Welcome To The Challenge!

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Welcome to the Challenge!

I’m Brendon Burchard, and I’ll be your new business coach!

I’m going to help YOU stay on track and start building a business, lifestyle
and future you’ve always dreamed of!  

Trust me, I *know* how hard it is to build a successful business. There’s a LOT to

But I’ve been blessed to build multiple brands and businesses, live my purpose
and dream lifestyle, and train over 1M entrepreneurs on how to start and scale
their own businesses. So you can trust you’re in good hands!

Over the next 7 days I will guide you through the entire course by sending you
awesome detailed emails to keep you on track! 

Please read this entire Welcome post so that you understand how the Challenge

How This Works

Every day for the next 7 days, I will email you a new training video, which you can
choose to watch each day or at your own pace, anytime. The entire agenda is
posted below. Each training is 20-30 minutes long, and includes implementation
guides and an online community. You have access now, so go at your own pace

Meet Your New Coach!

I’m excited to be your new business coach!

Just like you, I started with an idea and a passion to live life on my own terms. I
had to learn how to start my own business and I had nothing like this Challenge
to help me.

My entrepreneurial story began almost 25 years ago, after I was in a car

accident. Ironically, the accident lifted me from the emotional wreckage that was
my life. Up to that point, I had been depressed and suicidal after a breakup with
the first love of my life. But the wreck knocked some sense into me. It helped me
realize the preciousness of life--I didn’t want to die, I wanted to finally live! My
heart was broken butI still wanted love in my life. I got my second chance, so I
wanted to earn it and matter. Live. Love. Matter. That became my mantra and

The accident set me on a decades-long path of self-improvement and success,

and ultimately led me to starting a business to help people change their own

Along the way, I failed plenty, but please allow me to share my background so
you know that I have the perspective needed to help you.

I started my first business in 2003, so I was fortunate to be an early pioneer in

online education and personal brand building. Since then, I’ve started and scaled
businesses in multiple industries that generate tens of millions of dollars per

 I’ve invested in and advised companies that have received massive private
equity funding rounds and hired thousands of employees around the
 I’ve coached and trained dozens of famous startup founders and Fortune
500 executives, and I have two billion-dollar company builders in my
private mastermind who count on my advice.
 I built one of the most recognized and profitable companies in my
industry, with millions of fans worldwide, 30 online programs, 6 best-
selling books, 300 million video views, massive online campaigns,
remarkably talented teams across our brands, and the opportunity to
work with my personal and professional heroes.

Let's just say it’s been quite the ride!

But my greatest joys has always been teaching entrepreneurs how to find their
purpose and start their dream business (not mine!).

You don’t have to want to do what I do -- so no matter your background, product

or industry I can show you the fundamentals to starting and scaling a business.
That’s what The Entrepreneur’s Challenge is all about.

Say hello on Instagram, okay?

1. Follow me on Instagram @BrendonBurchard to say hi! Seriously - DM and
say hi and tell me you’re in #EntrepreneursChallenge! I love meeting
entrepreneurs and who knows, maybe one day I'll share your story with
my near 1MM fans on IG and 5MM on Facebook!

2. Please add my email address support@growthday.com to your contacts

right now! We'll send your free training links from here. Make sure we end
up in your inbox vs junk! (By the way, GrowthDay is my company name).

3. Please join our Entrepreneur's Challenge Facebook Group! 

Full Agenda and 

Sample Action Items

Below is a summary and some simple action steps if you want to get going fast. 

But don’t get overwhelmed by any of this - it’s just your first post, and
remember, I’ll walk you through this and even more in the Challenge one step at
a time! I’m just including this in case you want immediate ideas and resources! 

Please note: Some of the recommendations and links in this email are our
partner/affiliate links, which means we may be paid if you use them. Still, we
only recommend resources we know and like for you.

ALSO... we list a LOT of resources below. Don't feel like you need them all if
you're just starting. Just use what you need - our job was to show you a
comprehensive path. But no doubt you could start with a free Wordpress
website and Paypal and you're off and running! Anyway, without further ado...


You’ll learn a whole new way of thinking about your lifestyle, customers and
business. Just watch the video training right here in your Member's Area. You
can watch anytime! If you want a head start, here’s some simple action steps,

Fast-Start Ideas:
1. Get your domain name on GoDaddy. Before anything else, I recommend
you  get your domain to protect and establish your brand's external
identity. You can get the domain on GoDaddy and use Wordpress to build
your site... or better yet, use an integrated marketing system like Kajabi to
host your website and make online sales. (You can get a free trial to
Kajabi here).

2. Create your business entity with ZenBusiness. Another crucial first step,

creating your business entity will allow you to create accounts that are
separate from your personal ones so you are protected. 

3. Get your credit score from myFico. Knowing your score (and cleaning it
up!) will help with future loans or investors. (We’ll talk about that later, so
good to know your scores sooner than later).


Who is your customer, how do you serve them best, and most importantly, how
do you SELL. I’m so excited to teach you my famous “how to sell anything” sales

Fast-Start Ideas:

1. Get an online system/CRM for your sales. Which one? Depends on what

you want to sell...

 If you are selling digital products or services (like courses, coaching, or

content subscriptions), we recommend Kajabi, which helps you build your
website, capture/send emails, create subscriptions/membership sites, and
make sales online (it does it all for online marketing). Disclaimer: I've used
them for a decade, and loved them so much I invested in them (they are
also the system that sent you THIS email, automatically!).

 If you are selling physical products online (ecomm), we

recommend Shopify. 

 If you are a sales organization with sales people in the field or on the
phone, or most of our business is selling or serving on a phone (like a life
coach or sales person), then we recommend Close.

 If you are a point-of-sale retailer, then we recommend Square.

2. Use Fiverr find contractors to help design your products, packaging, sites, or

apps. (Until you're ready to hire full-time, you can probably use Fiverr Pro for
finding pretty much any support you need in the short-term).

3. Get FreshBooks for your accounting so you track all that revenue!


Every modern business needs to create and distribute content that draws
attention and awareness to your brand and offerings. THIS is how the world’s
best manage content marketing.

Fast-Start Ideas:

1. Get Canva to create beautiful social media posts and graphics, then use
Hootsuite to schedule your social media and track your comments and
engagement. Need more help with branding and design? Check
out 99designs for branding and product design experts, or hire
freelancers on Fiverr.

2. If video is essential to your content strategy, then we recommend and

love Vimeo for storage and livecasts. Yes, you can even go live through
Vimeo! (But, if you’re going to charge money for your content--meaning
you put digital content like videos, audios, courses, or PDFs behind a
paywall (membership site)--then use Kajabi for that, because it also hosts
your videos on your pages free!).

3. Are you a thought leader or influencer trying to build your personal brand
and make online sales of your content only? Then learn how I run my
entire influencer career in our more advanced Influencer Business

There are only 8 ways to earn more revenue. Develop a strategy for each
“revenue driver” and you WIN! This is a must-know dashboard for the growth of
your business long-term.

Fast-Start Ideas:

1. Drive more revenue with referrals (get your friends and customers to
promote you with a unique link) using ReferralCandy.

2. Promote other company’s products and services as an affiliate to earn

even more. We recommend Share-A-Sale because they have thousands of
awesome companies you can promote and earn commissions on.

3. Hire a sales person on Fiverr (for short-term contractors)

or ZipRecruiter (for hiring full-time employees), and then use Close to
see/track their sales activity.


What’s the best timing and approach to hiring people? Who makes the BEST
employees? Oh, you’re going to love this, because the end result is faster scale
and more support for you!

Fast-Start Ideas:

1. Hire Awesome People on Fiverr or ZipRecruiter. We recommend Fiverr for

hiring people for short-term projects, and ZipRecruiter for finding and
hiring full-time employees!

2. Use Monday.com to manage your projects and teams.

3. Get Gusto for managing payroll and HR.

4. Get HelpScout to manage all your customer support tickets!


How do you protect yourself and your business and ideas as you run your day-
to-day? Do you need insurance? What kind? This is what you’ve needed to

Fast-Start Ideas:

1. Protect Your Privacy and Online Data! Get NordVPN to protect your online
activity. Use 1Password to protect all passwords and make logging in way
easier. Use LifeLock to protect against identity theft (especially if you'll be
doing social media - you're more at risk then!).

2. Get Business Insurance! Go learn about business insurance and

use Hiscox for fast quotes.

3. Setup the right terms, conditions, and privacy policies on your website
using TermsFeed.

4. Need help with protecting your intellectual property? Try LegalZoom.


This is what I’m most known for! You’ll discover the research-backed principles
and practices for getting more done (while also maintaining positive well-being
and relationships!). I do a lot of coaching on this topic, so join me and thousands
of achievers worldwide in my virtual high performance coaching program. 

Fast-Start Ideas:

1. Grab a High Performance Planner to get more done!

2. Use Monday.com to organize your projects (and assistant and teams as

you grow!)
3. Get a standing desk to save your back, and save your sanity by muting the
background noise on any of your calls or apps with Krisp. Try HPX
OPTIMIZED to stay more mentally alert, focused and energized.


I’m just dumping a ton of resources on you because everyone starts from a
different place! I’ll explain even more as we go! This is just the beginning!



You do *not* need to signup for everything above OMG! You could simply start
with WAY less than that - I certainly did! We just know our customers want a
comprehensive list to save you time. 

No matter what, your FIRST ACTION simply needs to be watching ALL the videos
in this course. It's like an MBA in real world business!

The truth is, if you need ENTIRELY FREE options to start your business, you could
just WATCH ALL THE TRAINING (get it yet? you have to learn the strategies!), then
you could:

 Set up a business entity via your state’s Secretary of State website

 Use Wordpress for free to launch your website
 Use Paypal for free to invoice and accept money
 Use free Gmail to send emails and run customer service.
 THAT would be the ultimate bootstrapping! (TONS of us started that way!).

I know all this can seem WAY overwhelming, so stick with me so that I can walk
you through all your strategies and options, okay?

Just go watch the first video. 

That would be today's big win!
What’s Next?

Seriously, we haven’t even begun, so be patient with yourself and give me the 7
days to explain things to you. There’s hours of training ahead my friend!

I know that’s a long Welcome post to start.

But we’re just getting acquainted and warmed up and I want you to realize how
in-depth I'll be going for you! Because your DREAM is important!!

Thanks again for joining me!

Let’s build your business and a future you love, together.

Your new coach,


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