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Random exposure to radiation or Anomaly

01: Roll 2 time on this table.

02-03: Your character’s body is decaying rapidly with something like leprosy. The hero has
the flaw chronic Hindrance, and every time he got 1 despair on a Brawn roll at the beginning
of a session, he loses some small piece of his body, such as a finger, a toe, a bit of ear, or so
forth. After five such occurrences, the hero loses an entire limb.

04-05: A bad case of the glows gave your hero thick, balloon-like veins. If he ever takes a
critical wound to a limb, it literally explodes like a blood sausage, losing that limb.

06-07: Years without a toothbrush (and a bad case of mutate) has made your hero’s teeth fall
out. He can’t chew anything and must subsist on liquids alone. He’s scrawny, and cannot
have a Brawn greater than 3. If Brawn was previously at a 4 or higher, reduce it right now.

08-09: Your character is where stories of “radiation vampires” come from. Radiation
causes his blood to break down and run like water, so he bleeds at double the normal rate.
Also, he must drink enough blood to replace his entire supply every week. Each day he goes
without a half-pint or so, he suffers a black dice penalty to all rolls. If the penalty ever
reaches 4 days, he collapses in coma. One day later, his body turns into a disgusting
mass of gelatinous flesh. He’s dead.

10-11: Your survivor was near a line of separation, when the Anomaly hit. Her body was
burned and scarred horribly, making her ugly as sin (1 black dice to social test). In addition,
sand-laden winds and the sun’s burning rays force her to keep her skin wrapped under layers
of the softest cloth she can find. If she is exposed to the elements, she suffers a black dice to
all her rolls.

12-13: Freaky. Your hero has a potbelly and spindly legs. Add a black dice to any Agility
based rolls made to jump, run, or maintain balance.

14-15: Disease and radiation have made the brainer a sickly, anemic creature. He lost -1
Strain maximum.

16-18: The hero has “Methuselah Syndrome.” Every year that passes counts as three.

19-21: The hero looks like a dead corpse and is often mistaken for one by those who know
about such things. When attacking him, they tend to shoot for the poor soul’s head.

22-23: Radiation infects any food the hero touches. It becomes ruined and disgusting to
anyone but him. Anyone who eats it must make a Hard (3) Brawn roll or upchuck. It never
provides nourishment to anyone else, even if they manage to wolf it down.

24-25: The character’s entire body glows in the dark. Add 2 black dice anytime he tries to
Sneak in dim light or darkness.
26-27: The survivor’s metabolism is so great he can never get enough to eat. He’s scrawny
and must eat twice as much as any other.

28-29: Radiation has gotten into your hero’s bones. The pain feels something like minor
Arthritis. They must take so pain killer every day.

30-31: The blood in your survivor’s veins is thin and doesn’t clot right. He suffers twice the
normal amount of time for natural healing.

32-33: The hero has patches of hair, ugly boils, and other signs of the glows that make him
Ugly as sin (1 black dice to social test).

34-35: Radiation has made the mutant’s bones brittle. Anytime she takes a serious wound to a
body area, something breaks. Add a black dice for healing wound or critical injurie.

36-37: Your hero got lucky. Radiation caused his “flight” reflex to wither. Your hero is not
brave, sometimes he’s just more afraid of being branded a yellowbellied coward than he is of
death. He adds 1 blue dice to his cool checks. The downside is he must make a Hard (3)
Intelligence roll to run away from a fight.

38-39: If your hero was born before the Anomaly, she had the bad luck to be looking
at Anomaly too many time. The hero now have glowing green eyes. He can see normally and
look very well in darkness, but their eyes can be seen in darkness as a glow rod like in “old
rave party”. May remove 2 black dice to perception test.

40-41: The hero gives off weird radiation that kills plants and small animals (rabbits and
smaller). Most plants wilt after a few minutes of contact with the hero. Animals run away. If
they can’t, they take 1 wound damage every minute they’re within a yard of him. (Sentient
plants—should your hero run across such a thing—take damage just like small animals.)

42-52: Your survivor has a few telltale signs of radiation poisoning, but there is no ill effect.

53-55: Radiation- heightened senses gives your hero a blue dice for each of his 5 sense test.

56-58: Your hero’s have toad-like skin, thick and rubbery. He’s ugly as sin (1 black dice to
social test) but has the +1 soak damage.

59-61: Your character has a tail with a razor-sharp spike at the end. The mean thing has a
reach of three feet, and it lashes out occasionally when the character gets excited (your call,
Marshal use it to screw with the character on occasion). The character can use it willfully as
well, by making a brawl roll. It causes Brawn + 1 damage, crit 4. It can be used just like a
second weapon, meaning the hero can strike with it and another weapon if he wants. The
mutant also receive 1 blue dice in any Athletics test due to the balance that tail give to it.

62-64: The hero has an extra pair of mouths, all the better for eating with. These mouths
happen to be located in the palms of his hands and can do Brawn damage, crit 4 biting
damage to anything he grabs hold of. The mouths can even eat just like his normal pie hole.
65-67: Your hero’s skin is tough and leathery, providing light armor. That give +1 soak

68-70: The hero can store rads in his body and release them in short but lethal bursts, once by
encounter. On physical contact (skin to skin), the mutant can choose whether or not he wants
to release the strange radiation he stores inside him. If so, the target suffer 10 damage minus

71-73: Radiation covers the character from head to toe. He makes Geiger counters click like a
baseball card set in the spokes of a speeding bicycle. Fortunately, radiation doesn’t hurt him.
He’s immune to low levels of natural radiation, and he gets 2 blue dice to resist more
powerful radiation effects.

74-75: The hero’s fingernails grew into long, hard as bone and black. He have to sharpens
them, and they can regrow if lost (anytime you got 3 threat or 1 Despair on a brawl test, you
break all your nail). They add +2 to your damage, crit 3.

76-77: Irradiated food is yummy! It doesn’t seem to bother this brainer a bit. He can pass any
kind of poisoned or irradiated substances through his system with no harmful effects. He’s
not immune to radiation, but his digestive system is.

78-79: Radiation has caused the natural metals within the mutant’s body to multiply and
prosper, replacing his teeth with big metal dentures that look like angry bear traps. While not
pretty, they do let the hero chow down on anything at all. The mutant’s teeth do Brawn + 1
damage crit 3, pierce 2; he can bite by making a brawl roll.

80-81: Your survivor has somehow gained the ability to draw nutrients from another’s body.
By touching someone’s skin, he can sap her Strain at the rate of 1 per round (or every six
seconds if not in combat rounds). If the mutant has lost Strain, the stolen energy replaces it.
Once his Strain is restored, excess energy is lost, but he can keep draining his victim until
she’s fall unconscious

82-83: Your hero’s metabolism is as slow as molasses. He eats half as much as most folks
and ages only one year for every decade that passes.

84-85: Your hero has the regenerative capabilities of a lizard. He heal +1 wound on natural
healing or assisted healing. If a limb is cut, he can regrown and use it, after 1 month.

86-87: Your hero’s pheromones make roses smell like stinkweed. The opposite sex can’t
resist her. Add 2 blue dice to charm test made to seduce others in a calm situation (not in the
middle of a firefight!).

88-89: Your mutant carries disease while rarely being affected by them herself. She got 2
blue dice to any rolls she makes to resist the effects of disease or infection. In addition, once
in contact with a disease, she can store it in her cells up to 24 hours. Then, if she can make
contact with human flesh, she can release it into one person who immediately suffers its

90-91: The hero is completely immune to natural poisons, infections, or disease. He’s not
protected from magic poisons and radiation however.

92-93: The brainer has developed the uncanny ability to draw oxygen from water. If he was
born after the Anomaly, he has gills. He can breathe underwater like a fish.

94-95: Radiation got his synapses fused together. The good news is they fused in all the right
places. Your hero is never surprised. (Add 2 blue dice to initiative test)

96-97: The touch of radiation has made your hero the perfect killing machine. His muscles
and reflexes grow to incredible levels. Raise both Brawn and Agility by +1(max 7)

98-99: When the adrenaline starts pumping, your hero’s brain kicks into turbo. The character
can always take 2 maneuvers on each turn without use strain.

100: You can choose your hero’s mutation from any on the list.

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