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Saturday, January 30, 2021 10:03 PM

SITUATION 15: With a discharge of.0.8 m3/s a cast iron pipe 900 m long records a head loss of 4m. Compute the diameter of the pipe.
54. Darcy-Weisbach equation with f=0.018 (0.735 m)
55. Manning’s formula if n=0.014 (0.793m)
56. Hazen-Williams formula if C=130 (0.714)

SITUATION 16. An oil with density equal to 900 kg/m3 and viscosity of 0.0002 m2/s flows upward through a 10 m long pipe segment inclined at
40o with the horizontal. The pressure at the upstream and downstream end of the pipe are 350 kPa and 250 kPa, respectively. The d iameter of
the pipe is 60 mm. Assume the flow is laminar:
57. Which of the following most nearly gives the headloss along the pipe segment? (4.90 m)
58. Which of the following is the velocity of flow? (2.70 m/s)
59. Which of the following nearly gives the Reynolds number? (810.90)

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Saturday, January 30, 2021 10:05 PM

SITUATION 17: The total head lost from A to E in the pipe system shown in the figure is 15 m. Assume f=0.02 for all pipes.


1 450 600
2 600 500
3 360 450
4 480 450
5 540 600

60. Calculate the discharge in pipe 1. (0.677 cm/s)

61. Calculate the discharge in pipe 2. (0.411 cm/s)
62.. Calculate the discharge in pipe 3. (0.267 cm/s)


1 450 600
2 600 500
3 360 450
4 480 450
5 540 600

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Saturday, January 30, 2021 10:06 PM

SITUATION 18: Water is being raised from reservoir A to reservoir B using the pump shown. The frictional losses from reservoir A to the
entrance of the pump is three times its velocity head while the friction losses from exit of the pump is twenty times its vel ocity head. The
total flow is 20 L/s.

63. Compute the output power of the pump in kilowatts. (48.42 kW)
64. Compute the pressure head at point 1. (19.74m)
65. Compute the pressure head at point 2. (266.27m)

SITUATION 19: A 600 mm diameter pipe conducts water from reservoir A of elevation 60m to a pressure turbine at elevation 15m which
discharges to another 600 mm diameter pipe into tail race B at elevation 0. The loss of head in the first pipe is 5 times the velocity head in
this pipe and the loss of head in the second pipe is 0.2 times the velocity head in this pipe. If the discharge is 700 L/s,
66. Compute the total headloss. (1.63m)
67. Compute the energy given up by the water to the turbine. (58.37m)
68. What horsepower is being given up by the water to the turbine? (537.3 hp)

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Friday, March 19, 2021 10:38 PM

SITUATION 20: The flow of the water from reservoir A is 600 L/S.
1 0.018 0.6m 1200m
2 0.015 0.4m 1100m
3 0.02 0.45m 1500m

69. If the elevation of reservoir A and C are 200m and 178 m respectively, the water surface elevation of reservoir B is near est to: (181.29m)
70 The flow in line 2 in liters per second is nearest to: (280 L/s)
71. The flow in line 3 in liters per second is nearest to: (320 L/s)

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Saturday, January 30, 2021 10:08 PM

SITUATION 21: Water from a reservoir flows through a rigid pipe 600 mm diameter and is completely stopped by a closure of a valve almost
instantly. Bulk modulus of water is 2.07x10^9 N/m2.
72. Find the celerity. (1438 m/s)
73. Find the discharge if the water hammer pressure is 700 kPa. (0.138 m3/s)
74. If time of closure of valve is 3 secs and located at 650 m from the reservoir, find the water hammer pressure. (210.7 kPa)

SITUATION 22: Water from a reservoir flows through a non-rigid pipe 600 mm diameter with a velocity of 2m/s and is completely stopped by a
closure of a valve situated 60 m from the reservoir. The pipe has a thickness of 20 mm. Bulk modulus of water is 2.2x10^9 N/m2 and modulus of
elasticity of pipe is 1.4x10^11 N/m2.
75. Compute the velocity of sound in water. (1222.8 m/s)
76. Compute the roundtrip time for the pressure wave of travel through the pipe length. (0.098 s)
77. Compute the water hammer pressure due to instantaneous closure of valve. (2.446 MPa)


78. A spillway controls a reservoir 4.60 hectares in area. The permanent crest is at elevation 75 m. Water can be drawn from elevation
76.50 m to 75.50 m in 42 minutes. Find the length of the spillway. Use Francis formula. (11.86 m)

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Saturday, January 30, 2021 10:10 PM

SITUATION 23: Water flows in a rectangular channel 10 m wide and 1.20 m deep at a rate of 18.40 m3/s. n=0.012.
79. Which of the following most nearly gives the slope of the channel? (0.000354)
80. Which of the following most nearly gives the specific energy? (1.32)
81. Which of the following most nearly gives the boundary shearing stress? (3.36 Pa)

SITUATION 24: A drainage canal having a trapezoidal shape has a base equal to 2m laid to a slope of 0.0015. The channel must carry 7.05
m3/s. The side slopes are 1:1 and n= 0.012.
82. Compute the depth of flow. (1m)
83. Compute the hydraulic radius. (0.621)
84. Compute the specific energy of the channel. (1.28)


SITUATION 25: A rectangular channel carries 60 m 3/s. For a width of 4m and n=0.02.
85. Compute the critical depth. (2.84m)
86. Compute the critical velocity. (5.28m/s)

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86. Compute the critical velocity. (5.28m/s)
87. Compute the critical slope. (0.009)

SITUATION 26: A rectangular channel that is 10 m wide carries a flow rate of 17.6 m 3/s at point when water 1.2m deep. n=0.014.
88. Find the minimum specific energy. (1.02)
89. Find the normal slope of energy grade line. (0.0026)
90. Compute the average shearing stress on the boundary surface. (15.29 Pa)

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Saturday, January 30, 2021 10:11 PM

SITUATION 27: An open channel is to be designed to carry 1.0 m3 /s at a slope of 0.0065. The channel material has an “n” value of 0.011.
For the most efficient section:
91. Compute the depth for a rectangular section. (0.434)
92. Compute the depth for a semi-circular section. (0.4755)
93. Compute the depth for a trapezoidal section.(0.458)
94. Compute the depth for a triangular section. (0.614)

SITUATION 28: A rectangular channel 5.50 m wide and 1.30 m deep is laid on a uniform slope of 0.002. The roughness coefficient of the
channel is 0.013.
95. Which of the following most nearly gives the rate of flow in the channel? (22.63 m3/sec)
96. Which of the following most nearly gives the savings in lining per meter length of channel that could have been offered by using the most
efficient rectangular section but adhering to the same flow capacity and slope? (0.67m)
97. Which of the following most nearly gives the savings in earth excavation per meter length of channel that could have been offered by
using the most efficient rectangular section but adhering to the same flow capacity and slope? (0.24 m3/m)

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Saturday, January 30, 2021 10:13 PM

SITUATION 29: Water flows through an almost level channel 3m wide at a rate of 12 m3/s. The depth gradually increases from 1m to 1.10m over a
length of flow of 5m.
98. Which of the following most nearly gives the head lost? (0.0415m)
99. Which of the following most nearly gives the slope of energy grade line? (0.0083m)
100. Which of the following most nearly gives the roughness coefficient? (0.0173)

101. A rectangular canal has a width of 2.75m. The flow passing through the canal is 2.96 m3/s with a velocity of 3.59 m/s. How high is the
jump? (74.97 cm)

SITUATION 30: A hydraulic jump occurs in an efficient triangular channel carrying 8 m3/s on a slope of 0.006. The depth of the jump is 2.96 m.
102. Which of the following most nearly gives the depth before the jump? (0.84 m)
103. Which of the following most nearly gives the loss of energy in the jump? (4.31 m)
104. Which of the following most nearly gives the loss of power in the jump? (338.33 kW)

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Saturday, January 30, 2021 10:14 PM

105. Water flows through a nozzle 4 cm in diameter at a rate of 0.030 m3/s. Find the dynamic force developed at the nozzle tip.

106. A vertical jet of water from a nozzle supports a load of 150 N. The velocity and the diameter of the jet near the nozzle tip are 17.46
m/s and 3 cm, respectively. Find the distance of the load from the nozzle tip. (8.01m)

SITUATION 31: A 250 mm diameter horizontal jet discharging at 491 L/s impinges on a vertical flat plate.
107. Which of the following most nearly gives the force exerted by the jet on the stationary vertical plate? (4.91 kN)
108. Which of the following most nearly gives the force exerted by the jet on the plate if the plate moves at 2 m/s in the same direction
as the jet? (3.14 kN)
109. Which of the following most nearly gives the work done by the jet as it strikes a series of plates moving at 4 m/s in the same
direction as the jet? (7.069 kW)

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SITUATION 32: The 2” diameter water jet with a velocity of 100 ft/s shown in the figure impinges on a single vane.

110. If the vane is fixed, which of the following most nearly gives the reaction of the vane to the impact of the water jet? (816.77 lb)
111. If the vane is moving in the same direction as the jet at a velocity of 60 ft/sec, which of the following most nearly gives the force the
water exerts on the vane? (130.69 lb)
112. Which of the following most nearly gives the velocity of the water jet as it leaves the vane? (40.00 ft/s)

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111. If the vane is moving in the same direction as the jet at a velocity of 60 ft/sec, which of the following most nearly gives the force the
water exerts on the vane? (130.69 lb)
112. Which of the following most nearly gives the velocity of the water jet as it leaves the vane? (40.00 ft/s)

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