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Direct Speech (Kalimat Langsung) ialah kata-kata kalimat yang diucapkan langsung oleh si pembicara.

Indirect Speech (Kalimat Tak Langsung) ialah kalimat yang diucapkan untuk melaporkan kata-katansi pembicara kepada orang lain. Jadi, Indirect Speech (Reported Speech)
digunakan bila kita ingin melaporkan kata-kata seseorang kepada orang lain secara tak langsung.

1. To be & Auxiliary Verbs

Direct : Am/is/are
Inderect : was/were

Direct : Shall/will
Inderect : Should/could

Direct : Can
Inderect : Could

Direct : May
Inderect : Might

Direct : Must
Inderect :-

Direct : Have/has to
Inderect : Had to

Direct : Ought to
Inderect :-

2. Time & Place

Direct : now
Inderect : then

Direct : tomorrow
Indirect : the following day

Direct : next week

Inderect : the following week

Direct : tonight
Inderect : that day

Direct : today
Inderect : that day
Direct : here
Inderect : there

Direct : this
Inderect : that

Direct : these
Indrect : those

3. Tenses
Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Present Simple Tense Past Simple Tense

Present Continuous Tense Past Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Simple Tense Past Perfect Tense

Past Continuous Tense Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Tense Tidak berubah

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Tidak berubah

Future Simple Tense “would”

Future Continuous Tense “would be”

Future Perfect Tense “would have”

Future Perfect Continuous Tense “would have been”

Contoh Pergantian Tenses :

Present Simple Tense menjadi Past Simple Tense

Direct Speech :

Mona said “I study French”

The boss said, “We work so hard”

Indirect Speech :

Mona said that she studied French

The boss said that they worked so hard

Future Perfect Tense to Would Have

Direct Speech :

Daddy said, “I will have cleaned the car”

Vivi said, “I will have called my dad”

Indirect Speech :

Daddy said that he would have cleaned the car

Vivi said that she would have called her dad

Pergantian Waktu
Jika dalam direct speech ada keterangan waktu (now, tomorrow, today, yesterday, tonight) maka saat dijadikan indirect speech keterangan waktu tersebut
harus diganti.


Direct Speech :

Ruth said, “I am going to Bandung tomorrow”

She said, “My mom visited me yesterday”

Indirect Speech :

Ruth said that she is going to Bandung the next day

She said that her mom visited her the previous day

He said to her, “Bring your book, please” Kalimat Perintah

Dalam membuat kalimat perintah pada indirect speech tentu saja akan berbeda. Pada umumnya, kalimat perintah akan berisikan saran, permohonan,
permintaan ataupun pesan.

Contoh :

Direct Speech :

Indirect Speech :

He requested her to bring my book

Liam advised me that she should find a job

 Father said “I am going out of town tomorrow” ( direct)

 Father said that he was going out of town the following day.(indirect)
 Mary told John “my father warned me last night” (direct)
 Mary told John that her father had arned her the night before. (indirect)
Positive command

 Mary told me “Stop talking to Jane” (direct)

 Mary told me to stop talking to Jane.(indirect)

Negative command
 Ira asked Tom “Don’t come to my house again” (direct)
 Ira asked tom not to come to her house again. (indirect)

Direct & Indirect with Auxiliaries

Perhatikan perubahan-perubahan yang perlu dari Auxiliaries
Direct                                       Indirect
Was/were                         -           had been
can                                   -           could
may                                  -           might
must & have to                -           had to
must not                          -           wasn’t to/musn’t
needn’t                            -           didn’t have to

 The man asked me :” Can you speak English ?” (direct)

 The man asked me if I could speak English. (indirect)

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