Theoretical Backgrounds of Organizational Changes Fulfillment in An Enterprise Management System

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Theoretical Backgrounds of Organizational Changes Fulfillment

in an Enterprise Management System
I. Oleksiv, T. Lisovuch
Department of management and international business,
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Lviv, S. Bandery street 12, E-mail:

Received January 22.2014: accepted February 20.2014

Ab s t r a ct . The entity of the notion of organizational immediately making a company change and get
changes in an enterprise management system has been accustomed to the given conditions. Managerial
developed in the given paper. The theories of organizational decisions play an urgent part in such changes and their
changes fulfillment have been considered. The process of the
timely adoption and advisability towards the given
actualization of organizational changes in an enterprise
management system has been formed. The importance of
problems are the main constituent of a successful
implementation of the organizational changes in the company activity of any company.
was revealed. Were reviewed conceptual approaches to MATERIALS AND METHODS
organizational development of the company. A number of
suggestions for the successful implementation of A large number of national and foreign scientists
organizational changes in the management were formed. Were attached importance to the problem of organizational
analyzed different approaches of the implementation of development of a company and organizational changes
organizational changes in the company. Were reviewed on it. It is worth considering the papers by K.Levin who
conceptual approaches to organizational development of the described various theories of organizational changes
company. Certain features of the implementation of
organizational changes in the management of the company
fulfillment [2,6,7], O. Gaydey considered the definition
were analyzed. Also were analyzed some problems that can of the reasons and methods of their management [1],
occur in various management systems of the organization and O. Kuzmin and O. Melnyk considered theoretical
developed some proposition to resolve them. backgrounds of a company management[3], I. Bagyn,
Ke y w or d s : Organizational changes in an enterprise G.Tarasyuk, O. Dashkevska and O. Grabchuk, who
management system, organizational changes, process of described the processes and methods of changes
changes management. management at a company[6,7,8,910] and others. It is
worth noting that organizational changes within the
system of company management have not been
The importance of changes within enterprise investigated enough nowadays and demand further
management system can’t be overestimated today since considering.
one of the most essential vehicles of successful activity The development of modern enterprise is not
of any company is its management core. The possible without implementing changes for adaptation of
interrelation between managerial links of a company its activity to the functional environment. Present ideas
should be extremely optimized and the staff being on of implementing different changes and modifications of
managerial positions should be extremely competent in the enterprise are founded on development and
problems solutions which they face.The changeability of leadership theories. Such theories provide for planned
the environment a company exists in, the limit of phased changes in order to achieve the objectives.
resources and customers’ needs make a company react Different theories and phases of organizational changes

management, including processes of planning and processes, of production, the modification of

implementation of changes are the subject of scientific possibilities or workers’ behavior (the preparation to
research of foreign and national scientists [7,8,9]. communication, the shift of positions, promotion, groups
Organizational development, its aspiration of formation, work evaluation, etc);the change in
improvement cause new problems for the enterprise production activity management[3].
executives. As a rule, the major cause for changes is the Organizational changes are those in the
external environment of organization. Its influence is not management system which are included into documents
significant; however, afterwards the enterprises must of management system and are concerned with
implement changes into the production methods, subordination, positional duties and staff responsibility
employees’ motivations, methods of competitors control of the company[4].
and develop its new development strategies, having Concerning the notion of changes in the manage-
changed not only the objectives, but also the ment system of a company, they are connected to a
organizational target. process which is directed to the improvement of activity
Scientists define three major phases of and the interaction of management services of a com-
organizational changes, which took place in ХХ century pany with the aim of receiving the goals of a company.
and are of great importance. The first phase is the Kurt Levin is considered to be the founder of the
separation of administrative functions from the owners theory of organizational changes at a company. In 1947
and establishment of the professional activity such as the the entrepreneur projected the theory of organizational
management. Second phase is occurring, beginning from changes, according to which two groups of vehicles
the twenties, of the command-and-control organizations which support and contradict changes, contradict one
with the vertical hierarchy and high level of solutions another. According to that theory the notion of
centralization. Third phase is the transition to «changes» is compared to the notion of «stability».
organizations with the dominance of horizontal When these groups of vehicles are in balance, the com-
structures and relations, information technologies, which pany is in the state of stability and no changes occur [6].
are based on widespread use of special knowledge and According to the theory of organizational changes
systematic methods of decision-making [6]. by K.Levin, an organization implements changes in
With the beginning of 60-ies of XX century a vast three stages. The first stage – “Defrosting”. At the given
operation of conceptions of company management and stage a company seeks problematic items which need
organizational changes actualization started. The changes and identifies changes. The second stage –
research in the direction of management process with “Movement”at this stage a company implements all
the application of systemic methods of analysis led to necessary changes in a way of applying actual
the formulation of systemic approach in management. resources’ and possibilities and making proper
The essence of the process lies in the considering the managerial decisions. The third stage is a final one or
company as a unified system with interrelated “Frosting”, having taken into account the results of
components, where the change of one leads to the changes implementation and their evaluation a company
alterations of others. The very process was made up for fixes the given changes or returns to the first stage.
excluding all possible problems which can occur in We differentiate between two conceptions of
different elements of a system as a result of changes organizational development. The authors of these
implementations on one of them. We speak about conceptions, respectively called“E theory” і “O theory”,
managerial decisions coordination of all links of are prominent scientists, professors of Harvard School
company management system with the aim of getting rid
of Business Michael Beer and Nytin Norhia.”E theory ”
of the problems which occur as a result of organizational
considers financial goals and is oriented on their
changes implementation.
effective achievement taking into account permanent
Under the term “organizational changes” we imply
pressure of share holders ”O theory ” considers an
any change in one or a few elements of a company (the
organization as a system able to self-develop and mostly
level of occupation, the range of control, duties distribu-
oriented onto a corporation culture, goals and motive
tion and coordination mechanisms) at any stage of its life
cycle which can occur in altering of a company power and power of co-workers of a company.
in the change of size, range and aims of its activity[1]. The managers who follow the “E theory” apply
According to Kuzmin O.Ye., Melnyk O.H., rather hard methods as a rule, dwelling upon changes
organizational changes are the totality of changes within fulfillment up and down and attaching importance to the
the organization which cause the innovations creation of certain structure, which means that
implementation and can move in different directions: the mechanistic approach is applied.
change of a company goals, of structure, of The followers of “O theory” – are mostly oriented
responsibility , of the division into departments , to the staff training and development, changes of
services, subdivisions, committees and so on and so corporation culture and the changes up and down. The
forth; the changes of machinery, of technological characteristics of these theories are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. The Characteristics of “E theory” and “ O theory”*

“Theory E” “Theory О”
(authoritarian style of management) (democratic style of management)
The Development of Organizational
Changes Goal Income Rise (economic goals)
Is spread according to the principle up
Leadership All Links are Involved
and down
The Structure and System ("hard"
The Object of Changes Organizational structure ("soft" elements)
Spontaneous Changes(the reaction to
Changes Planning Programmed Planned Changes
possibilities which occur)
Changes Motivation Financial stimulus The Combination of Different stimulus
Consultants apply ready technologies and Staff Involvement into the decision making
The Consultants Part
decisions process
According to an approach to organizational The Formation of Measures for All Management Links Involvement to form
changes fulfillment in the system of company Organizational Changes in the System of the measures concerning organizational changes
management management of higher link of managerial staff in the system of company management

* Completed by the author on the basis of sources considered [2,7]

Having analyzed the above mentioned models and significantly influence the process of organizational and
conceptions of organizational development, the essence administrative changes).
of organizational changes, we can form the notion and - Based on reaction immediacy (factors must be
the process of organizational changes fulfillment within grouped into such, influence of which is currently
the management system of a company. immediate for the organization and such, which are not
urgent for today).
RESULTS AND DISCUSION - Based on the range of future changes-(factors
The process of organizational changes within the must be grouped into factors of not significant,
system of management is an exact management function significant and radical influence, requiring accordingly
which is actualized through general management func- minimum, average or extensive changes of organiza-
tions, planning, organization, motivation, controlling and tional and administrative character at the organization).
regulating with aim of goals receiving, company purpose - Based on changes object (groups here are divided
and effective further developing and functioning. according to the criteria of factor influence on changes
The efficiency of such changes implementation is in organizational, technological or financial plan of the
evaluated according to the results of these changes and organization).
also according to possible perspectives which were The fulfillment of organizational changes within the
created as a result of their implementation. management system of a company directly depends on
Generally, organizational changes appear under the keeping to the stages system the actualization of the
influence of external and internal factors. That is why it changes process. It is not advisable to implement chan-
ges without previously analyzing of possible conse-
is arguable, that influence factors both for organizational
quences and an evaluation of all possible alternatives,
changes in enterprise management is the same. External
since further development greatly depends on it.
factors are related to the environment specifics, where
The peculiarity of organizational changes implemen-
organization is functioning, more specifically – to the
tation at a company is a permanent process of cyclic type.
changes, occurring in such environment constituents: in As it is important don’t stop the process of such changes to
economic situation; in technological component; in state achieve new ones and improving the existing ones.
regulation; in social and cultural components; in The process of organizational changes implemen-
international aspects; competitors; suppliers; customers tation is drawn on the picture 1and looks the following
etc. The majority of such factors have small influence on way( three stage model of organizational changes
the organization and do not cause significant changes in system by Levin and the conceptions of organizational
it, but the last, such as (competitors; suppliers; development by Michael Beer and Nytin Noriah were
customers) are the key factors for the implementation of taken as a basis).
the enterprise organizational changes. As for internal It is necessary to note that to achieve effective
factors, target, objectives, resources, technologies and results and such process implementing we need to make
structure of the organization should be noted [1,2,4]. the following steps:
All factors, influencing the organization should be 1) To identify the place at a company where the
grouped according to the following categories: problems occur;
- Based on importance of influence on process of 2) To form the process of organizational changes
planning and implementing of changes (only those fulfillment within the system of company management
factors must be considered in the first place, which for a particular problem solution.

Problem identification in the system

The problem in the system The problem in the system of The problem within the The problem of management The problem within the
of management services organization of management system of motivational activity services activity control system of management
planning activity services activity of management services services activity regulations

- the problem of -the problem of duties - the problem within the - the problem within the - the problem of
methods and ways of distribution and system of motivation of system of higher ranks management ranks
planning of management responsibility before the workers; management services interaction;

services choice; managers of all ranks; - the problem of awards control on the lower ones; - the problem of false
- the problem of choice - the problem of work load distribution among - the problem of control managerial decisions of
of urgency in distribution among company staff. quality. these or those problems..
management services managers of all ranks of a
activity company.

Problem setting which has occurred in the management system of a company

Management style choice for the solution of a certain problem in the management system authoritative
or(and) democratic)*

The formulation of measures for management

Within the system of Within the system of Within the system of Within the system of Within the system
management services organization of motivational activity management of management
activity planningВ с management service of management services activity services activity
activity services control regulations
- the formulation of clear -redistribution of tasks, - the improvement of the - the improvement of the - the removal of
goals and tasks of duties and rights among ways of workers control system of higher interaction problem
management services of the workers of motivation process at a management ranks on between the workers of
a company concerning management service of company who the lower ones; management services of
their organizational a company concerning implement -the removal of bad a company in the way
changes within the their implementing of organizational changes quality control on the of optimizing their
system of management. organizational changes at a company; part of higher managerial decisions;
- the project of within a management -the project of an award management ranks . - the choice of exact

management services system of a company; and commission system mechanisms of the

activity concerning their - the evaluation of of workers who are regulation process

implementing of workload and involved in the fulfillment of workers.
organizational changes. distribution according to implementation of
- sources concerning and the objectives to each organizational changes
their implementing employee management of a company.
organizational changes services.
in the management
system of a company.
-the choice of planning
terms (short-term or(and)

The actualization of pilot project measures for a particular problem solution at a company

The Fixing of the results of No
Organizational changes Whether the actualized measures of
problem solution were effective in a

implementing in the
management system of a particular company problem solution?

Fig. 1. The process of organizational changes implementation in the system of company management
* The choice of style of management and whether its fulfillment depends on a particular problem to be solved.
Projected by the author on the basis of analyzed sources [2,3,8,11,22]

An effective management of changes at a company CONCLUSIONS

is rather important element of company management.
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have negative or productive character of their without changes implementation which will ensure a
implementation. From the point of view of changes in long-term and stable development of a n organization on
management system of a company, the main factor is the whole. Technological progress development only
human interests and perspectives. makes companies implement new technologies and

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