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1. Read the short essay below
2. Identify some important vocabulary required to understand it.
3. Write the vocabulary by providing : meaning, pronunciation, and word class
4. Re-read the text to get the messages in it


Indonesia as one of democratic countries in the world is facing a very serious

problem that is corruption. This issue is broadcasted on TV news every day. Many
people start blaming democracy (this country’s political system) as the root of
corruption in this country. This fact is also supported by a research conducted by Olson
(2002) who found that the number of corruption in a
democratic country is far higher than an authoritarian country. According to Olson,
there are two kinds of bandits who undertake corruption in both political systems. A
stationary bandit undertakes corruption in an authoritarian country and a roving bandit
undertakes corruption in a democratic country.
As for Olson, a roving bandit is more dangerous in undertaking corruption that a
stationary bandit. Because a stationary bandit knows that he will rule in the country for
a long time, so he will sell his authority and protection in a small portion to small bandit
in the country. However, a roving bandit is aware that he has a short time power to
rule due to democracy. Therefore, he uses this opportunity to engage corruption as
many as possible while in power. In addition, politicians in a democratic system need
much money to win election, that they use businessman to provide money which will
be paid back after the politicians win. This has been a political contract between them.
Consequently, the elected politicians do not care about their holy purposes anymore
such as poverty eradication, improvement of healthcare and education. Instead, they
merely focus on making effort to pay back the big money from the businessman. Of
course, to earn the big money while in power, they have to do corruption. So, as long
as democracy is still used in this country, corruption will never be able to be eradicated
because democracy is the mother of corruptions that gives a birth to massive
corruptions in almost all departments in this country.
A. Some important vocabulary required to understand it (meaning, pronunciation, and
word class).

Word class : Noun

 Facing
 Authoritian
Meaning : Menghadapi
Meaning : Otoriter
Pronunciation : ˈFeɪsɪŋ
Pronunciation : əˌTHôrəˈterēən
Word class : Noun
Word class : Adjective
 Corruption
 Roving
Meaning : Korupsi
Meaning : Keliling
Pronunciation : kəˈrəpSH(ə)n
Pronunciation : rōviNG
Word class : Noun
Word class : Adjective
 Democracy
 Democratic
Meaning : Demokrasi
Meaning : Demokratis
Pronunciation : dəˈmäkrəsē
Pronunciation : ˌdeməˈkradik
Word class : Noun
Word class : Adjective
 Eradicated
 Undertaking
Meaning : Diberantas
Meaning : Usaha
Pronunciation : əˈradəˌkādəd
Pronunciation : ˈəndərˌtākiNG
Word class : Adjective
Word class : Noun
 Research
 Authority
Meaning : Penelitian
Meaning : Wewenang
Pronunciation : rēˌsərCH
Pronunciation : əˈTHôrədē
Word class : Noun
Word class : Noun
 Bandit
 Rule
Meaning : Bandit
Meaning : Menguasai
Pronunciation : ˈbandit
Pronunciation : ro͞ol
Word class : Noun
Word class : Verb
 Stationary
 Opportunity
Meaning : Alat tulis
Meaning : Kesempatan
Pronunciation : stāSHəˌnerē
Meaning : Politikus
Pronunciation : äpərˈt(y)o͞onədē Pronunciation : ˌpäləˈtiSHən
Word class : Noun Word class : Noun
 Politicians
B. Mind Mapping (Re-read the text to get the message in it).

Indonesian country is one of the that adheres to a democratic system in the world.
Corruption is one of the serious problems facing the world today. many people think
that the democratic political system in this country is the root of corruption in this
country. This is the same as the results of research conducted by Olson's that the
amount of corruption in a democratic country is much higher than in a country with an
authoritarian system. In his research, there are two types of bandits who commit
corruption in both political systems. A motionless bandit commits corruption in an
authoritarian country and a roaming criminal doing corruption in a democratic country.
Olson said that the criminals on the loose are more dangerous to corrupt the criminals
who do not move. Because a shut up bandit knows that he will rule the land for a long
time, so he will sell his authority and protection in a small part to the small bandits of
the land. Whereas around bandits have the awareness that they have short power to
rule due to democracy and therefore use this opportunity to engage in as much
corruption as possible while in power. In winning an election a politician, of course,
finding ways to win the election results requires a lot of money. Politicians in democratic
systems need a lot of money to win elections, that they use entrepreneur to provide
money that will be paid back after the politicians win. As a result, the winning politicians
are not focused on good causes, they are even more focused on efforts to return money
from the results of election victories. Of course, to get big bucks while in power, they
have to do corruption. So, as long as democracy is still used in this country, corruption
will never be eradicated because democracy is the mother of corruption which gives
birth to massive corruption in almost all departments in this country.
Terjemahan :
Negara Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang menganut sistem demokrasi di
dunia. Korupsi merupakan salah satu masalah serius yang dihadapi dunia saat ini.
Banyak orang mengira bahwa sistem politik demokrasi di negeri ini adalah akar korupsi
di negeri ini. Hal ini sama dengan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Olson's bahwa
angka korupsi di negara demokrasi jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan di negara dengan
sistem otoriter. Dalam penelitiannya, ada dua jenis bandit yang melakukan korupsi di
kedua sistem politik tersebut. Bandit tak bergerak melakukan korupsi di negara otoriter
dan penjahat berkeliaran melakukan korupsi di negara demokratis. Olson mengatakan
bahwa para penjahat yang berkeliaran lebih berbahaya untuk melakukan korupsi bagi
para penjahat yang tidak berkutik. Karena bandit yang diam tahu bahwa dia akan
menguasai negeri untuk waktu yang lama, maka dia akan menjual sebagian kecil otoritas
dan perlindungannya kepada bandit kecil di negeri itu. Sementara bandit keliling
memiliki kesadaran bahwa mereka memiliki kekuasaan yang pendek untuk memerintah
karena demokrasi dan oleh karena itu menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk melakukan
korupsi sebanyak mungkin selama berkuasa. Dalam memenangkan pemilu seorang
politikus, tentunya mencari cara untuk memenangkan hasil pemilu membutuhkan biaya
yang tidak sedikit. Politisi dalam sistem demokrasi membutuhkan banyak uang untuk
memenangkan pemilu, mereka menggunakan wirausahawan untuk menyediakan uang
yang akan dibayarkan kembali setelah politisi menang. Akibatnya, politisi pemenang
tidak terfokus pada hal-hal yang baik, bahkan lebih fokus pada upaya pengembalian
uang dari hasil kemenangan pemilu. Tentu saja, untuk mendapatkan banyak uang saat
berkuasa, mereka harus melakukan korupsi. Jadi, selama demokrasi masih digunakan di
negeri ini, korupsi tidak akan pernah bisa diberantas karena demokrasi adalah ibu dari
korupsi yang melahirkan korupsi besar-besaran di hampir semua departemen di negeri

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