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Nama : Nanda Putri Ramadhani

NIM : H071201020

Sistem Informasi A

More Reading Power by Beatrice S. Mikulecky& Linda Jeffries, Unit 2, Exercise 6, pp.44-45

1. This article is about biological and cultural reasons why women live longer than men.
2. According to the article, there are biological reasons that make women live longer than men :
➢ Differences hormone between men and women.
➢ The female hormones help the body to defend itself against some kinds of infections. It
means that women generally get sick less often and less seriously than men.
➢ Women are also helped by their female genes which influence aging and have a tendency
to age more slowly than man’s.
3. Besides the biological reasons, there are cultural reasons that make women live longer. For
example, women generally smoke cigarettes less and drink less alcohol than men. Women also
worked usually in less responsible. For example at home, housework tend to keep women in
better physical condition that make women lack of stress than men.
4. No. Although the social habits of young women are changing may mean that the cultural context
will no longer help women live healthier, biological factors in life expectancy remain unchanged.
That’s why, women probably will therefore continue to live longer than men.
5. No. I have known the information in this article before.

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