Passive Voice. Sabrina Intan P (33)

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LJ NAMA: SABRINA INTAN @ (33) 2246 RASSNE NOE 4% + He manages the lorar branch of A Hakimat . Shoe: Waiver > Passive > The'-\ocat ranch ofa WeNOUA! Soe -tehailer i ota AS. Weneaed Soup hie a io tn y wit OF E82 TALIS. Whe covegart 63s aayorsad' the: po Ogareuntiay, UW AN | _ Pavicaal rawsyarer- BEATE MCAT ORD << 4p Passive, => The: {do -oppurnmity, has born gauowiked aie Navionar hawsraper by. fae. Commgany, He senmoyea ftme Waragemonk fool RO SARE er Passive > Tie waragermne as Tor stagy was devroyea bY tim 4.) Dro ws encrore Wer Kesme ud she agpricarion \etver Zee an Passive aver Tesame with G2 enctosea by bax Wa ae ageication a — levker = | Ss = EN (5-1) Linaa 1s waiting a ayeicavion Nekre_ FOr Ae Ne PANES) Poson as a Setrekary 3 a. 2 ‘TM & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. ~ m a mtn Lap Passwe > Aw apelication qerker FOr ke position ag a ! _ Settdany ie bing wairyen_ by Liga | Ory WIN rire A gun Ergisn arnice orcornen0 <4) Passive +? A Funny Engine arvine wit be vieken &S 3 Jowny yomorgo Loner Massi_ was, Axiouting, Ane ban vera fast ‘wen {ee accident “areeentes Ake Acclaeds aRenned by Lions hess My wue vas og A dn ak A cowemierce sere ay Passive *Y A ddl ak a comamance SHOE hay bar ought sy vase ee S Tey my wre (3: We wowd ceas ous ose NERA Gas Passive => Ove Yovse woos We cleaned by us yAeaay Fre aaw'k WE ME _W {ee REND ap Passe 2» | Wasn't Invited to He gary bd Rey TM & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (314) hen Beater)

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