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Zoom In Mapskills Grade 11

Task 1: Velddrif
MARKS: 75 TIME: 1½ hours

Resource material
✚ An extract from topographic maps, 3218 CA & CC Velddrif
✚ An extract from the orthophoto map, 3218 CC 4 Velddrif

General information on Velddrif

Coordinates: 32°44′S; 18°06′E
Velddrif is 145 km from Cape Town, on the West Coast. It is
located on the banks of the Berg River, near where it meets the
ocean. The river is tidal for many kilometres upstream, and it
spreads out into an estuary at Velddrif, making it an attractive
wetland for many species of birds. Birdwatchers and other
tourists contribute significantly to the town’s economy. Fishing
and salt production are other important industries, and the town is famous for its bokkoms, or
dried fish.

Question 1: Multiple-choice questions

The questions below are based on the 1:50 000 topographic maps, 3218 CA & CC Velddrif,
as well as the orthophoto map of a part of the mapped area. Various options are provided as
possible answers to the following questions. Choose the answer and write only the letter (A–D) on
your answer sheet.

1.1 Velddrif is situated in the:

A Western Cape. B Eastern Cape. C Northern Cape. D Free State.

1.2 The numbers 3218 in the Velddrif map index refers to:
A 18′ latitude; 32′ longitude. B 32′ latitude; 18′ longitude.
C 18° latitude; 32° longitude D 32° latitude; 18° longitude.

1.3 Refer to the map alongside.

1.3.1 The sequence of numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 refer to:
4 3
A Indian Ocean; Atlantic Ocean; Namibia; Botswana.
B Atlantic Ocean; Indian Ocean; Namibia; Botswana.
C Atlantic Ocean; Indian Ocean; Botswana; Namibia.
D Indian Ocean; Atlantic Ocean; Botswana; Namibia.
1 2
1.4 The direction of Bergriviermond, in block A3 on the topographic
map, from the post office, in block B4, is:
A northwest. B west-northwest.
C southeast. D east-southeast.

1.5 What feature indicates that the groundwater table is high in block B3?
A windmill. B marsh.
C reservoir. D non-perennial river. (5 × 1)

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Question 2: Map calculations and techniques
2.1 Name the marine safety feature that is found at 32°46′15″S; 18°08′40″E. (1 × 1)

2.2 Name the FOUR types of communication routes that are found in block E3 of the
topographic map. (4 × ½)

2.3 The mean magnetic declination in the Velddrif area in 2006 was 23°28′ west of true
north. The mean annual change is 6′ westwards.
2.3.1 Calculate the magnetic bearing in 2017 of spot height .22, in block F4, from
spot height .20 in block D2 on the topographic map. (3 × 1)
Magnetic bearing = true bearing + present magnetic declination

2.4 The annual Berg River Canoe Marathon ends in Velddrif.

2.4.1 In which general direction does the Berg River flow in block B4? (1 × 1)
2.4.2 The leaders of the race completed the final leg of 56 km (between Points
1 and 2) on Day 4 in 2 hours 25 minutes. Calculate the average speed at
which they paddled to reach the jetties at Point 2. Choose the correct answer:
i) 96 km/hour ii) 0,96 km/hour iii) 16 km/hour (2 × 1)

2.5 Refer to the topographic map extract. A motorist drives along the R27 from the
bench mark 6.5, in block B5, to the bridge across the railway line, in block E3.
2.5.1 Calculate the distance of this drive. (1 × 1)
2.5.2 State the approximate difference in altitude between bench marks 6.5 and
the bridge across the railway line. (1 × 1)
2.5.3 Determine the average gradient between bench mark 6.5 and spot height
.12 in block C6. Choose the correct answer:
A 1:45,5 B 1:454,5 C 1:3,5 D 1:5,5 (2 × 1)

2.6 Refer to the topographic map and the orthophoto map.

2.6.1 The ratio scale of the topographic map is 1:50 000.
State this scale as a word scale. (1 × 1)
2.6.2 The word scale of the orthophoto map is 1 cm represents 100 m. State this
scale as a ratio scale. (1 × 1)
2.6.3 Choose the correct answer. Compared with the orthophoto map, the scale
of the topographic map is:
i) two times larger. ii) five times larger. iii) five times smaller. (1 × 1)

2.7 Give the coordinates of trigonometric beacon 123 in block D3 on the topographic map. (2 × 1)

2.8 Use the orthophoto map to answer the following questions.

2.8.1 Calculate the area in m2 of the recreational area labelled A on the
orthophoto map extract. (2 × 1)
2.8.2 Convert the area calculated in question 2.8.1 to hectares.
Choose the correct answer:
1 ha = 10 000 m²
i) 245 ha ii) 24,5 ha iii) 2,4 ha (1 × 1)

2.9 In a block of 10 cm x 5 cm, draw a sketch of the Berg River floodplain. Fill in the
position of the following on your sketch: (4 × 1)
the saltworks; the main channel of the Berg River; floodplain deposits; the R399

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Question 3: Application and interpretation
Refer to the topographic map extract and the orthophoto map extract to answer the following

3.1 Name the ocean shown on the topographic map. (1 × 1)

3.2 Which of the two maps (the topographic map or the orthophoto map) is more
recent? Justify your answer. (Hint: refer to block A5 of the topographic map to help
you with your answer.) (2 × 1)
3.3 Identify the type of land use at (B), (C), (D) and (E) on the orthophoto map. (4 × 1)
3.4 Study the photograph and the advertisement for a guesthouse in Port Owen.
Refer to the topographic map extract (block B4).
Velddrif Property For Sale
(Port Owen) R 3 200 000
Beautiful waterfront house in Port Owen
Marina, with patio and braai area, large cellar
and own jetty, registered as a guesthouse.

3.4.1 Suggest TWO reasons for the choice of site for the Port Owen residential
development. (2 × 1)
3.4.2 The guesthouse that is advertised for sale in Port Owen is located in block
B3. Evaluate the accuracy of the estate agent’s advertisement. (2 × 1)
3.4.3 Identify one problem that the residents in Port Owen could possibly face
during winter. (1 × 1)
3.4.4 Suggest ONE positive and ONE negative aspect of this type of residential
development (Port Owen) on the surrounding environment. (2 × 1)

3.5 Sustainable economic development is affected by a number of factors.

3.5.1 Use evidence from the topographic map and the orthophoto map to write
a report on how the availability of the following factors will affect economic
development in the Velddrif area:
✚ Water (3 × 1)
✚ Resources: both natural and human (3 × 1)
✚ Transport infrastructure. (2 × 1)
3.5.2 Economic development often results in environmental problems. Identify
TWO environmental challenges that economic development in Velddrif might
present to the municipality. (2 × 1)

3.6 Velddrif has become a popular tourist destination. Use information from the
topographic map and the orthophoto map to identify FOUR activities/facilities that
would encourage holiday-makers to stay at Velddrif. Give the block reference for
each of the activities/facilities that you have chosen. (4 × 1)

3.7 Salt is produced from evaporation pans in the Velddrif area (blocks B3–B6). What
does this salt production suggest about the climate in the Velddrif area? (1 × 1)

3.8 Suggest ONE reason why it is relatively easy to build roads in the Velddrif area. (1 × 1)

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Topographic map – Velddrif
1 2 3 4 5 6








06′ 07′ 08′ 09′ 10′ 11′ 18°12′

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Orthophoto map – Velddrif


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Question 4: Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
4.1 Name TWO different types of vector data that were used in block E6 on the
topographic map. (2 × 1)

4.2 GIS is designed to accept large volumes of spatial data, derived from a variety
of sources.
4.2.1 From the following list, choose the correct labels for the data sources
labelled 1–6.
Digital data; Maps; Photogrammetry; Remote sensing; Interviews;
Paper files (6 × ½)

5 2



4 3


4.2.2 Define the term spatial resolution. (1 × 1)

4.3.2 State whether the orthophoto map shows a high or a low resolution when
compared to the topographic map. (1 × 1)

4.3 Draw a table similar to this one below and fill in the following features in the correct
column. Use only the numbers (i), (ii) and (iii) when you fill in the table. (3 × 1)
i) roads and houses
ii) 0 8618308030 Residential 7228 STREAMSIDE DR 80525 CO 2101
iii) parks and dams
Attribute data Spatial data

4.5 Explain the term ‘remote sensing’. (1 × 1)

4.6 GIS is useful in disaster management. Explain how it could assist the local
authorities with planning for possible flooding in the Velddrif area. (4 × 1)
Total = 75 marks

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