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An Action Research

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical Research I

Grade 11- ABM Strand

Notre Dame Siena College of Tacurong Inc.

Second Semester(2019-2020)


Chryzl Anne P. Ciudad

Jowena A. Gutierrez

Rohanie B. Sali

Jenny Beth D. Siaotong

February 2020

The researchers gratefully express their warmest profound gratitude to the

following persons for all evaluable support in making this research study in reality.

The researchers gives honnor and grattitude to the Almighty God, for the
protection, guidance, wisdom and love.

First and formost to Sr. Erlinda M. Muring OP, the director principal of NDSCT
for letting the researcher to conduct the survey quiestionnaire to the senior high school

Specially to our subject teacher Mrs. Leticia J. Barquilla for the continuous
support for making our research, for her patience, enthusians , motivation and immense

The three (3) strand of the senior high school students which is Science
Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),Humanities and Social Science
(HUMSS) and Accountacy Business and Management (ABM) as the respondent of the

Special thanks and appreciation to their loving advisers.

Also the researchers would like to thank their family for their unceasing moral
support and financial assistance especially the love of their parents. Also to our friends,
classmates active helping the researchers to finish the study.










Chryzl Anne P. Ciudad

Jowena A. Gutierrez

Rohanie B. Sali

Jenny Beth B. Siaotong


STRAND Accountancy Business and Management

The research study was guided with the objectives, such as: determines the
technology and behavioral attitude of SHS students in terms of academic,
communicate, gadgets, attitude, class hour and using technology at home; there were
30 students through purposive random sampling as respondents of the study.

This study used the descriptive method of research. The respondents of the
research are 30 senior high school students of NDSCT. This study applies the stratified
sampling technique with the used of sloven formula to determine the sample size.the
needed data was gathered through the use of survey quistionnaire of which be arranged
and described hto give the meaning to the study. The survey questionnaire was
prepared by the researchers with the help of subject adviser.



Title Page.................................................................................................i
Table of content......................................................................................iv


Background of the study…......................................................................1

Statement of the Problem…....................................................................2

Significance of the Study........................................................................3

Scope and Delimination of the Study.....................................................3


Research Design....................................................................................4

Respondents of the Study......................................................................4

Population and Sample..........................................................................4

Sampling Technique.............................................................................5

Data Gathering Instrument.....................................................................5

Data Gathering Procedures…………………………..……………………..5



1.1 . Response of students with regards to the Academic…………………….........7

1.2 . Responses of students with regards of the Communication……………........8
1.3 . Responses of students with regards of the Gadgets…………………............9

2.1. Responses of students with regards of the Attitudes……………………........10

2.2. Responses of students with regards of the Class Hour………………...........11

2.3. Responses of students with regards of the Using Technology at Home…...12



Background of the Study

In our generation today easily access computer, cellphone, and any gadgets
because of progressive technology that runs arround us. In regards to this, people are
more inform and aware of the important event and issues that dirrectly affect their lives.
This is the purpose of using social media. Social media or technology can help to other
people search in internet or google espicially in senior highschool but it can affect to our
body posture. Modern technology in communication no doubt has turned the entire
world into a “global village”. But as it is, technology like two side of a coin, bring with it
both negative and possitive side. It helps people to be better and informed enlightened
and keeping abreast with world developments. Technology exposes man kind to a
better way of doing things. Social networking sites enclude: twitter, yahoo,
Messenger,facebook. (BBM) whats app messenger, skype, google talk, google
messenger, i phone and androids. This networking sites are used by most people to
interact with old and new friends, physical or internet friends. The world has been
changed rapidly by the evulotion of technology, this has resulted into the use of
technology as the best medium to explore the wide area of knowledge.

The evolution of internet technology has led to its use as the best medium for
communication. Where by two-third of the world internet population visits social
networking or blogging sites thus serving as a communication and connection networking site are online communities of internet user who want to
communicate with other users about area of mutual interest whether from a personal,
business or academic perspective . the millions of social networking sites has
transformed the thought of global village into the reality whereby billions of people
communicate through social media site. Numerous benefit have been obtained through
distant communication through the use of social networking sites.


The research study is guided with the specific objectives, such as;

1. To determine the extent of the concept of technology.

1.2.communicate ; and

2. Influence of social media network on student’s academic performance.


2.2.class hour ; and

2.3.using technology at home?

3. To determine the relationship between the technology and behavioral attitude of

Senior high school students.


The Grade 11 students in Senior highschool are busy to there gadgets especially
in social media. Some student are using technology during class hour. Technology can
affect to our body posture but it can help to us to communicate to others.


This study was conducted to find out the relationship of Technology and
Behavioral Attitude of Senior HighschoolStudents in terms of Academic, Communicate
and Gadget. It also included Attitude Class hour and Using technology at home.

This is only limited to the senior high school student of Notre Dame Siena
College of Tacurong. The research study focuse only on the grade 11 senior highschool
student of the three strand which is Accountancy Business and management (ABM)
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Humanities and Social
Science (HUMSS).


Research Design

The research design used in the study was descriptive type to acquire view on
social media of the senior high school students through the used of the survey

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were thirty(30) SHS Students in the 3 strands for
S.Y.2019-2020. They are students who are used social media devoted in every class

Population and Sample


ABM 28 10

TOTAL 100 30
STEM 41 10
HUMSS 31 10

Sampling Technique
To determine the respondent, the stratified sampling technique was used with
the aid of the Slovin Formula.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers utilized the survey questionnaire as the main instrument in

gathering the needed data to determine the personal commitment on every using of
social media. The questionnaire was designed to get the information of the 3 strand by
accomplishing the survey form.

Numerical Rating Descriptive Rating

5 very often

4 often

3 usually

2 seldom

1 never

Data Gathering Procedures

Before the survey was conducted, the researchers gathered data on how many
students in each strand of the senior high school of Notre Dame Siena College of
Tacurong are well participated in using social media and affect to the behavioral attitude
of the students. The researchers personally distributed the questionnaires to the
respondents and collected the questionnaires after they were answerd.


This chapter present the result of statistical analysis performance on the data collected.
It also presents of result of the analysis.

Table 1.1. Response of students with regards to the Academic

Item no. 1 2 3 4 5 N TF WM Descriptive

1 0 0 10 11 9 30 119 3.97 often
2 1 8 12 7 2 30 91 3.03 usually
3 1 6 14 5 4 30 95 3.17 usually
4 0 2 13 11 9 30 107 3.57 often
5 0 0 1 14 15 30 134 4.47 very often
Mean 3.64 often

The result on technology of mean of communicate is shown in this table.

It also reveals that item (5) was rated highest with mean rating of 4.47 that mean “Very
Often” followed by item (1) with a mean rating of 3.97 that indicates “Often” third item (4)
attained a mean rating of 3.57 that indicates “Often” among fourth item (3) obtained the
lowest rating of 3.17 falling under the descriptive meaning of “Usually”.

The computed mean of 3.64 indicates “Often” the finding implies that “Often” by the

Table 1.2. Responses of students with regards to the Communication

Item no. 1 2 3 4 5 N TF WM Descreptive

1 0 4 9 11 6 30 109 3.63 often
2 0 0 6 12 12 30 126 4.2 very often
3 0 4 12 10 4 30 104 3.47 often
4 0 6 14 5 5 30 99 3.3 ually
5 2 4 9 11 4 30 101 3.37 often
Mean 3.59 often

The result on technology of mean of Communicate is shown in this table.

It also reveals that item (2) was rated highest with mean rating of 4.2 that mean “Very
Often” followed by item (1) with a mean rating of 3.63 that indicates “Often” third item (3)
attained a mean rating of 3.47 that indicates “Usually” among fourth item (4) obtained
the lowest rating of 3.3 falling under the descriptive meaning of usually.

The computed mean of 3.59 indicates “Often” the finding implies that “Often” by the

Table 1.3. Responses of students with regards to the Gadgets

Item no. 1 2 3 4 5 N TF WM Descriptive

1 0 2 17 10 1 30 100 3.33 usually
2 0 1 11 17 1 30 118 3.93 often
3 0 4 16 9 1 30 97 3.23 usually
4 0 1 17 10 2 30 103 3.43 usually
5 0 1 14 12 2 30 102 3.4 often
Mean 3.46 usually

The result on technology of mean of Gadgets is shown in this table.

It also reveals that item (2) was rated highest with mean rating of 3.93 that mean “Often”
followed by item four (4) with a mean rating of 3.43 that indicates “Usually” third item
five (3) attained a mean rating of 3.23 that indicates “Usually” among item (5) obtained
the lowest rating of 3.4 falling under the descriptive meaning of “Usually”.

The computed mean of 3.46 indicates “Usually” the finding implies that “Usually” by the

Table 2.1. Responses of students with Regards to the Attitude

Item no. 1 2 3 4 5 N TF WM Descriptive

1 1 3 14 8 4 30 101 3.3 usually
2 0 0 14 16 0 30 106 3.5 usually
3 0 3 12 14 1 30 103 3.4 usually
4 1 4 19 5 1 30 91 3.0 usually
5 0 3 12 13 2 30 104 3.4 usually
Mean 3.3 usually

The result on technology of mean of Attitude is shown in this table.

It also reveals that item (2) was rated highest with mean rating of 3.5 that mean
“Usually” followed by item (3) with a mean rating of 3.4 that indicates “Usually” third item
(1) attained a mean rating of 3.3 that indicates “Usually” among fourth item (4) obtained
the lowest rating of 3.0 falling under the descriptive meaning of “Usually”.

The computed mean of 3.3 indicates “Usually” the finding implies that “Usually” by the


Table 2.2. Responses of students with Regards to the Class Hour

Item no. 1 2 3 4 5 N TF WM Descriptive

1 4 7 9 8 2 30 87 2.9 seldom
2 10 7 7 5 1 30 70 2.3 seldom
3 0 2 12 11 5 30 109 3.6 usually
4 1 8 10 9 2 30 93 3.1 usually
Mean 3.0 usually
The result on technology of mean of Class hour is shown in this table.

It also reveals that item (3) was rated highest with mean rating of 3.6 that mean
“Usually” followed by item (4) with a mean rating of 3.1 that indicates “Usually” third item
(1) attained a mean rating of 2.9 that indicates “Seldom” among fourth item (2) obtained
the lowest rating of 2.3 falling under the descriptive meaning of “Usually”.

The computed mean of 3.0 indicates “Often” the finding implies that “Often” by the


Table 2.3. Responses of students with Regards to the using Technology at home

Item no. 1 2 3 4 5 N TF WM Descriptive

1 1 2 3 12 13 30 127 4.2 very often
2 6 5 9 7 3 30 86 2.8 usually
3 1 3 10 7 9 30 110 3.6 often
4 2 1 8 14 5 30 109 3.6 often
Mean 3.5 often
The result on technology of mean of Using Technology at home is shown in this

It also reveals that item (1) was rated highest with mean rating of 4.2 that mean “Very
Often” followed by item (3) with a mean rating of 3.6 that indicates “Often” third item (4)
attained a mean rating of 3.6 that indicates “Often” among fourth item (2) obtained the
lowest rating of 2.8 falling under the descriptive meaning of “Usually”.

The computed mean of 3.5 indicates “Often” the finding implies that “Often” by the



The main findings showed from the study are sum up as follows:

1. The extent of the concept of technology of SHS students in terms of Academic,

Communicate, and Gadgets falls descriptive rating of “Often” which has the
mean of 3.64, 3.59 and 3.46. The grand mean for the extent of technology is 3.6
which all under the descriptive rating as “Usually”.
2. Influence of Social Media network of the students was rated as “Usually” with the
grand mean of 3.6.
3. There is no significance between technology and “influence of Social Media
Network” of SHS students.



1. The concept of technology of SHS Students in terms of academic, communicate

and gadgets were frequency affect their influence of social media network.
2. The influence of social media network of SHS students in terms of attitude, class
hour and using technology at home are frequently affect their Technology.
3. There is no significance between Technology and Behavioral Attitude of SHS


From the findings pointed out the conclusion reached the following recommendations

are purposed:

1. The researchers encourage students to use gadgets for educational purpose

to develop their study habits.

2. The researchers recommended students to balance their time in using

gadgets to avoid the negative influence of it to their study habits.

3. The researchers recommended students to have enough time to determine

the factors how gadgets affect the study habits.

4. The researchers must determine the significant relationship between

influence of gadgets and study habits.


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