Spotify Playlists Handbook (FancyFoxx Music)

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1. What are the different types of playlists?

a) User Curated: Playlists created manually by any user/artist
b) Algorithmic: Playlists automatically generated by the system
- Release Radar
- Discover Weekly
c) Spotify Editorial: Manually generated by Spotify curators
- Mint
- Swag House

2. How does the Spotify playlist system work?

- Very similar to the Instagram algorithm, which works based on relevance
- Spotify will look at the data and see how many people are listening to your song, for how long they are
listening, who’s saving your song and adding it to their playlists, and who’s skipping your song.
- If enough people are listening to it, it will be added to a small pool of the algorithmic playlist and larger
pools as time goes on, if the song remains to show that it’s popular.
- From there, it has the opportunity to hit the editorial playlists
- Again, the same system is applied. Smaller playlists first, and if people like the song, then larger playlist.

3. Strategies to get your music into those playlists

a) How to get onto these playlists

- The Key is to build traction with your song as much as possible on the day of release, within the
first week & month.

b) Before the release:

Spotify for artists

- New feature on the Spotify Artist page. You have to do it at least 1 week before the
song is released so they can push it to your fan’s release radar.
- Do the research, and tell Spotify exactly what playlists you want your song to go on.
This doesn’t ensure anything but it does increases your chances.
Submit to blogs and playlists
- Submit hub
- Promotional tools from Distributors like Label Worx or Label Engine
- Manual direct pitching to curators you build relationships with
Create and promote Pre-Save link
- Ask your Record Label for song’s URI (Different from URL)
- provides a free pre-save service

c) After the song is released:

Submit to blogs and playlists
- Google “playlists submission” and reach out to as many as you can
- Wouldn’t recommend Fiverr or anything that charges a lot for Playlisting
Promote personal playlist in all your networks
Trade playlist promotion + Submit your music manually to playlists
Promote across social media
- Get people to add it to their libraries. (The more saves the better)
- Msg your friends directly if you think they’d like it.

4. Important considerations

a) Spotify has ALL the data including:

- Who listened to the song
- How long they listened to it for
- What other types of songs they listen to
- If it was skipped or added
- What the ratio is to how many plays you have against how many followers
- Where the traffic came from (FB, IG, YT)

b) Once the song is out

- Releasing music on Friday is important because increases the chance of getting on the “New Music
Friday” Playlist, and therefore get a lot of plays from the first day.
- If people don’t like it, Spotify won’t suggest it to anybody. (Comes down to good music)
- Once the song gets traction, Spotify will push it into different pools of the algorithmic playlists:
Discover Weekly & Release Radar
- You should be still trying to get people to listen to your music, blogs to cover your music, and any
coverage you possibly can.
- If your song has enough attention, the people who curate the Editorial Playlists will be notified, and
they will make the decision whether or not your song fits the playlists.


- Make music that is interesting and that people want to share
- Gear direction toward songs with vocals/and or popular covers.
- Cut out the intro and get straight into the goodness.

- Analyze what types of songs are in the playlist
• How long are they?
• What kind of vibe do they have?
• What tone do they have?
- Figure out what type of music are playlists looking for?
- Have the end game in mind when writing the song.
- Think about the type of playlist and mood, and see if you can create music within those

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