herself to fulfill not only what was expressly stipulated in
the contract, but also all its consequences that were not restraint of trade. There, the employee was prohibited
against good faith, usage, and law. The appellate court from engaging in any business similar to that of his
also ruled that the stipulation prohibiting non- employer for a period of one year. Since the employee
employment for two years was valid and enforceable was employed only in connection with the purchase and
considering the nature of respondent’s business. export of abaca, among the many businesses of the
employer, the Court considered the restraint too broad
Petitioner moved for reconsideration but was denied. since it effectively prevented the employee from working
Hence, this appeal by certiorari where petitioner alleges in any other business similar to his employer even if his
that the Court of Appeals erred when: employment was limited only to one of its multifarious
business activities.
However, in Del Castillo v. Richmond, 10 we upheld a
similar stipulation as legal, reasonable, and not contrary
to public policy. In the said case, the employee was
restricted from opening, owning or having any
connection with any other drugstore within a radius of
four miles from the employer’s place of business during
the time the employer was operating his drugstore. We
said that a contract in restraint of trade is valid provided
B. there is a limitation upon either time or place and the
restraint upon one party is not greater than the protection
… [IT SUSTAINED] THE AWARD OF LIQUIDATED the other party requires.
NATURE OF A PENALTY THE SAME IS EXCESSIVE, Finally, in Consulta v. Court of Appeals,11 we considered
INIQUITOUS OR UNCONSCIONABLE7 a non-involvement clause in accordance with Article
130612 of the Civil Code. While the complainant in that
Plainly stated, the core issue is whether the non- case was an independent agent and not an employee,
involvement clause is valid. she was prohibited for one year from engaging directly or
indirectly in activities of other companies that compete
Petitioner avers that the non-involvement clause is with the business of her principal. We noted therein that
offensive to public policy since the restraint imposed is the restriction did not prohibit the agent from engaging in
much greater than what is necessary to afford any other business, or from being connected with any
respondent a fair and reasonable protection. She adds other company, for as long as the business or company
that since the products sold in the pre-need industry are did not compete with the principal’s business. Further,
more or less the same, the transfer to a rival company is the prohibition applied only for one year after the
acceptable. Petitioner also points out that respondent did termination of the agent’s contract and was therefore a
not invest in her training or improvement. At the time she reasonable restriction designed to prevent acts
joined respondent, she already had the knowledge and prejudicial to the employer.
expertise required in the pre-need industry. Finally,
petitioner argues that a strict application of the non- Conformably then with the aforementioned
involvement clause would deprive her of the right to pronouncements, a non-involvement clause is not
engage in the only work she knows. necessarily void for being in restraint of trade as long as
there are reasonable limitations as to time, trade, and
Respondent counters that the validity of a non- place.
involvement clause has been sustained by the Supreme
Court in a long line of cases. It contends that the In this case, the non-involvement clause has a time limit:
inclusion of the two-year non-involvement clause in two years from the time petitioner’s employment with
petitioner’s contract of employment was reasonable and respondent ends. It is also limited as to trade, since it
needed since her job gave her access to the company’s only prohibits petitioner from engaging in any pre-need
confidential marketing strategies. Respondent adds that business akin to respondent’
the non-involvement clause merely enjoined her from
engaging in pre-need business akin to respondent’s More significantly, since petitioner was the Senior
within two years from petitioner’s separation from Assistant Vice-President and Territorial Operations Head
respondent. She had not been prohibited from marketing in charge of respondent’s Hongkong and Asean
other service plans. operations, she had been privy to confidential and highly
sensitive marketing strategies of respondent’s business.
As early as 1916, we already had the occasion to To allow her to engage in a rival business soon after she
discuss the validity of a non-involvement clause. In leaves would make respondent’s trade secrets
Ferrazzini v. Gsell,8 we said that such clause was vulnerable especially in a highly competitive marketing
unreasonable restraint of trade and therefore against environment. In sum, we find the non-involvement clause
public policy. In Ferrazzini, the employee was prohibited not contrary to public welfare and not greater than is
from engaging in any business or occupation in the necessary to afford a fair and reasonable protection to
Philippines for a period of five years after the termination respondent.13
of his employment contract and must first get the written
permission of his employer if he were to do so. The In any event, Article 1306 of the Civil Code provides that
Court ruled that while the stipulation was indeed limited parties to a contract may establish such stipulations,
as to time and space, it was not limited as to trade. Such clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem
prohibition, in effect, forces an employee to leave the convenient, provided they are not contrary to law,
Philippines to work should his employer refuse to give a morals, good customs, public order, or public policy.
written permission.
Article 115914 of the same Code also provides that
In G. Martini, Ltd. v. Glaiserman, 9 we also declared a obligations arising from contracts have the force of law
similar stipulation as void for being an unreasonable between the contracting parties and should be complied
with in good faith. Courts cannot stipulate for the parties for the plaintiff noted his exception to the court’s ruling
nor amend their agreement where the same does not and signified his willingness to proceed with the trial; and
contravene law, morals, good customs, public order or where testimony in support of the counterclaim was duly
public policy, for to do so would be to alter the real intent introduced, it was manifest error for the court to hold that
of the parties, and would run contrary to the function of "the so-called amendment must be disregarded in the
the courts to give force and effect thereto. 15 Not being consideration of this case."cralaw virtua1aw library
contrary to public policy, the non-involvement clause,
which petitioner and respondent freely agreed upon, has 3. MASTER AND SERVANT; CONTRACTS IN
the force of law between them, and thus, should be RESTRAINT OF TRADE; VOID AS AGAINST PUBLIC
complied with in good faith.16 POLICY. — A contract was entered into wherein the
plaintiff agreed to pay to the defendant P10,000 as
Thus, as held by the trial court and the Court of Appeals, liquidated damages for each and every breach of a
petitioner is bound to pay respondent ₱100,000 as clause of the contract which provided that the plaintiff
liquidated damages. While we have equitably reduced should not enter into any enterprise whatever in the
liquidated damages in certain cases, 17 we cannot do so Philippine Islands except by special written permission of
in this case, since it appears that even from the start, the defendant, during the period of employment and for a
petitioner had not shown the least intention to fulfill the term of five years from and after the termination of the
non-involvement clause in good faith. employment without regard to the cause of such
termination; Held: That the contract was clearly one on
undue and unreasonable restraint and therefore void as
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED for lack of merit.
against public policy.
The Decision dated January 20, 2004, and the
Resolution dated May 4, 2004, of the Court of Appeals in
CA-G.R. CV No. 74972, are AFFIRMED. Costs against
PUBLICO," "TRADE." — The phrase "public policy" is
the English equivalent of "orden publico" in article 1255
of the Civil Code. There is no difference in principle
SO ORDERED. between "public policy" in the United States and the
Philippine Islands as determined by the Constitution,
laws, and judicial decisions. The broader definition of
"trade" includes agreements and contracts within the
provisions of article 543 of the Penal Code.



This action was brought to recover damages for an

alleged wrongful discharge of the plaintiff, who had been
employed by the defendant for an indefinite time to work
G.R. No. 10712. August 10, 1916. ]
in the latter’s industrial enterprises in the city of Manila.
The defendant admitted that he discharged the plaintiff
ANSELMO FERRAZZINI, Plaintiff-Appellee, v.
without giving him the "written advice of six months in
CARLOS GSELL, Defendant-Appellant.
advance" as provided in the contract, but alleged that the
discharge was lawful on account of absence,
William A. Kincaid and Thomas L. Hartigan
unfaithfulness, and disobedience of orders. The
for Appellant.
defendant sought affirmative relief for a further alleged
breach of the contract by the plaintiff after his discharge.
Ramon Sotelo for Appellee.
From a judgment in favor of the plaintiff the defendant
appealed and now urges that the trial court erred (1) in
finding that the plaintiff’s discharge was not justified and
(2) in declining to consider the counterclaim and enter
1. MASTER AND SERVANT; DISCHARGE OF judgment in accordance therewith.
EMPLOYEE FOR CAUSE. — The defendant discharged
the plaintiff without giving the "written advice of six 1. The plaintiff engaged his "skilled service" to the
months in advance" provided by the contract. The defendant for the entire existence "of this agreement" at
plaintiff at times had charge of important departments of a fixed monthly salary and agree "to devote his entire
a factory employing four hundred workers, and at other time and efforts to the best of his knowledge and skill
times he was foreman. He often violated the express exclusively in carrying out in the most satisfactory
order of the defendant not to leave the factory during manner possible all of the work which may be entrusted
working hours to drink. He sought to create to him during the existence of this contract and
discontentment among the employees by suggesting undertaking, furthermore, to exercise a strict discretion in
that the defendant treated them suspiciously and all matters pertaining to the work so entrusted to him and
unfairly; Held: That the defendant was authorized to take the whole thereof, . . . ."cralaw virtua1aw library
into consideration the plaintiff’s whole course of conduct
in determining at the time whether he should discharge The relation of master and servant, which was created
the plaintiff, and that the discharge was justified. by the contract, cast certain duties and obligations upon
the parties, which they were bound to discharge and
2. PLEADING; AMENDING ANSWER AT TRIAL; fulfill; the foremost, on the part of the master, were those
VERBAL AMENDMENT MAY BE ACCEPTED BY THE of furnishing the servant with a reasonably safe place to
COURT. — Where the defendant makes a verbal work, to pay him for his services, and not to discharge
petition to amend his answer and the proffered him until the expiration of six months after notice; and
counterclaim was accepted by the court; where counsel
the foremost, on the part of the servant, were those of in the factory. I gave instructions to the manager, Mr.
loyalty, faithfulness, and obedience to all reasonable Bender, to see that this habit would be dropped, but he
orders not inconsistent with the contract. Consequently, (the plaintiff) would not do so. Now what made me
if the plaintiff’s discharge were without just cause, it was pleased to dismiss him was because on a certain night
in violation of the contract of service and he is entitled to at the mess where he ate with other employees of my
recover. Otherwise, he is not, because the breach on his house, he provoked one of my employees, a new arrival,
part must necessarily have occurred before his and said that all the control I had in the factory was one
discharge. Hence, the defendant must prove justification of mistrust; he said I was suspicious; that I measured the
for his act for the reason that it was in contravention of cloth in my office for the umbrellas and that he would not
the six-months clause in the contract. In order to justify support such treatment from my side; at the same time
the dismissal of the plaintiff, the defendant must show he said to this new man, got under the contracts was not
that the plaintiff was guilty of conduct which can be sufficient to live on and that he should not continue to
construed to be a breach of some express or implied work for me. I asked the plaintiff about the conversation
provisions in the contract of service. If it has been show which he had at the mess and he did not deny it. He said
that the plaintiff’s conduct was inconsistent with the due that he did not mean it to be so bad. The factory was
and faithful performance of his duties, his discharge was prejudice on account of the plaintiff absenting himself,
justified. In view of the fact that the determination of because sometimes I wanted to speak to him, tell him
these questions necessarily requires a careful review of something, and he was not there. I had to wait for him,
the evidence and in view of the further fact that we and then when he came back it was noon perhaps, and
cannot accept the trial court’s findings upon these it could not be done. I gave instructions to Mr. Bender,
important points, we think it advisable to set forth briefly the manager, to stop the plaintiff’s going out without
the substance of all of the material testimony submitted permission. I did not exactly authorized the plaintiff to go
by both parties. out to drink. I always wanted to stop this. The plaintiff
was the older of those who gone out to drink. The
"ANSELMO FERRAZZINI: On Friday evening at supper plaintiff held a responsible position. In the first place it
there was some talk about Mr. Gsell measuring the was his duty to make repairs to the machinery in all the
goods for the umbrellas. Then I said that if Mr. Gsell departments; later he was entrusted with the various
does this, it is my idea that he has no confidence in his departments — not at the same time; once he had the
employees. I was talking to everybody in general. There bleaching department; once he had to help out in the
were present Mr. Specht, Mr. Alberto Ferrazzini and Mr. umbrella factory; and then he was in charge of the hat
Inhelder. Mr. Specht was an employee of the defendant factory. The plaintiff had other employees under him.
at the time. I do not remember telling Specht that he was
not receiving sufficient salary. The only thing I remember "CARL BENDER: I came to the Philippine Islands in the
distinctly is that I said ’ that Mr. Gsell does not seem to middle of March as the defendant’s manager. I saw that
have any confidence in us.’ the plaintiff was frequently out of the factory. I told him
that he was not allowed to leave the factory without my
"Q. Is it not a fact that shortly, or sometime before your permission. He kept up the habit of going out in the
discharge, you had been in the habit of leaving the morning and afternoon for an hour or more and I told him
factory for considerable periods in the morning to go the second time. He told me that he had permission from
outside for the purpose of taking a drink? — A. As long the former manager to go out and take a drink. I again
as I have been with the firm of Carlos Gsell I was told him he must not go out without my permission.
allowed in the morning ten or fifteen minutes during the Notwithstanding these orders, he was out one whole
hot season to absent myself to have a drink of beer or Saturday afternoon and I reported him to the defendant.
whisky and soda; and the same in the afternoon. The plaintiff went out without permission some thirty-five
times after I ordered him not to do so. I had the other
"Q. Is it not a fact that Mr. Bender, the manager of the employees search for him, but they could not find him.
factory, had repeatedly spoken to you, or had several He would go out four or five times a week.
times spoken to you about your habit of leaving the
factory for the purpose of taking a drink, and had "HERMAN INHELDER: I was present at the mess in
prohibited you from doing it, forbade you do it? — A. He June when that conversation took place. We were
merely told me not to do it such an ostentatious manner. discussing several things, including the business and the
Mr. Bender told me that Mr. Gsell did not like to see me way the umbrella factory was run. The plaintiff spoke in a
go out in the forenoon and afternoon; I told him that Mr. manner that indicated that Mr. Gsell did not trust Mr.
Gsell himself had told me on one occasion that if I had to Specht. I did not want to have this kind of a conversation
have a drink I could go out for it and it would be all right; going on there and I told the plaintiff he had better leave
this was in the presence of Mr. Landvatter. the house.

"Q. Then, am I to understand that when you went out to "Q. Did the plaintiff say anything with respect to the
take a drink it was because you must have one? — A. amount of salary, which Mr. Specht was receiving? — If
Yes, of course. so what? — A. I won’t pretend that Mr. Ferrazzini said it
that night, about the salary, but he said it on several
"Q. Is it not a fact that Mr. Bender had conversations occasions before, and-well- what he did say was that Mr.
with you, at least once in the month of March, regarding Specht ought not to work so much for such a small
this matter? — A. I don’t remember it. salary.

"Q. Were not you frequently spoken to about it? — A. "ALBERTO FERRAZZINI: I was present when the
No, sir. conversation took place in the mess one evening of June
last. A discussion arose about Mr. Gsell exercising
"CARLOS GSELL: The first reason that led to his control over the merchandise or goods. Then the plaintiff
dismissal was because several months, through April said that this seemed to show that Gsell had no
and May, he had the habit of going out in the morning confidence in Mr. Specht. Mr. Specht was in charge of
and afternoon for having a drink; not one but many the umbrella department. The conversation was then
drinks, because he was out sometimes an hour and an carried on in German and I could not understand what
hour and a half; and as I have a factory with 400 working they said.
people I have to see that certain discipline is maintained
"HANS SPECHT: I am foreman of the umbrella factory of authorized to take into consideration the latter’s whole
the defendant. During the conversation at the mess the course of conduct in determining whether the contract of
plaintiff told me that the defendant had no confidence in employment should be terminated. We are, therefore,
me. I protested and then the plaintiff tried to prove it by convinced that real error was committed by the trial court
stating that the defendant was investigating things in the in its findings of fact and that the record fully justifies a
umbrella factory, verifying the goods for the umbrellas. reversal of such findings, and a declaration to the effect
The plaintiff said nothing about my salary at that time, that the defendant was justified in terminating the
but on a previous occasion he told me that I was foolish contract of employment.
at my age to work for such a small salary. I reported the
matter to the defendant."cralaw virtua1aw library 2. At the opening of the trial in the court below and
before any testimony had been taken, counsel for the
The plaintiff admits that he stated to those present at the defendant
mess that if the defendant measured the cloth for the
umbrellas," It is my idea that he has no confidence in his "I desire to amend my answer at this time by the addition
employees." Mr. Specht, the foreman of the umbrella of the following
factory, says that "During the conversation at the mess,
the plaintiff told me that the defendant had no confidence "The defendant further alleges for a second and further
in me." The plaintiff testified that he did not remember defense to the complaint herein, and for a counterclaim
telling Specht that he (Specht) was not receiving thereto, that the plaintiff has engaged in business in the
sufficient salary, while Inhelder testified positively that Philippine Islands since leaving the service of the
the plaintiff stated on several occasions that Specht also defendant and without the defendant’s request or
testified positively that "he (the plaintiff) told me that I consent, in violation of his contract with the defendant;
was foolish at my age to work for such a small salary." wherefore, the defendant demands judgment against the
As to the plaintiff’s absenting himself during working plaintiff for the sum of ten thousand pesos.
hours for the purpose of drinking, we have, on the one
hand, the plaintiff’s testimony to the effect that as long as "By the COURT: If the plaintiff does not claim any time to
he had been with the firm of Gsell he had been "allowed answer the new pleadings, the court will grant the
in the morning ten or fifteen minutes during the hot amendment as asked for.
season to absent himself to have a drink of beer or
whiskey, and the same in the afternoon," and that "the "By Mr. SOTELO: I note my exception to the admission
manager merely told me not to do it in such an of a counterclaim at this time; I have no time to prepare
ostentatious manner." While, on the other hand, we have myself to meet it.
the testimony of the defendant wherein he states that he
instructed his manager, Mr. Bender, to direct the plaintiff "By the COURT: The court has stated that if counsel for
to discontinue his habit of drinking during working hours, the plaintiff requires time to answer or meet this
and the testimony of the manager (Bender) to the effect counterclaim he will be granted time to do so.
that he expressly directed the plaintiff not to go out
without permission. But the plaintiff violated his express "By Mr. SOTELO: The attorney for the plaintiff answers
order some thirty-five times, keeping up habit of going to the court that much time has been lost already since
out (for the purpose of drinking) in the morning and the filing of the complaint and the trial, and he wants to
afternoon for an hour or more at a time. All of the go to trial in order that the plaintiff may get what he is
foregoing show a course of conduct on the part of the justly entitled to."cralaw virtua1aw library
plaintiff inconsistent with the due and faithful
performance of his duties as an employee of the Testimony in support of the counterclaim was duly
defendant. He sought to create a feeling of unrest introduced before the close of the trial. In the final
among the employees by including them to believe that decision the court
the defendant had no confidence in them and that at
least one employee was not receiving sufficient salary. If "The court is of the opinion that the defendant’s so-called
it were true that the defendant was measuring the cloth amendment to his answer, dictated by counsel to the
for the umbrellas, he had a right to do so and this fact official stenographer, and not ’upon motion filed in court,
would not justify the plaintiff in saying that the defendant and after notice to the adverse party and an opportunity
had no confidence in the employees. Likewise, if it be to be heard,’ must be disregarded in the consideration of
true that the defendant or his manager did at first this case."cralaw virtua1aw library
authorize the plaintiff to absent himself during working
hours for the purpose of drinking, the defendant had a This is manifest error. The verbal petition was expressly
perfect right to withdraw this permission at anytime he granted and the proffered amendment accepted by the
saw fit to do so. In fact, the defendant, through his court. Plaintiff’s counsel noted his exception to this ruling
manager, expressly directed the plaintiff to cease leaving and signified his willingness to proceed with the trial. All
the factory for that purpose, but the plaintiff violated this thereafter considered the answer as thus amended. We
order numerous times. The plaintiff, being at times must, therefore, dispose of the defendant’s counterclaim
foreman and at other times in charge of important upon the merits.
departments of the factory wherein some four hundred
employees were at work, it cannot be questioned but That portion of the contract upon which the defendant’s
that the defendant not only had a right to prohibit counterclaim is based reads as
drinking during working hours, but it was his duty to do
so for his own interests and the safety of his other
employees. But it is intimated in the record that the "That during the term of this contract, and for the period
defendant discharged the plaintiff on account of the of five years after the termination of the employment of
conversation at the mess. If it be true that the defendant the said party of the second part, whether this contract
gave this as his sole reason for so acting at the time he continue in force for the period of one, two, three or more
discharged the plaintiff, yet he would not be prevented years, or be sooner terminated, the said party of the
from setting up at the trial the fact that the plaintiff second part shall not engage or interest himself in any
continued to disobey his orders with reference to business enterprises similar to or in competition with
absenting himself for the purpose of drinking. The those conducted, maintained or operated by the said
defendant was, at the time he discharged the plaintiff, party of the first part in the Philippines, and shall not
assist, aid or encourage any such enterprise by the pesos for each violation of any secret of the business
furnishing of information, advice or suggestions of any entrusted him."cralaw virtua1aw library
kind, and shall not enter into the employ of any
enterprises in the Philippine Islands, whatever, save and The plaintiff in that case was engaged solely and
except after obtaining special written permission therefor exclusively in the manufacture of umbrellas, matches,
from the said party of the first part. It is further stipulated and hats. The secrets process for making straw hats had
and agreed that the said party of the second part is costs the plaintiff some P20,000 and the defendant
hereby obligated and bound to pay unto the party of the Koch, after having entered having learned the secret
first part the sum of ten thousand pesos, Philippine process employed by the plaintiff, left the plaintiff’s
currency, (P10,000) as liquidated damages for each and service and engaged in the manufacture of straw hats in
every breach of the present clause of this contract, violation of the above-quoted provisions of the contract,
whether such breach occurred during the employment of using the trade secrets which he had thus learned. The
the said party of the second part or at any time during provisions in the contract against the engaging in the
the period of five years from and after the termination of manufacturing of straw hats in the Philippine Islands
said employment, and without regard to the cause of the were held to be reasonably necessary for the protection
termination of said employment."cralaw virtua1aw library of the plaintiff and not oppressive in so far as the
defendant was concerned. In the case under
The plaintiff admits that he entered the employment of consideration the contract goes far beyond that which
Mr. Whalen in the Philippine Islands as a foreman on formed the basis of the action in the case just cited. Here
some construction work for a cement factory within a few the plaintiff Ferrazzini was prohibited from engaging in
days after his discharge and without the consent, either any business or occupation whatever in the Philippine
written or verbal, of the defendant. This work was Islands for a period of five years after the termination of
entirely different and disassociated from that engaged in this contract of employment without special written
by the defendant Gsell, yet this act of the plaintiff was a permission from the defendant. This plaintiff became
technical violation of the above-quoted provisions of the engaged, as we have said, as a foreman in a cement
contract wherein he expressly agreed and obligated factory, while the defendant in the other case became
himself "not to enter into the employment of any engaged in identically the same business which his
enterprise in the Philippine Islands, whatever, save and employer was carrying on, that is, the manufacture of
except after obtaining special written permission straw hats. Consequently, the reasons which support the
therefor" from the defendant. The question now arises validity of the contract in the one case are not applicable
whether these provisions of the contract are valid and to the other. The same is true of the case of For now v.
binding upon the plaintiff. Hoffmeister (6 Phil. Rep., 33), wherein the decision rests
solely upon the question whether the contracts was in
Counsel for the defendant in their printed brief violation of the contract labor laws. No other questions was submitted or decided in that case. Therefore,
whether the clause under consideration is valid and
"There is no doubt as to the validity of the contract, Gsell enforcible is still an open question.
v. Koch (16 Phil. Rep., 1) has settled that question in a
similar contract and that decision has never been Articles 1091 and 1255 of the Civil Code
criticized, but is cited as recently as 1914 with approval.
(Lambert v. Fox, 26 Phil. Rep., 588)."cralaw virtua1aw
library "ART. 1091. Obligations arising from contracts have
legal force between the contracting parties, and must be
An examination of these cases, as well as others in fulfilled in accordance with their stipulations."cralaw
point, is necessary in order to determine whether or not virtua1aw library
the questions has been settled, and if we find that it is
still an open one in this jurisdiction, we must proceed "ART. 1255. The contracting parties may take the
with the case. In pursuing this inquiry it is well to bear in agreement and establish the clauses and conditions
mind (1) that the case under consideration has been which they may deem advisable, provided they are not in
tried in both courts exclusively upon the theory that the contravention of law, morals, or public order."cralaw
local law alone is applicable to the contract and (2) that virtua1aw library
the business in which the plaintiff became engaged was
entirely different and distinct from that conducted, Hence, the policy of the law requires that the freedom of
maintained or operated by the defendant. persons to enter into contracts shall not be lightly
interfered with, but if a contract be not founded upon a
In Gsell v. Koch, supra, a demurrer was sustained upon legal consideration (causa) or if it conflicts with the
the ground that the allegations in the complaint did not morals of the times or contravenes some established
constitute a cause of action, and after defendant interest of society, the courts will not aid in its
declined to amend, judgment was entered dismissing the enforcement.
action. On appeal this order was reversed and the record
returned with instructions to direct the defendant to Passing over the questions whether "consideration" of
answer. The paragraph in the written contract, upon the American law and the "causa" of the civil law are
which the judgment of this court rests, equivalent and whether there was adequate or legal consideration or "causa" on which the contract was
founded, we will limit our further inquiry to the
"Third. The said Pedro Koch binds himself to pay in cash determination of the question whether that part of the
to Mr. Gsell the sum of ten thousand pesos if, after contract under consideration is against public policy
leaving the firm of C. Gsell, and against the latter’s will, (orden publico).
he shall engage directly or indirectly in carrying on any
business in which the said Carlos Gsell is at present Manresa, Vol. 8, p. 606,
engaged, or within the two and one-half years fixed for
the duration of the present contract in these Islands, "Public policy (orden publico) — which does not here
either as an employee or member of a firm or company, signify the material keeping of public order — represents
or on his own account; and he furthermore binds himself in the law of persons the public, social and legal interest,
to pay in cash to Mr. Gsell an equal sum of ten thousand that which is permanent and essential of the institutions,
that which, even if favoring an individual in whom the articles of the association. From a judgment in favor of
right lies, cannot be left to his own will. It is an idea the association the defendant member appealed and the
which, in cases of the waiver of any right, is manifested Supreme Court reversed the judgment
with clearness and force. Thus the jurisprudence on the
subject of mortgages contains an interesting declarations
on this point in a resolution of January 24, 1898, wherein "The agreement between the parties was palpably and
it was held that: ’The power of the husband to give unequivocably a combination in restrain of trade, and to
marital permission cannot be validly conferred upon any enhance the price in the market of an article of primary
attorney-in-fact, as the legislator has willed that, for necessity to cotton planters. Such combinations are
reasons of the interest of society and of family contrary to public order, and cannot be enforced in a
government and discipline it should be vested only in the court of justice."cralaw virtua1aw library
husband, being personal to him in the highest sense and
therefore not capable of being transmitted."cralaw By "public policy," as defined by the courts in the United
virtua1aw library States and England, is intended that principle of the law
which hods that no subject or citizen can lawfully do that
Mucius Scaevola’s (vol. 20, p., 505) conclusion is which has a tendency to be injurious to the public or against the public good, which may be termed the "policy
of the law." (Words & Phrases Judicially Defined, vol. 6,
"Agreements in violation of orden publico must be p. 5813, and cases cited.) Public policy is the principle
considered as those which conflict with law, whether under which freedom of contract or private dealing is
properly, strictly and wholly a public law (derecho) or restricted by law for the good of the public. (Id., Id.) In
whether a law of the person, but law which in certain determining whether a contract is contrary to public
respects affects the interest of society."cralaw virtua1aw policy the nature of the subject matter determines the
library source from which such question is to be solved.
(Hartford Fire Ins. Co. v. Chicago, M. & St. P. Ry. Co.,
Articles 1893 and 1895 of Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 62 Fed., 904, 906.)
of Louisiana, a civil law state, The foregoing is sufficient to show that there is no
difference in principle between the public policy (orden
"ART. 1893. An obligation without a cause, or with a publico) in the two jurisdiction (the United States and the
false or unlawful cause, can have no effect."cralaw Philippine Islands) as determined by the Constitution,
virtua1aw library laws, and judicial decisions.

ART. 1895. Illegal or immoral cause. — The cause is In the United States it is well settled that contracts in
unlawful, when it is forbidden by law, when it is contra undue or unreasonable restraint of trade are
bonos mores or to public order."cralaw virtua1aw library unenforcible because they are repugnant to the
established public policy in that country. Such contracts
In Fabacher v. Bryant & Mather (46 La. Ann., 820), the are illegal in the sense that the law will not enforce them.
plaintiff and one Thomas Egan were engaged in the The Supreme Court of the United States, in Oregon
business of hauling cotton for the presses in the city of Steam Navigation Co. v. Winsor (20 Wall., 64), quoted
New Orleans. Both of these men were members of the with approval in Gibbs v. Consolidated Gas Co. of
Draymen’s Association which had adopted a tariff of Baltimore (130 U.S., 396),
charges and undertook to distribute among the members
the hauling of the various presses. The owners of the "Cases must be judged according to their circumstances,
presses were not consulted either as to the prices to be and can only be rightly judged when the reason and
paid or as to those who should do the hauling. They grounds of the rule are carefully considered. There are
could not obtain draymen outside of the union. They had two principal grounds on which the doctrine is founded
to engage those designated by the union. The that a contract in restraint of trade is void as against
defendants employed Egan on the latter’s representation public policy. One is, the injury to the public by being
that he had been so designated. Later the defendants deprived of the restricted party’s industry; and the other
employed the plaintiff upon the same representations. is, the injury to the party himself by being precluded from
Finally, after investigation, the defendants declined to pursuing his occupation, and thus being prevented from
permit the plaintiff to do the work and carried out their supporting himself and his family."cralaw virtua1aw
contract with Egan. The plaintiff thereupon instituted this library
action for damages based upon the breach of his
contract by the defendants. On the setting aside of a And in Gibbs v. Consolidated Gas Co. of Baltimore,
verdict in favor of the plaintiff by the trial court and an supra, the court stated the rule
appeal having been duly entered, the Supreme Court
affirmed the judgment, directing the dismissal of the
case, holding that the plaintiff’s contract was plainly "Public welfare is first considered, and if it be not
repugnant to public policy, citing articles 1893 and 1895 involved, and the restraint upon one party is not greater
supra. (India Bagging Association v. Kock, 14 La. Ann., than protection to the other party requires, the contract
168; Gravier v. Carraby, 17 La., 118, 142, and cases may be sustained. The question is, whether, under the
collected in 2d Hennen’s Digest, p. 1007, No. 1) particular circumstances of the case and the nature of
the particular contract involved in it, the contract is, or is
In India Bagging Association v. Kock, supra, an not, unreasonable."cralaw virtua1aw library
association of eight commercial firms in New Orleans,
holders of 7,410 bales themselves for the term of three Chapter 5, title 13, book 2, of our Penal Code makes it a
months not to sell any bagging, not offer to sell any, crime for a person to solicit any gift or promises as a
except with the consent of the majority of them consideration for agreeing to refrain from taking part in
expressed at a meeting; under the penalty of ten dollars any public auction, or attempting to cause bidders to stay
for every bale sold or offered for sale. This action was away from such auction by means of threats, gifts,
brought against one of the members by the manager of promises or any other artifice, with intent to affect the
the association for the recovery of a penalty of $7,400 for price of the thing auctioned (Art, 542), or to combine for
having sold 740 bales of bagging in contravention of the the purpose of lowering the conditions of labor (Art. 543),
or by spreading false rumors, or by making use of any
other artifice, succeeds in altering the prices which would
naturally be obtained in free competition for
merchandise, stocks, public and private securities, or
any other thing which may be the object of trade and
commerce (Art. 544). And Act No. 98, as amended, of
the Philippine Commission likewise makes it a crime for
any person or corporation, engaged as a common
carrier, to subject any particular person, firm, company,
corporation, or locality, or any particular kind of traffic to
any undue or unreasonable prejudice or discrimination.
To this extent the Legislature has expressly covered the
subject and left to the courts to determine in each case
whether any other particular agreement or contract is
contrary to public policy.

It needs no argument to show that an agreement or

contract entered into for the purpose of accomplishing
any of the prohibited acts mentioned in the above cited
provisions of the Penal Code or in Act No. 98 would be
unenforcible as being in violation of positive law. Those
falling within the provisions of articles 542 of the Penal
Code and Act no. 98 would clearly be agreements or
contracts in undue or unreasonable restraint of trade.
The meaning given to the word "trade" would determine
the question whether those coming within the provisions
of article 543 would or would not be the same. If the
commercial meaning of the word should govern, and in
this sense it has reference to the business of selling or
exchanging some tangible substance or commodity for
money, or the business of dealing by way of sale in
commodities, it would appear that such would not be
contracts in restrain of trade. This may be the most
common significance of the word "trade," but it is not the
only one, nor the most comprehensive meaning in which
the word is properly used. In the broader sense, it is any
occupation or business carried on for subsistence or
profit. Anderson’s Dictionary of Law gives the following
definition: "Generally equivalent to occupation,
employment, or business, whether manual or mercantile;
any occupation, employment or business carried on for
profit, gain, or livelihood, not in the liberal arts in the
learned professions." In Abbott’s Law Dictionary the
word is defined as "an occupation, employment or
business given in the Encyclopaedic Dictionary is the
following: "The business which a persons has learnt, and
which he carries on for subsistence or profit; occupation;
particularly employment, whether manual or mercantile,
as distinguished from the liberal arts or the learned
professions and agriculture." Bouvier limits the meaning
to commerce and traffic and the handcraft of mechanics.
(In re Pinkney, 47 Kan., 89.) We are inclined to adopt
and apply the broader meaning given by the

The contract under consideration, tested by the law,

rules and principles above the set forth, is clearly one in
undue or unreasonable restraint of trade and therefore
against public policy. It is limited as to time and space
but not as to trade. It is not necessary for the protection
of the defendant, as this is provided for in another part of
the clause. It would force the plaintiff to leave the
Philippine Islands in order to obtain a livelihood in case
the defendant declined to give him the written permission
to work elsewhere in this country.

The foregoing are our reasons upon which the short

decision and order for judgment, heretofore filed, were
This action was commenced in the Court of First
Instance of the Province of Albay on the 18th day of
October, 1922. Its purpose was to have declared null
and of no effect the following contract executed and
delivered on the 20th day of July, 1915:


Know all men by these presents:

That Shannon Richmond, of lawful age

and a resident of the district of Legaspi,
and Alfonso del Castillo, also of lawful
age and a resident of the district of
Daraga of the municipality and Province
of Albay, Philippine Islands, have
covenanted and agreed one with the
other as follows:

1. That Alfonso del Castillo, in

consideration of a monthly remuneration
of P125 to be paid to him by Shannon
Richmond, agrees to enter the employ
of said Shannon Richmond beginning
this date, as pharmacist, and to take
charge of the prescription department of
the drugstore known as the Botica
Americana  situated in the district of
Legaspi of the municipality and Province
of Albay, Philippine Islands, and to
perform all the duties and obligations as
such pharmacist together with such
other duties in connection with the same
that by custom correspond to the
pharmacist in a drugstore of this kind.

2. That in consideration of the

performance of the duties and
obligations above indicated by the said
Alfonso del Castillo, Shannon Richmond
hereby agrees to pay the said Alfonso
del Castillo the salary of P125 each

3. That in consideration of the fact that

the said Alfonso del Castillo has just
graduated as a pharmacist and up to the
present time has not been employed in
the capacity of a pharmacist and in
consideration of this employment and
the monthly salary mentioned in this
contract, the said Alfonso del Castillo
also agrees not to open, nor own nor
have any interest directly or indirectly in
any other drugstore either in his own
name or in the name of another; nor
have any connection with or be
G.R. No. L-21127             February 9, 1924 employed by any other drugstore
situated within a radius of our miles from
ALFONSO DEL CASTILLO, plaintiff-appellant, the district of Legaspi, municipality and
vs. Province of Albay, while the said
SHANNON RICHMOND, defendant-appellee. Shannon Richmond or his heirs may
own or have open a drugstore, or have
F.R. Feria for appellant. an interest in any other one within the
Manly, Goddard and Lockwood for appellee. limits of the districts of Legaspi, Albay,
and Daraga of the municipality of Albay,
Province of Albay.

4. That either of the parties to this

contract may terminate his relations as
JOHNSON, J.: employer and employee with or without
reason, and upon thirty days' notice;
remaining, nevertheless, in full force and
effect all the other conditions and in any drugstore situated within a radius of four
agreements stipulated in this contract. miles from the district of Legaspi, municipality and
Province of Albay, while the said Shannon Richmond or
5. That the said Alfonso del Castillo his heirs may own or have open a drugstore, or to have
furthermore agrees not to divulge or an interest in any other one within the limits of the
make use of any of the business secrets districts of Legaspi, Albay, and Daraga of the
or private formulas of the said Shannon municipality of Albay, Province of Albay." It will be noted
Richmond. that the restrictions placed upon the plaintiff are strictly
limited (a) to a limited district or districts, and (b) during
the time while the defendant or his heirs may own or
In these terms, we execute this contract
have open a drugstore, or have an interest in any other
for the rendering of services on this 20th
one within said limited district.
day of July, 1915, in the district of
Legaspi, municipality and Province of
Albay Philippine Islands. The law concerning contracts which tend to restrain
business or trade has gone through a long series of
changes from time to time with the changing conditions
of trade and commerce. With trifling exceptions, said
changes have been a continuous development of a
general rule. The early cases show plainly a disposition
Signed in the presence of: to avoid and annul all contract which prohibited or
restrained any one from using a lawful trade "at any time
(Sgd.) "M. GOYENA or at any place," as being against the benefit of the state.
"L. AZANA" Later, however, the rule became well established that if
the restriant was limited to "a certain time" and within "a
The said contract was acknowledge before a notary on certain place," such contracts were valid and not
the same day of its execution. "against the benefit of the state." Later cases, and we
think the rule is now well established, have held that a
The plaintiff alleges that the provisions and conditions contract in restraint of trade is valid providing there is a
contained in the third paragraph of said contract limitation upon either time or place. A contract, however,
constitute an illegal and unreasonable restriction upon which restrains a man from entering into a business or
his liberty to contract, are contrary to public policy, and trade without either a limitation as to time or place, will
are unnecessary in order to constitute a just and be held invalid. (Anchor Electric Co. vs. Hawkes, 171
reasonable protection to the defendant; and asked that Mass., 101; Alger vs. Thacher, 19 Pickering [Mass.] 51;
the same be declared null and void and of no effect. The Taylor vs. Blanchard, 13 Allen [Mass.], 370; Lufkin Rule
defendant interposed a general and special defense. In Co. vs. Fringeli, 57 Ohio State, 596; Fowle vs. Park, 131
his special defense he alleges "that during the time the U.S., 88, 97; Diamond Match Co. vs. Roeber, 106 N.Y.,
plaintiff was in the defendant's employ he obtained 473; National Benefit Co. vs. Union Hospital Co., 45
knowledge of his trade and professional secrets and Minn., 272; Swigert and Howard vs. Tilden, 121 Iowa,
came to know and became acquainted and established 650.)
friendly relations with his customers so that to now annul
the contract and permit plaintiff to establish a competing The public welfare of course must always be considered,
drugstore in the town of Legaspi, as plaintiff has and if it be not involved and the restraint upon one party
announced his intention to do, would be extremely is not greater than protection to the other requires,
prejudicial to defendant's interest." The defendant contracts like the one we are discussing will be
further, in an amended answer, alleges "that this action sustained. The general tendency, we believe, of modern
not having been brought within four years from the time authority, is to make the test whether the restraint is
the contract referred to in the complaint was executed, reasonably necessary for the protection of the
the same has prescribed." contracting parties. If the contract is reasonably
necessary to protect the interest of the parties, it will be
During the trial of the cause an effort was made to upheld. (Ollendorff vs. Abrahamson, 38 Phil., 585.)
sustain the allegations of the complaint that paragraph 3
of the said contract constituted an illegal and In that case we held that a contract by which an
unreasonable restriction upon the right of the plaintiff to employee agrees to refrain for a given lenght of time,
contract and was contrary to public policy. The lower after the expiration of the term of his employment, from
court found that it was unnecessary to pass upon the engaging in a business, competitive with that of his
question of prescription presented by the defendant. employer, is not void as being in restraint of trade if the
restraint imposed is not greater than that which is
Upon a consideration of the merits, the court a quo necessary to afford a reasonable protection. In all cases
concluded "that the contract the annulment of which is like the present, the question is whether, under the
sought by the plaintiff is neither oppressive to him, nor particular circumstances of the case and the nature of
unreasonably necessary to protect the defendant's the particular contract involved in it, the contract is, or is
business, nor prejudicial to the public interest." From that not, unreasonable. Of course in establishing whether the
judgment the plaintiff appealed to this court. In this court contract is a reasonable or unreasonable one, the nature
the appellant still insists that said contract is illegal, of the business must also be considered. What would be
unreasonable, and contrary to public policy. a reasonable restriction as to time and place upon the
manufacture of railway locomotive engines might be a
very unreasonable restriction when imposed upon the
From a reading of paragraph 3 of the contract above
employment of a day laborer.
quoted, it will be seen that the only restriction placed
upon the right of the plaintiff is, that he shall "not open,
nor own, nor have any interest directly or indirectly in any Considering the nature of the business in which the
other drugstore either in his own name or in the name of defendant is engaged, in relation with the limitation
another; nor have any connection with or be employed placed upon the plaintiff both as to time and place, we
by any other drugstore as pharmacist or in any capacity are of the opinion, and so decide, that such limitation is
legal and reasonable and not contrary to public policy.
Therefore the judgment appealed from should be and is
hereby affirmed, with costs. So ordered.

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