Articolul 1

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1. Hotarat
2. Nehotarat
3. Zero

Are forma unica “the”

1.1. Cand substantivul a fost pomenit anterior
Ex: I see a man. The man is tall.

1.2. Pt. unicitati

Ex. The Earth; the sky; the Moon; the Bible.

1.3. In apozitie (apozitie = grup de cuvinte pt. a lamuri)

Ex. The poet Eminescu

1.4. Cand defineste o categorie

Ex: The elephant is a big animal.

1.5. Substantive provenite din adjective

Ex. The reach; the poor; the blind.

1.6. Substantiv urmat de pronume relativ

Ex. This is the man that loves me. (man = substantiv; that = pronume relativ)

1.7. Cu nationalitati privite ca o entitate

Ex: The Romanians

1.8. Documente si perioade istorice:

Ex: The Middle Ages; The Declaration of Independence.

1.9. Dinastiile
Ex: The Tudors

1.10. Adjectivul la superlativ

Ex: The best

1.11. Numerarul ordinal

Ex. The first

1.12. Puncte cardinale

Ex: Turn to the East

1.13. Numele de familie le plural

Ex: The Browns

1.14. Instrumente muzicale daca sunt precedate de “play”the

Ex: I play the piano
1.15. Un singur continent
Ex: The Arctic

1.16. Tari formate din mai multe state

Ex: The United States of America

Exceptii: The Argentina; the Congo; the Sudan; the Emen; the Netherlands.

1.17. Arhipelaguri
Ex: The Philippines

1.18. Un singur oras

Ex: The Hague

1.19. O singura strada:

Ex: The High Street

1.20. Lanturile muntoase

Ex: The Alps; the Carpathians

1.21. Toate formele de relief

Ex: The Sahara desert

1.22. Toate apele cu exceptia lacurilor

Ex: The Black Sea; The Danube

1.23. Canalele
Ex: The Panama Channel

1.24. Numele de ziare (revistele nu: Cosmopolitan)

Ex: The Times

1.25. Numele de avioane

Ex: The Titanic, the Flying Dutch

1.26. Monumente si dotari celebre

Ex: The Pyramids

1.27. Orice substantiv care se doreste a fi subliniat

Ex: The Mary I see is not the Mary I like.

1.28. Toate institutiile de importante in oras (cinema, teatru, restaurant),

Exceptie: gara si aeroportul
Ex: The Sofitel Hotel (exceptie: Kennedy airport)

1.29. Institutiile de invatamant daca sunt precedate de “of”

Ex: The University of Cambridge/Cambridge University

1.30. Toate substantivele proprii compuse alcatuite din adjectiv + substantiv

Ex: The Central Park / Hyde Park
The Royal Palace / Buckingham Palace

Are forma unica “a” care devine “an” atunci cand cuvantul care urmeaza incepe cu o vocala
(an egg) sau “h” aspirat (an hour ago).

! Cuvantul care incepe cu “u” va primi “a” si nu “an” daca “u” formeaza singur silaba.
“a u-ni-ver-si-ty”
“a u-ni-form”
diferit de “an um-bre-lla”

Aceeasi regula pentru cuvintele care incepe cu “eu”

A European Country

! In fata lui one avem intotdeauna “a” si nu “an”

A one hundred dollars bill.


2.1. Cand substantivul a fost pomenit pentru prima oara.

Ex: This is a house.

2.2. Ca inlocuitor a lui one.

Ex: A hundred dollars.

2.3. Cand caracterizeaza o intreaga categorie

Ex: A manager is a person who…

2.4. Cand e precedat de “as”

Ex: I am dressed as a pirate.

2.5. In propozitiile exclamative cand este precedat de “what” sau “such”

Ex: What a lovely dress. Such a beautiful night.

2.6. In apozitie
Ex: John a friend of my mother.

2.7. Cand e urmat de Mr., Mrs., sau Mss. + substantiv propriu si nu cunosc
identitatea persoanei.
Ex. A Mss Brown wants to see you.

2.8. Cand e precedat de verbul “to be”; “to become”; “to remain” si urmeaza
nationalitatea, sex, apartenenta politica, religie sau ocupatie.
Ex: He is a doctor.
You are an English.

Exceptie: titluri si functii dobandite temporar de anumite persoane.

Ex: He is Vice president of a company.

2.9. Pentru unitatile de masura ca inlocuitor a lui “per”.

Ex: One hundred kilometers per hour.
One hundred kilometers an hour.
2.10. In fata lui “little” si “few” pentru a le schimba sensul din negativ in pozitiv.

Little = almost nothing (sens negativ folosit pentru substantive nenumarabile)

Ex: I eat little bread (Nu mananc paine aproape deloc).

A little = at least some (are sens pozitiv si se foloseste cu substantive nenumarabile)

Ex: I have a little money on me (Am ceva bani la mine).

Few = almost nothing (sens negativ pt. substantive numarabile)

Ex: I have few friends here (n-am aproape deloc prieteni aici)

A few = at least some (are sens pozitiv si se foloseste cu substantive numarabile)

Ex: I have a few books to give you (am ceva carti sa-ti dau).


Lipsa articolului

3.1. Folosit in enumerare

Ex: I like the books, flowers, chocolate, that you offered me.

3.2. Substantive legate prin “and” sau “or”

Ex: Give me the book and note book.

3.3. Parti ale corpului

Ex: Give me your hand (Da-mi mana).

3.4. Imbracamintea in relatie cu corpul (se prefera adjectiv posesiv)

Ex: Give me your coat (Da-mi haina).

3.5. Momentele zilei:

In the - morning
- afternoon articulate
- evening

At - dawn (zori)
- noon
- midday
- midnoon nearticulate
- night
- midnight
- dusk

3.6. Adevaruri universal valabile, legi (Water boils at 100 degrees).

3.7. Alimentele
3.8. Materialele si substantele
3.9. Zilele sapt., lunile anului, anotimpuri, sarbatori
3.10. Denumirile geografice precedate de: Lake, Cape, Mount

The Alps / Mount Everest

3.11. Stiinte, ob. de studii, nationalitati si limbi
Ex: We are Romanians.
I speak English / The Romanian you speak is very good.

3.12. Mesele zilei privite ca abstracte:

Ex: Breakfast is at seven / the breakfast is on the table.

3.13. Abstractiunile
I go to school. (la scoala ca studiu)
I go to bed. (ma duc sa ma culc).

3.14. Mijloace de locomotie daca sunt precedate de prepozitia “by”:

By car
By train
By sub
On foot (pe jos)

3.15. Structuri paralele:

Hand in hand
Face to face
Step by step
Arm in arm
Day after day

3.16. Structurile inchise (cap-coada):

From sunrise to sunset
From right to left
From beginning to end

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