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3/20/2021 Human Digestive System | Print - Quizizz


Human Digestive System
30 Questions

1. The stomach accomplish this type of digestion by churning.

a) chemical b) ulcer
c) enzymes d) mehcanical

2. The majority of digestion occurs in the:

a) small intestine b) ulcer

c) large intestine d) rectum

3. When the large intestine reabsorbs too much water from

solid waste before it exits the body, it results in a codition
a) feces b) constipation
c) ulcer d) diarrhea

4. When large proteins are chemically digested, they are

broken up into many smaller
a) simple sugars b) amino acids

c) enzymes

5. When increased bacterial growth within the appendix causes

infection and swelling it results in a condition called:
a) enzymes b) feces
c) peristalsis d) apppendicitis 1/8
3/20/2021 Human Digestive System | Print - Quizizz

6. When many large carbohydrates are chemically digested

they are broken into many smaller _____
a) amino acids b) enzymes
c) simple sugars d) proteins

7. Solid wastes are called

a) ulcer b) enzymes
c) peristalsis d) feces

8. A wearing away of the stomach lining

a) mechanical b) labor
c) ulcer d) interact

9. Food is broken down in the mouth both mechanically by

chewing, and chemically, by ____ present in the saliva.
a) surface area b) enzymes
c) urine d) amino acids

10. Villi present in the small intestine are important because they
create more ______ so that more digested food can be
abosrbed into the blood stream.
a) feces b) enzymes
c) surface area d) lipids

11. Food is moved slowly through the digestive system though

muscular contraction.
a) mechanical b) feces
c) peristalsis d) surface area 2/8
3/20/2021 Human Digestive System | Print - Quizizz

12. Excess water is re-absorbed from undigested food by

a) stomach b) large intestine
c) small intestine d) appendix

13. Muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach

a) Peristalsis b) Esophagus
c) Stomach d) Epiglottis

14. What is "E"?

a) Esophagus b) Tongue
c) Epiglottis d) Mouth

15. What is "F"?

a) Small Intestines b) Gall Bladder

c) Stomach d) Liver
3/20/2021 Human Digestive System | Print - Quizizz
16. What is G?

a) Liver b) Large intestines

c) Pancreas d) Stomach

17. What is "H"?

a) Stomach b) Gall Bladder

c) Liver d) Pancreas

18. What is "I"?

a) Pancreas b) Rectum
c) Gall Bladder d) Small Intestines
3/20/2021 Human Digestive System | Print - Quizizz
19. What is "J"?

a) Appendix b) Large intestines

c) Small intestines d) Liver

20. What is "K"?

a) Large intestines b) Small intestines

c) Liver d) Stomach

21. What is "L"?

a) Appendix b) Liver
c) Gall Bladder d) Pancreas
3/20/2021 Human Digestive System | Print - Quizizz
22. What is "M"?

a) Rectum b) Small Intestines

c) Large Intestines d) Pancreas

23. Which organ makes bile, detoxi es blood, and Dlters out
dead red blood cells?
a) gall bladder b) liver
c) large intestines d) pancreas

24. Where waste is stored before it is eliminated from the

a) epiglottis b) rectum
c) esophagus d) pancreas

25. What digestive enzyme that is found in the stomach and

begins the digestion of proteins?
a) Rennin b) Amylase
c) Lipase d) Pepsin

26. Chewing food with teeth and tongue is an example of a

a) Enzymatic Reaction b) Peristalsis

c) Mechanical Digestion d) Chemical Digestion 6/8
3/20/2021 Human Digestive System | Print - Quizizz

27. Where does chemical digestion begin?

a) small intestine b) mouth

c) stomach d) esophagus

28. Bile helps to "emulsify" fats. This means that bile

a) changes the active site of lipase b) digests fats into fatty acids and glycerol

c) causes fat to gather into one large ball of fat d) breaks large pieces of fat into smaller
pieces, but does NOT digest it

29. The duodenum is . . .

a) the tube which leads from the liver to the b) the tube which leads from the pancreas to
small intestine the small intestine
c) the section of the small intestine directly d) the section of the small intestine directly
connected with the large intestine connected with the stomach

30. Which of the following is NOT true about peristalsis?

a) Moves food along the digestive system b) starts in the esophagus and ends in the
large intestine

c) starts in the mouth and continues through d) Involves involuntary muscular contractions
the rectum 7/8
3/20/2021 Human Digestive System | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. d 9. b 17. b 25. d
2. a 10. c 18. a 26. c
3. b 11. c 19. c 27. b
4. b 12. b 20. a 28. d
5. d 13. b 21. a 29. d
6. c 14. a 22. a 30. c
7. d 15. d 23. b
8. c 16. d 24. b 8/8

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