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A learning Module in 21st Century Literature from the Philippine and the World for Grade 11

Students is an interactive module designed to meet the needs of the 21 st century learners. It is anchored on a

holistic approach in developing the basic learning competencies of the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum. The

lessons per quarter aim to engage students in appreciation and critical study of 21st Century Literature from the

Philippines and the World encompassing their various dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts, and


Critical thinking is a 21st century skill that the contemporary learner has to develop. This means, among

other things, that the learner should not take “knowledge” at face value or, worse, accept it blindly and

completely as the “truth.” Instead, he/she should point out both its positive and negative aspects, and evaluate

them accordingly, figuring out how such details may be deemed relevant – to the individual, to society, and the

world at large.

The author’s intent with this module is not to set a definitive reading list that “represents” the era,

because the era is still evolving but to offer a way of viewing 21 st century literature – one of many, of course –

and, through this module, the teacher as well as the learner will create a learning experience together that

embraces the standards of true literacy and humanity.

Literary Approaches to the Study of Literature

When applied to 21st century literature, critical thinking necessarily involves the learning of different
literary approaches through which a text is evaluated and critiqued. This lesson is about some of the
contemporary approaches in reading (that is, interpreting) a literary text. The lesson includes the history and basic
assumptions, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Also, it includes examples of ways
through which each approach may be applied.

I. Objectives:

A. Identify the literary approach used in a literary text,

B. analyze how different approaches enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the reader’s
understanding that can be apply in real life, and
C. enhance learners’ knowledge on literary approaches and on how it is relevant in various texts.

Let’s get started!


Heads up!

Controlled Essay: In your own words, answer the question below:

Q: How do you try to go about a literary text that is difficult to understand? What steps do you take to fully comprehend
a literary selection?


Read me!
Read the poem in the box and answer the questions that follow.


Bienvenido Santos

The gods we worship live next door. They’re brown and how easily
they catch cold sneezing
too late into their sleeves and brandishing
their arms in air. Fear grips us when they frown
as they walk past our grim deformities
dragging with them the secret scent of love
bought by the ounce from gilded shops above
the rotunda of the bright cities.

In the cold months of fog and heavy rains

our gods die one by one and caskets golden
are borne on the hard pavements at even
down roads named after them, across the plains
where all gods go. Oh, we outlive them all,
but there are junior gods fast growing tall.

Text Analysis
1. Describe the speaker (persona) in the poem in relation to the gods mentioned.

2. How are the gods described in the poem?

3. What two social classes in conflict are discussed in the poem?

4. Explain the last two lines “Oh, we outlive them all, but there are junior gods fast growing tall.”
Literary Approaches
A literary text may be critiqued using different approaches. These approaches may correspond to different
– even conflicting – schools of thought pertaining to how literature as a whole should be viewed and treated.
Find me!
Literary Approaches are given below, find what is ask.
1. Formalism
 Founder:
 Definition:

 Points of Analyzing a text using this theory:

 How to analyze literary text using this approach:

 Example/s of literary texts that is relevant to this approach:

2. Marxism
 Founder:
 Definition:

 Points of Analyzing a text using this theory:

 How to analyze literary text using this approach:

 Example/s of literary texts that is relevant to this approach:

3. Structuralism
 Founder:
 Definition:

 Points of Analyzing a text using this theory:

 How to analyze literary text using this approach:

 Example/s of literary texts that is relevant to this approach:

4. Poststructuralism: Deconstruction
 Founder:
 Definition:

 Points of Analyzing a text using this theory:

 How to analyze literary text using this approach:

 Example/s of literary texts that is relevant to this approach:

5. New Historicism
 Founder:
 Definition:

 Points of Analyzing a text using this theory:

 How to analyze literary text using this approach:

 Example/s of literary texts that is relevant to this approach:

6. Feminism
 Founder:
 Definition:

 Points of Analyzing a text using this theory:

 How to analyze literary text using this approach:

 Example/s of literary texts that is relevant to this approach:

II. Evaluation:

Choose one of the literary approaches that you truly desire and make a 3-minute video clip or a
recording as to why. Provide examples. Explain it briefly and use the following rubric as your guide.
(50 points)

Rating – Description
5 - Excellent
4 - Very Impressive
3 - Impressive
2 - Needs Revision
1 - Inadequate

A. Be open to comments and suggestions.


As with any new subject, teaching 21st Century is a daunting task. It is challenging primarily because we
are only a few years into the century, so we have a relatively limited range of texts to choose from. The
important characteristic of this lesson is that it encourages the retrieval, teaching, and further production of
literature from the regions.

I. Objectives:

A. Identify the Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to the contemporary,

B. determine various literary texts and the corresponding 21st century authors in some part of the
C. engage in oral history with focus on key personalities from the learners' region/province/town, and
D. enhance knowledge about Philippine literary history and Filipino authors and their corresponding
literary texts in various places to become globally competitive as an individual learner.

Let’s get started!

What is Philippine Literature?

Philippine Literature is the body of works, both oral and written, that Filipinos whether native; naturalized
or foreign born, have created about the experience of people living in or relating to Philippine Society. It is
composed or written in one of the Philippine languages, in Spanish, in English and in Chinese as well.

It may be produced in the capital city of Manila and in the different urban centers and rural outputs, even
in foreign lands where descendants of Filipino migrants use English or any of the languages of the Philippines
to create works that tell about their lives and aspirations.

A collection of texts, both oral or written, whether published books, serialized in periodicals, recorded in
tapes, mimeographed in loose sheets, etched in bamboo, chanted, at home or recited around a fire, which are
created by Filipinos of all ages and stock, of different languages both local and foreign, in forms indigenous or
borrowed as adapted which portray the experiences of Filipinos.
Expand your knowledge
Read this PowerPoint presentation converted to a downloadable PDF that shows the Philippine literary
history from pre-colonial to the contemporary and create your person timeline based on your own understanding
describing it. Make it short and simple.

The Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to the contemporary

My Personal Timeline:

Pre-colonization (BC - 1564)

Spanish Colonization (1565-1898)

American Colonization (1898 - 1941)

Japanese Colonization (1941 - 1945)

The Rebirth of Freedom (1946 - 1970)

Period of Activism (1970 - 1972)

Period of the New Society (1972 - 1981)

Period of the Third Republic (1981 - 1985)

Contemporary period (1986 to present)


Review the 21st Century Filipino notable authors and their literary contribution all throughout the century
in the internet or books and answer what is ask below:

The 21st Century Filipino notable authors and their literary contribution

His Background

Achievements His works

Abdon M.
Balde Jr.

Her Background

Achievements Her works

His Background

Achievements His works



Support local!
Ask a local person in your area that is familiar on its origin and history. Jot down important notes and take
a picture with your interviewee for documentation. Observe proper protocol during an interview. Guide questions
are given below:
1. How did you come up with that name (location)?
2. What is the origin/history of your locality? Can you state the series of events?
3. Is there any symbols, objects, or series of events that made your locality well-known?
4. Can you mention the people who has great influence in your location and help it to prosper?
5. As a local citizen, how did its origin help you in your everyday life?
My narrative report:

Paste the photo taken here with you and your interviewee
Additional information:
o Name of interviewee:
o Age:
o Date of the interview:
o Location:
o Brief Background:

What I learn after the interview…

II. Evaluation:

State three (3) reasons as to why do we need to study Philippine Literature. (20 points)




Literary genres are important to learn about. Numerous literary genres exist to broaden knowledge and
entertain. Literature was divided into two main categories: tragedy and comedy. Nowadays, the list of
possible types and literature genres can seem endless but it is still possible to narrow down the vast amount
of literature into a few basic group. And, this lesson will show you that.

I. Objectives:

A. Discuss how different contexts enhance the text’s meaning and enrich
the reader’s understanding,
B. compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and the ones from the earlier
(genres/periods citing their elements, structures and traditions (EN12Lit-Id-25),
C. Identify 21st century literary genres and the one from the early periods,
D. cite elements, structure, and tradition of literary genres, and
E. determine facts to help in enhancing learners' skills and knowledge to become academically
competent of the given topic.

Let’s get started!

What is a literary genre?

A literary genre is a category of literary composition. Genres may be determined by literary technique,
tone, content, or even (as in the case of fiction) length. The distinctions between genres and categories are flexible
and loosely defined, often with subgroups.
Genres should not be confused with age categories, by which literature may be classified as either adult,
young adult, or children’s. They are defined by the general cultural movement of the historical period in which
they were composed.

Tell us what you think!

In your opinion, how did literary genres help you understand better literary texts and distinguish its deeper
See the difference
Using the Venn diagram, compare and contrast the difference between 21st century literary genres and
the ones from the earlier or in ancient literature. Description will be provided as your guide to answer it. Write
the letter of the correct answer in the diagram, whether it’s modern, ancient, or both.

Modern Ancient

Guide answers: (next page)

(a) Literature can be dynamic and (h) It has spoken word performance,
arbitrary. poetry reading, etc. predominantly
(b) It has strict conformity on system, written o audio-visual
norm, elitism, and romanticism. (i) Can do creative writing.
(c) Has oral lore. (j) Human versus god topic.
(d) Human versus artificial intelligence. (k) Technology, computer, and internet
(e) Topics can be about technology and are normally use to publish.
new knowledge. (l) It’s predominantly oral, didactic, and
(f) It’s a free verse that focuses on mythical.
peculiar subjects, and unconventional (m) Uses scrolls, manual writing and/or
point of views. No set rhyme scheme typing and use a lot of papers to
or format publish.
(g) Mythology and epics were being told (n) Mythologies and epics.
to generations and generations. It is (o) Read tweets and FB statuses
usually spoken.

Expand your knowledge!
Familiarize the literary genres by clicking the link below.

Literary Genres

Find me!
Using the chart provided, list at least five (5) literary genres from the 21st Century Philippine
Literature and the World.

21st Century Philippine Literature 21st Century World Literature

What you know
Choose one (1) literary genre in the Philippine and one in the World and cite the elements, structure,
and tradition of the chosen genre.
Philippines World
(Genre) (Genre)

II. Evaluation:

Cite at most 10 literary texts examples and indicate whether it is from 21st Century Philippine
Literature or in the World and explain it briefly. Use facts. (30 points)

The rise of social media and digital technology has altered the modes of literary production and
consumption altogether. The Internet has made it possible for new genres to emerge, gain global following
at a rapid pace, and receive public critique almost instantaneously. But a lot of these emerging forms are yet to
be named, their unifying elements yet to be determined. Since no genre or style is born in vacuum, these new
forms are oftentimes the offspring of existing genres.
One of the genres indicated in this lesson is Memoir – that deals specifically with forms that were “born”
online and found a worldwide distribution through Internet channels.

I. Objectives:

Given a memoir, I am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was shot by the
Taliban (Prologue) by Malala Yousafzai, the grade 11 students are expected to:

A. choose an appropriate multimedia format in interpreting a literary text,

B. produce multimedia output that shows learners' mastery about the topic to enhance their
knowledge and skills and become well-disciplined and academically competent individuals,
C. apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of a literary text, and
D. do self- and/or peer-assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text, based on
rationalized criteria, prior to presentation. (EN12Lit-Ie-31.3)

Let’s get started!

Expand your knowledge!

Read the memoir I am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban
(Prologue) by Malala Yousafzai. (

From the French word ‘memoire’, which means “memory” or “reminisce,”

a memoir is a subgenre of creative nonfiction that recounts the experiences of
someone’s life. It usually involves a public portion of the writer’s life as it relates
to a historic event. Memoirs fall under the same broad category that includes
biographies, autobiographies, and diaries.

Write at most five (5) multimedia format that will help you interpret a literary text that can be seen by
your teacher and as a whole.
Be Creative!
Study this cartoon carefully and think of the message it conveys by creating a 3-minute video clip (you
may use one of the formats in Task 1). Use the given question and the following rubric as your guide below:

Why would the Taliban be afraid of a “girl with a book?” What does “a girl with a
book” symbolize? What threat does it present to terrorists like the Taliban?

Rating – Description
4 - Very Impressive
3 - Impressive
2 - Needs Revision
1 - Inadequate

Be open to comments and suggestions.

Based on your multimedia presentation in Task 2, answer the following self-assessment checklist below
by putting a check mark:


I run perfectly the project with no technical problems. For example,
there are no error messages, all sound, video, or other files are found.
I can navigate tools properly.
I made an outline of my output before conducting it.
I speak fluently in front of the camera.
I did grammar check before speaking and did spelling check if words
are shown on screen.
I covered the topic in depth with details and examples
I finished the project before the deadline.
The multimedia I used and the content I put takes the communication at
a superior level on screen design.
There is clear attention given to balance, proportion, harmony, and
restraint on screen design.
The synergy on screen reaches intended audience with style.
All graphics, video, audio, or other enhancement tools are used
effectively to enrich the learning experience.
Overall, the project I made is well-organized, creative, and innovative.

II. Evaluation:

Answer briefly the following questions:

1. What first impression of Malala do you get from the opening paragraph of the prologue? What
kind of girl is she?
2. Based on how she describes her hometown in Pakistan and her current home in England, what
are the main difference that she observes between the two?
3. Describe Malala’s parents. In what ways were they influential to the kind of girl Malala grew
up to be?
4. Why is it difficult for girls in their society to be educated or to pursue any vocation they want?
5. When the Taliban gunman shot Malala, his hand was shaking as he fired. Why do you think
his hand was shaking?

Final Task/Output:

Students are expected to create a literary criticism based on their chosen literary approach learned on week 1
in this module. The literary text or movie should be related on their chosen approach. At most 2-3 pages (Size A4,
font TNR – font size 12, double spacing). Rubrics will be provided as well.
Mata, Emilou Lindsay et al. 2016. 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World for Senior High
School. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
Online Sources:

Take note! Aside from the internet, if you have further questions, you may contact your teacher
and send your outputs in every topic in these information below:
Phone#: +63 953 266 1458
Messenger: or simply search my full name Fetty Jamis Gilo

Prepared by:


English Teacher

Noted and Approved by:

JSHS Principal

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