Human Body Maths Model

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2017 2nd International Conference on Man and Machine Interfacing (MAMI)

Mathematical Model for Temperature

Distribution in Cylindrical Human Body
Kabita Luitel
Department of Mathematics
Bhaktapur Multiple Campus
Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Abstract—The aim of this paper is to make a Heat gain also occurs due to internal metabolic heat
mathematical model for the temperature distribution in from the physiological functions. The metabolism is
the human body. In this study, we consider the body as a one of the chemical processes that occur in a living
cylinder and analyze data in the radial direction. The organism to grow and produce, maintain their structure,
modified Bessel's differential equation and modified and respond to their environments.
Bessel function are used to obtain the analytic solution of All the individual specific metabolic reactions
Pennes’s bio-heat equation. We measure the effect of
occur under the general category of metabolism.
body’s temperature distribution from various
parameters such as environmental temperature, tissue Metabolic heat is occurring to be generated
thermal conductivities, metabolic rates, blood perfusion uniformly by metabolic and chemical reactions in each
rates, heat transfer coefficients. The numerical results section of the body but the rates are not necessarily
are used to plot graphs in different cases. equal [16]. Without this reaction, life could not be
Index Terms—Bessel function, Pennes’s Bioheat The temperature model deals with the study of
equation, Thermal balance temperature distribution on the human body exposed to
Mathematics subject classification: 92C35, 80A20
a source of temperature. So any irregularities in the
temperature distribution in dermal layers to abnormal
I. INTRODUCTION environment cause the disturbance in
The Human body is a complex network of blood thermoregulation. Hence the study of temperature
vessels which are embedded in tissue and blood flow is distribution has the clinical and theoretical importance
an important mechanism of heat transfer in the [1].
biological system. Metabolism is an important source The scientists have been interested in the study of
of internal energy. These two thermal aspects of life the physiological system and its applications since the
make living possible. Blood flow is a key element in beginning of the medical research. They have tried to
thermoregulation of living organism and extremely find the most accurate model of the human thermal
complex. system for simulating the reactions to the different
The average body core temperature is 370 Celsius. environmental conditions [15]. The effects of blood
This body temperature is the result of an equilibrium flow on heat transfer in living tissue have been
between heat productions and heat loss. The examined for more than a century, dating back to
temperature nearly 270C and below and nearly 420C experimental studies of Bernard in 1876, since that
and above are critical, in this case, death may occur. so time, mathematical modeling of the complex thermal
the temperature of the body should be maintained interaction between the vasculature and tissue has been
around 370C. The heat transfer in the blood vessel a topic of interest for numerous physiologists,
helps in maintaining uniform body core temperature physicians, and engineers.
irrespective of changes in environmental temperature In 1948, Penne’s published seminal work
[2]. Heat transfer due to internal conductance that describing the mathematical coupling between the
governs the flow of heat from the core, through the mass transfer of blood perfusion and thermal heat
tissue to the surface is the component of heat transfer transfer. His work consists of a series of experiments to
is governed by peripheral blood flow, the core-skin measure temperature distribution as a function of radial
temperature gradient, and conductivity of the body position in the forearms of nine human subjects [20].
tissue. Blood flow provides the majority of peripheral Due to its simplicity and flexibility, Penne’s model has
conductance where there is convection between blood still acceptable result to predict the transient
and tissue and countercurrent heat exchange between temperature even though many investigators have
the arteries and veins. Blood flow is controlled developed alternative models for describing the
according to metabolic needs of the body as well as the perfusion rate and difference between the atrial blood
need to maintain the appropriate core temperature [20]. temperature and the local tissue temperature.

978-1-5386-2989-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

ቀr ቁ + ሺTa -Tሻ+ =0
dr dr K K
Penne’s developed a model considering to
describe the effect of metabolism and blood perfusion With the help of following boundary condition r =
and atrial blood temperature effect on in-tissue dT
0, =0 (4)
temperature distribution [10]. These two effects were dr
incorporated into the standard thermal diffusion r =R, െ‫ܭ‬ = ݄஺ ሺܶ െ ܶஶ ሻ (5)
equation, which is written in its simplified form as
pc =‫׏‬.ሺK‫׏‬Tሻ+MሺTa -Tሻ+S (1) Where R is the radius of concerned tissue; hA is the
where ȡ = tissue density, c = tissue specific heat, coefficient of heat transfer on the surface of the tissue;
K= thermal conductivity; M = ȡ b w b c b S = qm = T’ is atmospheric temperature.
B. Solution of the Problem
metabolic heat generation, ȡ b = blood density, wb =
We perform the non-dimensionalization of the
rate of blood perfusion per unit volume, cb = rate of equation (3) with boundary condition by introducing
blood specific heat, Ta = temperature of blood upon the characteristic quantities
entering tissue via arterial. r T-T
r*= , and T* = ’ (6)
R Ta -T’
III. MATHEMATICAL MODEL After differentiating (6) with respect to ‘r’ and
A. Formulation of Mathematical Model substituting equation (3) reduces to
1 d § dT * · R 2 M(1 − T*) SR 2 (7)
The human body parts look likes cylinder in shape, ¨
r* +¸ + = 0
r * dr * © dr * ¹ K K(T a − T ∞ )
therefore it is convenient to use cylindrical coordinate
(r, ߠ, z) in the model to study the temperature profiles. Again introducing the dimensionless parameters,
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of human R2 SR 2
body M* = , S* = (8a)
K K(Ta − T∞ )
h R
hA* = A , (8b)
Equation (7) with the use of (8)(a) and (8)(b)
reduces to
1 d dT *
(r * ) − M * T * +(M * +S*) = 0 (9)
r * dr * dr *
For computational simplicity,
put M* + S* = U and M* = V and φ = U − VT
and get the equation (10) in the form of
d 2ij dij
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of human body [17] r *2 + r* − Vr * ij = 0 (10)
dr * 2 dr *
˜T 1˜ ˜T 1 ˜ ˜T ˜ ˜T which is Modified Bessel’s equation of the form
pc = ቀK ቁ + 2 ቀK ቁ + ቀK ቁ +MሺTa -Tሻ+S d2 y dy
˜t r ˜r ˜r r ˜ș ˜ș ˜z ˜z
(2) x2 +x -ሺx2 +p2 ሻy=0
dx2 dx
The vertical and horizontal limbs of the cylindrical [x = r*,ȕ = ξv, p = 0 ]
body areas can be shown in Figure 2. Whose solution is given in the form of power series
solutions, y = AIp(ȕx) + BKp(ȕx)
Now, the solution of equation for φ is
ij = C1I 0 ( V r*) + C 2 K 0 ( V r*) (11)

= C1I1 ( V r*) − C 2 K1 ( V r*) (12)
Fig. 2. Vertical and horizontal limbs dr *
Where C1 and C2 are arbitrary constants
The aim of this paper is to construct a temperature determined from the boundary conditions
distribution model in a one-dimensional steady-state dT *
=0 where r*=0 when I1 (0) =0,
case in the human body using analytic approach. So, dr *
to remove the complexity in the study, ˠ and z are then I1(0) = 0 gives I1 ( V r*) = 0
considered as constants and only the radial direction
‘r’ is taken. So one-dimensional study – state case the Since K 1 ( V r*) ≠ 0, C2 = 0 and ij = U − VT
equation (2) reduced to cylindrical form in radial So equation (12) becomes
direction for steady state case
M * +S * 1 ª« {h A * I 0 ( M * r*) º
T* = − (16)
M * M * «h * I ( M * r*) + M * I (M * r*) »
¬ A 0 1 ¼

ª ½º
U 1 ­° h A * I 0 ( V r*) ° » (17)
T = T ∞ + (T a − T ∞ ) « − ® ¾
«V V °̄ h °¿ »¼
¬ A * I 0 ( V r*) + V I 1 ( V r*)

we get,
hA *
dT * 1 C1 = (15)
= − [C1 V I1 ( V r*) (13) h A * I 0 ( M *r*) + M *I1 ( M *r*)
dr * V
Calculating with boundary conditions Again on calculation the solution for T* and T can
be written
dT * r
= -hA* T* at r = R i.e = 1 or r* =1, (14)
dr * R
Effect of Temperature profile above 370C
38 C
The analytical solutions in equation (17) for 410C
cylindrical shape of living tissue and its respective 470C
numerical results of physical properties depend on 38

many factors. So in the simulation carried out here, the Temperature 0C

Physiological values have been used in table 1.

The numerical results have been presented in
graph to show the effects on temperature profiles at 37.5

(i) Atmospheric temperature
(ii) Thermal conductivities 37
(iii) Blood perfusion 0 0.005 0.01 0.015
0.02 0.025 0.03

(iv) Metabolism (b)

(v) Heat transfer coefficients Fig. 3. Temperature distribution profiles at various atmospheric
a) Effect of atmospheric temperature
The graphs of temperature distribution profiles at Figure 3(a) reveals that if the atmospheric
various atmospheric temperatures are presented in Fig. temperature is less than core temperature, then body
3(a) and Fig. 3(b). temperature decreases from body core towards the
skin surface. This is due to being core temperature
higher than the atmospheric temperature whereas Fig.
Effect of Temperature profile below 370C 3(b) reveals that if the atmospheric temperature is
greater than temperature, then body temperature

37 increases from body core towards the skin surface.

Temperature 0C



0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Figure 3(a)

TABLE 1. THERMO-PHYSICAL PARAMETERS [10] The increase of blood perfusion has a remarkable
effect on the surface temperature of human body.
Parameters Symbol Value Unit Figure 5 indicates that the gradient temperature
Thermal conductivity K 0.48 W/(m.0C) variation in radial direction decreases with increasing
Density of blood blood perfusion, which is the result of the higher rate
ρb 1000 Kg/m3 of heat distribution caused by blood perfusion.
d) Effect of Metabolic heat
Specific heat cb 3850 J/Kg0C
The graph of temperature profiles at
Perfusion rate
wb 3 Kg/ (s.m3)
various metabolic heat generation is shown in Fig.
Metabolism effect of metabolic heat
qm 1085 W/m3 37.4

Arterial Temperature 37.2

TA 36.98 0
C 37

Tissue thickness

Temperature 0C
R 3 M 36.8

Heat transfer coefficient


hA 10.023 W/(m2.0C)

Environmental 0
T∞ 30 C 36.2
Temperature 1085W/m3
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03

b) Effect of thermal conductivities Fig. 6. Temperature profiles at various metabolic heat generation

The graphs of temperature profiles at various The metabolic heat generation has very small
thermal conductivities are shown in Fig. 4. effect on temperature distribution in the human body.
The change in metabolic heat from 542W/m3 to
Effect of thermal conductivities

1085W/m3 made the change in body core temperature

almost 0.1 0C whereas its effect is negligible towards
36.8 the skin surface. This is due to the negligible
concentration of blood vessels towards the skin
Temperature 0C


e) Effect of Heat transfer coefficients
0.48W/m C
The graphs of temperature profiles at various
0.60W/m0C values of coefficient of heat transfer are shown in Fig.
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
r/m Effect of heat ttansfer coefficient
Fig. 4. Temperature profiles at various thermal conductivities 37

Figure 4 presents the increase in body temperature
in the inner part of the body as thermal conductivities
Temperature C

of body tissue increases but the outer part of body

temperature decreases as thermal conductivities
increase. This is due to the convection boundary
35.8 5.023W/m 2. 0C
condition at the body surface. 10.023W/m 2. 0C
c) Effect of Blood Perfusion 15.023W/m 2. 0C
35.4 20.023W/m 2. 0C
The graph of temperature profiles at various blood
perfusion is shown in Fig. 5. 0 0.005 0.01 0.015
0.02 0.025 0.03

Effect of blood perfusion
Fig. 7. Temperature profiles at various values of coefficient
of heat transfer
Figure 7 presents the significant effect of heat
36.8 transfer coefficients towards the skin surface. This
is due to direct contact of the skin surface with the
Temperature C


36.2 1.5Kg/s.m3 V. CONCLUSION
36 2.5Kg/s.m3 An analytical model has been developed and
35.8 obtained the solution of Pennes’ bio-heat equation in
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
r/m one-dimensional study state case by using Modified
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