Suicidal Thoughts: "But in The End One Needs More Courage To Live Than To Kill Himself."

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Suicidal thoughts

Nearly everyone goes through a time in life in which they experience depression.
Anger, loneliness, worthless, whether it’s unfavorable environmental factors,
traumatic experiences, and/or dealing with mental illness, depression has become
very common. In some cases, the depression becomes so overwhelming, that we
are unable to cope with it. The inability to cope with severe depression is what
leads most people to become suicidal the main part which leads them to commit a
suicide is that they believe there is no hope for their current situation.

“But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself.”

How you can help:

Remove unnecessary medicines from the home.

Trust your suspicions; take any threat related to suicide seriously. Let them say
what they want to.

Be honest. If you are worried about a teen, say so. Ask some direct question, aware
of their thoughts about suicide.

Try to determine whether the person has a suicide plan. The more detailed the plan,
especially with available and lethal means, the greater the risk..

Encourage the person to seek help and talk to counselor or trained mental health

Always be in contact with that person.

Be a listener, not a "fixer."

Help the person explore and express feelings.

Communicate your concern for their well-being.

Show your support verbally and non-verbally.

What not to do:

 Do not minimize or ignore statements about wanting to die. Do not

ignore a person who says ‘I WANT TO DIE.’
 Do not be judgmental; by saying suicide is right or wrong.
 Do not motivate a person for doing something wrong.
 Do not say “everything will be change after sometime”
 Do not tell others stories related to him.
 Do not ignore the situation. Don't leave the person alone if you feel the
risk of suicide is immediate.

Suicide rate globally

When a clock tick to a sec, a person somewhere on a earth commit suicide.

Over one million people die by suicide worldwide each year. The global suicide
rate is 16 per 100,000 population. On average, one person dies by suicide
every 40 seconds. Global suicide rates have increased 60% in the past 45 years.

Suicide in Pakistan:
Report based over a period of two years, showed over 300 suicidal deaths in
Pakistan from 35 different cities.[1] The findings showed that men outnumber
women by 2:1 and that the majority of men who commit suicide tend to be
unmarried; the trend for women, however, is the opposite. Research also indicated
that the majority of subjects were under the age of 30 and that "domestic problems"
are the main reason stated for suicide.[1] These include unemployment, health
issues, poverty, homelessness, family disputes, depression and a range of social
pressures. Hanging, use of insecticides and firearms are the most common methods
for carrying out suicide in Pakistan.[3]

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