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evaluative a horn filled with fruit and grain symbolizing

exercising or involving careful appraisals
14. protract
2. cartographer
lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer
a person who makes maps
15. indenture
3. discomfit
formal agreement as to terms of a debt
cause to lose one's composure
16. academia
4. psyche
the world of higher learning
that which is responsible for one's thoughts and
feelings 17. disgorge

5. prognosticate eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth

make a prediction about; tell in advance 18. ethos

6. winnow the distinctive spirit of a culture or an era

the act of separating grain from chaff 19. quaff

7. embed swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught

fix or set securely or deeply 20. libation

8. provenance the act of pouring a liquid offering as a religious

where something originated or was nurtured
21. eschew
9. amok
avoid and stay away from deliberately
wildly; without self-control
22. expertly
10. relegate
in an expert manner
assign to a lower position
23. relevance
11. leery
the relation of something to the matter at hand
openly distrustful and unwilling to confide

12. detach
24. pessimist
cause to become separated
a person who expects the worst
13. cornucopia
25. prod
push against gently 38. consequential

26. compress having important issues or results

squeeze or press together 39. expend

27. administrator use up or consume fully

someone who manages a government agency or 40. temerity

fearless daring
28. shoddy
41. erotic
of inferior workmanship and materials
giving sexual pleasure; sexually arousing
29. resource
42. analytical
aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed
using or skilled in using reasoning
30. dwindle
43. revise
become smaller or lose substance
make changes to
31. revere
44. stroll
regard with feelings of respect
a leisurely walk, usually in some public place
32. college
45. detached
an institution of higher education
no longer connected or joined
33. touchstone
46. nonetheless
a basis for comparison
despite anything to the contrary
34. articulate
47. challenging
express or state clearly
requiring full use of your abilities or resources
35. goad
48. reliance
stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick
the state of depending on something
36. fraught
49. navigate
filled with or attended with
direct carefully and safely
37. disparity
50. sheaf
inequality or difference in some respect
a package of several things tied together
51. barrage 64. radically

the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area in an extreme or revolutionary manner

52. periodically 65. gruff

in a sporadic manner brusque and surly and forbidding

53. surround 66. suggest

extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle make a proposal; declare a plan for something

54. transcendent 67. legacy

exceeding or surpassing usual limits a gift of personal property by will

55. pretentious 68. develop

creating an appearance of importance or distinction progress or evolve through a process of natural

56. exhilarating
69. salient
making lively and joyful
conspicuous, prominent, or important
57. synonymous
70. altering
meaning the same or nearly the same
the sterilization of an animal
58. guy
71. thesis
an informal term for a youth or man
an unproved statement advanced as a premise in an
59. astonish argument

affect with wonder 72. detect

60. quest discover or determine the existence, presence, or

fact of
the act of searching for something
73. enhance
61. challenge
a call to engage in a contest or fight
74. creator
62. exaggerate
a person who grows or makes or invents things
enlarge beyond bounds or the truth
75. ponder
63. intermittent
reflect deeply on a subject
stopping and starting at irregular intervals
76. aspire a specific piece of work required to be done as a
have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
89. probe
77. affront
an exploratory action or expedition
a deliberately offensive act
90. abstract
78. projection
existing only in the mind
the act of expelling or ejecting
91. arduous
79. precept
characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
a rule of personal conduct
92. major
80. repress
greater in scope or effect
conceal or hide
93. virtually
81. raise
in essence or in effect but not in fact
move upwards
94. culture
82. metaphor
all the knowledge and values shared by a society
a figure of speech that suggests a non-literal

83. requirement 95. proximity

necessary activity the property of being close together

84. confront 96. conformity

oppose, as in hostility or a competition correspondence in form, type, or appearance

85. precipitate 97. predict

bring about abruptly tell in advance

86. grade 98. profound

a position on a scale of intensity or amount or situated at or extending to great depth

99. tenure
87. banish
the term during which some position is held
expel, as if by official decree
100. hatch
88. job
a movable barrier covering an entrance 113. create

101. volunteer bring into existence

a person who performs work done by choice 114. suppress

102. commend put down by force or authority

present as worthy of regard, kindness, or confidence 115. prone

103. chilly having a tendency

appreciably or disagreeably cold 116. emerge

104. realm come out into view, as from concealment.

a domain in which something is dominant 117. pose

105. provoke assume a bearing as for artistic purposes

provide the needed stimulus for 118. massive

106. affirm containing a great quantity of matter

declare solemnly and formally as true 119. demonstrate

107. discreet give an exhibition of to an interested audience

marked by prudence or modesty and wise self- 120. controversial

marked by or capable of arousing disagreement
108. clasp
121. injure
hold firmly and tightly
cause bodily harm to
109. faculty
122. discern
an inherent cognitive or perceptual power of the
mind detect with the senses

110. aversion 123. monetary

a feeling of intense dislike relating to or involving money

111. issuing 124. prohibition

the act of providing an item for general use the action of forbidding

112. potentially 125. predecessor

with a possibility of becoming actual one who goes before you in time
126. primary causing damage

of first rank or importance or value 139. joint

127. cultivate junction by which parts or objects are linked

adapt something wild to the environment
140. talent
128. invest
natural abilities or qualities
lay out money or resources in an enterprise
141. deposit
129. benevolent
the act of putting something somewhere
showing or motivated by sympathy and
understanding 142. brilliant

130. ignore full of light; shining intensely

refuse to acknowledge

131. publication 143. medical

the act of issuing printed materials relating to the study or practice of medicine

132. energy 144. mock

forceful exertion treat with contempt

133. perspective 145. objective

a way of regarding situations or topics the goal intended to be attained

134. compel 146. devote

force somebody to do something dedicate

135. reject 147. content

refuse to accept or acknowledge satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they

136. exceed
148. bore
be or do something to a greater degree
make a hole, especially with a pointed power or
137. rub hand tool

move over something with pressure 149. promotion

138. destructive the act of raising in rank or position

150. contain 162. inevitably

hold or have within in such a manner as could not be otherwise

151. despise 163. detected

look down on with disdain or disgust perceived or discerned

152. sustain 164. prospect

lengthen or extend in duration or space the possibility of future success

153. statistics

a branch of mathematics concerned with 165. assert

quantitative data
declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true

166. shrewd
154. facility
marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
a building or place that provides a particular service
167. odds
155. aggressive
the likelihood of a thing occurring
characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight
168. alter
156. figure
cause to change; make different
the form or shape of a person's body
169. concern
157. ignored
something that interests you because it is important
170. comprehend
158. restraint
get the meaning of something
the act of controlling by holding someone or
something back 171. survive

159. sage continue in existence after

a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics 172. future

160. achievement the time yet to come

the action of accomplishing something 173. adequate

161. contribute having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a

174. sublime a learned person.

of high moral or intellectual value 186. accomplish

175. intensity achieve with effort

high level or degree 187. function

what something is used for

176. crude 188. reflect

belonging to an early stage of technical throw or bend back from a surface

189. commit
177. associate
engage in or perform
bring or come into action
190. substantial
178. ability
real; having a material or factual existence
the quality of having the means or skills to do
something 191. sustained

179. lecture continued at length without interruption or

a speech that is open to the public
192. perpetual
180. experience
continuing forever or indefinitely
the content of observation or participation in an
event 193. course

181. undertake a connected series of events or actions or

enter upon an activity or enterprise
194. depart
182. text
go away or leave
the words of something written
195. fundamental
183. adopt
serving as an essential component
take into one's family
196. evolution
184. esteem
sequence of events involved in the development of a
the condition of being honored species

185. scholar 197. formidable

extremely impressive in strength or excellence 209. necessity

198. harsh the condition of being essential or indispensable

disagreeable to the senses

210. hint

199. conceive an indirect suggestion

have the idea for 211. risk

200. source a source of danger

the place where something begins 212. luxury

201. decade something that is an indulgence rather than a

a period of 10 years
213. analysis
202. toil
abstract separation of a whole into its constituent
work hard parts

203. philosopher 214. vigorous

a specialist in the investigation of existence and characterized by forceful and energetic action or
knowledge activity

204. invisible 215. intellect

impossible or nearly impossible to see knowledge and mental ability

205. discourse 216. decline

an extended communication dealing with some grow worse

particular topic
217. rejected
206. plenty
rebuffed (by a lover) without warning
a full supply
218. influence
207. direction
a power to affect persons or events
a line leading to a place or point
219. surrender
208. restore
relinquish possession or control over
bring back into original existence, function, or
position 220. center
an area that is in the middle of some larger region 232. idle

not in action or at work

221. instruction 233. instructions

activities that impart knowledge or skill a manual explaining how to install or operate a
222. balance
234. tradition
harmonious arrangement or relation of parts within
a whole a specific practice of long standing

223. inevitable 235. purchase

incapable of being avoided or prevented acquire by means of a financial transaction

224. absurd 236. significant

inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense rich in implication

225. determination 237. channel

the act of finding out the properties of something a deep and relatively narrow body of water

226. arrive 238. normal

reach a destination being approximately average or within certain limits

227. merit But then interest dwindles and matters go back

the quality of being deserving to normal.

228. injured 239. conflict

harmed an open clash between two opposing groups

229. access 240. deny

the right to enter declare untrue; contradict

230. institution 241. victim

a custom that has been an important feature of some an unfortunate person who suffers from adverse
group circumstances

231. declare 242. render

state emphatically and authoritatively give or supply

243. element
a substance that cannot be separated into simpler 255. goal
the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve
244. corner
256. essential
the point where three areas or surfaces meet or
intersect basic and fundamental

245. opportunity 257. observe

a possibility from a favorable combination of watch attentively

258. exist
246. utter
have a presence
without qualification
259. remark
247. intense
make or write a comment on
possessing a distinctive feature to a heightened
degree 260. shape

248. confess a perceptual structure

admit to a wrongdoing 261. attend

249. possess be present

have ownership of 262. blame

250. incident an accusation that one is responsible for some

a single distinct event
263. simple
251. tour
having few parts; not complex or complicated or
a route all the way around a particular place or area involved

252. office 264. absolute

place of business where professional duties are perfect or complete or pure

265. generation
253. liberal
group of genetically related organisms in a line of
showing or characterized by broad-mindedness descent

254. capacity 266. solid

capability to perform or produce not soft or yielding to pressure

267. labor an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety

any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted 280. exercise

268. precious the activity of exerting muscles to keep fit

of high worth or cost 281. brief

269. require of short duration or distance

have need of 282. practical

270. ease guided by experience and observation rather than

freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort

271. severe
283. contact
unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or
judgment the act of touching physically

272. divine 284. virtue

a clergyman or other person in religious orders the quality of doing what is right

273. journal 285. theory

a daily written record of experiences and a belief that can guide behavior

274. devoted

zealous in allegiance or affection

275. surrounded

confined on all sides

276. request

express the need or desire for; ask for

277. entrance

something that provides access to get in

278. design

the act of working out the form of something

279. terror
Meaning: A natural stream of water smaller
than a river
Synonyms: beck, creek, streamlet, branch,
river, watercourse, spring

4. Liturgy

Meaning: A form of public worship; ritual.

Synonyms: observance, rite, sacrament,
celebration, ceremonial

5. Larceny
Meaning: The act of taking something from
someone unlawfully
Synonyms: burglary, Crime, stealing, touch,
stealing, pilfering
Antonyms: return, pay, reimbursement,

6. Quixotic
Meaning: Not sensible about practical
matters; idealistic and unrealistic
Synonyms: dreamy, foolish, impractical,
1. Factotum impulsive, unrealistic
Meaning: An employee or official who has Antonyms: hardheaded, hard-nosed, tough-
various different responsibilities to handle minded, unsentimental; practical, pragmatic
Synonyms: Retainer, Servant, workaholic,
odd-job person 7. Quash
Meaning: to put down or suppress
2. Nostrum completely; quell; subdue
Meaning: Patent medicine whose efficacy is Synonyms: crush, pull down, quell, repress,
questionable. beat, overcome
Synonyms: catholicon, elixir, medicine, Antonyms: abet, aid, assist, back, help, prop
remedy, treatment, cure, drug up, support; foment, incite

3. Brook 8. Skullduggery
Meaning: an instance of dishonest or praise, accord, unperturbed
deceitful behavior; trick.
Synonyms: crafty; trickery; chicanery; 13. Labyrinthine
duplicity; guile; perfidy; falsehood Meaning: Resembling a labyrinth in form or
Antonyms: truthfulness; loyalty; complexity
trustworthiness; truthfulness; honesty Synonyms: intricate, meandering, serpentine,
twisting, winding, complex, mazy
9. Ludicrous Antonyms: simple, straight, blunt, candid, apparent,
Meaning: Broadly or extravagantly clear, definite, even, explicit
humorous; resembling farce Usage: The sentences that once sang became so
Synonyms: foolish, comical, outlandish, labyrinthine in complexity that the reader got lost in
silly, laughable, crazy, funnys the maze. (Source: The Independent-28-Mar-2016)
Antonyms: grave, tragic, sensible, logical, 14. Alacrity
reasonable Meaning: Liveliness and eagerness
2. Synonyms: alertness, avidity, briskness,
10. Lachrymose cheerfulness, sprightliness, willingnesss
Meaning: Showing sorrow; Antonyms: apathy, aversion, slowness, dullness,
Synonyms: sad, teary, weeping, weepy, melancholy, delay, amble, lethargy
blue, dejected, gloomy
Antonyms: beaming, chuckling, giggling, grinning, 15. Laconic
laughing, smilings Meaning: luh-kon-ik
Synonyms: terse, pithy, brief, compact, crisp, curt,
11. Admonish succinct
Meaning: Warn strongly; put on guard, to caution, Antonyms: circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse,
advise, or counsel against something. long-winded, prolix, rambling, verbose, windy,
Synonyms: berate, censure, chide, rebuke, wordy
reprimand, scold, warn, hoists
Antonyms: approve, endorse, sanction; applaud, 16. Amorphous
extol, hail, laud, praise, salute, tout Meaning: lacking definite form; having no specific
shape; formlesss
12. Tirade Synonyms: irregular, unformed, unshaped,
Meaning: A speech of violent denunciation shapeless, unshaped, formless, vague
Synonyms: harangue, ranting, screed, sermon, Antonyms: coherent, ordered, orderly, organized;
anger, censure, dispute clear, decided, definite, distinct
Antonyms: peace, harmony, agreement, calm,
17. Wanton Antonyms: approve, forgive, laud, compliment,
Meaning: deliberate and without motive or praise
provocation; uncalled-for; headstrong; willful;
sexually lawless or unrestrained 22. Vilify
Synonyms: Lewd, promiscuous, abandoned, lax, Meaning: Spread negative information about
libertine, libidinouss Synonyms: defame, malign, mistreat, jinx, slander
Antonyms: correct, decorous, genteel, nice, polite, Antonyms: favour, glorify, laud, exalt, praise
proper, respectable, seemly; innocuous)
23. Desiccate
18. Vociferouss Meaning: Lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless; to dry
Meaning: Conspicuously and offensively loud; thoroughly
given to vehement outcrys Synonyms: preserve, dehydrate, keep, divest, drain
Synonyms: vehement, noisy, clamorous, boisterous, Antonyms: dampen, grow, moisten, expand, soak
clamant, ranting
Antonyms: noiseless, quiet, silent, soundless, still; 24. Smitheeens
calm, hushed, subdued Meaning: A collection of small fragments
considered as a whole
19. Utilitarian Synonyms: chunk, atom, crumb, iota, fraction
Meaning: having regard to utility or usefulness Antonyms: entire, total, lot, whole, complete
rather than beauty, ornamentation, etc
Synonyms: functional, pragmatic, effective, 25. Whimper
serviceable, useful Meaning: to cry with low, plaintive, broken sounds
Antonyms: unserviceable, nonfunctional, Synonyms: moan, weep, blubber, fuss, snivel
impractical, unnecessary, useless Antonyms: bawl, bark, clamor, shriek, rout

20. Vicissitude 26. enthrall

Meaning: a change or variation occurring in the Meaning: Hold spellbound
course of something; interchange or alternation Synonyms: beguile, bewitch, enchant, intrigue, rivet
Synonyms: variation, fluctuation, permutation, Antonyms: bore, disgust, incite, repel, liberate
alteration, diversity
Antonyms: uniformity, stability, similarity,
stagnation, conformity 27. Catastrophic
Meaning: of the nature of a catastrophe, or
21. Upbraid disastrous event
Meaning: Express criticism towardss Synonyms: calamitous, cataclysmic, disastrous,
Synonyms: admonish, berate, chide, blame, reams fatal, ruinous, tragic
Antonyms: calamitous, cataclysmic, disastrous, 33. Vincible
fatal, ruinous, tragic Meaning: Conquerable.
Synonyms: conquerable, vulnerable, vanquishable,
28. Zenith surmountable, indefensible
Meaning: The culminating-point of prosperity, Antonyms: unconquerable, defendable, indomitable,
influence, or greatness.  invincible, insurmountable
Synonyms: acme, apex, apogee, pinnacle, summit
Antonyms: acme, apex, apogee, pinnacle, summit 34. Vignette
Meaning: A picture having a background or that is
29. Zealot shaded off gradually.
Meaning: One who espouses a cause or pursues an Synonyms: sketch, picture, illustration, portrait,
object in an immoderately partisan manner. depiction
Synonyms: activist, diehard, fanatic, radical, Antonyms: original, real, camouflage, substantive,
militant Landscape
Antonyms: conservative, moderate, balanced,
cautious, gentle 35. Vertigo
Meaning: Dizziness
30. Writhe Synonyms: giddiness, lightheadedness, abscess,
Meaning: To twist the body, face, or limbs or as in wooziness, instability
pain or distress. Antonyms: stability, penetration, gravity, clear-
Synonyms: wince, wiggle, agonize, distort, suffer headed, languid
Antonyms: straighten, uncoil, align, uncurl, unravel

31. Wizen 36. Usurp

Meaning: To become or cause to become withered Meaning: To take possession of by force.
or dry. Synonyms: take over, seize, confiscate, expropriate,
Synonyms: divest, drain, parch, wither, devitalize annex
Antonyms: fill, grow, expand, moisturize, soak Antonyms: relinquish, surrender, accede, acquiesce,
32. Witticism
Meaning: A witty, brilliant, or original saying or 37. Undulate
sentiment. Meaning: To move like a wave or in waves.
Synonyms: gibe, gag, jest, pun, sally Synonyms: roll, wave, ripple, swing, oscillate
Antonyms: dullness, gravity, seriousness, sobriety, Antonyms: peaceful, smooth, serene, flat, stick
solemnity, stolidity, stupidity
38. Tyranny 43. Sybarite
Meaning: Absolute power arbitrarily or unjustly Meaning: A luxurious person.
administrated. Synonyms: hedonist, epicurean, gourmet, bon
Synonyms: despotism, dictatorship, autocracy, vivant, wanton
monocracy, autarchy Antonyms: puritan, ascetic, prude, austere, Spartan
Antonyms: democracy, republic, liberty, autonomy,
compassion 44. Swarthy
Pronunciation: swawr-th ee
39. Turgid Meaning: Having a dark hue, especially a dark or
Meaning: Swollen sunburned complexion
Synonyms: tumid, inflated, bombastic, tumescent , Synonyms: raven, ebony, dusky, sable, brunet
bloated Antonyms: blond, luminous, pallid, pasty, bright
Antonyms: deflated, decreased, diminished,
contracted, chapfallen 45. Surreptitious
Meaning: Clandestine
40. Trepidation Synonyms: stealthy, covert, secretive, concealed,
Meaning: Nervous uncertainty of feeling. sneak
Synonyms: perturbation, uneasiness, agitation, Antonyms: honest, overt, evident, apparent,
dismay, anxiety unconcealed
Antonyms: calm, equanimity, contentment,
assurance, peace 46. Subterfuge
Meaning: Evasion
41. Transgress Synonyms: artifice, deception, wile, maneuver,
Meaning: To break a law. deceit
Synonyms: infringe, violate, trespass, disobey, Antonyms: honesty, openness, artlessness,
contravene bluntness, disbursement
Antonyms: comply, acquiesce, comply, acquire,
obey 47. Subservience
Meaning: The quality, character, or condition of
42. Tranquilize being servilely following another's behests
Meaning: To soothe. Synonyms: servility, obedience, subjection, docility,
Synonyms: soothe, pacify, appease, sedate, sedate, humility
Antonyms: agitate, incite, commove, perturb, Antonyms: domination, obstinacy, sovereignty ,
foment arrogance, balkiness
48. Suave 54. Geniality
Meaning: Smooth and pleasant in manner. Meaning: Warmth and kindliness of disposition
Synonyms: urbane, unctuous, courteous, debonair, Synonyms: cordiality, amiability, affability,
gracious bonhomie, benevolence
Antonyms: gawky, awkward, inelegant, acidulous, Antonyms: discourtesy, grumpiness, incivility,
brusque aloofness, asperity

50. Stratagem 55. Gibe

Meaning: Any clever trick or device for obtaining Meaning: To utter taunts or reproaches
an advantage. Synonyms: Sarcasm, Swipe, derision, taunt, sneer
Synonyms: artifice, dodge, manoeuvre, wile, Antonyms: Admire, applause, laud, approve,
intrigue endorse
Antonyms: counsel, artlessness, advocate, caution,
advise 56. Glutinous
Meaning: Sticky
51. Stolid Synonyms: viscid, viscous, mucilaginous,
Meaning: Expressing no power of feeling or gelatinous, clammy
perceiving. Antonyms: capricious, fluent, non-adhesive,
Synonyms: phlegmatic, doltish, stoical, apathetic, baffling, erratic
Antonyms: vivacious, fervent, exuberant, sagacious, 57. Gourmand
mawkish Meaning: A connoisseur in the delicacies of the
52. Somniferous Synonyms: epicure, gourmet, glutton, connoisseur,
Meaning: Tending to produce sleep.  bon vivant
Synonyms: soporific, somnific, somnolent, drowsy, Antonyms: muncher, nibbler, blamer, consumer,
slumberous eroder
Antonyms: simulative, awakening, invigorating,
refreshing, reviving 58. Grotesque
Meaning: Incongruously composed or ill-
53. Sluggard proportioned
Meaning: A person habitually lazy or idle Synonyms: bizarre, outlandish, queer, freakish,
Synonyms: lazybones, slouch, dawdler, fainéant , ludicrous
slacker Antonyms: aesthetic, classy, bonny, comely, elegant
Antonyms: hummer, hustler, rustler, highflier, toiler
59. Harangue Antonyms: ascetic, austere, destitute, impoverished,
Meaning: A tirade abstinent
Synonyms: screed, spiel, oration, jeremiad, hassle,
exhortation 65. ABSCOND
Antonyms: tribute, homage, eulogy, citation, Meaning: Run away
accolade Synonyms: flee, skedaddle, depart, scram, elope
Antonyms: abide, yield, endure, dwell, adhere
Meaning: imitate with effort to equal or surpass Pronunciation: in-vey
Synonyms: imitate, mimic, compete, mirror, echo Meaning: Complain bitterly
Antonyms: derive, jostle, neglect , repulse, transfer Synonyms: object, berate, declaim, scold, censure
Antonyms: flatter, praise, acclaim, cajole, idolize
61. Fanatical
Meaning: motivated or characterized by an extreme 67. ARRANT
Synonyms: zealot, extremist, freak, radical, bigot Meaning: Without qualification
Antonyms: cynic, apostate, passionless, moderate, Synonyms: utter, flagrant, absolute, gross,
temperate unmitigated
Antonyms: jejune, defective, mitigated, conditional,
62. MELLIFLUOUS contingent
Meaning: sweet-sounding
Synonyms: dulcet, mellow, honeyed, melodic, 68. ASSIDUOUS
lyrical Meaning: Marked by care and persistent effort
Antonyms: jarring, blatant, grating, coarse, gruff Synonyms: industrious, sedulous, diligent,
indefatigable, laborious
63. DELECTABLE Antonyms: latent, quiescent, inoperative, inactive,
Meaning: delightful adventitious
Synonyms: delicious, scrumptious, ambrosial,
savory, dainty 69. IMPASSIVE
Antonyms: offensive, repulsive, unpleasant, Pronunciation: im-pas-iv
distasteful, unsavory Meaning: Having or revealing little emotion or
64. Sumptuous Synonyms: stolid, phlegmatic, deadpan, callous,
Pronunciation: suhmp-choo-uh s stoic
Meaning: entailing great expense Antonyms: fervent, passionate, expressive, fiery,
Synonyms: luxurious, lavish, opulent, magnificent, effusive
Meaning: Easily managed Meaning: Of or relating to the period before the
Synonyms: compliant, docile, pliant, ductile, biblical flood
obedient Synonyms: ancient, antiquated, archaic, primitive,
Antonyms: headstrong, defiant, mulish, obdurate, primordial
balky Antonyms: contemporary, modernistic, modern, up-
to-date, present-day
Meaning: An exact copy or reproduction 76. BEDIZEN
Synonyms: replica, imitation, clone, dupe, Meaning: Decorate tastelessly
counterpart Synonyms: adorn, dandify, emblazon, beautify,
Antonyms: aboriginal, archetype, paradigm, ornament
prototype Antonyms: blemish, darken, stain, taint, deface


Meaning: dependent on circumstances beyond one's Pronunciation: blan-dish-muh nt
control Meaning: Flattery intended to persuade
Synonyms: perilous, dubious, unstable, insecure, Synonyms: cajolery, flattery, adulation, wheedling,
ticklish sycophancy
Antonyms: certain, stable, assured, confirmed, Antonyms: repulsion, affront, criticism, dig,
conclusive aversion


Meaning: Inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack Meaning: Relating to shepherds or herdsmen or
of vigor or energy devoted to raising sheep or cattle
Synonyms: languor, inertia, sloth, lassitude, stupor Synonyms: pastoral, rustic, Arcadian, campestral,
Antonyms: vibrancy, vigor, animation, liveliness, provincial
dynamism Antonyms: urban, metropolitan, civic, refined,
Meaning: Make appear better or greater (in power, 79. CANARD
wealth, quality, etc.) than reality Meaning: A deliberately misleading fabrication
Synonyms: magnify, extend, expand, amplify, Synonyms: rumor, fabrication, falsity, hoax, bruit
augment Antonyms: verity, reality, actuality, veracity,
Antonyms: degrade, lower, debase, abate, diminish authenticity
80. COMPENDIUM Antonyms: catalyst, impetus, incentive, progression,
Meaning: A concise but comprehensive summary of expedition
a larger work
Synonyms: summary, epitome, abridgment, 85. FRACAS
abstract, précis Meaning: Noisy quarrel
Antonyms: broadening, salubrious, elongate, Synonyms: brawl, affray, donnybrook, rumpus,
extension, exposition tumult
Antonyms: peace, harmony, amity, compromise,
81. DENOUEMENT concord
Meaning: The outcome of a complex sequence of
events 86. GOSSAMER
Synonyms: conclusion, outcome, solution, Meaning: Characterized by unusual lightness and
consummation, culmination delicacy
Antonyms: success, embark, actuate, advent, Synonyms: diaphanous, sheer, delicate, flimsy,
commence ethereal
Antonyms: coarse, massive, ponderous, rugged,
82. ENCOMIUM anaerobic
Meaning: A formal expression of praise
Synonyms: panegyric, eulogy, tribute, 87. HETERODOX
commendation, paean Meaning: Characterized by departure from accepted
Antonyms: rebuke, admonition, reprimand, censure, beliefs or standards
denunciation Synonyms: dissident, heretical, nonconformist,
unorthodox, iconoclastic
83. ERUDITE Antonyms: agnostic, devout, mainstream,
Meaning: Having or showing profound knowledge nonsectarian, orthodox
Synonyms: learned, scholarly, profound, Usage: It's not just taxes where Trump betrays his
enlightened, highbrow heterodox rhetoric to embrace unpopular, orthodox
Antonyms: uneducated, benighted, uncultured, conservative policy. (Source: Vox)
fatuous, uninstructed 88. IMPRECATION
Meaning: A slanderous accusation
84. FILIBUSTER Synonyms: curse, malediction, oath, fulmination,
Meaning: A legislator who gives long speeches in blasphemy
an effort to delay or obstruct legislation that he (or Antonyms: blessing, benediction, benison, anoint,
she) opposes commendation
Synonyms: procrastination, hindrance, corsair, stall,
Meaning: Only partly in existence; imperfectly Meaning: Attempting to win favor from
formed influential people by flattery
Synonyms: incipient, embryonic, rudimentary, Synonyms: servile, sycophantic, fawning,
amorphous, inceptive subservient, cringing
Antonyms: developed, advanced, abounding, Antonyms: arrogant, assertive, disobedient,
acatalectic, admirable rebellious, defiant


Meaning: Lacking taste, flavor or tang Meaning: A state of extreme dishonor
Synonyms: vapid, tedious, prosaic, jejune, banal Synonyms: disgrace, infamy, obloquy, odium,
Antonyms: delicious, poignant, savory, piquant, ignominy
palatable Antonyms: admiration, repute, appreciation,
notoriety, adoration
Meaning: Uncertain how to act or proceed 96. OVERWEENING
Synonyms: vacillating, uncertain, indecisive, Meaning: Unrestrained, especially with regard to
indefinite, unsteady feelings
Antonyms: vacillating, uncertain, indecisive, Synonyms: haughty, presumptuous, conceited,
indefinite, unsteady uppity, insolent
Antonyms: modest, demure, meek, mousy,
92. JUGGERNAUT restrained
Meaning: A massive inexorable force that seems to
crush everything in its way 97. PATOIS
Synonyms: steamroller, barrage, cavalcade, Meaning: A characteristic language of a particular
monster, blitz group
Antonyms: surrender, subjugate, withstand, Synonyms: argot, dialect, jargon, lingo, vernacular
succumb, acquiesce Antonyms: standard, literary, colloquial, customary,
Meaning: Censure severely or angrily 98. PELLUCID
Synonyms: thrash, lash, pummel, wallop, scourge Meaning: Transmitting light; able to be
Antonyms: extol, compliment, laud, bless, applaud seen through with clarity
Usage: West Tisbury residents lambaste film Synonyms: transparent, limpid, clear, crystalline,
festival land deal. (Source: Martha's Vineyard see-through
Times) Antonyms: cryptic, foggy, incomprehensible,
indefinite, nebulous

Meaning: Powerful
Synonyms: potent, mighty, vigorous, strong,
Antonyms: impotent, helpless, convivial, feeble,

100. QUALM
Meaning: Uneasiness about the fitness of an action
Synonyms: misgiving, scruple, uncertainty, demur,
Antonyms: confidence, certitude, assuredness,
brashness, constancy

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