Company Pro Le Pt. Turbo Daya Mekanika

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Company Prole

De Primatera Indistrial Estate C2B No. 1

Jl. Raya Sapan Tegalluar, Bojongsoang - Bandung

The Dream

tarting from determination in togetherness. Turbo Daya Mekanika (Turbo-DM) attend and
continue to grow to provide another nuance in service in maintenance, repair, installation
services specifically in the rotating equipment power generation that continues to grow which is a
major supporter in the industrial world.

Turbo-DM is committed to providing experienced experts in the entire cycle of rotating turbomachinery
and mechanical equipment to help clients meet their operational and business objectives in terms of
quality, sustainability, profitability, reliability, and safety.

Being a leader is not just a dream but a commitment in maintaining a trust, quality, reliability while
providing benefits for the creation of a mutual benefit.

Turb DM
Leading in Thermal & Hydro Power Services

Turb DM

Our mission is providing tradition of excellence major-minor overhaul and

mechanical services exceeding our clients' expectations and recognized locally
through :

Timely, we are committed to completing the work on time in order to reduce


Durability, we provide the best quality service to customers in every project to

create the durability of any equipment that has been we fixed.

Militantly, we have a solid team and militant, ready to help resolve customer
issues seven days a week, twenty four hours a day.
The Solution

Our experienced team and equipped with various supporting equipment will be able to be the
right partners in formulating needs, designing solutions, and implementing solutions in the field
of power generation.

a. Comprehensive Inspection
Ÿ Visual Inspection
Ÿ Dimensional Inspection
Ÿ Mechanical & Electrical Run Out
Ÿ NDT Inspection (Ultrasonic, Penetrant, Magnetic, Phased Array, Radiographig)
Ÿ Boroscope Inspection
Ÿ Vibration Measurement & Analysis
Ÿ Rotor Centering
Ÿ Material Identification

b. Major, Minor Overhaul & Generator Services

Ÿ Bearing Inspection
Ÿ Winding Resistance
Ÿ Valve Inspection
Ÿ Tan Delta
Ÿ Cleaning all part Ÿ PD test
Ÿ Rotor Inspection Ÿ ELCID

Ÿ Stator Inspection Ÿ SWA

Ÿ Commisioning
Ÿ AC Impedance
Ÿ Pull out generator rotor
Ÿ RLA (Remaining Life Assesment) Ÿ Contact Coefisien
Ÿ Electrical testing & inspection i,e : Ÿ Check Rotating Diode
The Solution

c. Repair & Refurbhisment

Ÿ Journal Repair

Ÿ Rebabbit Bearing

Ÿ Onsite Machining & Dynamic Balancing

Ÿ Hot-Cold Straightening

d. Part Manufacturing by RED (Reverse Engineering & Design)

Ÿ Rotary Part

Ÿ Blade

Ÿ Shaft

Ÿ Impeller

Ÿ Impeller Ring

Ÿ Seal Strip

Ÿ Stationary Part

Ÿ Nozzle Blade

Ÿ Diapraghm

Ÿ Labyrinth Seal

Ÿ Sleeve-Pad-Metal Bearing

Ÿ Carbong Ring

Ÿ Case Waering

e. Installation, Testing & Commisioning

Ÿ Installation new unit start from boiler pipe out including pipeline system, fabricated, leveling,

testing & commisioning

Ÿ Panel installation including cable pulling, labeling, injection-measurement & termination
The Advantages

We pride ourselves on our reputation for providing high class services for service, repair, overhouling

quality parts that is cost effective solutions for the operation and maintenance of rotating equipment.

we are committed to achieving total quality performance by continuous drive towards enhancing quality

experience, reliable and competitive source for all of their gas turbine needs. A one-stop-shop responsive

service to serve customer's personalised operation demands. With our partnership arrangements our

services are managed and operated by experienced, fully trained staff, many of whom are resident in the

markets we support to meet the varying requirments that each operation and application demands.

The implementation of Service & Maintenance, we do Total Maintenance System, it will give

Improvement on equipment, Reliability, Less Breakdown and Low Cost.
The Historical

Turbo-DM was established as a business entity in March 2016, armed with enthusiasm, determination,
togetherness and a team of more than 10 years of experience in their fields we were born to provide

Starting in a house we were born to grow and develop, barriers and obstacles made us forged to go up
one level to the next step to be a leader

Located in Bandung with the support of various capable facilities, we are able to provide the best service.

Legality Deed of Establishment

Surat Keterangan Domisili Perusahaan Notaries Certificate No. 1, 01/03/2016

NR 05/SKDP/Rcbl/VI/2016 Notary H. Rilis Herlina, SH, Mkn. Bandung

SIUP Approval from Ministry of Justice

NR 0021/IUP/VII/2016/BPPT No. AHU-0011352.AH.01.01 2016

TDP (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan) Notaries Certificate No. 2, 08/03/2019

NR 101114622578 Notary Riza Zulfikar, ST, SH. Mkn. Bandung

Member of KADIN (Kamar Dagang & Industri) Approval from Ministry of Justice

NR 20121-000945 No. AHU-AH.01.03-0162047

Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP)

NR 76.544.560.6-429.000

Izin Gangguan

NR 0021/IG/VII/2016/BPPT
Policy, Quality & Culture

ood quality becomes a non-negotiable standard, because the right
solution will be good if it is supported by quality that exceeds the
average, Quality Management System is an option, based on that in
2019 we are striving to get ISO 9001: 2015 , as a guarantee of the quality of the
solutions and the quality we provide to customers.

Our struggle is just starting the initial stage, we are aware and understand that a Grow
solution and the quality produced must have a beneficial impact on the
environment, as management's commitment to create a better environmental Attitude
condition specifically in reducing the impact of environmental pollution through
reducing the use of chemicals dangerous, reduction of hazardous waste and can
reduce social disturbances originating from the existence of the industry itself, for
example, reducing noise, water pollution, air pollution, congestion, and social
responsibility so we struggle to get ISO 14001: 2015 Satisfy
Occupational Safety and Health Management System is the basis for producing a
solution and quality that is qualified and tested as a form of overall commitment
of management, we implement a standard that is, OHSAS 18001: 2007OHSAS
18001:2007 Optimal
Work culture is a value that has become a habit associated with the quality or
quality of work where a work success, rooted in the values that are owned and the Leading
behavior that becomes the habit. These cultural values originate from customs,
religion, norms and rules that become beliefs become habits in work or
organizational behavior.
The Team

Organization Structure



Head of
Head of Head of Marketing &
Technical Operation Business

Finance & Sales &

Field Service Accounting Marketing
Division Division

Sales &
PPC HRD Marketing

Control Division

The Team

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner David Silitonga, SE, MM

Commissioner Daniel Tahi Monang S, SH, MA

Tumpal S, S.Sos, MM

Henoch Rudi Iwanudin, ST, MA, Msc

Board of Directors
President Director Benedict Adi Purnomosidi

Operational Director Agung Kurniawan

Technical Director M. Syahid
Experiences List

TDM has professional experts who have experience in various companies, below are a
list of experiences that have been done by our expertis :

Job Description Location Customer End User

Service for Generator Exciter Removal 5.6MW PT. Cabot Indonesia

Triveni Turbine Limited PT. Cabot Indonesia
(Equipment : Generator | 2017 ) Cilegon

Major Overhaul STG Unit #3 60MW PT. Cahaya Fajar Kaltim

PT. Roteqindo Teknik PT. Cahaya Fajar Kaltim
(Equipment : Steam Turbine & Generator | 2017 ) Kutai Kertanegara

First Years Inspection 2x10MW PLTU Ketapang PT. Wijaya Karya PT. PLN (Persero)
PLTU Ketapang, Kalbar
(Equipment : Steam Turbine & Generator | 2017 ) (Persero) Pembangkitan Kalbar
Turbine-Generator Overhaul &
PT. Cabot Indonesia
Re-Commisioning 5.6 MW Triveni Turbine Limited PT. Cabot Indonesia
(Equipment : Steam Turbine & Generator | 2017 )
Manufacture Suction Bell CWP
Turbo DM Workshop PT. Kaltim Prima Coal PT. Kaltim Prima Coal
(Equipment : Pump | 2017 )

Replacement Roll Royce RB211

Dalle Energy Batam PT. Dalle Energy Batam PT. Medco Power
(Equipment : Gas Turbine| 2017 )

Repair Rotor PLTU Ketapang Unit #2 PT. Wijaya Karya PT. PLN (Persero)
Turbo DM Workshop
(Equipment : Steam Turbine | 2017 ) (Persero) Pembangkitan Kalbar

Repair Stationary Part PLTU Ketapang Unit #2 PT. Wijaya Karya PT. PLN (Persero)
Turbo DM Workshop
(Equipment : Steam Turbine | 2017 ) (Persero) Pembangkitan Kalbar

Installation & Commissioning Mini Hydro 100 kW PT. Pancaran Energy

Mini Hydro Subang Subang
(Equipment : Hydro Turbine | 2017 ) Subang

Installation STG 3 MW Jawa Manis

PT. Jawa Manis Triveni Turbine Limited PT. Jawa Manis
(Equipment : Steam Turbine | 2017 )
Onsite Repair & Replacement Runner Cone PLTA
Siman PLTA Siman CV. Trikarsa Abadi Jaya PT. PJB Services
(Equipment : Hydro Turbine | 2017 )
Installation & Commissioning Mini Hydro 165 kW
Mini Hydro Garut PT. Tirta Garut Land Garut
(Equipment : Steam Turbine | 2017 )

Onsite Repair Headcover PLTA Karangkates

PLTA Karangkates CV. Trikarsa Abadi Jaya PT. PJB Services
(Equipment : Hydro Turbine | 2017 )

Manufacture Oil Seal & Oil Baffle PT. South Pacific

Turbo DM Workshop Triveni Turbine Limited
(Equipment : Steam Turbine | 2018 ) Viscose

Repair Rotor & Manufacture Sationary Part

Unit #1 PLTU Ketapang 2 x 10 Turbo DM Workshop PT. Wijaya Karya PT. PLN Sektor Kalbar
(Equipment : Steam Turbine | 2018 )

Job Description Location Customer End User

Manufacture Driven Shaft

Turbo DM Workshop PT. Kaltim Prima Coal PT. Kaltim Prima Coal
(Equipment : Pump | 2018 )
Onsite Blasting & Balancing Rotor-Stator PT. Indonesia Power UP
PT. Cogindo Daya
PLTP Ulumbu-NTT PLTP Ulumbu-NTT Kamojang Unit PLTP
(Equipment : Pump | 2018 ) Ulumbu

Repair Labyrinth Seal LP & HIP PLTU Rembang

2 x 350 MW Turbo DM Workshop
Rembang Rembang
(Equipment : Pump | 2018 )

Reblading Steam Steam Turbine Rotor

PT. Sinar Servis PT. Chora Agro
Dresser-Rand 2.2 MW Turbo DM Workshop
Indonesia Pontianak
(Equipment : Steam Turbine | 2018 )

Minor Overhaul Steam Turbine-Gearbox-

PT. Sumberdaya PT. Sumberdaya
Generator SIEMENS SST400 40MW PLTU Gunung Megang
Sewatama Sewatama
(Equipment : Steam Turbine | 2018 )

Installation High Speed Gear Box

PT. Sinar Servis
Formosa Gear Box PT. Indoraya Kimia PT. Indoraya Kimia
(Equipment : Gear Box | 2018 )

Onsite Balancing & Blasting PLTP Ulumbu PT. Cogindo Daya PT. Indonesia Power
PLTP Ulumbu
(Equipment : Steam Turbine | 2018 ) Bersama UBP Kamojang

Balancing High Speed Compressor

TDM’s Workshop PT. Krakatau Posco PT. Krakatau Posco
(Equipment : Compressor | 2018 )

Installation & Commissioning STG 6MW PT. Dharmapala Usaha PT. Dharmapala Usaha
Triveni Turbine Ltd
(Equipment : Turbine-Generator | 2018 ) Sukses Sukses

Major Overhaul Shinko PT. Dharmapala Usaha PT. Messitechmitra Primier Oil FSPO Anoa
(Equipment : Turbine-Generator | 2018 ) Sukses Purnabangun Natuna

Job Description Location Customer End User

Manufacture Head Shaft

Turbo DM Workshop PT. Kaltim Prima Coal PT. Kaltim Prima Coal
(Equipment : Pump | 2019 )

LGS #3 Runner Replacement at Larona HEPP Larona Hydro Power PT. Voith Hydro
PT. Vale Tbk
(Equipment : Hydro Turbine | 2019 ) Plant - Vale Indonesia

Minor Overhaul Unit C Siemens SST-35

(Equipment : Steam Turbine-Generator | 2019 ) PT. Semen Tonasa PT. Semen Tonasa PT. Semen Tonasa

Trouble Shooting Lubrication System PLTU

PT. Lombok Energy
Sambelia 2 x 30 MW PLTU Sambelia PT. Roteqindo Teknik
(Equipment : Steam Turbine | 2019 )

Onsite Repair Nozzle Block

PT. Pusri Palembang PT. Pusri Palembang PT. Pusri Palembang
(Equipment : Steam Turbine | 2019 )

Minor Overhaul Dongfang 60 MW PT. Cahaya Fajar

PLTU Embalut PT. Roteqindo Teknik
(Equipment : Steam Turbine| 2019 ) Kaltim

Major Overhaul Shandong Jienen 7.5 MW PT. Mulia Agra

PLTU Semen Jawa PT. Semen Jawa
(Equipment : Steam Turbine | 2019 ) Sejahtera

Erection & Installation Cooling Water System PT. Dharmapala Usaha PT. Dharmapala Usaha PT. Dharmapala Usaha
(Equipment : Power Plant| 2019 ) Sukses Sukses Sukses

Repair Rotor Shinko 2 MW Unit #2 PT. Messitech Mitra

TDM’s Workshop Primier Oil
(Equipment : Turbine | 2019 ) Purnabangun

Repair Rotor Shinko 2 MW Unit #2 PT. Messitech Mitra

TDM’s Workshop Primier Oil
(Equipment : Turbine | 2019 ) Purnabangun
Experience Photograph







Experience Photograph

Generator Exciter Removal STG 5.6MW

PT. Cabot Indonesia - Cilegon

Customer : Triveni Turbine Limited

End User : PT. Cabot Indonesia

Reblading Steam Turbine Rotor 2.2 MW Dresser-Rand

Turbo DM Workshop

Customer : PT. Sinar Servis Indonesia

End User : PT. Chora Agro

Contruction & Commissioning Mini Hydro Subang 100 kW


Customer : PT. Pancaran Energy Subang

End User : PT. Pancaran Energy Subang
Experience Photograph

LGS #3 Runner Replacement & Onsite Machining at Larona HEPP

Larona HEPP - Sorowako

Customer : PT. Voith Hydro Indonesia

End User : PT. Vale Tbk

Installation & Commissioning Mini Hydro Garut 165 kW


Customer : PT. Tirta Garut Land

End User : Garut Resort

Erection & Commissioning STG 6 MW Triveni

PT. Dharmapala Usaha Sukses

Customer : Triveni Turbine Ltd

End User : PT. Dharmapala Usaha Sukses
Experience Photograph

Major Overhaul STG 60 MW Dongfang

PLTU Embalut

Customer : PT. Roteqindo

End User : PT. Cahaya Fajar Kaltim

First Years Inspection 2 x 10MW Nanjing

PLTU Ketapang

Customer : PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero)

End User : PT. PLN Sektor Kalbar

Major Overhaul STG 2 x 3 MW Triveni

PT. Jawa Manis

Customer : Triveni Turbine Limited

End User : PT. Jawa Manis
Experience Photograph

Major Overhaul STG 5.6 MW Triveni

PT. Cabot Indonesia

Customer : Triveni Turbine Limited

End User : PT. Cabot Indonesia

Repair Rotor & Stationary Part PLTU Ketapang Unit #2

Turbo DM Workshop

Customer : PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero)

End User : PT. PLN Wil.Kal.Bar

Manufacture Suction Bell CWP

Turbo DM Workshop

Customer : PT. Katim Prima Coal

End User : PT. Katim Prima Coal
Experience Photograph

Repair Rotor & Manufacture Stationary Part

Nanjing 10 MW Unit #1 PLTU Ketapang

Turbo-DM Workshop

Customer : PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero)

End User : PT. PLN Wil.Kal Bar

Onsite Blasting & Balancing Rotor PLTP Ulumbu Unit #1


Customer : PT. Cogindo Daya Bersama

End User : PT. Indonesia Power UBP
Kamojang Unit PLTP Ulumbu

Minor Overhaul STG SIEMENS SST400

PLTGU Gunung Megang
PLTGU Gunung Megang, Muara Enim

Customer : PT. Sumberdaya Sewatama

End User : PT. Sumberdaya Sewatama
Customer List









Contact Us

De Primatera Indistrial Estate C2B No. 1
Jl. Raya Sapan Tegalluar, Bojongsoang - Bandung


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