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Environmental Pollution 265 (2020) 114864

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Laboratory simulation of microplastics weathering and its adsorption

behaviors in an aqueous environment: A systematic review*
Yiran Sun a, 1, Jianhua Yuan c, 1, Tao Zhou a, e, Youcai Zhao a, e, Fei Yu b, d, *, Jie Ma a, d, e
Key Laboratory of Yangtze River Water Environment, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, PR China
College of Marine Ecology and Environment, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, 201306, PR China
Key Laboratory of Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Eco-Environment, Ministry of Education, College of Environment and Ecology, Chongqing University,
Chongqing, 400045, PR China
Research Center for Environmental Functional Materials, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai,
200092, PR China
Shanghai Institute of Pollution Control and Ecological Security, Shanghai, 200092, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Microplastics (MPs) pollution has become a global environmental concern. MPs alone and in combina-
Received 6 November 2019 tion with pollutants can potentially cause significant harm to organisms and human beings. Weathering
Received in revised form of MPs under various environmental stresses increases the uncertainty of their environmental fates.
22 May 2020
Compared with field surveys, laboratory simulation experiments are appropriate to simplify the research
Accepted 22 May 2020
Available online 29 May 2020
procedures and investigate the mechanisms. In this review, the effects of abrasion, solar radiation,
chemical and thermal oxidation, microbial adhesion and colonization, and other environmental factors
on the MPs and the relative laboratory simulation methods were summarized and discussed. Photo-
oxidation and abrasion are the most appliable methods due to easy operation and adjustable weath-
Microplastics ering degree. Furthermore, the structural and components changes in weathering process and the
Aging applied characterization methods were generalized. In addition, one of important environmental be-
Adsorption behaviors haviors, adsorption of the weathered MPs towards two typical pollutants was analyzed. Finally, three
Aqueous environment priorities for research were proposed. This paper conducts systematic summarized of the MPs weath-
ering process and provides a reference for future studies to accurately determine the environmental risks
of weathering MPs.
© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction marine areas are main depositories of plastic waste, with an esti-
mated accumulative potential of 250 metric tons (Mt) by 2025
In the modern world, plastic is a ubiquitous material in medical, (Vince and Hardesty, 2017). Plastic pollution is a worldwide issue,
industrial, agricultural, and many other fields due to its properties as it has been detected even in the remote South Pole (Ivar do Sul
of being lightweight, durable, and cost-effective (Chae and An, and Costa, 2014). The literatures in MPs grow up with exponen-
2018). It is estimated that by 2015, a total of 6.30 billion tons of tial rate (as shown in Figs. S1eS3), indicating the increasing
plastic had been produced in the world. However, only 21% has concern on MPs pollution issues.
been recycled or incinerated (Law, 2017). Recent data also showed Most plastic waste cannot decompose in a short time. Under the
that within the European Union (EU) only 29% of the used plastic is effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, mechanical abrasion, fluctu-
recycled, and 31% goes into landfills; in the United States (US), up to ating temperature, and biodegradation, plastic is weathered and
53% of plastic waste goes into landfills (Paço et al., 2018). Costal and broken down into tiny fragments, which are defined as “micro-
plastics” and “nanoplastics” (White and Turnbull, 1994). The
weathering process changes the physical and chemical properties
* of MPs, which results in changes in their environmental behavior
This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Eddy Y. Zeng.
* Corresponding author.College of Marine Ecology and Environment, Shanghai (Hu et al., 2019). For example, UV radiation reduces the average
Ocean University, Shanghai, 201306, PR China. molecular weight of polymers and increases the surface roughness
E-mail address: (F. Yu). of MPs (Ma et al., 2019; Suhrhoff and Scholz-Bottcher, 2016). The
These authors contributed equally to this work.
0269-7491/© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
2 Y. Sun et al. / Environmental Pollution 265 (2020) 114864

leaching of additives is also promoted, which increases the choice of aging method should be carefully considered.
ecological risks (Nakashima et al., 2016). After weathering, the
functional groups of the MPs change, and their hydrophilic may 2.1. Abrasion
increase (Andrady, 2011). The adsorption of persistent organic
pollutants (POPs) and Class B and Borderline metals are reported to Physical aging is a common phenomenon for polymers that al-
be affected by the weathering process (Yu et al., 2019). These ters all the temperature-dependent physical properties. Physical
changes affect the transport and final outcome of large amounts of aging makes polymers more fragile (White and Turnbull, 1994).
toxic contaminants (POP) (Koelmans et al., 2013). In addition, the Microplastics are likely to undergo physical aging due to abrasion
weathering process affects the sedimentation, ingestion by organ- by waves, tides, sand, stones, and other particles.
isms, pathogen transportation, and so on (Alimi et al., 2018). The most used simulation method of abrasion is exposure to
Therefore, understanding the MP weathering process and its po- sand. To simulate a real beach environment, Song et al. (2017a)
tential effects is very important for reducing the uncertainty in the collected sand from the beach and pretreated it to remove the
hazard and risk assessments of MPs (Yu et al., 2019). organic matter and plastics. The as-prepared sand was mixed with
Assessing the effects of weathered MPs is a difficult task. Mod- low-density polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and poly-
ern plastic is designed to meet diverse application conditions styrene (PS) pellets; initially, the volumes of the chemicals were
(Renner et al., 2017; Turner and Holmes, 2011). Thus, many kinds of 26 ± 0.8, 19 ± 0.9 and 22 ± 2.2 mm3, respectively. The mixture was
polymers and chemical additives have been integrated. Moreover, rotated for 2 months at 37 rpm. After the mechanical wear treat-
under environmental stresses, the adsorption of POPs, Class B and ment of the sand, 8.7 ± 2.5 particles pellet1 PE, 11 ± 0.7 particles
Borderline metals, and microorganisms and the formation of bio- pellet1 PP and 4.2  103 ± 33 particles pellet1 PS were produced.
films further increase the complexity of the process. To date, lab- These results indicated that PS pellets are susceptible to abrasion
oratory simulations and field monitoring have been conducted to with sand, while PE and PP are not easily fragmented by mechanical
study weathered MPs. Since field monitoring has limitations and is abrasion alone. It may be because the glass transition temperature
impacted by the climate, regional conditions, and many other of polystyrene is 100  C, which is quite different from other types of
complex factors, laboratory simulation is more suitable for the plastics. During mechanical wear, polystyrene is more susceptible
fundamental study and mechanism investigation of the weathering to the effects of frictional heat generation, which accelerates its
process (Kuhn et al., 2018). UV radiation, thermal oxidation, and cracking and fragmentation. This study revealed that the me-
chemical oxidation have been frequently used to simulate the chanical abrasion of MPs is affected by the material type. The me-
weathering process under diverse environmental stresses. How- chanical strength, tensile strength, density and the glass transition
ever, the application of single simulation factors does not temperature should be considered when designing the weathering
adequately reflect the actual weathering process. In addition, since parameters. The abrasion time is also an important factor that
the simulation factors influence the weathering degree of the MPs, should be considered when simulating the weathering process.
a complete evaluation of the weathering degree has not yet been Kalogerakis et al. (2017) conducted 6 months of laboratory exper-
realized. Therefore, it is crucial to summarize the current studies to iments to simulate the weathering of high-density polyethylene
narrow the gap between laboratory simulation and practical (HDPE) films in onshore and nearshore conditions. As shown in
conditions. Fig. 1c, the researchers used rotating glass bottles partially filled
This review aims to explain the MP weathering process and its with sand as a mild mechanical stress and found that 12 h
adsorption behaviors in an aqueous environment. Laboratory weathering was enough to reach the maximum fragmentation
simulation of environmental stresses that affect the weathering degree for the microplastic samples. The weathered HDPE films lost
process are summarized and categorized, and the corresponding approximately 16% of their area after 5.5 months of mechanical
changes in the structures and components of MPs, as well as the stress. This loss was the result of sand wear, and a combination of
applied characterization methods are generalized. Furthermore, factors (e.g., with UV light) may have enhanced this effect. In
through a summary and analysis, the adsorption behaviors of two addition, PE placed in seawater showed a lower fragmentation
kinds of contaminant, Class B and Borderline metals and organic degree than those on sand after 6 months of weathering. This result
pollutants, onto weathered MPs are discussed. shows that the presence of seawater reduces abrasion, probably by
reducing the contact of particles with the sediment by suspending
2. Weathering simulation of microplastics the particles in solution or by buffering the contact (Da Costa et al.,
Once plastics are discharged into the environment, the weath- Not only does sand accelerate the formation and aging of MPs
ering process would be accelerated by various environmental but other particles present under natural conditions can play a
stresses. Physical abrasion is caused by waves, tides, sand, stones, similar role. However, there are few studies that focus on the
and many other particles. Photo-oxidation and microorganism simulation of the abrasion of sea breeze and grit, stone, and other
colonization also weather the MP to a great extent. In addition, substances on MPs. Thus, it is necessary to determine the influence
fluctuations in temperature and salinity influence the weathering of various substances on the weathering of MPs and to deepen the
process. To investigate the environmental behaviors of weathered understanding of the physical aging behavior of MPs.
plastics, laboratory weathering simulations are used to model the
environmental stresses. Here, we summarize the environmental 2.2. Photo-oxidation
stresses and classify them into abrasion, Photo-oxidation, chemical
and thermal introduced oxidation, microbial adhesion and coloni- A wide variety of polymers absorb solar ultraviolet (UV) radia-
zation, and other categories of environmental factors. Some typical tion and undergo photolytic, photo-oxidative, and thermo-
simulation methods are shown in Fig. 1. Analysis of these simula- oxidative reactions. Polymers contain many polymer additives,
tion methods shows that the aging simulation of MPs in the labo- impurities and other contaminants, and these ingredients contain a
ratory is convenient and the conditions are controllable, but the lot of chromophores. Chromophores absorbing in the near-UV re-
simulation is less realistic compared with aging under natural gion, along with near-UV absorbing conjugated groups that are
conditions. The aging of MPs under natural conditions is more likely to be present at the mildly oxidized surface of waste poly-
difficult to study and involves uncontrollable factors. Therefore, the mers, are likely to trigger photo-oxidation reactions in the presence
Y. Sun et al. / Environmental Pollution 265 (2020) 114864 3

Fig. 1. Typical methods of MP simulation (a and b: seawater immersion and UV irradiation (Oelschl€agel et al., 2018); c: coastal conditions-indoors; d: outdoor chambers-dark and
sun exposure conditions (Rani et al., 2017); e: under the sea surface (Kedzierski et al., 2018); and f: sea surface (Rani et al., 2017).).

of oxygen. Polymer yellowing is a clear indication of the generation natural sunlight, and the results showed that the HDPE began to
of chromophoric structures whose absorption extends from the fragment at a cumulative luminance of 5.3  106 lux$d with oxygen
near-UV to the visible region, and of the parallel increasing absor- and that the film fragmented to “invisible” (maximum length
bance as the photo-oxidative degradation of the polymeric material <100 mm) MPs at a cumulative luminance of 7.2  106 lux$d with a
proceeds. Gardette’s et al. (Gardette et al., 2013) research confirmed mild mechanical stress (rotated with sand). Usually, direct UV ra-
that polymers with chromophore groups are likely to adsorb UV diation is used for efficient weathering. UV radiation is classified
radiation and trigger photooxidation reactions in the presence of according to the wave range into UV-A (320e400 nm), UV-B
oxygen. Polymer photooxidation reactions generally include four (275e320 nm), UV-C (200e275 nm) and UV-D (100e200 nm);
processes: chain initiation, chain growth, branch formation and and UV-A, UV-B and UV-C are used to simulate the weathering
chain termination. If there is a chromophore group in the polymer, process. Due to the different intensities of the UV radiation, the
the polymer will absorb more ultraviolet light, which will lead to weathering degree and behaviors of MPs differed among the
the occurrence of chain-initiated reactions, and will generate more studies. UV-B is recognized as the most suitable wave range
free radicals, thereby accelerating its aging. Under the combined because it has the most influence on the polymer lifetime (Andrady
action of UV and oxygen, the aging rate of the polymer will be et al., 1998). In addition to the UV type, the radiation time are also
further accelerated. Because of their low-density properties, MPs important for the weathering process. Lambert et al. (Lambert and
often float on the surface of the water and are exposed to Photo- Wagner, 2016) weathered 1 cm square PS under UV-A at a static
oxidation. The radiation can change the surface roughness, temperature of 30  C. Samples were taken at 7, 14, 28, and 56 days,
morphology, and the chemical characteristics of the plastics, which and the results showed a difference between the PS sample and the
severely accelerates the MP weathering process (Andrady et al., control sample. After exposure for 56 days, the concentration of
1998). Therefore, Photo-oxidation is recognized as the dominant nanoplastics in the PS sample was 1.3  108 particles ml1
factor in the weathering of MPs. Because of its ease of operation, compared to 0.4  108 particles mL1 in the control. Summarizing
Photo-oxidation has been the most frequently applied laboratory the recent studies, the radiation time varied from 96 h (Liu et al.,
simulation method to study MP weathering. 2019a) to 360 days (Song et al., 2017a). Summarizing the recent
Both natural sunlight and direct UV radiation were used to studies, the radiation time varied from 96 h (Liu et al., 2019b) to 360
simulate the Photo-oxidation weathering process (Diffey, 2002). days (Song et al., 2017b). The radiation strengths in recent studies
Zhu et al. (2020) found that MPs may experience photoaging and ranged from 0.04 W m2 to 50 W m2 (Wang et al., 2020), and there
breakdown into nanoplastics in aquatic environment as a result of has not been a relative systematic study. The exposure dose is a
long-term light irradiation. Under simulated sunlight, they exposed more reliable parameter to evaluate the weathering process when
the PS MPs for 150 days. A large amount of reactive oxygen species the radiation strength and time vary greatly. The inherent proper-
(ROS), were detected in the PS-MP suspension due to light irradi- ties of MPs can also affect their weathering behaviors. To date, PS,
ation, which plays an important role in the aging of the PS MPs. PE, polyvinylchloride (PVC), PP, and EPS have been radiated by UV
Kalogerakis et al. (2017) weathered 0.1 mm thick HDPE films by to simulate the weathering process. Note that the weathering
4 Y. Sun et al. / Environmental Pollution 265 (2020) 114864

behaviors among the different types and sizes MPs under the same hydrophilized polymeric materials due to swelling/shrinking ef-
conditions are also diverse. For example, Cai’s (Cai et al., 2018) fects as a result of the combination of temperature jumps and of the
study showed that, after 3 months of UV radiation, granular presence of moisture. Temperature fluctuation is always simulated
oxidation and flakes, cracks and flakes, and flakes formed on the PE, by thermal oxidation. Thermal oxidation is often combined with
PP and PS pellet surfaces, respectively. In conclusion, both the Photo-oxidation. Bandow et al. (2017) weathered PS, HDPE, and
properties of MPs and the parameters of Photo-oxidation should be PVC MPs using a Global UV-Test 200 weathering device at a tem-
considered when designing weathering simulation experiments. perature of 80 ± 1.6  C and a UV irradiance of 25 ± 3.0 W m2. The
artificial exposure for 2000 h was the equivalent of 4 months of
2.3. Chemically or thermally induced oxidation outdoor exposure, and the additive thermal oxidation increased the
overall equivalence by a factor of at least 5 to 10. Like Bandow,
Once MPs are exposed to Photo-oxidation in natural water, Kenneth et al. studied a method for estimating the equivalent
chemical and/or thermal oxidation occurs to weather the MPs. natural age due to heat, humidity and UV exposure. Tire and road
These weathering processes cause changes in the properties of the wear particles were placed in baskets with semiporous Teflon liners
MPs, including their size, surface morphology, and functional that were transparent to UV light, and they were exposed to UVA-
groups, and they cause the leaching of the additives as well 340 lamps with an irradiance of 7.7  102 W m2 nm1 at 340 nm
(Gardette et al., 2013). (Unice et al., 2015). The results showed that the average chamber
In the presence of oxygen, MPs may react with the reactive acceleration factor was 24-times the natural age (range: 15 to 33).
oxygen species formed during natural processes and interact with Which also indicated that the combination of thermal oxidation
other environmental stressors in the environment to cause chem- and UV radiation is an effective way to accelerate the weathering
ical oxidation. Chemical oxidation is easily simulated in the labo- process in simulated experiments.
ratory. Liu et al. (2019a) investigated the weathering behaviors of PS
and PE MPs accelerated by Fenton and heat-activated K2S2O8 2.4. Microbial adhesion and colonization
treatments. The heated-activated K2S2O8 treatment was conducted
in a K2S2O8 solution bath at 70  C for 1, 5, 10, 20, and 30 days. The The Microplastic weathering process is not only affected by
Fenton treatment was conducted by adding Fe2þ and H2O2 to the physical and chemical factors but also largely susceptible to mi-
MPs. Both the K2S2O8 solution and Fenton solution were replaced at croorganisms (Harrison et al., 2011). Microorganisms are ubiqui-
a fixed period to prevent the accumulation of chemicals. Liu et al. tous and possess an inherent ability to adapt to different
found that the oxygen-to-carbon (O/C) atom ratio and CI increased environments and utilize different substances, which typically ac-
with the oxidation time. After 30 d of heat-activated K2S2O8 celerates the weathering of MPs by biodegradation (Kalogerakis
treatments, the carbonyl index (CI) values ranged from 0 to et al., 2017). Generally, microorganisms colonize on MPs and pro-
approximately 0.7 for PS and 30 to approximately 0.3 for PE, and mote biodegradation and biotransformation by adhering to the
the O/C values ranged from 3.0  102 to approximately 2.3  102 surface of the MPs and forming biofilms (Oberbeckmann et al.,
for PS and 2.0  102 to approximately 2.4  102 for PE. Although 2015). Studies have shown that there are several criteria for mi-
the overall numerical change for the MPs treated by Fenton’s re- crobial degradation of microplastics (Yuan et al., 2020). First, mi-
agent were small, the CI and O/C also showed an increasing trend, croorganisms must be present that can depolymerize the target
which confirmed that an advanced oxidation process is an effective substance and mineralize the monomeric compounds with en-
way to accelerate the weathering process in a laboratory simula- zymes of an appropriate metabolic pathway. Second, the environ-
tion. Additionally, chemical oxidation is often used in combination mental parameters, such as temperature, pH, moisture, and salinity
with solar UV radiation to simulate the MPs in the presence of must provide conditions that are necessary for biodegradation.
oxygen and the sun. In Huffer’s (Huffer et al., 2018) study, poly- Third, the morphology of MPs must render the attachment of mi-
styrene MP particles were artificially aged in a custom-made croorganisms and the formation of a biofilm (Klein et al., 2018).
weathering chamber with four 15 W UV-C lights. The particles At present, studies of microbial weathering of MPs under labo-
were immersed in 50 mL of H2O2 (10 vol-%) to form hydroxyl ratory conditions focus on the degradation of MPs by pure bacteria
radicals and enhance the oxidation. The FT-IR results showed that and fungi (Paço et al., 2018). In recent years, increasingly pure
the combination of weathering methods accelerated the breaking bacteria and fungi that degrade MPs have been isolated in the
of the CeH bonds within the polymer chains and the formation of laboratory, and their MP degradation properties have received
eOH, CeO, and CeOH bonds. The study is a combination of mul- increasing attention. Most microbial degradation studies have
tiple factors, and the photo-oxidation of UV-C may be strong, so it included pretreatment with UV radiation or thermal treatment. In
cannot be completely attributed to chemical oxidation. In sum- Auta’s (Auta et al., 2018) study, polypropylene MPs were pretreated
mary, we should also consider different types of photooxidation by UV light, and the PP MPs were put into an inoculum with
when exploring the chemical oxidation of MPs. nutrient broth. After 40 days of incubation, the polypropylene MP
Because the temperature varies with the climate constantly, the weight loss included a 6.4% loss due to Rhodococcus sp. strain 36
movement of the macromolecular chains in MPs is affected. On the and a 4.0% loss due to Bacillus sp. strain 27, and the microbially
one hand, once the dissociation energy of the chemical bond is treated PP MPs exhibited attachment or colonization of the bacte-
exceeded, random fracture and side group decomposition occur, rial isolates on the surface of the MPs. Various pores and irregu-
which accelerates the rate of the polymer degradation. Tempera- larities formed simultaneously. These results implied that these
ture fluctuation is also an important factor that influences the MP two pure bacteria were able to adhere and colonize the surface of
weathering process, heating and cooling usually have a strong ef- the PP MPs and cause surface damage. Comparing with bacteria,
fect on cracking (Copinet et al., 2004). On the other hand, tem- the degradation efficiency of fungi seems to be lower. Sepulveda
perature has a kinetic acceleration effect on any occurring reaction, et al. (Volke-Sepúlveda et al., 2002) thermooxidized (80  C, 15 days)
which accelerating the thermal decomposition of newly formed low-density polyethylene (TO-LDPE) by Aspergillus niger and Peni-
peroxides to form new free radical species in sunny days, on the cillium pinophilum. They found that after 31 months of incubation,
surface of an object, or even at room temperature. Besides, me- the TO-LDPE MPs weight loss included only a 0.6% loss due to the
chanical fragmentation can be induced even without external Aspergillus niger and a 0.4% loss due to the Penicillium pinophilum
mechanical stress in the amorphous phase of aged and fungi (Volke-Sepúlveda et al., 2002). In addition to the weight loss,
Y. Sun et al. / Environmental Pollution 265 (2020) 114864 5

the functional groups (Auta et al., 2017), molecular weights and radiation by the water. The effects of water and salinity on the aging
tensile strengths (Jeon and Kim, 2013) also changed quickly when of MPs are mainly considered in this study. The combined effect of
the MPs were inoculated with microorganisms. The structural temperature has not been considered, and related research can be
changes and corresponding characterizations are discussed in continued in the future. Shen et al. investigated the adsorption
detail in section 3. The process of microbial degradation of MPs capacity of tetracycline onto MPs with different aging factors,
involves many biochemical reactions. First, the microorganisms including salinity, pH, HA concentration, and so on. The study found
adhere to the surface of the MPs and changes its surface properties that pH and salinity had little impact on the adsorption capacity.
such as hydrophilicity and adhesion. Second, the leaching of addi- However, HA significantly decreased the adsorption capacity of the
tives and monomers out of the MPs by cell and enzyme degradation MPs. Thus, not only can HA cover the surface of the MP but its
is increased. Third, the enzymes or biological radicals attack the functional group can change the hydrophobicity of the MP and
MPs and additives, leading to both embrittlement and loss of me- compete for the adsorption of tetracycline (Yu et al., 2019). Note
chanical stability. The particle size of MPs is relatively large that Shen’s study did not use any other oxidation weathering
compared to the pore size of the cell membrane. Microplastics are methods, and in this case, the weathering degree of the MPs was
too large to pass through cellular membranes, so they must first be too low to reflect the effect of pH and salinity effectively. Therefore,
depolymerized to smaller monomers before they can be absorbed the combined weathering method is recommended in the
and biodegraded within microbial cells. following studies to simulate the real conditions.
The colonization of microorganisms on MPs can lead to the
formation of biofilms, which can mask the surface properties, 2.6. Methods comparison
degrade the additives, attack the surface by enzymes, and release
metabolic biochemical substances (Miao et al., 2019). The presence According to the operability of the method, the aging effect and
of biofilms may also increase the density of plastics changing the influencing factors, etc., we conducted a comprehensive evaluation
exposure to other factors involve in the degradation. Generally, the and ranking of various aging methods. (shown in Table 1).
simulation of biofilm formation is quite simple. Chen et al. tied Comparing the above methods, photo-oxidation is widely used in
square PP sheets to a steel wire and floated them on the East Lake. the simulation of MP weathering process. Which is easy-operated
The biofilm appeared on the surface on the 3rd day of summer, and and needn’t pretreatment or separation. It is also recognized as
the biomass showed an increasing trend over time (Chen et al., the dominant factor when the density of MPs is low. Because MPs
2019). However, MPs immersed in natural water are easily tend to float on the water, resulting in long time exposure. so that
disturbed by wind, wave, fish and so on. Therefore, some re- the light is sufficient, thus accelerating its aging. In addition, some
searchers collected sea water, pretreated it by filtration, and polymers are more prone than others to photooxidative degrada-
developed an MP biofilm at a constant temperature (Wieczorek tion, a few others may undergo preferential hydrolytic degradation
et al., 2019). In addition, microfibers are also targeted for degra- (Celina, 2013; Feldman, 2002). The weathering degree is also
dation. Zambrano et al. (2019) used aerobic organisms in activated adjustable according to intensity, time, temperature and so on.
sludge to degrade polyester microfibers, cotton and rayon micro- Normally, the longer the oxidation time and the higher the tem-
fibers. The results shown that cotton and rayon microfibers are perature, the higher the weathering degree of MPs. It is noticeable
expected to degrade in natural aquatic aerobic environments. The that exposure dose or irradiance is a more reliable parameter since
researchers also inoculated a pure bacteria sample and added cul- factors like distance, time and presence of water, varied a lot in
ture medium to accelerate the formation of a biofilm (Hossain et al., different studies. The second dominant weathering parameter is
2019). Hossain’s study also showed that UV radiation pretreatment abrasion. Abrasion is ubiquitous and easy operated. But the sepa-
can promote the biofilm formation, which may be because the ration procedure is complicated, and the MPs size is limited.
microorganisms can more easily adhere to the rough surface and Another significant weathering parameter is microbial adhesion
functional groups of the MPs. Therefore, the combination of mi- and colonization. Microorganism covered the MPs surface and
crobial weathering and other processes is an alternative solution. changed their density and surface properties. Also, MPs could be
degraded by microorganisms. As described in section 2.4. There are
2.5. Other environmental factors many studies on the use of microorganisms to degrade MPs, but the
related research on microbial aging MPs is insufficient because of
In addition to the abrasion and the solar, chemical and microbial its complex operating procedures and quantitative methods. The
oxidation, some other environmental factors, including the pH, weathering caused by chemically and thermally induced oxidation
salinity, presence of water and humic acid (HA) concentration, also and other environmental factors are not common, so further
influence the MP weathering process. The presence of water in- research is needed.
dicates whether the MPs are on the beach or in the seawater, while
the salinity is used to simulate fresh water and water with different 3. Physicochemical properties of weathered microplastics
salt contents. The pH and HA represent different water qualities. and characterization methods
Most recent studies have focused on the presence of water and
salinity; however, changes in the salinity, pH, and HA concentration Under the different environmental stresses, the structure and
have not been widely studied. Cai et al. (2018) investigated the components of weathered MPs changed greatly. We classified these
process of weathering PP, PE and PS exposed to UV irradiation in changes into 5 categories, i.e., size and surface pores, crystallinity,
simulated seawater, ultrapure water, and a waterless (air) envi- functional groups, leaching of additives and biofilm formation. In
ronment. The results showed that after 3 months of weathering, the following discussion, we introduce the changes in these prop-
both hydroxyl groups and carbonyl groups were found in the PP, PE erties and the corresponding characterization methods (shown in
and PS in the air and ultrapure water, while in the simulated Fig. 2).
seawater, only carbonyl groups developed. The weathering degree
of the MPs in the tested environments followed the order 3.1. Size and surface pores
beach > ultrapure water > seawater. This result indicated that the
MPs on the beach were more weathered than those in fresh water Most plastic litter enters the marine environment in the form of
and seawater, which may be attributed to the adsorption of UV bags, foams, bottles, and fishing nets. Under oxidation and other
6 Y. Sun et al. / Environmental Pollution 265 (2020) 114864

Table 1
Comparison of different weathering simulation methods of MPs.

Environmental Stresses Simulation Method Conducting Parameters Operability Appropriateness

Abrasion Sand; Rotation Sand type and size; Speed Need separation ***
Photo-oxidation UV, Sunlight UV type; Intensity; Duration Easy *****
Chemically induced Chemical reagents Oxidizability; Dose; Need separation **
Thermally induced Heating Temperature Easy **
Microbial adhesion and Microorganisms Species; Degradation capacity; Cultured conditions Need Pretreatment, cleaning and separation ***
Other environmental Salt; acid; alkali; HA; Salty; pH; HA concentration Need separation **

Fig. 2. Results of different test instruments for detecting aged MPs (a: optical microscope images of PE and PP(Wang et al., 2017); b: scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of a
virgin pellet-HDPE-12 and debris (Ter Halle et al., 2017); c: fluorescence microscopy (FESEM) images of the MPs (Tiwari et al., 2019); d: full range and (insert) magnification of the
1400-1280 cm1 range of MPs (Shen et al., 2018); e: attenuated total reflection FTIR (ATR-FTIR) spectra of MP pellets collected along the Goa coast (Veerasingam et al., 2016); f:
Raman spectra of the most common synthetic polymers (Kappler et al., 2016); g: PVC, PE and PET energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) spectra (Tiwari et al., 2019); h: diffuse
reflectance spectra (DRS) visible spectra for PE (Fotopoulou and Karapanagioti, 2015); and i: X-ray diffractomer (XRD) patterns of pristine and aged PS MPs(Liu et al., 2019a).).

weathering processes, the plastics first fragment into smaller pieces surveyed the MP pollution in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. The
(Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2012; Miranda-Urbina et al., 2015). As the MPs were counted and identified using a microscope and Raman
weathering proceeds, the size of the MPs decreases (Pan et al., microscope coupled with an optical microscope. The small-sized
2019). This phenomenon has been observed in both field surveys MPs (0.5e1.0 mm, 50%) were detected in the highest amounts,
and laboratory simulations. Because of the complexity of the followed by the medium-sized MPs (1.0e2.5 mm, 30%) and then
samples and limited characterization methods, the MPs found in the large-sized MPs (2.5e5.0 mm, 17%). In the laboratory simulation
the field surveys were relatively large. However, small-sized MPs process, more characterization methods were utilized, and the MPs
are predominant in weathered plastics. Pan (Pan et al., 2019) with much smaller size were able to be detected. Lambert et al.
Y. Sun et al. / Environmental Pollution 265 (2020) 114864 7

weathered 1 cm square PS under UV-A for 7, 14, 28 and 56 days, and Halle et al., 2017). In addition, researchers can choose suitable
a nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) was used to determine the characterizations among XRD, the density gradient method, IR
MP size distribution in the liquid samples. After 56 days of spectroscopy, and inverse gas chromatography (IGC) based on the
weathering, the concentration of the nanoplastics increased to MP structure.
1.3  108 particles mL1, with an average particles size of 224 nm
(Lambert and Wagner, 2016). In Liu’s study, with the assistance of
3.3. Surface chemical properties
FESEM ImageJ software, the average size of PS and PE MPs was
found to decrease from approximately 40-50 mm to less than 30 mm
As MPs weather under the environmental stresses, the physical
after 10 days of advanced oxidation (Liu et al., 2019a).
integrity of the MPs are destroyed and the surface chemical prop-
Regarding the surface pores, it is widely reported that there are
erties of MPs may change. The mechanism of free radical reaction
many wrinkles and cracks on the surface of weathered MPs, which
shows that the aging of polymers under the action of light, heat and
has been observed by SEM. Luo et al. (2020) reported that the
oxygen is an automatic catalytic process. The products of the re-
surface area of commercial pigmented PE MPs increased from
actions involved are capable of further increase the number of
3.4 ± 0.1 m2 g1 to 5.8 ± 0.3 m2 g1 after aging treatment. Cracks
reactive species as a result of secondary processes, thus resulting in
and fragmentation of MPs facilitated the accessibility of light and
an auto-acceleration of the overall photo-oxidative degradation.
oxygen to internal layer and therefore accelerated the aging pro-
MPs weathering is mainly carried out according to the free radical
cess. Zhang’s study further investigated the specific surface area
reaction process, including three processes (Celina et al., 2019):
(SSA) and pore properties of virgin and weathered PS MPs by a
chain initiation: RH/R þ H  , RH þ O2 /R þ HO2  , R þ
surface area and porosimetry analyzer. The results showed that the
O2 / RO2  ; chain propagation and transfer: RO2  þ RH/ROOH þ
SSA of weathered PS MPs was 7.9 ± 0.2 m2 g1, while that of virgin
R , ROOH / R O þ  OH ROOH þ RH/RO þ R þ H2 O,RO þ
PS MPs was only 2.0 ± 0.1 m2 g1, and the average pore diameter of
RH/ROH þ R ; Termination of the chain: R þ R /R  R, R þ
weathered PS MPs (5.1 ± 0.2 nm) was much lower than that of
RO2  /ROOR, RO2  þ RO2  /ROOR þ R þ O2 The species and
virgin PS MPs (39.3 ± 0.5 nm), indicating that smaller pores were
quantity of functional groups on the MP surface change as a result
formed during the weathering process.
of the weathering process (Oelschla €gel et al., 2018). In laboratory
simulations, the weathering process often leads to an increase in
3.2. Crystallinity the oxygen-containing functional groups, and the changing degree
of the functional groups is determined by the weathering process
Early stages of weathering increased the degree of crystallinity and the type of plastic (Huffer et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019a; Liu et al.,
of the oxidized plastic. Two factors contribute to this increase 2019c). For example, in Liu’s study (Liu et al., 2019a), PS and PVC
(Rouillon et al., 2016). The amorphous polymer is preferentially MPs were weathered under UV radiation for 96 h, and hydroxy
degraded in weathering, increasing fractional crystallinity. Also, the groups formed in both the aged PS and PVC samples, while carbonyl
short segments of polymer generated by chain scission in degra- and vinyl esters groups formed in the aged PVC samples, indicating
dation migrate together and crystallize by ‘chemi-crystallization’. that the formation of oxygen functional groups varies with the MP
This increase in crystallinity is relatively more likely in the surface type. The comparison of collected beached MPs and virgin MPs also
layer where oxidation primarily occurs (Carrasco et al., 2001; Lv proved that weathered plastics have more oxygen-containing
et al., 2015). Müller et al. (Muller et al., 2018) found that the crys- functional groups due to the oxidization (Huffer et al., 2018;
tallinity of PP and PS increased by approximately 50% after 4 weeks Tiwari et al., 2019; Turner and Holmes, 2015).
of weathering under UV radiation at 60  C, which was due to the Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), the most
post-crystallization process of oxidative chain scission and subse- commonly used characterization method, is a classical method to
quent rearrangement to an ordered structure. Partial crystallinity determine the functional groups on the MP surface. In addition to
generally makes the plastic tougher but at very high degrees of FTIR, attenuated total reflection-infrared spectroscopy (ATR-IR)
crystallinity it can render the material brittle. This morphological and Micro-FTIR has also been used to characterize the functional
model of plastics is important because of its bearing on ease of groups of MPs. Compared with FTIR, ATR-IR can be used to analyze
crack formation and fragmentation of semi-crystalline plastics such samples in situ without the need to prepare them with Potassium
as PE, PP and PET in weathering (Andrady, 2017). In Kathrin bromide, and the infrared reflection can be used to better charac-
Oelschla €gel’s study (Oelschla€gel et al., 2018), PET and low-density terize the surface information of MPs. The ratio of two typical IR
polyethylene (LDPE) were weathered in artificial seawater under bands, i.e., the ratio of carbonyl groups at 1726 cm1 to the meth-
UV radiation, and the crystallinity of the two MPs was also ylene groups at 2851 cm1, defined as the CI, have often been used
increased. In addition to UV radiation, Karlsson et al. (2018) studied to characterize the weathering degree of MPs. The CI can be utilized
the influence of thermo-oxidation on the crystallinity variation, but to evaluate the weathering degree of different types of MPs under
they found that different thermo-oxidation degree did not signifi- different weathering conditions. However, the functional groups of
cantly change the crystallinity. Since higher crystallinity leads to the additives in the MPs, which may influence the estimation, need
higher light scattering and reflection and thus reduces the distance to be considered. Mylla €ri et al. (Myllari et al., 2015) proved that the
light can penetrate, smaller MPs showed higher crystallinity than O/C ratio obtained by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is
that of larger MPs after UV radiation (Ter Halle et al., 2017). How- also an effective method to evaluate the weathering degree.
ever, to clarify the environmental behaviors caused by the weath- Moreover, the C 1s and O 1s regions of high-resolution XPS spectra
ering of MPs, the crystallinity variation of different MP types, can be used to analyze the changes in the bonds of the functional
additives, and weathering conditions and degrees requires further groups (Liu et al., 2019a), which is useful for suppressing the
study. interference of additives.
The characterization method most commonly applied in recent
studies was differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), in which the
3.4. Leaching of additives and adsorbed pollutants
crystallinity can be precisely quantified by the expression:
crystallinityð%Þ ¼ DHm
ref  100, where Hm is the melting enthalpy
DH m During the production of plastics, the toxic additives are mixed
and Hmref is the theoretical value of the melting enthalpy (Ter with polymers to improve the properties of the plastics for diverse
8 Y. Sun et al. / Environmental Pollution 265 (2020) 114864

applications, including antioxidants, flame retardants, coloring 3 weeks. After 1 week, the biofilm was apparent on the PE surface
agents, etc. During the weathering process, the toxic additives may and continued to increase during the following two weeks. The
leach from the MPs, leading to ecological risks. There was an clear number of culturable heterotrophic bacteria on the submerged
increase in opacity and yellowness in MPs, which may be caused by plastic also increased from 1.4  104 cells cm2 at week
the oxidation of additives and adsorbed substances (Brandon et al., 1e1.2  105 cells cm2 at week three. The hydrophily also increased
2016). The investigation found that antioxidants are one of the significantly during the 3 weeks and began sinking in the seawater-
additives in polymers. Their main functions include capturing free air interface. However, the PE MPs did not show significant
radicals generated by polymers during aging and preventing or degradation by microorganisms. Since the surface of MPs is quite
stopping chain reactions, so antioxidants can slow the aging rate of different from that of other substances, the biofilm on its surface
plastics to a certain extent, but as exposure time increases, the also varies. Miao’s study (Miao et al., 2019) evaluated the incuba-
leaching of additives decreases the resistance of the polymers and tion of biofilms on typical MPs (polyethylene and polypropylene)
may thus accelerate the rate of MP weathering (Nakashima et al., and natural substrates (cobblestone and wood) using high-
2016). throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA and revealed that the alpha
Bejgarn et al. (2015) chose plastic made from different polymers diversity (richness, evenness, and diversity) was lower in the MP-
and investigated their leaching properties before and after artificial associated communities than in those on the natural substrates.
sunlight irradiation. The results showed that the type of leachate The biofilm on MPs showed higher abundances of Pirellulaceae,
differed before and after irradiation, while there was no common Phycisphaerales, Cyclobacteriaceae, and Roseococcus than that of
trend in how the toxicity of the leachate changed as a function of natural substrates. These phenomena showed that the biofilm on
irradiation time. However, the additive type was not identified in the surface of MPs is different from that on other substances, which
this study. Recently, the greatest amount of attention has been was also verified by Jiang’ s study. Jiang et al. (2018) applied high-
focused on additives for brominated flame retardants (BFRs), which throughput sequencing to investigate the bacterial communities
have been categorized as POPs because of their high biotoxicity, that attached to MP samples from intertidal locations around the
environmental persistence, bio-accumulative tendencies, and long- Yangtze estuary in China, and the metabolic pathway analysis
range transportability. Rani et al. (2017) studied hex- suggested that these bacterial assemblages adapted to the plastic
abromocyclododecane (HBCDD) leaching from expanded PS in surface-colonization lifestyle by reducing “cell motility” and
dark, sun exposure, and open sea-surface conditions. The results increasing “xenobiotics biodegradation and metabolism.” Even for
showed the rapid leaching of HBCDD from the outer surface of the biofilms of MPs, different types, sizes, and surface properties of the
expanded PS in the first 5 days, followed by a slow release or MPs, as well as the water source quality, influences the biofilm
nonrelease for 6 months. Among the 3 conditions, the greatest (Hossain et al., 2019; Parrish and Fahrenfeld, 2019). Parrish et al.
release of HBCDDs from expanded PS occurred on the open sea (Parrish and Fahrenfeld, 2019) investigated the biofilm microbial
surface (approximately 42.9 mg g1; 61%), followed by sun expo- communities on MPs of different types and sizes and in water from
sure (approximately 34.4 mg g1; 49%) and dark exposure different quality sources. The study found that the MP type in-
(approximately 25.6 mg g1; 37%). These results showed that the fluences the biofilm more than does the size, due to the variation of
weathering process, including Photo-oxidation and water leaching, morphology/surface texture. In addition, water source quality
may accelerate the leaching of HBCDD. In addition to the additives, significantly influences the biofilm because it affects the external
the contaminants that adsorbed onto the MPs also leached into the environment and the source community.
environment. Bandow et al. (2017) recycled plastic granules, i.e.,
HDPE, PVC and PS, and investigated the leaching of contaminants in 4. The adsorption behaviors of weathered microplastics
a simulated weathering process of solar and thermal oxidation. The
study found that the total organic carbon, Cl, Ca, Cu, and Zn were Due to their small size, low density, large surface area, and
affected by the weathering process, and the leaching was increased complex components, MPs pose considerable ecological risks.
more by solar oxidation than by thermal oxidation. Schellenberger Microplastics transferred into a variety of invertebrates and verte-
(Schellenberger et al., 2019) found that functional textiles will brates after adsorbing organic pollutants, which seriously threatens
release aging MP fibers during the washing process. After testing, the growth and reproduction of marine life (Jupp, 2008). Class B
MP fibers will release perfluoroalkyl acid to affect the aquatic and Borderline metals, as one of the most persistent pollutants in
environment. An understanding of the leaching properties in aqueous environments, pose serious environmental and health
different conditions, for example, the digestive fluids of organisms, risks (Guo and Wang, 2019) (Buccolieri et al., 2006). Microplastics
is also needed to further clarify the ecological risks of MPs. can be ingested by the aquatic animals and birds, which impacts the
whole food chain. Additionally, the adsorption of contaminants
3.5. Biofilm formation onto MPs greatly increases the ecological risks of MPs (Antunes
et al., 2013; Fossi et al., 2012; Yu et al., 2019). Moreover, the
When MPs are in the water, they come into contact with the weathering of MPs caused by various environmental stresses
inorganic particles, organic matter, as well as the microorganisms changes their structure and properties, such as SSA and hydrophily,
(Parrish and Fahrenfeld, 2019). As a result, microorganisms of thus changing their adsorption behaviors towards contaminants
different sizes and kinds, including protists, algae, bacteria, fungus, (Alimi et al., 2018).
and even viruses, attach to the surface of MPs (Michels et al., 2018; There is increasing awareness of the adsorption of organic pol-
Oberbeckmann et al., 2015). The colonization of these microor- lutants onto MPs, including the commonly used pharmaceutical
ganisms forms biofilms on the surface of MPs that may cover the and personal care products (PPCPs) and polycyclic aromatic hy-
surface of the MPs and influence the ingestion, sinking, trans- drocarbons (PAHs), as well as some banned organic pollutants,
portation, and many other environmental behaviors (Wieczorek which changed the migration and transformation behaviors of the
et al., 2019). A biofilm is mainly composed of water, extracellular contaminants (Koelmans et al., 2016). We summarized recent
polymer substances, microorganisms, and entrapped organic and studies of the adsorption of organic pollutants on weathered MPs
inorganic particles, which create a small complex ecosystem (S. Table 2). We found that weathering can decrease the adsorption
(Shabbir et al., 2020). Lobelle et al. (Lobelle and Cunliffe, 2011) of organic MPs because weathering can increase the hydrophilicity
investigated the early biofilm formation on a PE surface for the first of MPs by introducing functional groups, and the partition
Y. Sun et al. / Environmental Pollution 265 (2020) 114864 9

coefficient decreases because most of the organic pollutants are competitive and cooperative adsorption of contaminants onto MPs,
hydrophobic (Endo et al., 2005; Huffer et al., 2018; Muller et al., and the partition of these contaminants between MPs and other
2018; Teuten et al., 2009). However, other studies proved that the substances in an aqueous environment are also priorities for
weathering process can enhance the adsorption of organic pollut- research to determine the environmental risks of MPs.
ants (Hartmann et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2019a; Liu et al., 2019c; Zhang
et al., 2018), and the enhancement was generally ascribed to the Declaration of competing interest
increase in the specific surface area and adsorption sites caused by
the oxygen-containing functional groups. This difference is likely The authors declare that they have no known competing
caused by the hydrophilicity of organic pollutants, which could be financial interests or personal relationships that could have
determined by some index, such as Partition coefficient of n-octa- appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
nol/water (logKow). In addition, the complex structure of organic
pollutants should also be taken into consideration due to the varied Acknowledgements
adsorption mechanism, such as hydrogen bonding, p-p interaction
and hydrophobic force. This research is supported by the National Key R&D Program of
The association of many kinds of Class B and Borderline metals, China (Grant no. 2018YFC1901401). We are also thankful to the
including Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn, with MPs has been anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments to improve this
reported in both laboratory studies and field surveys (Ashton et al., manuscript.
2010; Massos and Turner, 2017). The weathering process brings
higher specific surface area and more functional groups, which Appendix A. Supplementary data
increases the adsorption capacities of Class B and Borderline metals
on MPs (as summarized in S. Table 3). Turner et al. (Turner and Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
Holmes, 2015) studied the adsorption of Class B and Borderline
metals (Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn) onto virgin PE and beached
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